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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    I loved this scene as well although I thought the banter was pretty good in Fallen/Homecoming.
    Yes, especially in Homecoming. Maybe I just feel like their banter was off in Fragile Balance? Of course, RDA is hardly in that so... I'm not sure what I was thinking with that comment.



    I have a soft spot for this episode because it was one of the first ones I saw when I started watching Season 7. It struck me as a pretty classic sci-fi theme, and I remember thinking it was a bit creepy when the villagers turned on the team.

    I would agree with the general consensus that it's a pretty standard off-world adventure, but I also think it's quite good. And since I haven't watched it in quite a while, my first reaction this time was "Christopher Heyerdahl? Again?" I don't think I've seen this episode since seeing him on Atlantis and Sanctuary, so I'd never made the connection before. He's great to watch. And I felt like they spent enough time on his character to make me actually care about him, which isn't always the case with guest stars/the alien of the week. I did think it was interesting that Daniel and Sam were staying with one couple while Jack and Teal'c were staying with Nevin and his father. Now I know it makes sense on a logical level because there's only so much room in each house, but it works well on a story level as well, because it allows us to meet more of the villagers and get to know them.

    But I have to admit, I wondered why the village even had a library since they don't use it. Wouldn't that building just take up valuable space? Logically, they should have gotten rid of it. But I guess no one wanted to clean out all the dusty shelves.

    Character-wise, this is a pretty light episode, but as I think someone mentioned earlier, it's still teamy with everyone working together. And even if they spend some time apart while they investigate what's going on, I like how they all meet up in order to figure things out together.

    hmmm... other than that, not much to say here, I guess. Other than that I like it. It's just a generally nice episode. Even if it's not at the top of my re-watch list, I always enjoy it when I do watch it. And like I said, since it was one of my first episodes, it makes me a little nostalgic.
    Chief of the GGP (Gateworld Grammar Police). Punctuation is your friend. Use it!

    Great happy armies shall be gathered and trained to oppose all who embrace doubt. In the name of Hope, ships shall be built to carry our disciples out amongst the stars, and we will spread Optimism to all the doubters. The power of the Optimi will be felt far and wide, and the pessimists shall become positive-thinkers.
    Hallowed are the Optimi.


      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      LOL at a number of you wanting to smack the characters. Remind me not to get into your bad books.
      *smacks EH-T*


        Originally posted by Callista View Post
        *smacks EH-T*

        *Gets out popcorn*

        Ah, but will you do battle in a ring of jello?

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

          *Gets out popcorn*

          Ah, but will you do battle in a ring of jello?
          depends... what flavor is it?
          Chief of the GGP (Gateworld Grammar Police). Punctuation is your friend. Use it!

          Great happy armies shall be gathered and trained to oppose all who embrace doubt. In the name of Hope, ships shall be built to carry our disciples out amongst the stars, and we will spread Optimism to all the doubters. The power of the Optimi will be felt far and wide, and the pessimists shall become positive-thinkers.
          Hallowed are the Optimi.


            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

            *Gets out popcorn*

            Ah, but will you do battle in a ring of jello?
            I will if you'll call Daniel!!!


              Originally posted by Khentkawes View Post
              depends... what flavor is it?
              I think we can stretch the budget to a few bowls of different flavours

              Originally posted by Callista View Post
              I will if you'll call Daniel!!!
              Done deal. You're on.

              Courtesy of smurf, as always



                When SG-1 discover a crashed spaceship on a planet, Daniel's mind is taken over by the disembodied personalities of those aboard.

                I'll get round to 'Revisions' soonish, I hope

                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  I'm way behind in my viewing, but I always like the fact that this is a good old time team on another planet story. A nice stand alone rather than a big arc story.
                  Some good mystery and nice moments for each character.



                    I have a soft spot for this episode because it was one of the first ones I saw when I started watching Season 7. It struck me as a pretty classic sci-fi theme, and I remember thinking it was a bit creepy when the villagers turned on the team.
                    I like this one too. Nice team episode. As mentioned, classic "we go through the gate, get in trouble, get out of trouble, go home".

                    I would agree with the general consensus that it's a pretty standard off-world adventure, but I also think it's quite good. And since I haven't watched it in quite a while, my first reaction this time was "Christopher Heyerdahl? Again?" I don't think I've seen this episode since seeing him on Atlantis and Sanctuary, so I'd never made the connection before. He's great to watch. And I felt like they spent enough time on his character to make me actually care about him, which isn't always the case with guest stars/the alien of the week.
                    I think one of the reasons I like this ep as much as I do is it was my introduction to Chris. I think he is fabulous as Todd on SGA and as John on Sanctuary. I agree with your comments on making us care about the character.

