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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Heh EH-T, we'll all be up late on Friday watching and then discussing Sanctuary in front of the fireplace. Will certainly save you a scone. Just remember to step lightly over the sleeping cat in front of the fireplace. Who else will be there at our Sanctuary Home-away-from-Home this Friday night for the First Night of Sanctuary??? Plenty of room, food, drink and good fellowship all around.

    You go Amanda!!!

    And, whew, Morjana, you have been one busy person sharing all the news and vids about Amanda and Sanctuary. We have a special, comfy chair just for you so you can relax and enjoy Sanctuary with all of us.


      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      So maybe you shouldn't go away! (I missed most of it too). Excellent reminder of the motto. My other thought was that people should think "What would Amanda do?" and act according.
      Unfortunately the answer to that question seemed to have been up for debate as well.



        I don't really post much so I hope this is kosher.

        I have an extra ticket for a Sanctuary Event for Thursday in New York City. Amanda Tapping will be there. I'm not selling it, just want it to be used.


        E-Mail, PM or whatever people do here.

        Just hate to waste the ticket. These events are really small. I went to a Battlestar Galactica event here and quite literally sat next to President Roslin (Mary McDonnell). We hugged. It was nice.

        Please spread the word to other places if appropriate.

        [email protected]


          Originally posted by mighty_squid View Post

          I don't really post much so I hope this is kosher.

          I have an extra ticket for a Sanctuary Event for Thursday in New York City. Amanda Tapping will be there. I'm not selling it, just want it to be used.


          E-Mail, PM or whatever people do here.

          Just hate to waste the ticket. These events are really small. I went to a Battlestar Galactica event here and quite literally sat next to President Roslin (Mary McDonnell). We hugged. It was nice.

          Please spread the word to other places if appropriate.

          [email protected]
          Welcome. Feel free to come and post anytime.

          Very kind of you to offer your ticket. Sadly, I'm way too far from NY to take advantage but I'm sure you'll be able to find someone. There is a Sanctuary thread as well so you should post there too.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            for all the 'minor shippers' amongst us

            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              ok, friday night, how do YOU plan to watch sanctuary?

              oh, and by the way, i just saw a promo for it air in Heroes
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                I'd love to see her on Oprah too...maybe we can write to Op[rah...just a thought!!
                I wish I could have seen all the video's but alas my computer likes to start downloading but just won't finish...I swear...this computer is male!! Well I know it was assembled by a male!!
                Sorry to all the males out there who might be offended by that...I assure you, I do not mean to offend!!

                Night all, take care, have fun and stay safe!!
                That's a great idea Chelle. I'd love to see Amanda on Oprah, but I'd kinda love to see her on Ellen more. Think of the fun they'd have. Oh and, good luck with your "male" computer *wink*.

                OT stuff:
                We were chatting about dad's cancer on Saturday night and mum informs us that he has one brain tumor, one on his neck and two on his arm...he has to have a PET scan to find out if there are any more of the little suckers in his body. Radiation starts next week. Of course mum is remaining totally optimistic about it all whereas I have taken a much more pessimistic view and don't see this as being a good thing. I'm not dwelling on it but I have a feeling that I think he'll be getting patch up treatment and that he's pretty much out of remission and he'll fight this til he dies. I don't know....who knows!
                So anyway, Saturday night hubby plays a prank on me and feigns illness and pretends to almost fall out of bed...this stem back to about a year ago when he actually did fall out of bed, unconscious, and scared the living daylights outa me...anyhoo, he pretends to do the same thing again and now I don't sleep well at night in fear of him falling out of bed. I think I woke up last night at least a half dozen times and tried to yank him into the middle of the bed...and I'm talking in my sleep to the point where I wake myself up...I'm sooo gonna kick his butt!! But hopefully the announcement of the AT4 date will lull me into a sweet and pleasant dream filled sleep!!! Hubby can fall out of bed for all I care...if I start dreaming about AT4 or Amanda...I ain't waking up for no one!!!!
                Oh Chelle
                *Hugs, hugs, hugs* Hope your family is doing well, and we hope that your well to . And remember, you've always got a place to talk-- here . Oh and, good luck with the AT dream too, I wouldn't want to wake up either .

                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                Rocky, you're incorrigible.
                Am I? Should I change the sighs from "more" to "most"? HAHAHAHA, Just kidding I can name 7 people here who loves Amanda as much as me .

                Originally posted by Edb View Post
                Hey there all! Now that the dust has settled.....................on our Sanctuary Home-away-from Home we are ready for a GO THIS FRIDAY!!!!

                The huge wood burning fireplace is done and has a stack of firewood ready to go for Friday's Sanctuary. Lots of sofas, chairs, and pillows are nestled in the room for much discussion chats after Sanctuary. In the Large TV room with the extra large PLASMA TV we have tons of seatings for all Samandans. Off that room is the extra large kitchen which has foods from around the world, hot and cold beverages to suit every Samandan's fancy. The Liquor Cabinet is well stocked --at least it was the last time I looked. We have our Cabinet of International Chocolates filled with world-wide goodies to make any Samadan fat and sassy. Plenty of bedrooms with extra cots, sleeping bags, pillows, etc. are available upstairs for fun sleepovers. Easy there, Samandans, I saw that glint of evil thoughts in some of your eyes. Sam the cat is already dozing in front of the fireplace, Tracy or own Trollop is here and ready for ah... trolloping (hey, it's what she does) and the oven is ready to bake our own Official Sanctuary Snack, "Scone?!"

