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Teal'c/Christopher Judge Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Spacegirlnz
    I'm in the process of counting. Did you see the special before the 200th? Cause he was like "I think a fan once counted how many time Teal'c says indeed. I think that number was 26,426 (or something like that)... Nahh, I'm just making that up."

    I've counted season 1. I got 0... :tealc"
    lol, that number suggests that he's said it more than 100 times per episode
    yup... counterstrike:




        Nice screen caps!

        I made an avatar... I was bored...

        Hope you like. Night all.

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          Just showing the T-man a little Friday morning luv!....

          Deeds xx
          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


            Originally posted by nebulan

            Please put picures from season 10 in spoiler tags Nebulan!
            some of use want to stay spoiler free until it airs in their country.
            THANK YOU!





                sunday smile...



                  Originally posted by hastiekido
                  Please put picures from season 10 in spoiler tags Nebulan!
                  some of use want to stay spoiler free until it airs in their country.
                  THANK YOU!

                  Deeds xx
                  Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                  MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                    Mmm. Counterstrike. And seasaon 9 in general. But brought up by Counterstrike.

                    Teal'c's been noticing for some time now the Jaffa aren't all as honourable as he thought they were. It started before Gerak, methinks - the very fact that so many Jaffa refused to see all the evidance that the Goa'uld are gods. But then he still had excuses for them, ensalved etc etc.
                    Gerak he could blame on political manipulations, and also I do feel Gerak was a good man - fine, Jaffa - somewhere inside, and that Teal'c felt this - hence, his conviciton there's no way Ferak would kill them in Fourth Horseman, even after he became a Prior.

                    But what now? The Jaffa have proven that they woudl stop at no ends to destroy the Orii, no matter who they hurt in the process. They picked - for the second time in a row, might I add - a compelte idiot for their leader, threatened Earth, etc etc.

                    I don't know whether Teal'c was ever offered the posiiton of the Jaffa leader - but had he been offered now, would he take it? And I dunno... can he still convince himself the Jaffa only believed in the Goa'uld cos they were enslaved? ...

                    *random musings, mind me not.Oh, discuss if you will *
                    Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                    Yes, I am!
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                      time for a nudge....



                        I love the way he acts with his face...







                              You beat me to it hastie!....I was just posting for Teal'c and Daniel Tuesday on the DJ Thunk thread and thought our lad might have been feeling a bit left out on here.....

                              Yeah....for a man of few words he does have a very expressive face.....I think Chris does a wonderful job portraying Teal'c using such controlled emotions, especially as he's so hyper in real life....

                              Deeds xx
                              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                                Originally posted by Pitry
                                Mmm. Counterstrike. And seasaon 9 in general. But brought up by Counterstrike.

                                Teal'c's been noticing for some time now the Jaffa aren't all as honourable as he thought they were. It started before Gerak, methinks - the very fact that so many Jaffa refused to see all the evidance that the Goa'uld are gods. But then he still had excuses for them, ensalved etc etc.
                                Gerak he could blame on political manipulations, and also I do feel Gerak was a good man - fine, Jaffa - somewhere inside, and that Teal'c felt this - hence, his conviciton there's no way Ferak would kill them in Fourth Horseman, even after he became a Prior.

                                But what now? The Jaffa have proven that they woudl stop at no ends to destroy the Orii, no matter who they hurt in the process. They picked - for the second time in a row, might I add - a compelte idiot for their leader, threatened Earth, etc etc.

                                I don't know whether Teal'c was ever offered the posiiton of the Jaffa leader - but had he been offered now, would he take it? And I dunno... can he still convince himself the Jaffa only believed in the Goa'uld cos they were enslaved? ...

                                *random musings, mind me not.Oh, discuss if you will *
                                Yay you revived the Teal'c thread - I went looking and couldn't find this the other day...on Teal'c and the Jaffa


                                I think some of the hints of Teal'c's current struggle were mentioned in Threads...

                                Bra'tac mentions to Teal'c that the Jaffa have had centuries of fighting each other and will not work together easily; that they worked so hard for freedom that they did not work nearly enough on what to do with that freedom when they got it...he also cautions Teal'c that uniting the Free Jaffa nation will take Teal'c from the Tau'ri.

                                The opening of S9 sees Teal'c sitting on the Jaffa Council amidst the politics between forming new rules on how they should govern themselves or old...Teal'c is warned by Rak'nor that he's spending too much time with the Tau'ri and losing ground to Gerek - ultimately Gerek wins the debate. Had Teal'c not been diverted by the treasure hunt and Daniel getting linked with Vala would they have had the same outcome??

                                Teal'c then seems to turn away from the fight within the political framework of the Jaffa for his way of doing things versus Gerek's especially after Gerek's 'win' over him in EDM, and turns his attention to what he sees is the greater threat regarding their freedom - the Ori. How much of this is because Teal'c is not happy being a politician and prefers being just a warrior and how much of it is because he truly believes the threat of the Ori is debatable, IMO. But either way Teal'c at this point effectively abandons his place with the Jaffa and returns to the Tau'ri, returning only to attend Council sessions when he can.

                                When Teal'c and Bra'tac challenge Gerek railroading the Jaffa into Origin, Teal'c makes it clear to Bra'tac that he expects Bra'tac to be the leader not himself despite the fact that with his convincing Gerek to do the right thing, he once again proves his leadership skills. Teal'c then obviously does work hard with the Jaffa to get the democracy way of doing government agreed (Stronghold) but it seems he's working to make Bra'tac leader not himself.

                                That Se'tec rather than Bra'tac becomes leader is a bit of a surprise (especially given in one AU in Ripple Effect Bra'tac is mentioned as the leader) and must be another disappointment for Teal'c who by now is deeply entrenched in the fight with the Ori with the Tau'ri. Teal'c's disillusionment with his people in Counterstrike is the culmination of all of this thread from Threads...

                                Yet the question has to be asked, did Teal'c effectively abandon his people and so by doing so make it less likely that they would unite? If Teal'c had remained as a permanent presence within the Council and as part of its leadership would they have been able to do more to have united the Jaffa and made them better and more honourable allies? Has Teal'c's own personal preferences created the mess in the first place?
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