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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    Anyway, on topic... Did anyone see Damian's facebook status update?

    "Damian Kindler is amazed and awed by the power of Amanda..."
    Yep, I did see that and I'm wondering if Amanda has recently done another awesome thing or if it's a general reflection on her amazing awsomeness?


      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
      Here's my version of S9 The Powers That Be and The Fourth Horseman :

      (respectfully snips)




        Originally posted by rderoch View Post
        Kinda OT

        We know Amanda/Sam have Volvos. Maybe Amanda will be getting a new car next year.
        Good looking car, Volvo safety and high MPG/low emission.
        Originally posted by Daivy View Post
        Well in an interview I read she has a new car. An Audi S4. It's the "sportive" version of the Audi A4
        I love the Volvo...but would never ever get an Audi...particularly the A4...we had one of those when we went to Queensland and I was really unimpressed.
        I have a Saab and she's about to be retired and replaced by a Toyota Camry...although hubby would prefer a Volvo or the Audi A4...I'd like something a little more economical to run and keep!
        Note how Amanda is surrounded by things starting with the letter "A" Awesomeness, Audi, Amazing...just random thinking!!
        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        Anyway, on topic... Did anyone see Damian's facebook status update?
        "Damian Kindler is amazed and awed by the power of Amanda..."
        He seems's all old news to us!!
        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
        Meg and I mentioned it the other week, but what is the official spoiler policy on Sanctuary? I mean, I know the ep has now aired in both North America and in the UK, but you've never had to worry about tripping over spoilers if you're more than a day behind before. I mean, the ep aired yesterday and there's huge honking spoilers
        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
        Because Trace backed me up the other day I must do the same for her. I know it must seem very whiny for us to come in and ask for spoiler tags but it really is a bit like telling us that Bruce Willis is a ghost, and this is now the 3rd week in a row that I have been majorly spoiled for an episode that I have not seen yet and all of the occurences have been in this thread. I can only watch the repeats because I work when it airs, but please, please, if its anything about the plot, who we meet, and anything we learn about a character please put it in spoiler tags. I love reading the thread everyday, and I make a point of reading everybody's posts, I can't exactly avoid the thread for 6 days before I get to see it because then I'd never read anything here. So please try to remember those of us who don't get to see it right away. Thanks.
        If anyone catches me not using spoilers...please feel free to give me a swift kick! Generally speaking, I post in the Sanctuary threads...and I only don't use the spoilers in the thread where we are allowed to discuss it without spoilers...but should I somehow accidentally forget to use them...kick...hard!!!
        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        Yep, I did see that and I'm wondering if Amanda has recently done another awesome thing or if it's a general reflection on her amazing awsomeness?
        Or maybe the fans reactions to her performance in Requiem...I'm betting he's just catching on what we've all known for a very long time!!

        I'm off for the night...take care everyone and have fun! (((Samandans)))
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Thank you for all the Christmas cards we recieved!!! My daughter and I loved every card, note, picture, and stamp. Each cartoon was loved!!!

          The mail is a surprise for my 11 yr. old!! Like everyone, we send out plenty of Christmas cards, but it is SUPER COOL to get cards from the people we know at GW!! Thank you!!

          We sent all our cards today! Let us know if one does not arrive!!

          Merry Christmas Samanda!

          Happy New Year!!

          I hope this year gives everyone the best "world" solutions and peace. I can't figure it all out, and believe me, I have tried. Still, I wish the world was a peaceful one, I wish people had what they needed, and I wish for everyone that they had what is important to them.

          I would love it if the entire world got along. Hey, I'd love if GW just got along, yes?

          Thank you to everyone for their opinions, feelings, and contributions over the years. It is what makes a forum, a forum!!!

          Love you all!!


          Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
          Quint Studer


            Originally posted by silly sally
            LMAO, you've spoilered yourself three times in a row That says more about you than about this thread
            I make it a point not to read the thread until I've seen the latest Sanctuary episode thru 'alternative means'
            I'm not sure why you have to sit there and laugh as it's not funny. Spoilers by their definition need to go behind tags, it's in the rules. I take offence to you insulting me when all I've done is read through the thread like any other person and AVOIDED clicking on spoiler tags. There have been massive spoilers posted on this thread outside of spoiler tags for the last 3 episodes of Sanctuary. That simply is unfair. How on earth can I have "spoiled" myself? If I waited six days to watch Sanctuary then read through the whole of this thread it would be Thursday already and Sanctuary would air again the next day. So your solution, quite frankly is unhelpful. I come here to unwind, not to be wound up.


              Yeah, good thing they banned that Pete Morretti guy. Imagine the hell this place would be if he were still around.
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                I'm not sure why you have to sit there and laugh as it's not funny. Spoilers by their definition need to go behind tags, it's in the rules. I take offence to you insulting me when all I've done is read through the thread like any other person and AVOIDED clicking on spoiler tags. There have been massive spoilers posted on this thread outside of spoiler tags for the last 3 episodes of Sanctuary. That simply is unfair. How on earth can I have "spoiled" myself? If I waited six days to watch Sanctuary then read through the whole of this thread it would be Thursday already and Sanctuary would air again the next day. So your solution, quite frankly is unhelpful. I come here to unwind, not to be wound up.
                Can I just say I agree, I know i haven't been here in forever but i think the spoilers is also one of the reason I hardly read this thread... I can't see the episode immediatly, i mean i at least have to wait a week of 3 or 4 even and then knowing the plot is really not nice. I can handle the occasional pic or so... even though lately some sigs get to me and stuff... To be honest it would be so much safer if you put everything in spoilertags if it is about Sanctuary or even SG-atlantis. And just before the spoilertag just say what it is about and what ep and stuff... would make things so much easier.

