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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    From the thread Amanda Tapping Public Appearance NYC Oct. 3

    Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1 View Post
    My SANCTUARY journey: Pt. 2, Oct. 3, 2008 -

    Amanda Tapping's appearance at the NBC Store, NYC

    Well, it was a work day and alas, I had to work. That didn't stop me though; I simply re-structured time and space to have my lunch hour at 9am rather than 1pm (that is, I finagled my way out of the office by taking an early lunch. I learned so much about time warps from Stargate!) So I was duly standing behind the roped off section at 8:50am where three other hardier and earlier rising souls already camped. A nice color poster of Amanda in SANCTUARY black stood prominently at the head of the line outside the entrance.

    Friend Eclipse joined me a few minutes later. She'd had a heart-locking moment when she strolled up the 49th Street side of Rockefeller Center and saw a mob scene at the store's side entrance. False alarm; it was for tickets to the Conan O'Brien show, Whew. Our little gathering numbered about 7 until 9:30am or so; by 10am Prion counted around 27, just enough to snake around the corner of the building. More, more, more I chanted to myself. About that time a cheeky cutey store staffer stuck his head out the door and said the session was cancelled. Immediate death stares made him 'fess up; just joking. Really, well try it again and it's just choking. LOL, sort of.

    Again, no real horde amassed by the time we were being led in. Peeped Pierre Bernard in line behind us with a bouquet, sweet guy that he is. And he is that, as well as gentlemanly. Well, if there weren't that many coming, we figured we'd get some chat time with Amanda (*gasp*). (A sudden cold wind attacked us while we were on the line. Brr! )

    Then the OMG! OMG! moment was upon me. Totally lost my mind waiting in line to see Amanda Tapping, just mere seconds away! What in Netu was I going to say? D'uh, blanked. So I took out my camera and started doing lighting settings. Then - *gasp gasp* she was smiling at me!

    Well of course she had a sharp eye for shell-shocked fans and just launched my brain back into gear with a sincere smile and maybe the warmest "Hello! How are you?" and handshake in the history of greetings. Oh, right! I murmured something as I passed over my poster, like "Welcome to NY City and thanks for coming." I think. Whereupon she related she wasn't a total stranger to the city, and got to jog in Central Park, take a subway ride and check out some shops nearby. G'ah, I was blanking again and squeaked words about being a native New Yorker and that she'd made herself at home, and please could I have your picture?

    Amanda immediately stood and smiled, and in her so cool voice said "Sure!" Best moment: she stood shoulder to shoulder with me for the pic. Bad moment: appointed camera guy couldn't find the shutter button on my camera. Good moment: I got to stand next to Amanda a few seconds longer! Ok, photo op over, and consummate hostess that she is, she sent me off with a smile and a thank you. Or maybe I said thank you as she smiled and I tottered off with my precious keepsake and a warm fizzy high that hasn't quite gone yet!

    That she could welcome each of us so charmingly and make us all feel special, well, that's special. I couldn't begin to acquire the stamina my facial muscles would need to smile so sincerely for so long! But Amanda's never wavered; she had something nice and appropriate to say to each of us and some even got her to laugh out loud. *fangirl sigh*

    The autograph table was right by the entrance leading onto the Rockefeller Plaza, a convenient entry and exit position. Panel screens showed running clips of the preview around and behind her. A bit tricky to get shots with flash (which was necessary) without bounce-back glare from the screens but a nice back drop for her. Did I say how striking her dark hair is on her?

    All told it was the most exciting sequence of events for me! I'll never forget being so close to the cast of SANCTUARY and getting a personal thank you from the reigning Queen of Sci-Fi.

    Just sayin', now how about that Paley Center season finale screening, eh? Oh, and for all my fellow Samandans who saw her at the AT1,2,3 affairs: I so know how addicting it feels to be around her! I’ve seen the light! Did she have to be so nice? Yes, ‘cause that’s Amanda Tapping! Oh, and kudos to all the diligent premiere and signing fans, your photos and reports rock!
    Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1 View Post
    Yes, and she signed it for us, with a smile! *fangirl sigh*

    Just sayin', a more gracious celebrity is hard to find.
    Originally posted by prion View Post
    Oh yes, most definitely, and I owe you a photo, right? See, my brain is already frying from the train ride home.