                    I did think it was interesting that Daniel and Sam were staying with one couple while Jack and Teal'c were staying with Nevin and his father. Now I know it makes sense on a logical level because there's only so much room in each house, but it works well on a story level as well, because it allows us to meet more of the villagers and get to know them.
                    Agreed. I love Teal'c and Jack's exchange of food and Nevin staring at Jack and asking all the questions. I love Sam and Daniel together, nice to see them in this relaxed setting.

                    I'm actually only part way through the episode (busy week) but thought I'd comment since I had to comment on some other things (see below).

                    I think the visual effect of the team coming through the dome for the first time is .

                    Is this the first (and maybe only) time we see a cameo by MW and PDL together?

                    LOL at the town location (Canadians all know of this place).

                    More later.

                    Originally posted by Callista View Post
                    *smacks EH-T*
                    Hey! What did I do?

                    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

                    *Gets out popcorn*

                    Ah, but will you do battle in a ring of jello?
                    Not even if it's blue!

                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    I'm way behind in my viewing, but I always like the fact that this is a good old time team on another planet story. A nice stand alone rather than a big arc story.
                    Some good mystery and nice moments for each character.
                    The Coles Notes version from jckfan!

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Way quicker than I would have liked (because my in-laws are due any minute and they really, really don't understand my Stargate thing ), but probably still plenty long review of Lifeboat:

                      I really like this episode. It's a little odd, though, because even though it is very Michael Shanks heavy, Daniel is actually only there for a few minutes. In a way, I think of this one as similar to 48 Hours in that it's basically about the rest of the team and other SGC personnel trying to save one person who isn't really present for most of the episode. ETA: Now that I think about it, In The Line of Duty and Holiday are like that too, but even moreso because the physical body is there, but the personality is absent. It's also weird because even though Jack supposedly is there, he isn't really either....he's just sitting there looking at a screen throughout most of the episode (which I completely understand from a real life perspective due to RDA's father dying during this least I think I remember PDL saying that in the commentary, forgive me if I'm wrong about that).

                      The main thing I really like from a team perspective is the way Teal'c, Sam and of course Janet handle things.

                      I love how Teal'c and Sam work together when negotiating things with Pharin and company. Teal'c shows more emotion here than we are used to but still doesn't come across as threatening...more just determined and unwilling to accept an outcome where they lose Daniel again. Sam obviously cares deeply about what happens to her friend but she manages to be strong and reasonable and even compassionate towards Pharrin. I think this is one of the best examples of her leadership skills that I can recall. I'm actually kind of glad that Jack wasn't in this scene because then he would have been the main talker (though, of course, I'm sorry about the apparent reason RDA wasn't there).

                      Jack does get one good scene in when he goes in and keeps Pharrin from backing down. Jack is emotional and passionate and I think they show convincingly that he's been watching all the personalities in Daniel for long enough that he is able to keep himself from being distracted by what "Daniel" is saying and focus on Pharrin.

                      Of course, the star of this episode (characterwise) to me is Janet. She is so caring and professional and tough but still shows how much she cares about her patient. And even though Daniel is a close friend of hers, I really think she would go this distance for anyone under her care. (And great acting by TR!!! If she had to go later in the season, I'm so glad that at least she had this chance to really shine first.)

                      I also think James Parks did a wonderful job here. He manages to be the bad guy in that what Pharrin did was extremely selfish, while at the same time making me have compassion for the character and being sad at his fate at the end.

                      As to MS's acting, I'm in the camp that he was really, really good here. I'll admit that the first scene with Martise was a bit...I don't know...jarring, maybe? ETA: However, when I think about your average Stargate villain, they're mostly rather over the top so maybe they were going for that on purpose? He wasn't nearly as caricaturish (Warning: I think I made that word up.) as Apophis or Zipacna or some others we've seen. But I think he got the kid and Tryon down pat. That said, I don't think it's his best performance on Stargate, but only because he's given himself a lot of competition for that title in my book.
                      Last edited by Callista; 11 March 2009, 11:36 PM. Reason: I've been thinking. Scary, I know!!!


                        Going back to Revisions for a moment ( I'm almost done watching it ) it contains my favourite line in all of Stargate: Thank God for the lawyers.

