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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post

    There was a short SGU teaser released a while ago where Sam's hair looked to be a mix of dark blonde/light brown. SGU began filming before Sanctuary, so she probably just waited to re-dye her hair until she finished filming the SGU pilot.

    On another note, I was rewatching Desperate Measures the other day and I noticed a couple of neat AT acting moments that I missed the first time around. After her escape attempt when she's handcuffed to the bed, when Conrad starts coughing Sam seems to lean towards him, as if trying to move to assist him but not being able to, like his situation still pulls at her compassion despite what he's done to her.

    And the other bit that I really liked was after Jack rescues her and they start looking for Conrad, there's a short moment when Jack moves in front of her that Sam swipes at her eyes as if brushing away tears. I wonder if AT was directed to do that or if it was an acting choice on her part to show some fallout from Sam's experience, which the show itself didn't really do a good job of showing.
    Good catches. I seem to remember the first, but not the 2nd. I'll have to pop that DVD in and check it out. And yeah, I would have liked to see a bit of fallout from her experience--even a few seconds. maybe Daniel just asking if she's ok & her being a bit shaky, but doing her usual "I'm fine." You'd know she isn't really fine yet. Also it would reinforce the team aspect of the episode. I suppose w/ the Jack-maybourne stuff there just wasn't time.

    It would have been interesting to see it more from the Daniel & Teal'c perspective. I wonder if there's a fanfic like that....


      Happy Birthday Amanda_Tapping_Fan

      Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


        Originally posted by suse View Post
        Happy Birthday

        Um...which Amanda Tapping fan?

        Oh yea that Amanda_Tapping_Fan

        Happy Birthday from me too

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by katjoy View Post

          and if that wasnt awesome, my new car arrived in the country today and i should be able to pick it up end of this week/start of next vivid blue hyundai i30
          That's great Kat, I'm very happy for you, both with the DVD's and the car.

          Oh, btw guys, I did it, I FIANLLY GOT MY SANCTUARY DVD!!!

          I walked to HMV today this afternoon, and there they were, I was SO FREAKING happy when I saw them, I got like stars in my eyes, it was a lot like when I got my signed SG-1 movies actually. Like I did with signed SG-1 movies from last time, I've got pics. Here's a pic of the HMV I got it from.

          Here's a pic I took of the DVD at the shore, and few (more than a few actually) pics of the DVD case I took in my room, front, back, inside, everything.

          And here's a little pic of me holding my new found DVD, and a pic of it in my safe, along with my other Stargate DVD's. The Atlantis DVD's are in the back Btw.

          Oh, and for the first time ever, I actually filmed myself going into HMV to get it, the vid's only 43 seconds.
          My Sanctuary DVD


            Happy Birthday

            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            Hey y'all, I had another wicked Sanctuary dream last night .
            I only wish my dreams were of Sanctuary but not like my dream I had last night. I kid you a nutshell, I had MacGyver, Matt Houston, Magnum PI, Micheal Knight (aka Knight Rider) and Walker, Texas Ranger all come to my I think I saw the A-Team in there too....but talk about an overload! And MacGyver was my boyfriend...???? WT??? I've never seen MacGyver and yet here I am dreaming about him....I'd much prefer Jack O'Neill or John Druitt be my saviour!!
            Speaking of John Druitt...Mr Christopher Heyerdahl is coming to town for Armageddon! I iz squeeing!!! Oh yeah!!! I shall try to see if I can get a picture of him with the Amanda picture and sign for that "wish you were here" thing!! Try...but doubtful I will be allowed!

            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Happy Birthday Amanda_Tapping_Fan

              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              Woohoos all around!

              Originally posted by Daivy View Post
              Kat, Congrats with the DVD arrival and the new car
              thanks daivy

              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post

              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
              That's great Kat, I'm very happy for you, both with the DVD's and the car.