    Meanwhile, I did an extensive accounting of Amanda's appearance, including exclusives photos (over 30) and video snippets, at

    Originally posted by parsifal View Post
    Originally posted by trinity23 View Post
    Great Photos Prion! I saw Amanda on Thursday and Friday as well. I felt a little out of place Thursday night at the Paley Center, all the photographers and news people made me feel out of place, but I really enjoyed myself and thought it was a great panel.

    Friday was fantastic. When I called the NBC studio they said it would start at 10 so I got there at 9:50am. Didn't start until 10:30am so by the time I saw Amanda my hands were freezing. I shook Amanda's hand and apologized for the cold hands - she grabbed my hand back and rubbed it between her own to warm them up! Bliss! Highlight of my week.
    Originally posted by bikerchic1977 View Post
    I'll add a few pics I took to the thread...

    The promo poster at the entrance...

    a pic of the line behind us for quite a while...

    finally, someone else showed up behind us none other than Pierre Bernard bearing roses..

    once inside, Amanda was right there...

    Sanctuary here, Sanctuary there, Sanctuary EVERYWHERE!

    The signatures... One on the promo pic, one on an original copy of the Sanctuary scripts from the webisodes..
    Originally posted by morjana View Post
    This live journal has three reports on the Paley Center and NBC Store Experience events:

    Paley Center - Part 1

    Paley Center - Part 2

    NBC Experience Store
    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
    Nice reports, thanks! I was at both events, too.

    Btw, here's a mini album of photos that I took of Amanda at the NBC Experience store last week:

    Originally posted by prion View Post

    has 9 photos from the NYC Sanctuary premiere



      OK, you're all probably wondering why I post ALL those old posts, well there's a good reason for that, you see, the other day, I had an EPIPHANY!

      I put together a lot of stories told right here on Samanda, and also those last few posts where from the "Amanda Tapping Public Appearance NYC thread". I put all these posts together to make a point, I even put some of my own posts to add to that point, also to sort of reflect on the kind of person Amanda is, and what she means to so many of us, and more importantly, all the stories you guys have told of her and how you felt at the time. I hope I didn't go overboard . All those stories where told by you guys, people who've met her, they'll beautifully and they all have one thing in common: They all talk about how UNBELIEVABLY normal, caring, cool, compassionate kind, nice, relatable, understanding, sweet, and most importantly, how she is to her fans. She actually stays even after the cons are over because she wants to make sure all the fans that came to see her are happy . I was a little-- OK, very bummed out thinking I would never meet Amanda, I guess I felt sad and all because I've seen pics of all you guys with her, read your stories and what not, and I even said I'd like to meet her before she "gets old" . I felt down, and I didn't feel happy , then BOOM, something happened, something that gave me what I needed, something that made me feel good , I was going through some of your profiles, and a lot of your avatars were pics of you and Amanda, and some of them had her autographs . And then I realized-- I actually said a lot loud (I think ) "I want that, I really, REALLY want that!" I want nothing more than to shake her hand, see her smile and laugh in person, ask her things, get her auto, a hug, and maybe a kiss . And as for her "getting old", WHO CARES, she's still and always will be Amanda Tapping . I mean look at Rick, he's like 58, and they're are people meeting now for the first time, and he's as cool, and funny, and the same man he's always been.

      Also, a few days ago my cousin died in a truck accident, he was 22, not much older than me, he had his whole life ahead of him, in fact, he was getting married early next year . Remember that dream I had saying I was at AT4, and that I had my eyes opened? Well they've been opened again, the right way, also, remember that time I said I could afford to go to most cons with Amanda but I said I wouldn't because I was scared, and you guys replied to me saying I can't be scared? Well, that's why I also put those posts in there too, Sky, as you probably read in your post above, you listed a whole bunch of reasons I should go, and why I shouldn't be all nervous, Rderoch, you told me I'd have support from you and my follow Samandans, and my good buddy Falcon, you told me my life wouldn't be complete unless I met her... YOU WERE RIGHT!

