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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    OK, now, let's talk about Comic Con and pics. Let's start with Tracy and Amanda

    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    Hi everyone!

    I'm back from San Diego and it was awesome! I was in the lucky number that got to see the Continuum premiere. It's even more special, as Continuum isn't out in the UK yet. Great film, I suggest you all go and buy it. There's a lot of great little continuity bits in there.

    Loved the Sanctuary panel AND the continuum panel. Had a lot of fun, met lots of people and am still sulking that Sunny couldn't come and play.

    This is one happy trolloping panda!

    Huge props go out to the wonderful, lovely lady in charge of the Stargate booth. She managed to sort me and Amanda (and many others, I'm sure) out with tickets to the continuum premiere and tie signing, for which I'm eternally grateful.
    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

    I took the full outfit to comic con and wore it on the Friday for the Sanctuary panel. Anyone who watched sci-fi's coverage may have noticed a certain blonde wig and a certain brunette commenting that "the trollop's trolloping."

    The whole premiere atmosphere was magical. We arrived at about 5.30pm and sat queueing. Everyone was really excited and couldn't wait to get up on the flight deck. At about 7pm, the stars started arriving. They got out their limos and everyone was snapping. When Amanda got out, her fans managed to get pictures, whilst everyone else was stood going, "Who's the cute brunette and why's she here?" I kid you not, there were a lot of confused people.

    We got up onto the flight deck and passed everyone on the red carpet, but we weren't allowed to hover and take pictures, as much as I would have liked to. The screen was set up against the mast and they put on drinks and snacks for us all. I had my very first pretzel at the Stargate premiere!

    When it got dark, that's when it all kicked off. Martin and Brad introduced the film and as the credits came up, people cheered for the actors. We made sure Amanda got the loudest cheer. She was surprised and looked over, grinned and made some sort of gesture.

    Watching the film with other fans was great because everyone laughed and cheered in the right places. Don got a round of applause as well.

    After the show finished, some of the actors hung around a bit. I said hi to Amanda, who kind of went, "Aren't you on the wrong continent?" Ryan (Robbins) saw me speaking to her and went, "Oh no, here comes trouble" to which Amanda replied, "Don't I know it" or something similar. Got a photo with the two of them. She also commented on my hat (I was wearing my Sanctuary cap).

    Spoke to Martin and Brad briefly as well. Brad was saying how he's certain there will be a third film and he's glad everyone enjoyed this one and how he was really glad the fans could be involved with the premiere.

    It was just completely magical. We were saying on this thread a few weeks ago about how we would chop limbs off just to get to go to this premiere and how it would be a fan's dream. And there we were. It didn't cost us limbs, just an apophis tattoo on
    our foreheads!
    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    As Promised:

    This was the invite for the premiere

    The USS Midway


    That's the big screen at sunset

    Non-Amanda Stars

    Amanda Goodness

    And me...

    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    Ok, SDCC pictures.

    They're all on my Facebook. For those that are friends of mine over there, there are several albums - Stargate Panel, Stargate Premiere, Sanctuary, Ryan Robbins, Famous people, Infamous people, Best of the Rest.

    So I don't embarrass people too much, the links below are for the Sanctuary and Stargate panels. You've already seen all the pictures of the stars from the premiere.

    Continuum Panel
    Sanctuary Panel

    one last picture that made me squee like a madwoman, though...

    Originally posted by antoa View Post
    I'm still alive! And finally caught up. I skimmed most of it, but it was great seeing on the squeeing over pics from Comic Con.

    What a fabulous weekend. Exhausting. I am still not recovered.

    The premiere and the panels (Sanctuary and Continuum) were the highlight.

    I even managed to get my new drawing signed after the Sanctuary panel!

    I have pictures (the ones that my camera didn't eat and audio recordings and such. Hopefully I'll be able to get them online this weekend.
    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
    Wow, lucky you! Did you bring the wig to Comic Con?! Hehehehe. Once you overcome jet lag, tell us more about being on the Midway with AT and RDA etc. Did you get a chance to speak with Amanda? Seeing Continuum on a big screen has to be quite a thrill - its special effects are amazing.

    Happy for you.
    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW I agree with ChopinGal, you guys are so super lucky to have gone to CC and see the Continuum premiere! I'd do anything to go there, see the premiere on a huge ship and screen. Some people get all the luck. *Thumbs up* I'm glad you both had a super time there, and I hope that's something you remember for the rest of your lives. Thanks a lot for the pics of the ship, invite and cast Tracy, those are things to treasure, and if I were you, I'd keep them close and safe. Btw, how did you get the invitation anyway? And way da go Amanda on getting your drawing signed.

    Now lets talk with LilFerret

    Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
    Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
    The last of my Comic Con photos, the SGA case anyone wants to take a look:
    LilFerret, that is awesome! Cool mask, and I loved the little Amanda badge you got there. Oh and thanks sooooooooooo much for putting to all your CC pics together in one big post. Btw, remember when I said you should be Amanda's photographer? I really think you should send her your resume. Or these pics.

    Just a bit more
    Last edited by Rocky89; 06 August 2008, 08:38 PM.


