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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    More Cliff:

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      And JR?


        Of course.

        One of the best lines at that con... Someone asked JR what he was going to be doing next for work. Cliff said that JR would be in Stargate again. This was between the time JR's character got killed off and the multiple dimensions ep when JR's character came back. So, after Cliff had said JR would be in Stargate again, JR said, "How do you know?"

        Cliff's reply: "I am a God. Gods are all knowing."

        The entire audience burst out laughing.
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          AAAWWWW: I wish I would've been there.
          Cliff and JR together...that's like heaven.

          I love JR. God I love Martouf and still miss him.
          And I love "Ripple Effect". They wanted him to be back in season 5 already.
          But it was just the wrong timing.

          "God's are all knowing!" That's hilarious.


            Pictures from the Stellaire convention at La Réunion


            And video when you scroll down

            And little interview. In French so I quickly translated it for you guys. Not the best thing but I hope it will do!

            Spoilers for Continuum (he just explains the plot)


            (scroll down; under Torri's interview)

            Question de JackStargate : "Le tournage de Stargate Continuum a-t-il été plus dur que celui de la série ? Parlez-nous de votre personnage dans ce nouveau film..."
            Cliff Simon : Stargate Continuum a été une grande expérience. On y a pris beaucoup de plaisir. Le budget était conséquent, les décors gigantesques et, de mon point de vue, le scénario encore meilleur. Bien entendu, j'ai vraiment apprécié que l'intrigue tourne autour de mon personnage, qui est définitivement un méchant, je vous le confirme ! Sans trop en révéler, je peux vous dire que Ba'al revient dans le temps et change le passé de sorte que Stargate Sg-1 ne voit jamais le jour. En clair, ils ne trouvent pas la Porte car mon personnage, qui connaît le futur, les en empêche.

            Question from JackStargate: "Was filming Continuum more difficult than the tv show? Tell us something about your character in this new movie..."
            Cliff: Stargate Continuum was a big experience. We took great pleasure in it. We had a good bugget, gigantic decors, and from my point of view an even better scenario. Of course I really liked the intrigue about my character; who, I assure you, is defenitely a bad guy! Without giving away too much I can say Ba'al goes back in time and changes the past so that Stargate SG-1 never exists. In short, they don't find the stargate because my character, who knows the future, stops them.

            Question de Dickie : "Quand on interprète un "méchant" dans une série qui en compte un certain nombre, comment fait-on pour se différencier des autres ?"
            Cliff Simon : Quand on joue un méchant, on part du principe que le personnage est déj?* spécial, unique. Personne ne lui ressemble, a priori. Dans le système actuel, que ce soit ?* la télévision ou au cinéma, plus un bad guy est méchant, plus il fait ressortir le côté positif du héros. Il s'agit avant tout d'équilibre et de parallélisme. Il est donc primordial d'avoir un méchant très fort car sinon le héros en est affaibli. De même il est vital pour Ba'al que Richard Dean Anderson ou Ben Browder soient les plus forts possibles. En ce qui concerne mon personnage, j'ai voulu en plus lui donner un côté ironique, sarcastique et acide car les méchants sont comme ça. Lorsqu'ils veulent vous tuer, ils vous regardent en souriant (rires)!

            Question from Dickie: "When we play a 'bad guy' in a show that counts several of them, how do make your characters different from the others?"
            Cliff: When we play a bad guy we start from the principle that the character is already special, unique. No one resembles him. In this actual system; be it in television shows or movies; the more evil the bad guy is, the more he makes the positive aspects of the hero come out. More than anything it's about balance and parallels. It is very important to have a strong bad guy otherwise the hero will be weakened. It's the same for Ba'al; it's vital Richard Dean Anderson or Ben Browder are the strongest possible. I wanted to give my character an ironic, sarcastic and acidic side because bad guys are that way. When they want to kill you they smile at you (laughs)!

            Last edited by Lizlove; 27 June 2008, 03:04 PM.


              Wow! Thank you! Merci! for that awesome bit of information from Reunion Island. Obviously, Cliff is having a wonderful time!!!
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                I just heard from Cliff, confirming that, yes, he's having a wonderful time!!!
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                  I have a question for everyone. Should Ba'al be "shipped" with anyone, and if so, who?
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                    Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                    I have a question for everyone. Should Ba'al be "shipped" with anyone, and if so, who?
                    Yes. Sam. Don't ask


                      There's a Ba'al/Sam ship thread isn't is?


                        Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                        There's a Ba'al/Sam ship thread isn't is?
                        Of course there is!!!



                          I think Ba'al should have a relationship, but not with Sam. Two reasons:
                          1. Ba'al deserves somebody of his own. To me, Sam would feel like somebody's (i.e. Jack's) cast-off. Ba'al would always be second best, and he deserves better.
                          2. Sam's relationships don't last. At best, she walks away (the guy in First Commandment, her fiancee in season 8). At worst, the man dies.

                          I can't think of anybody in the series that would be right for Ba'al. Sam comes close, but I think whoever got involved with Ba'al would need a sense of humour. Sam always seems too serious.
                          Last edited by Cheerful Dragon; 30 June 2008, 09:49 PM.
                          Dragon by name, Cheerful by nature

                          Sig by *E*K*R*


                            Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                            I have a question for everyone. Should Ba'al be "shipped" with anyone, and if so, who?
                            Vala OMG either they would be a dreamteam or armageddon


                              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                              Vala OMG either they would be a dreamteam or armageddon
                              Lol! I like that. Vala would probably drive him crazy though.

                              I had thought maybe Osiris, but she was a he and I think that Osiris's desire for dominance would result in one of them killing the other.
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                                I like the Vala idea.
                                Try to imagine how she drives him crazy.

                                But I think Sam doesn't belong to him. I prefer Sam and Jack but I'm a Martouf/Shipper...okay...I guess we all know what happened to Marty.
                                So Cheerful Dragon is right.