              Oh, btw guys, I did it, I FIANLLY GOT MY SANCTUARY DVD!!!
              thanks rocky

              and yay, thats great you finally got your set as well

              i watched the first two eps last night before the ncis s7 premier
              "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                For those in Canada, Space has been running a series of shows called "Inner Space" after the season premieres of shows. So they will probably have one after the first episode of Sanctuary. Also, on IS tonight (after Supernatural) they indicated they would have a segment on Sanctuary. Check your local listings.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  I only wish my dreams were of Sanctuary but not like my dream I had last night. I kid you a nutshell, I had MacGyver, Matt Houston, Magnum PI, Micheal Knight (aka Knight Rider) and Walker, Texas Ranger all come to my I think I saw the A-Team in there too....but talk about an overload! And MacGyver was my boyfriend...???? WT??? I've never seen MacGyver and yet here I am dreaming about him....I'd much prefer Jack O'Neill or John Druitt be my saviour!!
                  Speaking of John Druitt...Mr Christopher Heyerdahl is coming to town for Armageddon! I iz squeeing!!! Oh yeah!!! I shall try to see if I can get a picture of him with the Amanda picture and sign for that "wish you were here" thing!! Try...but doubtful I will be allowed!

                  I have more Sanctuary/Helen dreams than I do Sam or Amanda, I don't know why. Oh wait, maybes it's because I'm dreaming about them so much during the day, there's not much to dream about at night.

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  For those in Canada, Space has been running a series of shows called "Inner Space" after the season premieres of shows. So they will probably have one after the first episode of Sanctuary. Also, on IS tonight (after Supernatural) they indicated they would have a segment on Sanctuary. Check your local listings.
                  Guys, guys, if you want something, just ask me, I'll tape it for ya . besides, I'm the one who gave y'all these remember?

                  Amanda Tapping at Comic Con-Fidential 2008 In HQ
                  Amanda Tapping on The Circuit- The Final Chevron In HQ
                  Amanda Tapping on The Circuit- Tapping into Sanctuary In HQ
                  Amanda Tapping on The Circuit- Amanda on Ghost Hunters Live 2008 In HQ
                  Robin Dunne on The Circuit- Sanctuary Renewed & Working with Amanda Tapping In HQ
                  Amanda Tapping on The Circuit- Amanda Taps on Fan Outrage In HQ
                  Amanda Tapping's intros to the original Sanctuary Webisodes on TV In HQ
                  Stargate: Ark of Truth Space Promo In HQ
                  Tube Tales- Stargate SG-1 In HQ
                  Stargate: SG-1 Series Finale- Space Promo In HQ
                  Amanda Tapping on Hypaspace 1 In HQ
                  Stargate Movie Marathon- Space Promo In HQ
                  Stargate: Atlantis Season 4: A New Leader- Space Promo In HQ
                  Stargate Atlantis: Season 4 DVD- Space Promo In HQ
                  Stargate Continuum DVD- Space Promo In HQ
                  Amanda Tapping on ET Canada In HQ
                  Sanctuary Season 2- Space Promo 1 In HQ
                  Sanctuary Season 2- Space Promo 2 In HQ


                    Happy Birthday Amanda_Tapping_Fan!
                    Hope it's a good one!

                    Happy Birthday to anyone I might have missed as well since the last time I had time to wander in here... *g*


                      Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                      MGM's site has three photos of Sam from the SGU premiere episode.

                      My Our Sam Carter is back.

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      Amanda Tapping is AWESOME!
                      Long live the Grand Empress of SciFi!!

                      All hail the the gloriousness that is Amanda Tapping.

                      Even before that day we met
                      on that Station of blessed fate,
                      Seeds of heavenly affection was sown...
                      Now, to divine love it has grown.

                      Etched upon the stars is destiny
                      Disguised as chance and serendipity.
                      T'was Cupid's quest to verily enchant...
                      and bind me to you entranced.

                      Upon this heart-struck pilgrim,
                      wings my heart was given.
                      On the sky below, I see stars strewn...
                      As I soar to a love made in heaven.

                      Mere words cannot express
                      the passion and longing I profess,
                      for my dearest, once, I had never seen...
                      Now my Love, My Happiness, My Queen.

