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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    LOL, perhaps you shouldn't have guacamole(sp?) before you go to bed
    I didn't have an quacamole last night.
    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


      Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post

      That makes more sense, in as far as her career goes, but the patch is deceptive...

      on another topic, I watched the new sanctuary ep yesterday (new to the uk) loved it
      Yep, I loved it to, another great ep!
      Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
      Some of you might get a kick out of dream from last night: Amanda Tapping vs. Vampires

      What?! It's Amanda me. Also, don't ask why...just accept it.
      LOL, I never get Amanda related dreams, but I'm quite glad I didn't have this one.

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
        Sorry I haven't been here lately. Been busy trying to sell the house and other things, but I have to say that I've really enjoy seeing AT on Sanctuary. It's been a long time since I've actually looked forward to watching anything on SciFi.

        I hope that the series will last a long time or as much time that AT wishes it to be.


        Happy Birthday AD!!!
        And a belated Happy B-day to those I've missed since being here last.
        Nice to see you back! I have the same hope.

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        I can't believe I forgot Agent Dark's birthday. And I was supposed to bring the cake too. Colonel O'Neill will be ticked.

        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
        According to Amanda's website, she's going to be really busy with conventions in 2009. 2 conventions down under have been added
        That's great. SO happy for her fans down under!

        Haven't caught up yet so I may see it later today but can't wait for Chelle's reaction.

        Originally posted by PengYn/


        A week or so ago I asked everyone to cross fingers, eyes, toes etc for me because I had an entrance exam to a programme at a really great school. Just wanted to thank everyone so much for that and also to let you know that I got in!!
        Edited for space but loved your story.

        Congrats on the OT news!

        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
        Heresy, Sky, heresy! Amanda said it's all about the boobs!
        Hey, nice to see you. Your first post in forever and you mention boobs. It must be all about the boobs.

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        I really hope to make it to the Chicago convention, which would be my first one.
        One more reason to regret I'm not going to Chicago. Hope you make it there.

        Originally posted by morjana View Post
        SciFi Talk: Amanda Tapping Audio Interview - Oct. 20 9:30 pm:

        Originally posted by Alan View Post
        I've just seen those! Amanda looks great! I can't wait to see her in the episode!

        And they're still teasing us! We still can't see what the SG badge is on her arm!

        OT here regarding Paul Davies (may possibly contain spoilers):
        But it does look to me like he's finally been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Long overdue!
        Good catch, I hadn't noticed that.

        Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
        whoa my first post in this thread anyway Alan regarding Sam and the EatG pics...
        spoilers for the Atlantis season finale!!!

        I think it's an SG team badge. more pics...

        SG-1 badge

        SGC badge

        WELCOME! it's about time!

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post

          One more reason to regret I'm not going to Chicago. Hope you make it there.
          Aw, come on EH-T. (insert evil voice) Join Us.

          How far is it from where you are?
          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
          William Shakespeare

          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


            Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
            Some of you might get a kick out of dream from last night: Amanda Tapping vs. Vampires

            What?! It's Amanda me. Also, don't ask why...just accept it.

            Crosses, wooden stakes, holy water, and when all else fails.. sunlight. j/k.

            I loved the story on you LJ, by the way.

            I know, watched way too much Buffy.


              People's Choice Awards 2009 Nominees Poll!

              I'm a registered member of the People's Choice Awards site at:


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              There are are numerous categories, but one of them is Favorite SciFi TV Show -- and the nominees are:

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              And vote for Amanda and Sanctuary!

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                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                Well when I said if anyone wanted to "jump in"... Thanks, Jumper.
                LOL you're welcome

                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                Oh, I definitely think it's an SG team badge...but SG-what? Please, please, please don't say that TPTB sent her back as being SG-1's 2iC after a years astonishing success as Atlantis' C.O.! She deserves far, far better than to be answering to Mitchell again. If TPTB have done that I will be royally peeved! And if you thought I was peeved by the way she was written out of Stargate: Atlantis and never mentioned again (or if she was then I don't remember)...well watch out. I will be
                I agree, having her back on SG-1 would be pretty stupid but I have faith in TPTB

                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                Well, I think according to Joe's blog, in Enemy at the Gate Carter is going to be in her new command position, so I don't think she'll be back to being on SG-1 as 2IC or CO, since I highly doubt they are going to take command of the team away from Mitchell.
                yeah they won't do that. also remember Cam's been promoted too so it wouldn't make sense

                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                My take on the pics
                On Joe's blog yesterday, he posted a behind the scenes pic of the SGC briefing room, and on the monitor in the background it looks like something, maybe a Wraith ship, is headed towards Earth.
                you're talking about this pic, right?

                I noticed that too. also check out the screen in the back of this pic, looks like a ship (Wraith?) over Europe

                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                My guess is that Sheppard comes to the SGC to warn them about the Wraith in the MW, and then Sam has to take a 304 to destroy the approaching ship(s).

                There's probably a good bit of wishful thinking in that guess (since it doesn't quite jive with the SG team patch), but I really want her to be a ship commander.
                I'd like that. of course TPTB would have to explain the absence of the Daedalus, Apollo and Odyssey. Sam in command of a 304 would make sense imo

                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                There is another theory. After Atlantis she may have gone back to SG-1 (but still a shame she went back to being a 2iC again if that is the case) but just because she's wearing the SG team patch in those Enemy at the Gate pics at those moments does not necessarily mean she's not in the middle of transferring to a new command position. There's bound to be more pics with Sam in. They may show her displaying a new patch on her uniform from a later point in the episode.
                see that's thing. has she assumed her new command position before EatG and if not, what did she do after S&R?

