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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by suse View Post
    I believe that third one is still a WIP. Should be close now though. I think. I stopped reading it for a bit because i've been insanely busy.

    ETA: 5 Chapters? There are a ton more up on the dreaded


    Do you have the actual link? The search function isn't working for me right now.
    sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
    I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.



      Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
      Do you have the actual link? The search function isn't working for me right now.
      Lady of Slaughter on is up to chapter 34. Here's a link.

      Lady of Slaughter


        Originally posted by SamFan31 View Post
        Lady of Slaughter on is up to chapter 34. Here's a link.

        Lady of Slaughter
        Thanks so much for the link!

        Chapter 34?! OMG! I knew it must have moved on some what from Chapter 5 but I never imagined it'd be up another 29 chapters. This must be one hell of a story. I can't wait to continue it.

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          Originally posted by SamFan31 View Post
          Lady of Slaughter on is up to chapter 34. Here's a link.

          Lady of Slaughter
          Yeah it's a WIP, but an interesting plot. I believe this is the author's first fanfic, so be sure to leave some encouraging feedback!

          And SFT, thanks for the kind words about Knife's Edge.

          My LJ


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            No reason to apologize, most of us probably feel the same way. In fact I've said on the BB thread that I like the Mitchell character because Ben is so charming and I like the friendship between and but I hate the way he was brought in and the whole leadership mess still irks me (as in AOT).

            I completely agree with your comments on Spirits. It seems they gave Sam the work/lines Rick would have had while he was away and then he came back and it was like he had been there as usual for the first half of the show. No continuity.

            In a later episode, the first one with the Retu, Charlie says mother told him to only trust Jack because he was the only one who didn't want to trick Tonane's (sp?) people. Totally untrue as Sam had also expressed her oppositon.
            I agree. We discussed this on another thread (don't remember which) but they needed some female writers on the show, they still do. Ever since CotG, I didn't like Sam's introduction. She came out way too snarky. Fortunately they made up for it later in the episode.

            A lot of people say that it's good that Mitchell took over, cause Sam didn't really prove herself in command. But she was never given the chance to lead. There was good opportunity in Zero Hour, but it was cast aside. Don't get me wrong, it was good to see Jack struggling in the role of a General, but they could have thrown 30sec more about what was happening to SG1 on the planet.

            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            I forgot to put something on my previous Desperate Measures post.

            One of my favorite fanfics of all time is The Knife's Edge of Madness by Strix varia. Yes, the Strix who posts here. The premise is based on Sam's not being rescued by the guys. No, she doesn't die, but what does happen to her is a compelling story.

            This is a story I have read again and again, and it just doesn't get old. Strix writes well, and she obviously did her research. Even better, she nails the characterization of Sam. I highly recommend it.
            Great story. One of my favorites.

            I really like the fact that she went to Janet first, and their initial interaction was really nice.


              Loving the DM discussion!! Wish I had something to add, but you've all already made excellent observations.


                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Oh, all sorts do the relay! Walk, jog, run... it doesn't matter
                Yay for doohickies!
                Thanks for the link Eileen...I'd do it but...does that mean I have to get off my chair and leave the computer for any length of time??? I'll have to think about it!!
                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                I know it's a bit different, but how about in NO when Sam is kidnapped by Fifth? Again, it's a more personal thing and none of her training as a soldier would have prepared her for anything of that breadth. First she had to realize that the reality with Pete wasn't 'real' then she had to come to grips with the fact of who her captor was and convince him she wasnt interested in his love. This convincing on such a personal level with Fifth is what set her free.

                Do you think Sam's 'experience' and level of strength she gained afterwards from DM was drawn upon in this scenario being that there wasn't any common ground she could find from her military background?
                I didn't even think about linking her experience with DM in NO...but're on to something there...I think that all her experiences have helped her...I think that the DM kidnapping was more personal but the Fifth experience...that became personal when Fifth introduced Pete...that would have been hard for her but I think she dealt with it better that in DM...also with Fifth, she kinda knew and understood him whereas with those doctors in DM, she didn't know anything...only that they wee going to kill her...with Fifth, she had a chance to talk her way out of the situation...did that make sense??
                Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
                This thread is a very interesting place where else can you talk about Amanda, Sam Carter, Helen Magnus.. and learn important helpful information about underwires and care for the unmentionables, running in the rain, fanfic, trips, vacations, birthdays, conventions, penguins, polar bears, did I mention Amanda Tapping?
                This perky thread is clearly lifted and seperated from the rest.

