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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
    The New Year is here or almost here, depending on what part of the world you hang out in. I once surprised someone when I said that I never make New Year's Resolutions. I figure that deciding to change my life isn't something to be pegged onto one particular day. (I think all of my not celebrating New Year's Eve habits stem from babysitting every New Year's Eve for at least a decade.)

    So here are my questions for you:

    1. Do you make resolutions? If you do, please share them with us if it's not too personal.

    2. Do you think Sam and the boys make resolutions? If so, what do they resolve to do or not do? And how do they celebrate the occasion?

    I have enjoyed hanging out with you all here on Samanda during the last year and look forward to doing more of the same in 2009. In the meantime, I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that many good things come to pass for you in 2009.
    1. Do you make resolutions? If you do, please share them with us if it's not too personal.
    1. Mine's simple, more Amanda, more Amanda, more Amanda . No seriously, I want to work out more, finally learn how to drive and try not to let the little things bother me as much . Oh and, more Amanda .

    2. Do you think Sam and the boys make resolutions? If so, what do they resolve to do or not do? And how do they celebrate the occasion?
    2. Hmm... Probably what Chelle said, and perhaps trying to find ways of protecting the earth of course. And as for Sam, what would she want?...
    Sam: Hey wait a minute, you're not Rocky. *Slap*


      HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

      Hope 2009 will be wonderful for everyone!!

      1. What has been your best moment/part of 2008?
      - AT3, seeing Amanda again. She has given me so much strength
      - graduating

      2. What was your biggest regret?
      - not traveling to canada this year
      - not getting in to acting school, cause all spots had been filled

      3. What will you miss about this year?
      high school, I really miss it. things were so simple

      4. What will you always remember about 2008?
      Sanctuary, US elections, X-files IWTB, Mamma Mia, turning 18, graduation, my Moby Dick play, Amanda ofcourse,... so many things

      Have been around much cause exams are coming up (they seem to come faster every year ). but I will be here saterday, getting all nervous and excited for AT4 tickets


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        so we have about 11 months to plan

        give us a few months, maybe we'll come up with a round robin fic, a graphics contest, just stuff to have fun with to amuse us between con reports from attendees
        Virtual scones and tea in honor of Helen Magnus? Swap scone recipes? There was one floating around here when the webisodes came out...

        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
        Wonderful representation of Samandans.

        Happy New Year Everyone.


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          Virtual scones and tea in honor of Helen Magnus? Swap scone recipes? There was one floating around here when the webisodes came out...

          Wonderful representation of Samandans.

          Happy New Year Everyone.
          Do you take advance reservations? Make mine a teapot full of Earl Grey, please. Scones would be charming (as long as they're baked well- too dry or moist and they're not as nice), but as we're beginning to get into winter, I'd try and sneak some mince pies in. Any excuse for a warm mince pie

          Courtesy of smurf, as always



            <mod snip>
            <-- This one was UNBELIEVABLY SHOCKING!!! I mean I was shocked like never before! I was fine at first, but at 0:11, I got the BIGGEST shock and jolt from Amanda EVER! I was like "Wh-- wh--WHAT?!" Totally unexpected, but it got worse . She started giving this sorta sex rant thinger, and the words she used-- OMG THE WORDS SHE USED-- AHHHHHH! I didn't even knew she knew those words, I was like "Wait.... wait, no..... NO!" And by the end I just sat still and looked at the screen and I was just in shock, I was like "Did those words just come out of our Amanda's mouth?

            WOW, Amanda is an amazing, AMAZING actress . I've never seen anything like that, her character Liz was really a 180 from Amanda, Sam or even Helen in everyway. WOW. I thought she blew me away in Requiem, but in 1 minute and 16 seconds, she nearly made my heart explode and proved yet again how she can play any, ANY character to a T. Rather it's a soldier/astrophysicist (Our favorite*wink*) or a 157 year from victorian era england, or a-- the character played in Stuck. Wow, I need to see the whole movie, and I still can't believe Amanda used, much less knows those words. HEHEHE
            Last edited by Skydiver; 01 January 2009, 04:54 PM.


              rocky, i'm not sure which clips you posted out of stuck, but some of them are very adult and r rated, thus are inappropriate to be posted here.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                2. What was your biggest regret?
                3. What will you miss about this year?