      A little more from CC

      Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
      I updated my blog tonight with a few pictures of AT from the SciFi booth on Friday after the Continuum panel.
      Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
      Updated my blog again with pictures of the Stargate bus wraps from Comic Con
      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
      OK I uploaded the preview. And the audio is now fixed. Here is the video for those that would like to at least see it. Fi.html



      Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
      Thank you so much for the pics!
      Ya know what I really like? The fact that Carter's photo is in the center. Three to the left, three to the right and the star in the center!
      Ha, I didn't look at it that way, good thinking. After all, Amanda is our star.

      Tiny bit more


        Let's talk about Continuum and Amanda, my favorite topic *squee*

        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i got my copy of continuum

        wally world has it for 16.86 on the site, but 19.96 in the store.
        dunno know when i'll watch it since eureka is on tonight, but at least i have it.
        Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
        My copy of continuum is here! yay! I am soo gonna rush home and watch this after work!
        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Just picked up my copy of Continuum. Can't wait until work is done and I can go home and watch!
        Originally posted by tagger View Post
        Woot!! I saw Continuum!! Came in the mail yesterday!

        I loved it!! The show could have totally been on the big screen, in fact, I would have LOVED to see it in a theater with big sounds and big images.

        The beginning was a little confusing/ slow for me (or maybe I was a bit too slow for the beginning :rolleyes, but then the action/ story took off and the entire movie flew by - literally and figuratively.

        I loved the arctic scenes - especially the arctic sun behind Mitchell and Carter, the submarine surging up through the ice choked me up , and then seeing the submarine re-submerging was beautiful. I think I also liked the Arctic scenes since I knew everyone loved filming it so much.

        Lots of funny one-liners. Stargate humor.

        Loved seeing Sam fly a jet, and the whole jet sequences were stunning. Loved the MIGs flying through the gliders and up.

        I have to watch again for the timeline/ time travel hints since I was too busy watching everything else to figure out timelines.

        Overall, I really enjoyed the movie. Decent story, nicely paced, great visuals and action. YAY!!

        Here's hoping for more! And in theaters!

        No new Sanctuary stuff in the Eureka promo??

        Oh well, new stuff soon enough.
        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
        Okay, "the DVD" was waiting on my doorstep after work and I just played it twice, the first time with commentary by Brad Wright and Martin Wood and then the real thing. Also played the featurettes, and I think the Arctic featurette is the best. Some terrific moments with all of them, especially AT and RDA and Ben too. It took a lot of courage to do what they did.

        I guess there's a place on the forum to take the Continuum discussion along with Spoilers but am retiring for the night. I have my thoughts on the movie but will like to see what others are thinking. For someone who's never seen a Stargate episode, it may make a fan of them. More Stargate DVDs sold, more chances of a third movie, eh?

        The movie is full of surprises and it's great that Don S. Davis was a part of this movie.

        Ciao, good night Samandans!
        Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
        So I just watched continuum! It was really cool. Well acted. Decent story. Great effects.
        Really loved seeing Don S. Davis again! MS, AT, CJ and BB did well. Good RDA moments. Watch out for CB's awesome

        And now my theory for Sam's post SGA season 5 command
        Moon base
        Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
        Hi everyone !

        I got my CONTINUUM dvd today yay i'm so excited i havent watched the movie yet but i've watched the special features all i can say so far WOW i so cant wait to watch it and i love the artic stuff i was watching it with my dad today on his lunch break he cant wait to see it yay!

        Oh and today i watched ASCENSION i love this eps and i love seeing Sam and Orlin together he is one cute ancient, boy is Amanda lucky there is one bit that still gets me every time i watch it's the part is when Orlin does the sharing thing with Sam i got the feeling it was more than just showing his feelings for her .

        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
        Since people are now weighing in ... Yes, Continuum is quite a ride. Loved seeing all the oldies but goodies - System Lords. Have to admit that Vala/Q'tesh steals the show and is wicked, wicked good. Ba'al is a perfect companion to her. Their scenes are great and I could see why he wanted a love scene with the two of them - maybe that will come in the next movie, eh? I'm still super sensitive to the Sam/Cam command problem and blinked in the very beginning when ONLY Cam signed some kind of marching orders before SG1 went up the ramp - damn! Why didn't they let Carter co-sign the paperwork so they BOTH looked like team leaders? Small point but that's my worldview and Cam did seem to have more weight at times. However, the overall movie was great and RDA was in fine form, so was Beau Bridges. Daniel's lost limb was believable. Everyone looked older and wiser - alas, don't we all? To think we've spent over ten years with these actors - their loyal fanbase is quite amazing in itself. Amanda in her hooch in the Arctic featurette and RDA's comments throughout are worth the price of the DVD! Totally enjoyable. Buy it - it's one of the best releases from the franchise. I'm still time-travel challenged but they even include a physics prof doing a spot on time travel.

        Amen. Now if TPTB would finally release a blooper reel of the entire series ... aha! The icing on Jack's cake.
        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        'continuum' spoilers

        loved it!!

        as a sam fan, s/j shipper, and stargate sg1 fan, it was wonderful! my only complaint is i wish it were longer.

        *sam was important to this movie! little moments and lines through out the movie made that very clear.

        *sam flew a jet, all by herself!

        *as an s/j shipper, i adored the scene of sam grieiving for jack after his death. as a sam/amanda fan, i loved amanda's acting in that above moment! when mitchell asked her a question and she didn't answer and then said she didn't know, he saw how much in 'shock' she was. amanda was great!!