                Just sayin'


                  Hi guys,

                  I know this has been said before but I just wanted to add my voice to Tracy, PengYn and Eve's, please can we keep discussions about Sanctuary in spoilers so that people can choose whether they want to read them or not, thanks.

                  Thank you to Neep, Rocky and Scifithinker for the beautiful cards I got in the post this morning.

                  Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                    ok guys, mod hat on

                    Spoiler tag sanctuary plot discussion please

                    And with EATG coming up, you need to tag that too

                    Respect your fellow Samandans and allow them to see stuff unspoiled

                    to add to that, if someone forgets, report it so that we can spoiler it for them
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Haha, I am like a little kid. But my hair is a bit long to be cute... should I get it cut back to this length? (ignore my sister going on and on about a tail, the niecelet likes to ignore her)


                      I mean my hair, not the actual little kid
                      Oh that's a cute vid. And keep your hair like that, it looks nice, or whatever you prefer. *Thumbs up*

                      Anyway, on topic... Did anyone see Damian's facebook status update?

                      "Damian Kindler is amazed and awed by the power of Amanda..."
                      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                      Yep, I did see that and I'm wondering if Amanda has recently done another awesome thing or if it's a general reflection on her amazing awsomeness?
                      He's *just* started to be amazed by how awesome? What the heck took him so long . Most people would figure that out after watching 1 episode of SG-1 . And good question Realm. Has Amanda done another awesome thing or if it's a general reflection on her amazing awsomeness? Can it be both?

                      Since where talking about that already, I just want to bring something to everyone's attention. Remember when Amanda was on the Today show on Oct 3 because of Sanctuary? When she was being interviewed someone asked her how she's able to be the lead and be an Executive producer because she's mom . And I've also read in a few interviews where the interviewer asks or implies the same thing.

                      I kinda find it cool and funny that people are impressed that she's able to do that, and still be a wife and mom . And I also noticed that out of MW, DK, RD, EU and CH, Amanda's the only parent, as far as I know. So yeah, I think that's cool how she's able to juggle it all, and still look so good and in shape .


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      Thanks hon, I'm glad you liked it. And hey, you never know, it could happen , but I felt a little bad putting those X's in front of Amanda . A face as beautiful .

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      Note how Amanda is surrounded by things starting with the letter "A" Awesomeness, Audi, Amazing...just random thinking!!
                      Don't forget Adorable, Admirable, Amazing .

                      Or maybe the fans reactions to her performance in Requiem...I'm betting he's just catching on what we've all known for a very long time!!

                      I'm off for the night...take care everyone and have fun! (((Samandans)))
                      I love how the episodes still got people talking . As I already told Sally, I love how I've read reviews about the episode on GW and from other boards, and a lot of them say the same thing, actually they say 3 things:

                      1. After seeing the masterpiece episode Requiem , they knew the next episode wouldn't be as good, and it'd be REALLY tough to beat.

                      2. Requiem raised the "expectations bar" with it's awesome acting and direction.

                      3. Requiem was a solid, and damn fine episode, which the series needs more of.

                      Requiem also got a lot of great fan and critic reviews, and they were mostly on Amanda's performance. So basically their saying they want more Helen, and what's even better is that, if a large number of people consider Requiem as the best episode of the season, their saying they consider a Helen centred episode the best of the season .
                      Amanda/Helen rules

                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      Thank you to Neep, Rocky and Scifithinker for the beautiful cards I got in the post this morning.

                      Hi Julia, I'm glad to hear that you got my card, and that you're doing well . You're now the second person to get one of my cards. *YAY* I was actually getting worried they were lost or something, but now it seems they're going through to you guys. Thanks .


                        thanks for sharing the cast pics, Rocky. Looks like they were having fun doing that Sanctuary one which is good to see.


                          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                          Because Trace backed me up the other day I must do the same for her. I know it must seem very whiny for us to come in and ask for spoiler tags but it really is a bit like telling us that Bruce Willis is a ghost, and this is now the 3rd week in a row that I have been majorly spoiled for an episode that I have not seen yet and all of the occurrences have been in this thread. I can only watch the repeats because I work when it airs, but please, please, if its anything about the plot, who we meet, and anything we learn about a character please put it in spoiler tags. I love reading the thread everyday, and I make a point of reading everybody's posts, I can't exactly avoid the thread for 6 days before I get to see it because then I'd never read anything here. So please try to remember those of us who don't get to see it right away. Thanks.
                          I agree with the sentiment, but I have to ask you to explain the Bruce Willis reference. I don't get let out of the house much.

                          In memory of Deejay.
                          May we all be so well loved.


                            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                            I agree with the sentiment, but I have to ask you to explain the Bruce Willis reference. I don't get let out of the house much.
                            have you seen The Sixth Sense?
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                              I agree with the sentiment, but I have to ask you to explain the Bruce Willis reference. I don't get let out of the house much.
                              Have you seen the movie The Sixth Sense? If not, click the spoiler at your own risk...
                              In the movie Bruce Willis is trying help a little boy who sees ghosts. The ghosts want/need the kid to help them set things straight or some of them are just mean and hurt him. In the end, it is revealed that Bruce's character is a ghost as well. He doesn't realize it until then.

                              So if you clicked the spoiler, you know what she's talking about. If you didn't, just watch the movie.
                              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                                I clicked the spoiler, so I know now. Thanks Jumper and Sunny.

                                In memory of Deejay.
                                May we all be so well loved.