                After all this time WE ARE SO READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                I call 'Dibs' on the big, blue recliner!

                Go AT
                Aw, you guys are so lucky , you guys have each other to watch it with, I only got myself . I want to watch it with someone . But hey, I'm just happy for Amanda and you guys at least I can still talk about it here .

                Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1 View Post
                Steppin' through for a message:


                Just sayin', great week to have a birthday - Amanda's coming to NYC!
                I'm so happy for Amanda, she's got to see the Continuum premiere in Vancouver in HD, and at CC on the USS Midway, and now her she's going to NYC for her own premiere for her own show. Wow, this really has been a big and and great year for her, and I hope next year will be even better .

                Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                Hey y'all. I just finished watching those 2 videos of Amanda where she talked about Sanctuary, Sam-Jack, and some small personal info.

                I remember her saying something about working hours 14-18. But what a week, a day? That last part I didn't understand so much. Something about working and 14-18. Can somebody clearify that one thing please. Yep Autumn starts and apprently it had this influence on me where I go ask a lot of questions on this forum. lol

                I agree on what Olivia said there. And I look forward to Sanctuary too.
                Originally posted by Edb View Post
                Afternoon to least it is here. Sounds like Amanda's been working 14-18 hours a day on Sanctuary!!! Busy women, very busy woman!
                Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                Thanx Edb. Up till 18 hrs !!! Wow respect. That only leaves us at 6 hours, I mean, how can she sleep? Huge respect. And I'm glad she has so many fans who support her.

                I couldn't do it.

                Amanda: we love you! Have fun in NYC. Take some VERY WELL DESERVED R&R
                Well said you two *high five*. I can't believe the poor lady works 14-18 hours a day , if she keeps going like this, when the dark hair starts going away, it's not blonde hair that'll come back . And I thought last year was a busy year for her, yikes, she was 200% right in the vid when she said doing both Atlantis and Sanctuary would have been impossible, it would have, I mean look at this past year. And again, wow, 14-18 hours a day? I couldn't do it either, the longest I've ever worked at my store is 12 hours, and that was from 7am-7pm, but Amanda, again yikes, how does she do it? You're right Edb, very busy woman, and you're right too Daivy, I have huge respect for her, and remember, she doing it all for the fans *wink* I just hope now she can take a-- as you said, a VERY WELL DESERVED R&R break. And oh, I agree with you about one more thing, Amanda must have gotten such a big boost of confidence when she heard Olivia say Sanctuary's the plan. Olivia's stamp of approval says Amanda .


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  ok, friday night, how do YOU plan to watch sanctuary?

                  Um, I'm going to put a bunch of warning signs on my door that basically say that if you so much as look in my room, you're dead. I think I might turn my computer off too.


                    i'll probably be in a chatroom with some friends
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      I unfortunatly will be at work. I wonder if they're planning on putting it up on the scifi website the day after it airs like they do for some other shows. I really want to see it!
                      sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
                      I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.



                        it's gonna repeat like a good half dozen times during the next week
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
                          I unfortunatly will be at work. I wonder if they're planning on putting it up on the scifi website the day after it airs like they do for some other shows. I really want to see it!
                          Amanda said in an interview that they might put them on the site, but nothing as been said beyond that.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            ok, friday night, how do YOU plan to watch sanctuary?

                            oh, and by the way, i just saw a promo for it air in Heroes
                            An interesting way for me . You see, since my family doesn't know about me and Amanda, I have to keep it a secret . So come Oct 3 at 9:00, I'm going to put it on channel 201 (The Movie Network) downstairs, leave it on the entire time and not change the channel once even for the commercials, for ratings purposes , but since I have to keep my relationship hidden from my family (I'm too shy ) I'm gonna leave it on the channel, but I'm gonna be taping the show, and watching a DVD on my player . That way, I'm taping the show, I'm helping it's ratings by it being on the channel, my secret stays secret because the TV will be on a DVD, and I watch the show afterwards upstairs alone . The things I do for Amanda, I love it, and her .


                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                              An interesting way for me . You see, since my family doesn't know about me and Amanda, I have to keep it a secret . So come Oct 3 at 9:00, I'm going to put it on channel 201 (The Movie Network) downstairs, leave it on the entire time and not change the channel once even for the commercials, for ratings purposes , but since I have to keep my relationship hidden from my family (I'm too shy ) I'm gonna leave it on the channel, but I'm gonna be taping the show, and watching a DVD on my player . That way, I'm taping the show, I'm helping it's ratings by it being on the channel, my secret stays secret because the TV will be on a DVD, and I watch the show afterwards upstairs alone . The things I do for Amanda, I love it, and her .
                              Love yah Rocky, but sorry, that seems little stupid to me. Just watch it. I know for a FACT that I'll be squealing the entire time (did so at least twice watching the sneak peak), and I don't give a crap what anyone thinks.


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                ok, friday night, how do YOU plan to watch sanctuary?

                                oh, and by the way, i just saw a promo for it air in Heroes
                                Well it will be the middle of Saturday here and I'll be hanging round the computer waiting anxiously.

                                Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post

                                Um, I'm going to put a bunch of warning signs on my door that basically say that if you so much as look in my room, you're dead. I think I might turn my computer off too.
                                LOL, I've already warned my entire family that I am unavailable on Saturday. Thankfully they are usually considerate and will leave me alone and I suppose it helps that half of them have gone away for the school holidays