                2 & 3. Since they're similar questions, I'll answer them together. Believe it or not, my biggest regret and the one thing I'll really miss isn't Amanda related *Entire thread goes in *. As you all know, I took a sort of med class in my high school, it was a health and wellness program, more specifically, a PSW course. And at first I didn't really think much about it because I went back another year for more credits, and at first I thought the class was hard, and I thought I didn't need it, and I didn't really try as hard as I could at first. But than I started to enjoy the course, and I started trying harder, and then I found myself enjoying the course, and why did I have such a big change of heart? 1 reason: My teacher, Lilla Richardson . I had, and still do have a somewhat big schoolboy crush on her . NO WHERE NEAR AS BIG AS MINE FOR AMANDA, BUT STILL . I mean, she wasn't a supermodel type teacher, she was a certified/registered nurse, and she's a wife and mom in her early 40's, but she was very pretty and beautiful and smart of course. I still remember her short brown and redish hair, and her nice smile and laugh, and her jokes *Schoolboy sigh *. One time in class, a girl asked her if she had a paper she handed in, and my Ms. Richardson said in a cute way: "I do, I jsut gots to find it" HEHEHE. And she has this hot little tattoo on the lower right side of belly button.

                She also liked motorcycles, and she had one, she even brought it to school sometimes. One time I was waiting for my ride home, and she was leaving the class and she had on her motorcycle jacket, and her helmet in her hand. I told her she had the "action mom" thing going on. Then I saw her ride off on her motorcycle, and as I did I was actually cheering (she didn't see that ). But one BIG thing that I'm not proud of, my BIG regret is-- remember on my birthday? I posted here saying I went to Hamilton to to participate in the Around the bay race, and I was a first aid guy. Well, that day was a Sunday, and the next day I decided to stay home because I felt that since it was my birthday and I gave up a Sunday, I actually thought that I deserved to stay home for the day . Thinking about it now, I feel so bad and ashamed I did that, and that I took some other sick days too, and that I didn't try as hard as I should have right from the start. But it's because of her that I might be apart of that Around the bay race thing again March 29. And if I do, I'm taking pics. *Wink*

                But I really work hard afterwards, I did whatever I had to do to make her proud, I worked longer and harder, I studied longer and harder, I went to whatever lengths I had to do to get the work done and make her proud of me . And believe me, the things I did-- wow , I actually gave up my lunches and what not to get the work done. Every time she said "good job" or "well done" I felt proud of myself, and one time she told a student he should be more like me *squee*. The week of exams I studied like crazy, and the last day of class I brought muffins to the class to share, and she had one *YAY* and before I left to start the summer, I shook her hand and told her that her class was the best one I had this year. She even said I was an amazing student, and I told her that meant a lot to me. I was a little sad that she didn't come to the graduation, because I would have loved to have taken a picture with her. Actually there's a picture of me, her and the class on the net. And during the summer, some of the clothes she wore made coming to school a little more fun. *Wink*

                I really miss her a lot, she taught and helped me a lot, even though sometimes she was hard, and some of the class didn't like her, they didn't say anything to her, but still, that hurt me when they talked like that. I did see her again last month on the 5th, me and a few kids went to her new school to attend a seminar on back safety, I was SO happy to see her again she looked just the way I remembered her, and just as cool. In fact, when I saw her, we were walking into class, and she had a coffee coffee maker jug in her hand and she was spilling water on the floor, I was like, "Miss, you're spilling water." And she was like "Oh, I am, shoot." HEHEHE. And I was shaking a lot at first because I was nervous seeing her again. During her lesson, I paid SUPER attention to her, and we had to do a test on a vid we saw in class, I listened hard because I wanted to pass, I didn't want to let her down. During the vid, a lot of people thought it was funny, and so did she, after it was over she said out loud "Vawy funny". HEHEHE. And she gave us this test to do, but they were out of order, and she kept blaming it on the printer, and as she was doing it she was acting all girly and cute like there's no way it could be her fault. Oh, and as I bonus I saw her tattoo when she was scratching *squee*. She's the main reason why I'm doing Co-op now, I need it to complete my PSW course, and the sooner I do, the sooner I can see her *YAAAAAAAAAAY*

                Yeah, that's my biggest regret, and the one big thing I'll miss of 2008, her and her class *School boy sigh *. It was easily the hardest class I've ever done, and I had more tests, more homework, more than any class in my whole school career, but I would do almost anything to be in her class again. Everyone has a favorite teacher, and she's mine.

                (((((Mrs. Richardson)))))

                Oh, one time in class she made a really cute smile, a smile that reminded me of Amanda, that's why I love this pic of Amanda, their smiles and faces look similar-

                Cheater, cheater, cheater! rock how could you cheat on amanda with your teacher?

                just kidding .

                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post


                <mod snip>
                <-- This one was UNBELIEVABLY SHOCKING!!! I mean I was shocked like never before! I was fine at first, but at 0:11, I got the BIGGEST shock and jolt from Amanda EVER! I was like "Wh-- wh--WHAT?!" Totally unexpected, but it got worse . She started giving this sorta sex rant thinger, and the words she used-- OMG THE WORDS SHE USED-- AHHHHHH! I didn't even knew she knew those words, I was like "Wait.... wait, no..... NO!" And by the end I just sat still and looked at the screen and I was just in shock, I was like "Did those words just come out of our Amanda's mouth?