      After my cousins death, and all the kind and encouraging words you guys told me, I realized that I only have 1 life, and when I'm 70 and I'm looking back, I want to look at at Opportunities spend, not Opportunities missed. Which is why I WILL see Amanda one of these days , and I will try to go to AT5 or AT6 if I can . And why stop there? I'll try to go to CC, GC, Vancouver Con, which is the closest to where I live. And not just for Amanda, but for all you guys, my closest friends, I know you'll help me out, and I know you'll keep me on my feet . I just hope to see as many of you as I can, I want to talk with you guys without having to click "Submit reply".

      I will have an Amanda story of my own to tell one day . You hear that--


      Last edited by Rocky89; 24 November 2008, 11:13 AM.


        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

        (respectfully snipped)

        I will have an Amanda story of my own to tell one day . You that--

        good for you, rocky!!


        ps- hugs about your loss



          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          good for you, rocky!!


          ps- hugs about your loss
          "respectfully snipped" Thanks

          And thanks Sally , that means a lot . I also hope I can see you at one of those cons .


            Originally posted by Melora View Post
            Is it grav_ity's "The Price of Admiralty"?


            The first ficlet is really sweet and the second is just really funny.

            It's one of my favorite / fics. Does anyone know of any more Sam/Thor friendship fics?
            That's it! I'd forgotten there were two stories, thank you. Now saved to my hard drive so that I can find them next time.



              Wow Rocky .... talk about spamming ....

              Glad you decided to go to a convention though. If you want to go to the next Vancouver con (where Amanda will be), you better hurry up with getting a ticket, because they just send out e-mails that it was almost sold out. Here.


                have fun at whatever con you choose, rocky
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Rocky, your desire to meet Amanda one day is clear, but what is preventing you from attending one of the many Cons she will be headlining next year? I know you'd have a blast, not only meeting her but hanging out with all the fans as well.


                    Hey Everyone,

                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    I AM GOING TO MEET AMANDA!
                    Yay Rocky!!
                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                    Rocky, your desire to meet Amanda one day is clear, but what is preventing you from attending one of the many Cons she will be headlining next year? I know you'd have a blast, not only meeting her but hanging out with all the fans as well.
                    Yeah Rocky you could come to AT4 hopefully some of us Samandns will get tickets, it is great fun and we can be nervous together, I know this is going to sound strange but being nervous can be/is part of the fun. I know what ever Con you decide to go to you'll have a blast! And *hugs* for your loss too.

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                      I AM GOING TO MEET AMANDA!
                      Pfft, finally...

                      Good luck on deciding which con you want to go to.


                        Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                        I've noticed better mileage in summer as well. I'm assuming it's the affect of the cold on the batteries.

                        I've never owned a gas mower. Right now I have a rechargable electric and a push mower. I've recycled since I was a kid. Most of the world stopped doing it in the 80's, but I would always save the stuff up and drive to the recycling center with a trunk full. Unfortunately, they eliminated our curbside recycling, so now I'm back to driving to the center.

                        Every little bit helps. It sounds like you have a pretty small footprint.
                        Ya, I have tiny feet.

                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        Love it! I always thought they named the ship after Daniel as a tribute after his death. On the other hand they named a ship after O'Neill and he didn't die. Sam certainly did more for them than any other human and she worked closely with them.

                        I contend that Thor wanted to name his ship Samantha but the high council rejected the idea b/c they frowned on his unseemly attachment to the human woman.
                        You're such a shipper!