                        How often do you hear that on television?

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          How often do you hear that ever?

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            I think I'll be the only one here who doesn't consider Lifeboat to be a great episode and I'm a little afraid to post..
                            For me it's a "meh" episode, certainly not one I rewatch often - or make that ever. It's quite boring actually. Daniel's barely in it and I'm not a huge fan of MS, so I watch it mainly for Janet/Teryl. And those few scenes with Teal'c and even fewer with Sam. But honestly, there's no team, and even though they are all working to save Daniel, I don't feel it's a teamy episode untill the very end, when we see shots of SG-1 and Janet's face. It's a very simple thing, which always gives me that teamy feeling. I just wish it was sooner than during last seconds..
                            I also hugely dislike how the whole issue was handled. So what exactly downloading all those people into Pharrin's head is supposed to accomplish? He'll die anyway, and they with him, but firstly they will all go insane..
                            Anyway, since for me it's borish and not so great, and Callista already pointed out everything I like in it, I'll just use her quotes, shut up and let you enjoy it in peace..

                            Originally posted by Callista View Post
                            It's also weird because even though Jack supposedly is there, he isn't really either....he's just sitting there looking at a screen throughout most of the episode (which I completely understand from a real life perspective due to RDA's father dying during this least I think I remember PDL saying that in the commentary, forgive me if I'm wrong about that).
                            Really? I knew RDA's father passed away during filming season 7 but I had no idea it was during filming this particular episode. Thanks for the info, it certainly explains a lot in terms of Jack's absence.

                            I love how Teal'c and Sam work together when negotiating things with Pharin and company. Teal'c shows more emotion here than we are used to but still doesn't come across as threatening...more just determined and unwilling to accept an outcome where they lose Daniel again. Sam obviously cares deeply about what happens to her friend but she manages to be strong and reasonable and even compassionate towards Pharrin. I think this is one of the best examples of her leadership skills that I can recall. I'm actually kind of glad that Jack wasn't in this scene because then he would have been the main talker (though, of course, I'm sorry about the apparent reason RDA wasn't there).
                            I agree. It was especially good to see Teal'c displaying some strong feelings, something that will happen more and more often from this point on. I also like that it is Teal'c and Jack who keep an eye on Daniel, like he did for them when he was ascended.

                            Jack does get one good scene in when he goes in and keeps Pharrin from backing down. Jack is emotional and passionate and I think they show convincingly that he's been watching all the personalities in Daniel for long enough that he is able to keep himself from being distracted by what "Daniel" is saying and focus on Pharrin.
                            Again I agree. I'm just sorry it's the only scene - for the rest of the episode he's either unconscious or watching Daniel. Although I really like how he insists in the infirmary that he's fine and then has to grudginly admit that he isn't and how he immidiately asks about Daniel and Sam.

                            Of course, the star of this episode (characterwise) to me is Janet. She is so caring and professional and tough but still shows how much she cares about her patient. And even though Daniel is a close friend of hers, I really think she would go this distance for anyone under her care. (And great acting by TR!!! If she had to go later in the season, I'm so glad that at least she had this chance to really shine first.)
                            I wholeheartedly agree. Both Janet and Teryl were at their best here. I love how kind and gentle Janet is when talking to the boy and immidiately after Martise shows up she's wary and putting some distance. And when she shouts "I don't give a damn!" it's so powerful. She's wonderful.

                            I also think James Parks did a wonderful job here. He manages to be the bad guy in that what Pharrin did was extremely selfish, while at the same time making me have compassion for the character and being sad at his fate at the end.
                            I sort of agree. I mean I like how Pharrin was acted, but in those moments when different personalities were shown..I'm sorry but I didn't like it, I thought it was very cheesy and over the top. And I was really irritated when he knelt in front of Martise, literally cowering with fear, suddenly unable to think. Yeah, he swore an oath etc. but really...