                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                      A new blog entry on the official SFA site, don't think it has been posted before (though it's from the 24th, so I could've missed it), I'm crossposting it to suitable threads. From here:

                      OzGate 2009
                      September 24, 2009 posted by Jaclyn MacRae

                      Hi Sanctuarians!

                      This message is for the Aussies out there.

                      You've all been providing great Twitter and FB feedback regarding the DVDs and lack of behind the scenes content that you received.

                      We now need you to provide that information to us in an email. And we need to hear from all of you!

                      Please send emails titled AUSTRALIAN DVDs to info(at)sanctuaryforall(dot)com, so we can dig deeper into this!

                      Thanks so much!
                      Team Sanctuary

                      (Oh, and if you have friends that have complaints but don't read this blog or frequent our site, please make sure to pass this message along!)
                      Oh that's nice to know that they're taking care of the fans.


                        I was wandering through MGM's site and found this image:

                        You know what really struck me? I've worked on a bunch of sets, TV and film, and during breaks the "talent" rarely ever interacts with extras and non leads.

                        Look at Amanda in this shot and with whom she is speaking.

                        She really does rock.
                        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                          Originally posted by Pol View Post
                          I was wandering through MGM's site and found this image:

                          You know what really struck me? I've worked on a bunch of sets, TV and film, and during breaks the "talent" rarely ever interacts with extras and non leads.
                          Look at Amanda in this shot and with whom she is speaking.
                          She really does rock.
                          Cool pic Pol. This is what makes Amanda stand out from everyone...she's awesome.
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            For those in Canada, Space has been running a series of shows called "Inner Space" after the season premieres of shows. So they will probably have one after the first episode of Sanctuary. Also, on IS tonight (after Supernatural) they indicated they would have a segment on Sanctuary. Check your local listings.
                            Well, I taped it, I and I'll upload it tomorrow . I'm not going to say anything about it though, I'll let y'all watch it for yourselves, but I will say this though, Amanda looked so stunning and Robin hates to wear pants . Now, if only Amanda shared his attitude.

                            Btw, I think for once I'll let you in on something, on Oct 2, on another episode of Inner Space, there's going to be a special behind the scenes look at Sanctuary, which I will also tape and upload . Don't bother thanking me all at once, I'm just another Amanda fan doing his job .

                            Wow, I sounded like McKay there for a second.

                            Originally posted by Pol View Post
                            I was wandering through MGM's site and found this image:


                            You know what really struck me? I've worked on a bunch of sets, TV and film, and during breaks the "talent" rarely ever interacts with extras and non leads.

                            Look at Amanda in this shot and with whom she is speaking.

                            She really does rock.
                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            Cool pic Pol. This is what makes Amanda stand out from everyone...she's awesome.
                            I agree with you both, I've actually seen LOTS fan celebs run away from fans people who just want to talk to them, but not our Amanda . See how Ben, Michael and Chris are talking with each other, and Amanda's talking to an extra? So sweet, just another reminder/reason among MANY as to why she's our queen.


                              Some news regarding an auction item which people might be interested in:

                              You may be interested to know that a genuine copy of Stuck obtained from the director, Lindsay Bourne and signed by Amanda Tapping is now up on the eBay auction site - see the link below for full details:


                              Thanks to the generosity of one of our attendees the full sale proceeds from this online auction are being donated (via Gabit at AT4) to the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People charity.

                              Feel free to spread the words to anyone you know that is interested in getting hold of a copy of this DVD as it would be great if this item raised lots of dosh for our beloved pups!


                                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                                I was wandering through MGM's site and found this image:


                                You know what really struck me? I've worked on a bunch of sets, TV and film, and during breaks the "talent" rarely ever interacts with extras and non leads.

                                Look at Amanda in this shot and with whom she is speaking.

                                She really does rock.
                                without even reading what you wrote the first thing i did was look for sam

                                and that is so neat that she is talking to an extra during the break in filming... so after reading your post the 2nd thing i looked for was the rest of the main cast, who are all standing together... amanda is so sweet, its hardly a wonder she makes friends and fans wherever she goes
                                "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'

