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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Spicey
    Cliff Simon Official Fan run website!

    Hey guys have any of you checked out this site:

    Its totally dedicated to Cliff Simon and apparently Cliff Simon himself helped out with the site!

    If you leave a message in the guestbook aswell he'll read them! He might not reply though.

    There are lots of cool pictures there!!
    PiB, who posted right above you runs the site!

    The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


      Yup - Cliff certainly has provided me with a few bits and bobs for the site, such as pictures, agent info and has done an interview for me.

      Good lad our Cliff!

      O'Neill: If I ask what, and you say it's classified, I'm going to shoot you.


        just signed the guestbook of the official cliff simon fan site

        Make no Mistake... Osiris will return... and the rivers of the earth wil run red in blood


          You know, Ba'al has to be one of the coolest goa'uld out there. I also think he's one of the best looking. He's arrogant, but he's cool at the same time.


            Ba'al (for a false god) is sultry, sexy, hotter-than-hell, evil, and gorgeous. I worship at his feet and lust for ... other things.

            Whoever created his "look" (makeup, costume, scruffy look, whatever) is the real god. Cliff Simon is a nice looking man, former model, former Mr. South Africa, etc. But when he becomes Ba'al, mmmmm mmmmmm good.


              Our great Lord Ba'al appears a bit disgruntled at the lack of appreciation going on around here today.


                Ooooh Oooh I'll apprecitate him. my friend danny was looking over my shoulder while i was reading this thread in comp class today and he said that he would sooo be able to kill baal in any sort of competition. I told him that this was very bad blasphemy and that he would be killed. lol.

                just my 2 cents to keep the thread going.


                  You know, Go'aulds have this vanity thing going on. Osiris, Ba'al, Apophis, they all chose really good looking hosts. Anyone else think it's a little strange considering they're snakes? Not that I'm complaining. Cause it certainly adds an "interesting" dynamic to their interactions.
                  Also, does anyone else think the tint of grey in Ba'als hair makes him look more distinguished?
                  'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


                    yeah, i've thought about that too... lol... i mean, you'd THINK they wouldn't care what their host looked like, but quite a few choose good lookin hosts... and if ya go by CotG, you see they actually DO pick and choose.... weird... but at least in baal's case, no complaint here

                    as for that grey... i'd certainly say so i noticed he has quite a bit more grey in reckoning than in abyss or summit.... so is the grey cliff or baal?? i always thought it was just an actor thing, but hey, i guess it's possible it isn't....


                      Well, we've already theorized that Ba'al doesn't use the sarcaphagus. this might be a character thing, though I think it's an actor thing.
                      'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


                        Has he ever used the hand thing on anyone? I don't remember it.

                        The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                          all of this is just fueling the "maybe he isn't a goa'uld" speculators more and more... I think I am buying into it now.


                            i think baal woud have made an exilent system lord to be in eathe seasons 1,2,3 we need more of him


                              definately! then again, if he'd been in the early seasons, they prob'ly woulda killed him off by now and we don't want THAT, do we???

                              but yes, i really hope we see more of him, and i have no doubts that we will i just REALLY hope it's not just to friggin kill him off!!!


                                Originally posted by The Ultimate Obsession
                                all of this is just fueling the "maybe he isn't a goa'uld" speculators more and more... I think I am buying into it now.
                                Oh, he's a goa'uld all right. Only the goa'uld have that incredible fashion sense.

