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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    The reason I said commanding a ship is a step backward is usually higher positions mean you are commanding more people. From what I've seen, Atlantis has more people than a 304. But, I realize I'm putting WAY too much real life into the situation And, I do agree it would be pretty cool to see Sam on a ship.

    "OK, it's time for plan B."
    "Do we have a plan B, Sir?"
    "No. But it's time for one."

    The war is going badly (hence the big cliff hanger at the end of season 4). The SGC sends every available ship to the Pegasus Galaxy. Colonels command the ships, but because there are so many, they need a General to command the fleet. Sam is chosen to command the fleet. Her command takes her away from Atlantis as the fleet travels throughout both galaxies.


      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

      The war is going badly (hence the big cliff hanger at the end of season 4). The SGC sends every available ship to the Pegasus Galaxy. Colonels command the ships, but because there are so many, they need a General to command the fleet. Sam is chosen to command the fleet. Her command takes her away from Atlantis as the fleet travels throughout both galaxies.

      I like your thinking, though, it might be a bit quick for her to be promoted to General.
      +I thought I was a fool for no one
      but oh baby I'm a fool for you


        Originally posted by rolleson View Post
        I like your thinking, though, it might be a bit quick for her to be promoted to General.
        It's war. Promotions happen when they need to happen. Just look at how long it took Eisenhower to go from Lt. Colonel to 5-star General, 6 promotions in 7 or so years.

        Besides, we don't know the actual timeline or when Sam actually got promoted. Lots of time could have passed and Sam could have been promoted immediately after Unending.


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          It's war. Promotions happen when they need to happen. Just look at how long it took Eisenhower to go from Lt. Colonel to 5-star General.
          *looks blankly* lol.

          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          Besides, we don't know the actual timeline or when Sam actually got promoted. Lots of time could have passed and Sam could have been promoted immediately after Unending.
          'Tis true.
          +I thought I was a fool for no one
          but oh baby I'm a fool for you


            Originally posted by rolleson View Post
            *looks blankly* lol.
            Sorry, lol.

            6 promotions in 7 or so years


              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
              Sorry, lol.

              6 promotions in 7 or so years
              Okay. Everything I learnt about America and American history came from either the Bill and Ted cartoon or the Simpsons. lol.
              +I thought I was a fool for no one
              but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

                I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.


                My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Fran! (((hugs)))


                  Originally posted by rolleson View Post
                  Okay. Everything I learnt about America and American history came from either the Bill and Ted cartoon or the Simpsons. lol.
                  And they didn't talk about this?


                    Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

                    I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.


                    My condolences to you and your family.


                      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                      And they didn't talk about this?
                      Not that I remember.
                      +I thought I was a fool for no one
                      but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                        Originally posted by Über View Post
                        Well...actually it really was season 9, not 8. The first part of 8 was actually pretty Sam-heavy, with episodes like New Order and such. Amanda was enjoying her introduction to mommyhood at the beginning of 9 and was not around when Mitchell first came to the SGC.
                        You're absolutely right! I stand corrected.

                        Yes, they sent Vala away once Amanda returned. Other than the fact that they made Cam the leader (Boo! Hiss!) rather than Sam, who had certainly earned it......I was okay with the team dynamics at that point.
                        I didn't like the total change from the System Lords/Jaffa/Tok'ra to the Ori. I had never gotten over the fact that they'd killed Sam's closest friend, Janet. Then, they felt the need to kill her father too! The quick end to a war that had existed for thousands of years just rang false to me.
                        You could tell by interviews at the time that the writers were excited because they got to make up new enemies and new characters. In hindsight, I think changing some of the writing staff -- but keeping the basis of the series intact would have been the wiser course to take.
                        I was just thinking about another successful series based on a movie. Just like Stargate SG1 making it's own way after Stargate the movie, MASH had done the same. The series took elements from the original movie as their base and then added to it as a series. Imagine now that they got tired of the Korean War (actually the series lasted longer than the real war) and moved them to the Middle East. The public would have been outraged because that series was supposed to be about doctors and nurses in the Korean War!
                        I felt the same way about the change from System Lords to Ori Priors. Have a different war to fight if you want, but create a different series to do it.

                        Getting down from my all-knowing, all-seeing, hindsight abilities!


                          i do agree kett

                          a few new writers would have done wonders i think.

                          and i think using that same old tired pool of folks is what's gonna doom SGA as well. what did kirk say once? 'young minds, fresh ideas'
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            A few new writers would've been great, I think the Ori was fine, because it was a new team and a new enemy, but it was the same still, which was frustrating, because I always thought, well, we've been here before..... People enslaved by jaffa,*cough*, I mean priors.


                            I finally put up my Sam poster behind my computer. Rearranged my desk so I can see it. I figured as I was tidying up, and there was Liverpool related paraphernalia adorning the walls, I'd actually put it up. I've had it for months, just sitting in it's tube. Such a waste. lol.
                            +I thought I was a fool for no one
                            but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                              David has open a ask Amanda thread ...

                              GW will be interviewing Amanda on feb 7th



                                Not Quite Suffering

                                Gen fic, humour, written for the Sam Carter Drabble-A-Thon. Thought I'd share as it's just Sam.
                                +I thought I was a fool for no one
                                but oh baby I'm a fool for you