                Is there any reason why this pic is in a spoiler??? Kinda sad that it's hidden!!
                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                There's a saying: just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

                Professional help certainly would help someone in Sam's position, but the team's mistrust of Mackenzie and the unwritten rule that therapy proves an officer is weak would prevent Sam from getting results from therapy. She'd be too strong to let her emotions out with someone she doesn't trust.
                Ooooh...I hadn't heard of that saying are out to get me...I knew it!!!
                MacKenzie wasn't the only shrink on base though...was he?? I mean they would have had a few...especially with what thy were dealing with...right??
                Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                Sam and Desperate Measures...
                A couple of things always strike me; one, that Jack lets her in on the hunt for Conrad as soon as he gets free - hands her a weapon, immediately in effect puts her back in control of her existence.
                Second, I always think Sam would be relieved in a way that Jack gets shot because it takes the attention away from her a little -

                I actually do see Sam deliberately almost defiantly going back to the gym to prove they haven't scared her off. And I can see her getting there and freezing; sitting in her car and trying to work up the courage to get out. Because it had to effect her pretty deeply. And I can see one of her team-mates (or all) turning up, pretending to be there by chance, and helping her go into the gym, work out and leave again - and her knowing what they're doing and letting them - although its never spoken about, never talked about.
                I love your perspective of what may have or could have happened back at the gym...that I could see happening and could buy that too!!
                You have some pretty good and valid points Rachel...well said!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                the miltary has silly unwritten rule...anyone that needs psych treatment is weak and you don't want to work with them, even as they're in the line of work where they just MIGHT need help and would be better for it in the long run.
                I dunno...they did speak to MacKenzie after Daniel supposedly died in F&W...I can almost imagine it gong against them for NOT seeing psychologist...could mean they aren't dealing with their stuff properly....
                Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                What does this say about Jack, then? He was suicidal and
                I don't think AF even for a second thought he was weak! Just look at him now Major General and all...
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                it's a danged if you do, danged if you don't mentality
                Kinda like that with everything in life!
                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Hehe, I'm sorry! If this were another message board of mine, we would be posting photos of ourselves in our favourite bras by now. Heh.!
                Uhm...I don't think anyone wants to see me in my bra...I don't even want to see me in my bra!!!
                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i seem to be on my sam-lost-her-command-to-the-male-lead kick again, so sorry. (i'm yammering on about it on joe's blog)
                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                I'm impressed you know about curling! Yes, it is an Olympic sport and Australia usually has a mens team representing the country at the world championships. By the way, the Canadian women won the womens' world championship today ! Actually curling is very challenging and Sam's background would probably make her good at it.
                WTG Canadian woimens team!!!
                What do you mean you're impressed that I know about curling? I do know something other than that Amanda Tapping is the Tappinating Spottie that the world should bow down to!! Sheesh!!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Sigh. *closes window with link to BOOBIES*
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    I dunno...they did speak to MacKenzie after Daniel supposedly died in F&W...I can almost imagine it gong against them for NOT seeing psychologist...could mean they aren't dealing with their stuff properly....
                    there's a difference between the whole team having a cursory debriefing with a psychologist and one person having regular counseling sessions

                    remember ascension? sam says to orlin 'i just sat through a psychological evaluation do you know what that means???'

                    that eval would dog her on her records unless they removed it or noted beside it that she was right and tey were wrong.

                    if you're looking at two offiers to promote, both with similar records, one with 3 psych evals (that you're not allowed to know the why for the evals) adn one without, you're gonna go for the more 'stable' person
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      OMG! I still think penguins rock...

                      But check out the teeny flailing paws!
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i found some fic
                        the first two are short, one called 'boys' sam thinking about her boys, the second 'hand to hand' and as the summary says, sam kicks ass
                        the third might not be finished, i can't tell, but it looks like a sam adventure
                        Speaking of fics Sky...I tried to read some fics last night on your Emerald City thing and it wouldn't let me in...or rather it was no longer available!!! Is that coz you are updating or is there something wrong with the site???