                WOW, Amanda is an amazing, AMAZING actress . I've never seen anything like that, her character Liz was really a 180 from Amanda, Sam or even Helen in everyway. WOW. I thought she blew me away in Requiem, but in 1 minute and 16 seconds, she nearly made my heart explode and proved yet again how she can play any, ANY character to a T. Rather it's a soldier/astrophysicist (Our favorite*wink*) or a 157 year from victorian era england, or a-- the character played in Stuck. Wow, I need to see the whole movie, and I still can't believe Amanda used, much less knows those words. HEHEHE
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                rocky, i'm not sure which clips you posted out of stuck, but some of them are very adult and r rated, thus are inappropriate to be posted here.
                silly boy


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  rocky, i'm not sure which clips you posted out of stuck, but some of them are very adult and r rated, thus are inappropriate to be posted here.
                  Sorry Sky, I guess I wasn't thinking . Seeing something that scary and shocking does things to the mind .

                  Originally posted by Kickoutwoolsey View Post
                  Cheater, cheater, cheater! rock how could you cheat on amanda with your teacher?

                  just kidding .
                  First you green me and call me a cheater now this?

                  silly boy
                  Oh yeah? Why don't you go watch it? Beware though .


                    a lot of us have already seen stuck. Lindsey Bourne sold copies last year
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      a lot of us have already seen stuck. Lindsey Bourne sold copies last year
                      Oh I haven't seen the movie, just those clips. And unless I start exercising a LOT more and until I have a much stronger heart I can't because I may die . I mean I'm not overweight, I just need a stronger heart .

                      And like I said Ship board, I almost, *almost* had a heart attack while watching those 3 vids together, I actually drank half a litre of milk afterwards

                      Could you imagine if Amanda, Sam or even Helen did that now?

                      OH MY GOD!!! That-- that'd be even worse, I mean would that even exist? Or could I even survive that? I'd take my chances for my 3 favorite girls.

                      Oh, and I congrats you Sky for reminding me of the rules, you're a good God and mod .


                        Originally Posted by Rocky89
                        Oh I haven't seen the movie, just those clips. And unless I start exercising a LOT more and until I have a much stronger heart I can't because I may die . I mean I'm not overweight, I just need a stronger heart .

                        And like I said Ship board, I almost, *almost* had a heart attack while watching those 3 vids together, I actually drank half a litre of milk afterwards
                        I had similer reaction Rocky watching it for the first time i was like but it's a great movie and Amanda does a great job
                        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          a lot of us have already seen stuck. Lindsey Bourne sold copies last year
                          Has it *really* been a year since I bought Stuck?!?! Jeepers creepers! Where *has* the time gone???? It seems to fly in so stupidly fast these days I think.

                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          Oh I haven't seen the movie, just those clips. And unless I start exercising a LOT more and until I have a much stronger heart I can't because I may die . I mean I'm not overweight, I just need a stronger heart .
                          Oh, Rocky, you have *got* to see Stuck! Amanda is just amazing in it! Personally speaking...I think that the movie stretches Amanda's acting talents far more than the Sanctuary episode Requiem did (or anything the series has done tbh). It's just great seeing her doing something that was dark, gritty and sexy and can appeal and speak to the viewer at the same time and make them think. Stuck made me think. It makes me also wish she played roles like that more often.

                          Moving away from Stuck and Sanctuary...I've just been watching the documentary A New Leader on the Season 4, Vol. 1 DVD of Stargate: Atlantis and literally just moment ago listened to her say this at the end of it:

                          "And I am happy with it. I hope we come back for another season. I hope there's a chance for Carter to do more..."

                          It's sad, ya know. Really sad. There was another season...and Amanda went to do Sanctuary. What makes it even sadder, for me personally, is given the 1st season of hasn't been a worthwhile move to have made in my humble opinion but I appreciate she had to get it going and give it a chance. Whilst I like Sanctuary I don't love it as I was expecting to...but that's a conversation for another thread.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Originally posted by Alan View Post
                            Whilst I like Sanctuary I don't love it as I was expecting to...but that's a conversation for another thread.
                            i *need* more helen/amanda for me to fall completely and hopelessly in love with the show! maybe season 2 will give us that?... hopes times a thousand




                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              i *need* more helen/amanda for me to fall completely and hopelessly in love with the show! maybe season 2 will give us that?... hopes times a thousand

                              This is my hope too...crosses long as it leaves Amanda blonde haired (no wig!) and free to work on Stargate SG-1's third movie...crosses more fingers

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                Virtual scones and tea in honor of Helen Magnus? Swap scone recipes? There was one floating around here when the webisodes came out...
                                You know, I was playing the game Catch Phrase last night and my partner gave the clue of baked, sweet and you eat it with coffee and the first word out my mouth was, "scone?" She gave me the weirdest look, laughed and asked what the heck that was. Guess Sanctuary does have a way of rubbing off on you.