                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        Besides recycling everything I can think of, and driving somewhat less than I used to, I'm also using canvas tote bags when I go to the grocery instead of letting them put my groceries in plastic or paper bags. Took me awhile to remember to put the canvas bag in the car and leave it there so I'd take it into the store with me when I went grocery shopping, but I'm pretty well trained now. Plus, I have a bunch of plain canvas tote bags that I'm going to paint pictures on and keep one or two as well as give away as Christmas presents so other people might use them instead of plastic/paper grocery bags. Plus, whenever I buy one or two smallish items or even 1 medium sized item, I tell them I don't need a bag since I'd just throw it away when I got home - clerks always seem a bit surprised when I say that since they're ready to whip out a bag to put one little item into, and it's such a waste.

                        Re the Asgard naming something after Sam - maybe they didn't all disappear when they blew up their planet. Maybe they secretly got to another (secret) planet, which they've named "Samantha" or "SamanthaCarter", and Thor is still alive and Chairman of her hall of fame there. She deserves something that big as recognition - after all, she's really done more for the Asgard than anybody else on earth has

                        I have quite the collection of reusable bags myself. There is one town in Canada, Lynn Lake, that has banned the use of plastic bags.

                        Rocky, so sorry to hear about your cousin but it is some consolation that it has served as a lesson to not let life pass you by.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          Wow Rocky .... talk about spamming ....

                          Glad you decided to go to a convention though. If you want to go to the next Vancouver con (where Amanda will be), you better hurry up with getting a ticket, because they just send out e-mails that it was almost sold out. Here.
                          I'll admit, it may seem like spamming, but I thought ALL those posts would help illustrate my point . Besides, I thought it'd be great to see a lot of happy Amanda stories in one place .

                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          have fun at whatever con you choose, rocky
                          Thanks Sky. *High five*

                          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                          Rocky, your desire to meet Amanda one day is clear, but what is preventing you from attending one of the many Cons she will be headlining next year? I know you'd have a blast, not only meeting her but hanging out with all the fans as well.
                          Well it's kinda complicated, because well............. I don't have my G2 (full drivers licence) .

                          I will though soon, I've just never found time to get it. I do have my G1, so that's cool. besides, I'm still a *little* young, apparently I got to be a *little* older until I can travel myself . But don't worry, soon I'll be going to more con than you can count, I'll be like Amanda's shadow . LOL.

                          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                          Hey Everyone,

                          Yay Rocky!!

                          Yeah Rocky you could come to AT4 hopefully some of us Samandans will get tickets, it is great fun and we can be nervous together, I know this is going to sound strange but being nervous can be/is part of the fun. I know what ever Con you decide to go to you'll have a blast! And *hugs* for your loss too.

                          Thank you Julia . Well, I definitely can't come to AT4 , but hopefully AT5 or 6 . By then I'll be older, and I can travel alone . And maybe one day if they have another premiere at CC I'll be there . Could you imagine?

                          There's just one thing though, as I told Chelle, if I do go to AT5 or 6, I to see as many of you guys there, my follow Samandans and Sanctuarians . I hope you'll don't tease me about being a newbie, and I hope you'll don't throw me at Amanda. Just kidding, I trust y'all, I need you guys there to help keep me on my feet and to keep me from running away-- literally .

                          Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                          Pfft, finally...

                          Good luck on deciding which con you want to go to.
                          I can picture your face when I saw the light .

                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Rocky, so sorry to hear about your cousin but it is some consolation that it has served as a lesson to not let life pass you by.
                          You're right, he had his whole life ahead, and was gonna get married. And my other cousin, he has a long list of things he wants to do before he dies. Some of those he's done, like skydiving, climb a mountain, running with the bulls, and so on. He does those things because he wants to, he wants to fulfill his life, and I WANT nothing more than to meet Amanda, and all you guys too .
                          Last edited by Rocky89; 19 November 2008, 06:47 AM.


                            Not old enough? Dude, I'm currently running with the idea that I am (to AT4), and you're [slightly] older than I am.


                              I want you remember that you don't have to forget to vote for Amanda Tapping on
                              She has 61 votes now but she can get more !

                              The site exist also in English : look on the right : sprache / language .
                              There you can choose English .


                                Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                                Not old enough? Dude, I'm currently running with the idea that I am (to AT4), and you're [slightly] older than I am.
                                You're younger than me?!

                                Cool .