        *didn't enjoy seeing sam die , but i'm glad it was reversed quickly.

        lots of awesome scenes that i can't wait to replay.


        Well done guys, I could say a lot to what y'all just said, but I think my review pretty much covers it all *thumbs up* I will say this though to Sally

        You and I think alike . It was great seeing Sam more involved in this movie then AOT, it was so cool seeing her fly the F-15 alone, and Amanda did a great job in that scene where Jack dies. And yeah, seeing her die was was the 1 of the 2 bad things in the movie, along with the lady telling Sam she couldn't get a job in the science department . But at least it was all fixed, and everything's the way it was, almost.

        Originally posted by morjana View Post
        I think this was the thread where the discussion of Sam's rank came up in Continuum. I've just watched the movie (again), and paused the dvd to take a screen cap of the cast credits:

        They show BOTH Cam and Sam as Lt. Col's...which is incorrect, as we know Sam is a Colonel when she left SGA to go on the mission (and you very rarely get demoted in the US Military when you're an officer -- you just never get promoted again).

        HOWEVER, they also have Jack's rank incorrect...he's listed as a General - so unless he's promoted twice more, from Maj. General to General, it's wrong. (He'd have to skip Lt. General).

        I left a question on Joe Mallozzi's blog, asking Joe to clarify with RCC about Sam's rank (which I think pertained to AoT only, imo), but so far, no response.
        I agree, their ranks are wrong, but I wouldn't worry too much about it, after all like you said we already know Sam is a full-bird colonel, and it's just the credits, so I wouldn't really worry what words have to say. I mean are you gonna listen to words on screen that says she's a Lt. Col? Or are you gonna listen to what has been said on Atlantis by Sheppard himself, saying that she is a full-bird colonel? Besides, maybe it'll be fixed in the next movie.

        Originally posted by wibbling View Post
        anybody seen this? A few fun bits on filming Continuum.,4239423.story
        Oh that's cool, poor Amanda and they toilet situation . At least the had fun though.

        Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
        Yeah Sometimes I just dont even bother aye.....just takes way too much time....good call

        HEHE I got that movie out from the DVD store just to see Amanda in it Yip Im an Amandaholic.......And proud of it
        I'm like that too sometimes, sometimes if I'm a little far behind I just talk about the big stuff, like I'm doing right now. And I'm glad you bought the movie when you did, I had an asthma attack the day it came out, and I almost didn't go buy it, but I had to because it's Amanda, and I knew she's make me feel better, and she did. And also like you, I'm an even bigger Amandaholic, I'm drunk right now with Amanda love . And proud of it too, no rehab for me. *YAY*

        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        I was just reading an interview with Martin Wood on the Australian Sci-Fi site and thought you might all like to see this part -

        Can you tell us about Sanctuary?
        Well we've just finished shooting the first four hours, and I really think it's something special. I don't think the world's ready for what we're doing here. I wouldn't have moved to Sanctuary if it wasn't for Amanda and the great concept.
        Cool interviews, I'm glad Martin credited Amanda like he did. I'd do the same thing, I'd follow her anyway. Lucky guy.

        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
        Ann, thanks. This was a great interview - sounds like Amanda's good karma is following her onto the new set - Will mentions a sense of "family" and the cast's investment in the product. Now he seems to be part of the FBI and have mother issues ... hmm ... the plain crash in the Himalayas sounds exciting I bet Amanda is a busy, busy woman right now. Can't wait to see how their first season goes.
        That's really good to hear, it's always good to have something like Amanda's karma on your side. I hope more than anything their first season goes well, because a while back, I read something a comment online that scared me to death. And I thought you guys should take a look and maybe put in your 2 cents, you know, cheer me up -It's the 5th comment

        Originally posted by wibbling View Post
        Just noticed a fun fact: the anti-Carter thread is on the last page, and runs to 14 pages... this thread is almost always on the first page, and runs to 4,711 pages, and counting! I think that's a fitting tribute to Amanda, don't you?!
        Agreed, that just goes to show you that they're way more Amanda/Sam lovers than haters. Which I still don't understand how they're could be an Amanda/Sam hater, I just don't get it, I could go to a 1000 forums, meet 1000 AT/Sam haters, read a 1000 anti comments over and over, and I'll honestly never understand how or why anyone can hate her. It's crazy, I mean what's to hate?

        Originally posted by Alan View Post
        Slightly OT and needing to rant a bit:
        Just watching The Seer on Sky One here in the UK at this very moment...and my god Woolsey is so damned annoying! What the hell were TPTB thinking replacing our beloved Sam with *HIM*???? I despair! I really, truly do!
        I agree Alan, I don't hate Woosley, and I really like RP, but I still think Woolsey has a long way to go before he can even come close to measuring up to Sam's very high level.