                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                Joe said in his blog that we'd find out in the finale what Sam's new command position is. If he's said it then it *must* be happening.

                Maybe there's hope.
                Joe wouldn't lie to us (though I'm sure some Teyla fans would disagree ), he indeed answered a question regarding Sam's new command. we'll definitely find out in EatG

                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Sam in EatG:
                JM also, if IIRC, made that comment about finding out Sam's 'new' command position to appease us Samandans who were upset about her losing the Atlantis command in the way she did. I'm fairly sure JM isn't quite so clueless as to think Sam's going back to being in command of a single SG team (not to mention the ridiculousness of her going back to being a co-commander) would make any Sam fan happy. Since I can't seen any benefit even he would derive from making us happy for a few months and then REALLY REALLY upset, I'm fairly certain when he said 'new' command he meant a really new command or I don't think he'd have said anything at all and let the explosion after S&R die off without setting up an even bigger one for after EatG.... But I could be wrong and maybe JM doesn't understand fans and fandom as well as I think he does.
                nah I think you're right. Joe said
                Smiley_face06 writes: “Thanks for answeing my question about Ba’al. It makes me feel better knowing Sam isn’t sulking after being relieved of command in Atlantis.”

                Answer: One of the things we wanted to make sure of was that Carter’s being relieved of the Atlantis command isn’t seen as a demotion because, as our team pointed out in The Seed, she was actually a victim of her own success. As such, the next time we see Carter (in episode 20), she’ll have assumed another command position.

                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                And from the pics, it looks like Sam is wearing heavy make-up and earrings, which she doesn't typically do when in that uniform. Which seems to me to imply she might not have been at the SGC working originally, and might have gotten called in (possibly beamed in?) last minute to deal with the crisis. The uniform may just have been one she happened to have there and may, in fact, have no bearing on what she is normally doing when on duty wherever it is she is normally on duty at. Which is just wild speculation, of course, but isn't all of this?

                So, to summarize, my best guess is - we know nothing *sigh*
                Back to lurking.. which I'm terrible at once I've opened my big mouth...
                hm that's an interesting explanation. anyway Joe also said
                10. How likely are crossovers from SG-1 in the first SGA movie?

                It’s very possible that we’ll have, at the very least, limited crossover. Given the story we’ve been spinning, it would make sense to see Carter, Daniel, and Teal’c pay Atlantis a visit.

                what kind of position would make sense? certainly not co-command of SG-1

                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                WELCOME! it's about time!
                yeah I thought so too thanks
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  LOL, I never get Amanda related dreams, but I'm quite glad I didn't have this one.
                  I normally don't remember any dreams I have. It's not bizarre for any of my fav celebs to show up in my dreams but since I'm not a big fan of vampires (the really mean freaky looking kind, not like Angel or Moonlight) that was the bizarre part for me.

                  Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                  Crosses, wooden stakes, holy water, and when all else fails.. sunlight. j/k.

                  I loved the story on you LJ, by the way.

                  I know, watched way too much Buffy.
                  Yeah, but when the dream is more like Underworld where it's all dark and what not, kinda hard to find sunlight. Glad you liked the story.
                  I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                    Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                    you're talking about this pic, right?

                    I noticed that too. also check out the screen in the back of this pic, looks like a ship (Wraith?) over Europe
                    Oh cool! I hadn't noticed the background of that second picture. Well spotted.

                    I'd like that. of course TPTB would have to explain the absence of the Daedalus, Apollo and Odyssey. Sam in command of a 304 would make sense imo
                    Not necessarily, I think at least Caldwell is suppose to be in the finale, so the Daedalus may be involved, though probably in the Pegasus galaxy. Good point about the Apollo and Odyssey though.



                      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                      Aw, come on EH-T. (insert evil voice) Join Us.

                      How far is it from where you are?
                      Would love to. Always wanted to see Chicago. Then there's you and jckfn and someone named Amanda. Plus Chicago is actually closer to me than Vancouver BUT a) I have already bought a ticket to Vancouver b) I've promised family and friends I'm coming c) they have as well and d) I have hopes of going to AT4. For someone who had never been to a con until last year, three in one year might be overdoing it. Besides, Canadian dollars don't grow on trees and it is currently dropping like a stone compared to the US greenback.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                        Oh cool! I hadn't noticed the background of that second picture. Well spotted.

                        Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                        Not necessarily, I think at least Caldwell is suppose to be in the finale, so the Daedalus may be involved, though probably in the Pegasus galaxy. Good point about the Apollo and Odyssey though.
                        ah yes I forgot about Caldwell. btw (major spoiler regarding Caldwell in EatG)
                        IIRC MP said his character would survive.
                        anyway you're right, the Daedalus might be in the PG. as for the Apollo and Odyssey, they'd probably be somewhere in the MG
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          did I kill the thread?

                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                            Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                            Well, you're going on and on about spoilers, and I... ooo pretty picture.



                              Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                              Well, you're going on and on about spoilers, and I... ooo pretty picture.

                              err wrong thread
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                                err wrong thread
                                *wipes drool* Wah?.....