                            As to MS's acting, I'm in the camp that he was really, really good here. I'll admit that the first scene with Martise was a bit...I don't know...jarring, maybe? (...) But I think he got the kid and Tryon down pat. That said, I don't think it's his best performance on Stargate, but only because he's given himself a lot of competition for that title in my book.
                            And here is where we disagree. I mean I think Michael is good here. Really good, but not oh so great like the fandom in general believes. I didn't find that first scene with Martice jarring as you did, but IMHO every personality had a moment when MS overreacted and was over the top. And when Tryan first appeared he had all mannerisms of Daniel, although I admit he lost them pretty quickly. Unfortunately I can't honestly say that I was blown away with MS's acting because I wasn't. Personally I think he was better in "Need" - I absolutely love his acting there, here - well, he had a demanding role and he was competent in it. Nothing more.
                            Last edited by Petra; 12 March 2009, 03:50 PM.
                            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                            awesome sig by Josiane


                              *Khent cries*

                              Don't have time to watch Lifeboat... can't even watch it because the DVD is at home and I'm... not (I'm currently on a business trip, of sorts). Plus, I'm super busy from now until Monday. I know I whine about it all the time, but I'm just going to say how much I HATE finals! Especially when my prof suddenly adds an extra assignment that's due in three days.

                              Anyway, so just checking in to cry about the fact I can't watched Lifeboat with you all. For the record, I really like it. I think it was a great opportunity for MS. There's not really any Daniel in it, but I do feel a bit of a team vibe. And I actually like the moral dilemma caused by having all those personalities in Daniel's head. And I like that there is no good solution, so they pick the one that's best for SG-1. That's kinda selfish, and I suppose you could argue about the morality of it, but I like that it's not a clear-cut situation.

                              It's actually not my favorite Daniel or favorite MS episode, because I do think he has better episodes. But I still really enjoy it and find it an intense and emotional viewing experience. That's all I have to say without re-watching.

                              Hopefully I'll get caught up with the discussion after finals. Until then, have fun with the discussion!
                              Chief of the GGP (Gateworld Grammar Police). Punctuation is your friend. Use it!

                              Great happy armies shall be gathered and trained to oppose all who embrace doubt. In the name of Hope, ships shall be built to carry our disciples out amongst the stars, and we will spread Optimism to all the doubters. The power of the Optimi will be felt far and wide, and the pessimists shall become positive-thinkers.
                              Hallowed are the Optimi.


                                Hey all!

                                No, I didn't get eaten by a shark in Hawaii. I got back last week, but have been so tired with the travel and the time difference. And I have been so overwhelmed by the sheer number of episodes that I was behind on, that I didn't even want to start commenting on them. I know I could just skip them all together, but there were so many that episodes here that I really enjoy. I like season 7.

                                Anyway, I just have to let it go. I DID catch up on all your posts (love the 'smacking' sidetrack, btw. I frequently want to show characters the back of my hand....but try to stick to the less violent facepalm! )

                                Here are my quick like it/don't like it on the ones I missed:

                                Homecoming: Love it. Again too fast with ousting Jonas, but the Daniel/Jonas moments and the humour help make up for it.

                                Fragile Balance: Like it. Thought the kid did a great job imitating RDA, and like the idea of a rogue Asgard, but overall a little slow-paced for me.

                                Orpheus: Like it. Like Daniel trying to figure out his 'new' life. Don't like the Teal'c story.

                                Revisions: Really love it and not for any great dramatic twist or cool special effects, but because it is the first (and last) true true TRUE old-fashioned 'team' episode to come along in quite a while. It just feels very Old School SG-1, like a season 2 or 3.

                                Lifeboat: REALLY like this one, but kept from loving it by the occasional MS overacting (mostly as Martice). I also have a hard time, because like when AT plays RepliCarter, I actually forget that it is the same actor (which says a lot about the actors' acting ability). So, it's weird, but with a whole episode devoted to Daniel...I miss Daniel in this episode because he isn't really there. Make sense? Wonderful wonderful scenes with Teryl and Michael, though. Probably the best we've ever scene of their interaction.

                                And finally, I kind of wish I HADN'T ever listened to the commentary on this
                                one. PDL brought up the whole thing about RDA's dad and the funeral and said (paraphrasing), "It's kind of like how Devil in the Dark in Star Trek became known as the episode made during the time William Shatner's dad died." Well, I DIDN'T think of this episode as being the episode where RDA's dad died until he brought it up!! Now it is constantly running through the back of my mind and that is all I can think of. And while I, of course, think that a true-life death in the family is more important than the behind-the-scenes of a tv show, I still wish that in an episode where Michael and Teryl had such big acting moments, more of the commentary had addressed that instead of RDA's scenes, or lack thereof and the reasons why. Does that sound insensitive? I don't mean to come off that way.

                                Ok, there was no new insights or revelations made here, but now I feel I can start watching in earnest with the next episode. I wanted to catch up quickly before Evolution. I will have a real post there!