        Still more to come, yup


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          question of the day:

          part 1: what was the first episode of stargate sg1 that really hooked you on the series and made you absolutely love the show? Not just the first episode you saw and not just when you realized you 'liked' the show. But the episode that made want to join forums and go to conventions and buy the dvds/stuff and watch the series over and over again.

          part 2: what was the first episode that made you really love sam? Not the first, not just 'like' the character. But, made you join this thread, go see at in person, etc.
          Originally posted by jasminago View Post

          1: children of the gods

          2: singularity
          Originally posted by samjackshiplover View Post
          ohh, great questions

          1. that was chimera and i remember it well :d i'm a shipper at heart and i really enjoyed that aspect of the show. So, when grace aired, with the great kiss i was kind of happy. Although i heard sam telling herself she needed to move on from jack ... That had me worried ...
          So, 2 weeks later when chimera first aired here (that's a little over 2 years ago now) and there was pete .... I took my first steps into online fandom, to find out what would happen with sam & jack. I started out on the sony boards, but luckily mary-beth took me here.
          So, when i found online fandom, i never left and got really into the show.

          2. so, then i got into the show, bought all dvd's and did a rewatch from s1. Of course i always loved sam, but when rewatching singularity i fell in love all over again such's a great character. I remember making a post about it on this thread (till then i only played on the shipper thread).
          Then, starting to find out more about the actress who played sam, i became more and more of an amanda fan. So much so, that at3 was my first convention ever (i didn't even know stuff like that excisted lol) and creation con vancouver hopefully will be my next.
          Originally posted by morjana View Post
          cold lazarus. And by the time i saw 'solitudes,' i knew my (then) 28 year supreme addiction to all things star trek was about to be supplanted.

          'in the line of duty' -- amanda's performance just blew my socks off. (i never did find them.)
          Originally posted by pengyn View Post
          this is a great question!

          1. the first episode i ever saw was cotg. The first episode that reeled me in and made me think "wow this show is great" was the torment of tantalus. By the beginning of the second season there was no doubt in my mind that i was a huge fan of this show. I was late to fandom.. And there's a massive part of me that wishes i'd gotten on the ride sooner. I joined around 3 or 4 years ago but i was terrified of gateworld. It was actually only after the second gabit event (and my first convention) and i'd written up my con report that i jumped into this crazy world. Several samandans had been directed to my then blog by some internet fairy and i clearly remember it was katg who left a comment and said i should stop by the sagc thread sometime. So i did.

          2. singularity. Amanda blew me away. I was young, 14, and i was this gawky teenager going through a tough time and i latched on to sam carter. It was a couple more years before i started finding out more about amanda, but just thought sam was an awesome role model for a young girl. I never really thought i'd get to go to a convention given that i lived in south africa at the time, but once i knew i was moving, and that that year would be at2 suddenly there was nothing but open fields. So i went, and the most awesome thing that could ever happen to a fan, happened. And i've never looked back!
          Originally posted by coley View Post
          oh gosh! Great questions:

          well when i saw the original movie i thought it would make a great series, i was fascinated. The series had however been going quite some time before i even saw a bit of an episode - always aired too early on a sunday for me to catch. However one sunday i saw the back end of solitudes, which piqued my interest again, then some time later i saw allegiance, not sam heavy - but she made enough of an impact. As soon as the box sets went on sale at hmv i had a purchase frenzy of season 1,2 and 3. Torment of tantalus was the ep which got me hooked, tbftgog, solitudes and tin man drew me into the abyss and within the serpent's grasp and the serpent's lair had me running back to hmv to secure seasons 4, 5 and 6. Like morjana my long standing love of star trek was well and truly usurped.

          I think i fell in love with sam little by little in season 2, by the time i saw 1969 i was a huge sam fan. It wasn't till reading a few interviews on her web site that i got more interested in amanda.

          I'm still gutted at the lost opportunity of season 9 for sam. Though sanctuary looks an interesting project and i'm certain somehow i shall support the show, helen doesn't so far grab me in the same way - in fact i don't think any character will ever thrill me in quite the same way as sam.

          Many thanks to everyone's report of the recents events and con's!!!
          Originally posted by evenstarsrv View Post
          it was the release of continuum that convinced me to finally join gw, though i was already in love with the show by then. It wasn't a single episode that got me hooked into stargate, but little bits of everything like the characters, the humor, the mythology, and especially the science. If i had to pick one though it'd probably be heroes. My boyfriend, a huge stargate fan, convinced me to watch it and it peaked my interest enough to start watching regularly. I also find stargate to be very repeatable show, while as much as i also love bsg, i can't watch any of those episodes more than once or twice.

          part 2: what was the first episode that made you really love sam? Not the first, not just 'like' the character. But, made you join this thread, go see at in person, etc.

          Again, i can't say it was any one episode in particular that made me love sam, but more of a series of episodes that drew me more and more to her character. The biggest ones in that regard were probably singularity, itlod, matter of time (loved the science in that one!), 2010, and grace, with grace probably being my all-time favorite.

          I also enjoy finding out more about the actors behind the characters i love, and a visit to at's website quickly made her of my favorite actresses. Add in the videos i've seen of her convention appearances and behind the scene specials and my admiration has only grown. I would love to go to a convention, but time and money has kept me from them thus far. I've got my eye on at4 though...
          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
          wow great questions

          1) i can't really pin point an episode where it became my favorite show... It just developed over the seasons. I remember seeing the show and just loved the team chemistry of all 4 characters. That's what i got so excited about. They each brought something different to the show and i loved that aspect of it... And the fact that they had a female that played a doctor scientist and a solider i was impressed she had such a strong role... Didn't happen very often.