                        I have to get going...hubby has just bought home an extra mouth to our already over filled little it's time to get the old mattress out and welcome our guest.
                        Before I say good would seem a lovely little Aussie put a vid up on YT with me asking Teryl about the song she did at Vancouver con last year...we're all laughing our butts off...I'm so glad the sound isn't that great...but anyhoo...thought maybe I could link it...if you're interested?

                        Night all...take care and have fun!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping



                          is not longer valid


                          works just fine. so if you're looking at the .com version, change it to .net and it'll work.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            is not longer valid
                            works just fine. so if you're looking at the .com version, change it to .net and it'll work.
                            Thank you!!! Is a happy camper again!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
                              I made a whole bunch of icons and 8 of them are of Sam (37-44), so I thought I'd drop a link.
                              They're all so nicely done and I can't seem to pick my favorite! The colors are so bright and happy they just make me smile. Thanks for sharing them.

                              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                              I forgot to put something on my previous Desperate Measures post.

                              One of my favorite fanfics of all time is The Knife's Edge of Madness by Strix varia. Yes, the Strix who posts here. The premise is based on Sam's not being rescued by the guys. No, she doesn't die, but what does happen to her is a compelling story.

                              This is a story I have read again and again, and it just doesn't get old. Strix writes well, and she obviously did her research. Even better, she nails the characterization of Sam. I highly recommend it.
                              Thanks for the fic rec! *puts on list* I'll try and start it later today if I can. If it's getting such rave reviews I can't let it slip away.

                              Originally posted by tagger View Post
                              As I was trying to figure out what Sam would do from how she had reacted in similar past circumstances, I realized again how little we are shown the repercussions of a dangerous job. No emotional fallout from countless missions, friends lost, enemies killed, etc... I guess it is how TV is, but not true to life.
                              I lived through a lesser physical assault and as a result, lived a relatively paranoid life for about a year. I still have heart palpitations if anyone is following me, but I do my thing - with my dogs. In all, the experience made me a much more safety conscious person, which is good. The part I liked about the DM kidnapping scene was how Sam really fought and how she made a bunch of noise yelling for help - exactly what you are supposed to do.

                              Soldier or not, the emotional toll from the cumulative trauma the team has been through has gotta be pretty high.

                              BUT THIS IS TV.

                              I think it is the episode continuity thing - networks need the freedom to be able to air episodes whenever?
                              I had a friend who was in a near rape situation a few years back. She had gone to take the garbage out for her mom at night and when she opened the wooden fence out back to toss it, she was immediately grabbed. She fought something fierce but the guy was too strong for her. She received many punches to the face but thankfully nothing more because a neighbor nearby heard the struggle and rushed out just in time. My friend was pretty traumatized by it all and a long time afterwards.

                              I'm glad your doing better now and it never hurts to take precautions whatsoever.

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              i found some fic

                              the first two are short, one called 'boys' sam thinking about her boys, the second 'hand to hand' and as the summary says, sam kicks ass

                              the third might not be finished, i can't tell, but it looks like a sam adventure

                              Once again, I'm gonna have to add it to my list. Thanks Sky. Dang, I wish there was more hours in a day.

                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              I didn't even think about linking her experience with DM in NO...but're on to something there...I think that all her experiences have helped her...I think that the DM kidnapping was more personal but the Fifth experience...that became personal when Fifth introduced Pete...that would have been hard for her but I think she dealt with it better that in DM...also with Fifth, she kinda knew and understood him whereas with those doctors in DM, she didn't know anything...only that they wee going to kill her...with Fifth, she had a chance to talk her way out of the situation...did that make sense??
                              Perfectly. I've been reading all the comments about this and I can't help but agree with the majority...which is why I havent commented. Fifth was a different scenario, but in DM she didnt know/understand the minds of her captors. Thanks.


                                i think another difference with fifth and conrad...with conrad he wanted her and sam was the 'victim', but with fifth, she had her own guilt to deal with. he was mad because she left him behind and he had a right to be mad.

                                so with conrad, she could take refuge in anger with him because he was doing her wrong

                                but with fifth, a part of her had to feel that she deserved to be there. or that it was partially her fault. he was angry because of something she'd done.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


