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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    Welcome to the thread Hathor_girl and Gater101. It's always great to have new people here.

    Chelle is right. The weather is kind of icky in LA today. So I asked Ba'al if he could order up some sun. He said he would see what he could do.

    Details of our day with Cliff later.
    Visit me on


      *patiently waiting*


        Originally posted by Chelle View Post
        Well, today's AG's "Big Day!" Yesterday was all play, tromping all over Hollywood Blvd (they have everything set up and fenced off for the red carpet arrivals and interviews for The Academy Awards, THAT looked really cool!!!) and now we're down to business today. AG's all excited, the script looks great...... Okay I'm done babbling.

        Today has started out very foggy and damp... Here's the view from our hotel room..... I'll be posting pics later of the day's activities.....

        Oh the pic's too big, is now under spoiler tags......
        Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
        Welcome to the thread Hathor_girl and Gater101. It's always great to have new people here.

        Chelle is right. The weather is kind of icky in LA today. So I asked Ba'al if he could order up some sun. He said he would see what he could do.

        Details of our day with Cliff later.

        What? The text message aren't enough? You have to torture me here, too??


          Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
          LOL, Iffy, holding down the fort for HRH. I knew you would answer.

          My feet hurt! I feel like I walked all the way up and down Hollywood Blvd. We looked at all the stars on the Walk of Fame and went to the Chinese Theater. Awesome! Had Italian Food at the oldest Italian Restaurant in Holliwood. Great food.

          We went to Santa Monica and shopped at aTarget. I spent lots of money.

          Yesterday, when I was flying to LA, the flight was overbooked. They asked if anyone would give up their seat. Since there was another flight twenty minutes later, I volunteered,so they gave me a free ticket to anywhere in the United States. It's only the one, or I'd ask you to run away with me. Then we found a cockroach in the room we were in, so they upgraded to a suite. Now, we are in a great room, I have a free trip somewhere, and I'm getting to have one helluva time in LA.

          I'll be seeing Cliff tomorrow. Pictures to follow, later in the day.
          Sounds like you are having a good time and working the upgrades

          Cliff *melts*


            Hi all!!! Today was FABULOUS!!!! Cliff is a wonderful darling sweet fellow, and watching and listening to his and Pat's project coming to fruition.... I feel very privileged to have been allowed to "tag along," so to speak.

            I have one pic to share tonight, will try for the "good" ones tomorrow. not sure if my card reader likes Windows Vista, and I'm not in the mood to fight with the compy..... So here he is, our favorite System Lord, deep in thought.....

            Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


              Hi Everyone.

              Well, I couldn't have hoped for a better day. We began by meeting for coffee at Starbucks and going over the scripts, as well as talking about the direction we would love everything to go. Cliff and I are on the same page for a great many things to do with the production of the CDs.

              Then, at 1:00PM, Cliff offered us a ride in his brand new truck. It is a dark grey colour. He told me if I wanted a ride, I would have to get up into it by myself. I had no step and was very high off the ground. So, here is short Patricia struggling to climb into the Ba'al mobile monster truck. Cliff and Chelle are laughing in the background. I finally got into the truck, and we were off. We drove down the road right behind Starbucks to find out that we could have walked. The studio was half a block away from Starbucks. All that effort for a 3 minute ride.

              It was down to business at the studio. Cliff was marvelous with his ability to voice the scripts. He has added his own personal touch to the CDs and so will be co-author. It took us 2 hours to get both CDs put together the way we would like. Cliff is a wonderful person to work with. He is very professional. And his voice is incredible on the tracks. I am sure women will love the Stress Management CD.

              More tomorrow.
              Visit me on


                thank you for the pics & story AG & Chelle... can't wait for more
       : lilferret


                  Thanks for keeping us living your dream AG and Chelle.

                  Having met Cliff a time, or two, I can say he's quite the gentleman. COL Mike still regales folks with the tale of how Cliff put him up on stage at Chicago at his first con!!!

                  You go ladies
                  Vancouver 2010
                  Chicago 2010
                  Chicago 2011
                  Jack's CSM


                    Hi there AG and Chelle,

                    Just swung by to say Congrats on your project!!!! Mr Simon will be wonderful on those CD's!!!

                    Look forward to seeing you in Vancouver!!

                    Congrats again!!

                    "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                    Sara O' Neill's father;
                    COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                      Cliff reading the phone book would amuse me *giggles* He has such a great voice


                        Thanks for the pic Chelle tis always appreciated
                        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                          Quick post, as I must be on the road shortly...... but OMG! Wonderful day, many MANY thank yous to Cliff and AG for allowing me to be a part of their project...... And then we said a resounding THANK YOU to Cliff at the end of our "workday".....

                          Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                            Originally posted by Chelle View Post
                            Quick post, as I must be on the road shortly...... but OMG! Wonderful day, many MANY thank yous to Cliff and AG for allowing me to be a part of their project...... And then we said a resounding THANK YOU to Cliff at the end of our "workday".....

                            great pixz and love your recaps pat


                              Hi Everyone!

                              We had another couple of hours with Cliff today. Cliff and I timed the tracks and determined where there would be background music. I am really thrilled with the way the CDs are coming together. The studio will mix them and have master copies ready for us. Then, we create the cover of the CD by getting some pictures of Cliff being his super sexy self on the cover and inside. The professional photos come together Friday.

                              Cliff said that he is very excited with this project since it is a new direction for him in his career and it can lead to other opportunities. He is seeing that only being an actor may be limiting him. So he is looking to get involved in other parts of the industry such as producing and doing voice over work.

                              More details tomorrow, but with Chelle heading back to San Francisco tonight, there may not be new pictures. I didn't bring my camera with me.
                              Visit me on


                                Thanks AG and chelle for the pics and project info. And most of all...wishing Cliff continued success on any future projects.