          I finally got a dvd player when s7 came out. That was the first boxset of my collection of stargate dvd's of course i had joined the forums by then.

          2) singularity is what sold me on the sam character... The elevator scene when she refused to leave cassie and went back down... I had tears in my eyes as i watched it.

          However, i was completely oblivious to the online world then...did eventually find the fan fics in 2003. Someone in an author's note mentioned there was a forum and people in uk was giving away details for upcoming episodes... So ventured onto the forums. Completely clueless but first post was in the fan fic section in 2004. Pretty much stayed in the fan fiction section until venturing out into the jack/sam shippers and sagc thread. Then read an interview from amanda tapping and was impressed that someone in the film industry could be so genuine and down to earth... Started hanging out more in samanda which was known as the royal court back then ... And the rest is as they say history. I have never been to a convention, but thanks to mandy and jan i do have a picture of amanda and rick in a promo shot signed by amanda! :d very cool indeed!!
          Originally posted by jansam View Post
          first episode that made me absolutely love the show…..difficult but i’d have to go with tj and t&jfl, it was a combination of episodes and the show premise and mythology in the first and second season. I do remember not being able to wait for netflix to send season three cause i just had to know what happened :d. So matt and i went to several stores trying to find season three…no luck but as the two of us were so addicted already i bought season 6. After watching season 6….i just had to have them all as to the rest of the questions…well they fit more with part two.
          again, i’m not sure if it was one episode or a combination of episodes that gave us more insight into this wonderful character that made me love sam. I know it was definitely by the third season as i remember watching the special features and enjoying the one with sam. I loved seeing a female portrayed that was so strong and she was allowed to show her emotions without making her weak. Joining forums….well after watching solitudes and singularity amanda's talent was quite obvious to me. I went to and reading the interviews kamil had on there i became a fan of the actress as well as sam. I lurked for quite a while on both and gw. This was before sally’s wonderful thread was born so i was constantly stumbling into threads that would eventually turn negative regarding sam and so this didn’t make me feel very welcomed to join here. I did eventually join in the conversations on and made some online friends who i treasure to this day. I lurked on gw and was very happy to see sally’s thread…..i would visit it daily.

          Conventions....i had never been to one til at3. I wanted to go to at1 and at2 but the timing of them were black out days at work….no time off. I wanted to go not just to see amanda but also to meet my friends at Had planned to go to shore leave but once again work interfered and i was denied the time off due to a project i was put in charge of happening at the same time.

          I got to know a lot of the samandans when we all joined efforts to that celebrity poll site to get amanda on top, started chatting with them on im (one im session had a large group of shippers which soon had mandy and i outnumbered and bringing polar bears to help defend us against the penguins we were threatened with).. I teased pengyn about posting over here but soon followed her as my buddies lives had become so busy they rarely posted there and mandy was pressuring me to post more on samanda. Thanks mandy!


            ...More answers

            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Part 1: I've mentioned before that I saw only bits and pieces of Emancipation and Tok'ra II but then I saw RDA on a local talk show. His wit and humour (and his amazing good looks) sent me looking for Stargate. This was in season four. I think the episode that really hooked me and made me love the show was WOO. I have always loved scifi but it was the humour combined with science fiction that really hooked me enough to watch it every time it was on and buy the DVDs. I am not much of a computer/internet person so it took me a long time to find the websites/forums. Took me even longer to join one as, frankly, a lot were very nasty. Gateworld was clearly the best and, for the most part, people are reasonable. The Samandan thread, however, is really where I found a home.

            Part 2: I don't think there was a single episode that I can point to and say "that's when I began to love the character of Sam". I liked the character right from the beginning. Sam is one of the best characters ever on television and certainly one of the best female characters on tv, if not the best. I think I grew to love the character with each episode as each added something to some aspect of her character. Episodes like Singularity, Enigma and Ascension show her compassion for others. Episodes like 48 Hours, 100 Days and Meridian show her love, loyality and dedication to her team. Space Race shows her joy. Emancipation, The Other Side and Avenger 2.0 show her kick a-- ability. Every episode shows her brilliance. All of that made me love the character and eventually join this thread.

            As a result of my love for the show and the character I not only lurked then joined GW but I started reading articles on the show. I also bought the DVDs and listened to the commentaries. Not once did I ever hear or read a bad comment from or about Amanda Tapping. Instead, I heard about how she was incredibly professional, always on time and prepared. How she took the extra time to research what she was saying so it sounded believable. How she was so generous with her time in giving back to fans. How she mentors other women in the profession. How she treated guest stars on the show as guests in her home and wanted them to feel welcome. In other words she is the antithesis of the "celebrities" we always hear about like Paris Hilton or Brittany Spears.

            Through GW and Youtube I heard about and got to see how funny she is and how much fun the convention appearances were. That, and the fact it worked perfectly into my planned trip to France, made me decide to attend AT3. That wonderful experience has prompted me to go to the Creation event in April in Vancouver and will have me going back for AT4.
            Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
            1. COTG - Loved it from the moment I saw it
            2. COTG - Loved Amanda/Sam from the moment I saw Her....My Love just keeped on growing over time
            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
            Hey Everyone,

            That's beautiful!

            I keep trying to find a way to answer hisg1fans questions, great questions BTW, but its hard to put into words what made me such a big fan of SG1, I was 19 when I first saw it, it was Sky 1 repeating the seasons. S5 was the first I saw I think. It was the whole team that first drew me in, the feeling of family, although Sam stood out for me as someone I wanted to be like as I got older. I grew closer to Sam over the next few months. Then I bought S1-4 on DVD so I could catch up, that's when I saw Singularity for the first time, that ep changed my life, and had me loving these character with all my heart! And knew from the moment Sam sat in the elevator crying that this character and show were going to mean a lot to me for a long time.

            It was after that same ep that made me google Amanda's name and the first pace it took me was, I read everything I could about Amanda the more I read and watched the behind the scenes stuff on the DVDs the more I began to admire her not only for her amazing acting but also as a person, Amanda's become someone I look up to and she's a sort of hero to me, she's helped me through a lot, without her I wouldn't be the person I am today.
            I wouldn't have met the wonderful friends I have now without Amanda.

            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            1- that's a hard question. i think the first ep that really made me see just how *good* this show was was 'solitudes'. just an excellently written and acted story all around.

            but i watched the show from the first ep, and wasn't 'able' to come online until the fourth season when i actually got a computer.

            2- that's a hard question too, because sam became my fave character in 'emancipation', but i don't know when i fell in love with her. i know it was before 'in the line of duty', because when i saw the coming attractions for that ep, i squeed a lot , so i had to have loved sam before that.

            good questions.
            Before I give my own answers I just have to say WOW. It's absolutely amazing all the awesome and wonderful answers everyone has given. I was originally just going to post my own answers and that's it. But I just had post all these wonderful and heartfelt messages you guys wrote about her, especially you AT fan, Julia, and you Sally. It's so great how Amanda/Sam has touched so many people by her role on SG. And it's not hard to become a fan of hers that, with her being selfless, caring down to earth, generous and an overall good-hearted, kind person she is. I know Amanda has always been just wonderful and kind to her fans when she she meets them, she welcomes them, listens to them, keeps her eyes on them and makes them feel special, and it's those people who feel warm and love from her. It's no wonder why she's a role-model, and idol to so many. I feel sooooooooooooooo happy and lucky that we we're blessed to have an amazing woman like Amanda in this world .

            Anyway, here's my answers, and they'll probably be like Julia's and Sally's because my feelings towards Amanda/Sam are a lot like theirs, plus what they wrote was beautiful. Great minds think alike .

            1. Hmm, like Julia, it was also hard for me to answer these questions, but, I'll give it a try. I'd seen bits and pieces of episodes here and there, but the first episode I ever really watch was Window of opportunity, and from that point on, I knew I'd like the show. I'd seen it a little more here and there, but I never really thought too much of it.

            2. But the episode that made me really notice Sam, the episode that started my love, fandom, and admiration for her was when I saw her in The Road Not Taken, plus when I saw her in that black dress I was like who "Whoa, who's the babe?" Ever since then, I wanted to know more about her, so I started watching more SG-1 episodes, and I started liking her more and more. Then I searched her name on Google, and like Julia, I found a lot, and I mean a LOT of great and wonderful things about her . I read on, and other Amanda related forums a lot of really nice and sweet comments fans have wrote to her, saying things like "You've changed my life", "You're an inspiration to me" and "You make me want to be a better person" and a lot more people thinking her for so much. Every message like those I read afterwards, made me like her more and more, and it really made me feel good, knowing that someone in this world can and has made a very big and positive influence on people's lives. Then I found GW, and I was totally amazed and blown away by how many people come here and on other threads, just to talk about how much they love, respect and admire Amanda. And thanks to Amanda, I found a lot of really good friends here. From here, other threads, and from YT, I learned much more things about her, like how people get jobs just to pay for trips just to go see her, like the AT cons, or CC, they go there just to tell her they love her, and give or make her gifts. And what I love knowing is that, many fans, that's people from here too, treasure their time with her, and cherish her auto autographs, and photos taken with her.

            As time went on, I watched as many TV appearances of hers, then when I bought the complete SG-1 series, the first thing I did was hit the special features, looking for all Amanda related stuff. I loved watching all the SF with her and on her, and listening to her commentaries, or the commentaries of others talking about how great she is, and how everyone loves working with her. After when I started watching the episodes, every time I saw her on screen, a big smile came to my face, I mean it was always, and still is such a delight to see her on screen . But like so many others here, I think Singularity was one of Amanda's BEST performances, I can't say anything new, because Julia summed it up very well. Afterwards, I as I watched the DVD's, episodes like Solitudes In The Line Of Duty, Foothold , Small Victories, Divide and Conquer, Prodigy Entity and Death Knell made me love and love her even more, and it kept going, and still is going.

            But my favorite Sam episode of all time is without a doubt, In Line in the Sand. Amanda was absolutely amazing, she shines in this episode, you could actually feel and see her pain. Even badly wounded and doped up on morphine, Sam comes up with how to save the day. She does an amazing job, I just absolutely adore her! I think the scenes between her and Mitchell were very believable and very, very touching. she certainly portrayed feeble and dying very effectively.

            To this day when I read wonderful comments like that about her I feel even more better inside, because it reminds me that so many people love her and want to be like her. And I agree with you EH-T, about Amanda not being like Paris Hilton or Brittany Spears, Amanda's much better than that. Most other celebs have that "star attitude", and do what they do for fan and money. While Amanda on the other hand does what she does for the fans, not the money, I'm sure you already know this, but she even cut back her acting salary, and completely take her producer's salary off the table All for budge constraints for Sanctuary, so she's not making what she should. If only Hollywood was more down to earth, sweet and just-- more like Amanda.

            Amanda is one of the very best actresses alive, she's incredibly sweet, lovely, beautiful, devoted, and wonderful in every way (Can we say "perfect"?). And like I said before Amanda’s only crime is that she tries so hard to make everyone happy. She's a terrific, hard working wife and mom, she has 2 Sci-fi shows, one she's had for over a decade, and the other that's gone from being an Internet to a TV show, and she's the exec producer and she'll be directing episodes. Amanda has come a long way with her life, and her career, best of all, she's always kept her cool, and she's never let fame and success go to her head. She does so much for the fans, and asks for very little, if anything in return. Olivia is a very lucky girl, she's very lucky to have Amanda as a mom, one day she'll realize how great and important her mom is, and maybe one, she'll think of her mom as a lot of people here and many other places do, as a hero. Because if I had a daughter, I'd want Amanda or Sam as her role-model, that way I'd know she'd be just fine.

            Well those are my answers, I hope I made my point clear


              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
              And also like you, I'm an even bigger Amandaholic, I'm drunk right now with Amanda love . And proud of it too, no rehab for me. *YAY*
              it's best not to try to work through our addictions. we're amandaholics and must accept our conditions.

              i'm sally, and i'm an amandaholic.




                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                Question of the day:

                Part 1: What was the first episode of Stargate SG1 that really hooked you on the series and made you absolutely LOVE the show? Not just the first episode you saw and not just when you realized you 'liked' the show. But the episode that made want to join forums and go to conventions and buy the DVDs/stuff and watch the series over and over again.

                Part 2: What was the first episode that made you really LOVE Sam? Not the first, not just 'like' the character. But, made you join this thread, go see AT in person, etc.
                I totally never saw this...thanks for re-posting, Rocky89

                Oh, people are going to look at my answers for this and be like

                1. "Avalon 1" put SG-1 on the map, "Uninvited" brought me into the show, but "Memento Mori" was the episode that got me hooked. I had loved Vala from Av1 but MM made me fall in love with the show (and D/V)...and I believe my first post on this board was in the D/V thread

                2. Oh, well...the episode that made me really like Sam was LITS. As I mentioned before, I loved seeing the strength and vulnerability of the character. My friend even commented that AT was the best I've-Been-Shot actress she'd ever seen (meaning that she was believably in pain ). But AOT was probably what gave me the nerve to come in here. Trust me, it's a scary thing to venture into such a massive thread!


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                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  it's best not to try to work through our addictions. we're amandaholics and must accept our conditions.

                  i'm sally, and i'm an amandaholic.

                  I agree, we need to accept who we are. Because you came out and admitted it Sally, I'll do the same.

                  I'm Rocky, and I'm an Amandaholic, I also have Tap Tap itis and tappination syndrome And there's no way I can be cured. And trying to cure me will be a million times harder than trying to cure the Cookie Monster- This would be me, if you tried curing my Amanda illnesses

                  Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                  And huge thank you to Sally for starting this wonderful thread that has become a home for so many of us.
                  I agree Jan, lets hear it for Sally, who started this thread and gave all of us a great and fun place to come to and talk about all the things we love about Amanda, and a place where we got to know each other and became friends. YAY Sally YOU ROCK!!!


                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    I agree, we need to accept who we are. Because you came out and admitted it Sally, I'll do the same.

                    I'm Rocky, and I'm an Amandaholic, I also have Tap Tap itis and tappination syndrome And there's no way I can be cured. And trying to cure me will be a million times harder than trying to cure the Cookie Monster- This would be me, if you tried curing my Amanda illnesses
                    I'm Morjana, and I'm an Amandaholic.

                    Also a Jackaholic.

                    And a Teal'caholic.

                    A Stargateaholic.

                    And...chocolaholic, coca colaholic, etc., yadda yadda, and so on...

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                      Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                      Hey I hope ya don't mind posting off topic here. A little traffic lesson will do us good. These are the latest new traffic signs. (Sadly it's in German but hey traffic signs are universal). When you click on the picture it's easier to see

                      Heeheeheee...that made me giggle thank you for posting that, always good for a laugh.

                      Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                      Oooh perpetrator definitely! I love a bit of evil/scary/disturbing Amanda

                      So last night I had a slightly Sam-related dream. I think she was evil and was trying to kill me by throwing apple crumble at my face and then RDA also made an appearance and was chasing me down the stairs throwing 10kg dumbells at me. He was pretty angry with me...

                      Humph. I have strange dreams....
                      Yes you do have strange dreams, however you have a good cast...maybe fire the writer lol.

                      Originally posted by sbz View Post
                      On the whole conversation of "how old is Carter" and does the Entity screenshot count. There's a great entry in sg_fignewton's livejournal. S/he does a bunch stuff about canon vs fanon. Mostly it's about Daniel but there's a "Sam Carter" edition and one of the things discussed quite well, taking all we know without a shadow of a doubt (ie, her military service), is her age (it's actually in the context of who's older, Daniel or Carter). It arrives at a fairly firm date of when she had to be born. And it's worth reading on its own just for interest's sake because it addresses "Uncle George" and "Sammie."

                      The link:
                      That was actually a fascinating read and thanks for the link.
                      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                      My Fanfic~My Femslash


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        I totally never saw this...thanks for re-posting, Rocky89

                        Oh, people are going to look at my answers for this and be like

                        1. "Avalon 1" put SG-1 on the map, "Uninvited" brought me into the show, but "Memento Mori" was the episode that got me hooked. I had loved Vala from Av1 but MM made me fall in love with the show (and D/V)...and I believe my first post on this board was in the D/V thread

                        2. Oh, well...the episode that made me really like Sam was LITS. As I mentioned before, I loved seeing the strength and vulnerability of the character. My friend even commented that AT was the best I've-Been-Shot actress she'd ever seen (meaning that she was believably in pain ). But AOT was probably what gave me the nerve to come in here. Trust me, it's a scary thing to venture into such a massive thread! I mean the village leader actress was soo strong and calm, and at the same time the sort of second in command guy was so conflicted, and they both gave amazing performances.

                        That is really cool, uninvited was one of the first sg1 eps I saw os S10. Loved the end

                        I really must agree about AT in LitS. She acted so well with being shot. I actually winced! And that was one of the first eps I had seen in a looong time. I saw it after years of a cable related sg1 draught. And it was really cool. Everyone was top game. The Tomin/Vala development was great, Sam and Cam out of phase was great. Even the guest stars and extras were awesome (amanda even mentions it in the commentary).
                        Last edited by Conn8d; 06 August 2008, 10:52 PM. Reason: s p e l l i n g (gah!) :/


                          Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
                          That is really cool, uninvited was one of the first sg1 eps I saw os S10. Loved the end

                          I really must agree about AT in LitS. She acted so well with being shot. I actually winced! And that was one of the first eps I had seen in a looong time. I saw it after years of a cable related sg1 draught. And it was really cool. Everyone was top game. The Tomin/Vala development was great, Sam and Cam out of phase was great. Even the guest stars and extras were awesome (amanda even mentions it in the commentary).
                          I just happened to watch "Uninvited" last night. I had completely forgotten that she was temporarily leading SGC in that ep. She was awesome. And loved the end.
                          "Line in the Sand" is one of my fav eps from S10 and that thanks to great performance by AT. I can say I actually felt her pain.


                            Holy Crap Rocky! That was a whole lot of quoting!

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            what i like about it is...dude, sam and jack gets done to death, both on the show and in fanfic.

                            while sam and teal'c is just there, anything isn't overt on the show, so it's just friendship that you can read as something more, or ignore, as you prefer.

                            I like the two of them.

                            sam and jack is too easy, sam and daniel is incest, my version of sam would only use cam for stress relief, but teal'c has this deep level of caring that's just fun.
                            LOL!!!! I agree. Sam/Teal'c fics are growing on me. Darn you Sky, this is all your fault! One ship was bad enough!

                            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                            I don't think Amanda plans on keeping the dark hair forever. If there are more SG movies, I'm pretty sure she'll go back to blond.
                            As long as it's not a wig. That's gonna be really hard on her hair though. Maybe they'll write in the color change.

                            Originally posted by suse View Post
                            And let's not forget there were **no** Sam episodes in S9.

                            And yet they felt they *had* to use what were to be*2* Sam heavy eps to give Vala some development. And not even development with Sam, though at least the Vala/Tomin stuff was well done.

                            LiTS is probably one of my favorite eps, but I wish it really had been a Sam ep and not a "some Sam, but a whole crapload of Vala too" ep. The Road Not Taken was okay, but it could have been a whole lot better. Watching Sam beat the stuffing out of a bunch of stiff necked suits was awesome though!

                            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                            Last night I had a rather nasty thought. It was OMG they've finally made Sam into "The Girl".

                            So my question to the thread is : Do you feel that Sam has been made into "The Girl".

                            I've got a few thoughts but I'll have to get them into coherent order before I post.
                            I don't think so, but I can see why you do. It's kinda like they're starting to take her for granted. Like they don't have to develop her anymore because she's already so dang cool and has such a huge fan base. Like they said in Atlantis, she may be a victim of her own success.

                            I really hope she saves the day in the next movie like she used to. Or at least that she's a huge part of it, unlike in continuum where she found where to go, then got shot to that mitchell could be the hewo.

                            In the good eps, everyone has a role to play in being the hero. It became very one sided in the last two seasons, though they all had their moments.

                            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                            No offense taken by this girl. I am a die-hard Season 1 through Continuum fan.

                            There is not one episode of SG-1 I hate, while on the other hand I adore quite a few.

                            I like every team member, and seeing them in Continuum...together...was beyond awesome for me.
                            ME TOO!! I love everything about Stargate, and I watch all 10 seasons regularly. The nitpicking is just little things that irk once in a while. Overall, I absolutely adore this show!

                            "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                            SG-1 FanFiction
                            Sanctuary Fanfiction


                              Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                              Yes you do have strange dreams, however you have a good cast...maybe fire the writer lol.
                              Haha wellity wellity wellity.
                              I always get a kick out of my dreams...
                              Superb writing I say


                                @ Rocky take out img tags when quoting!

