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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    ReganX and SionnachOghma have a fic called Stargate: Athena which is along these lines and is a pretty cool story
    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
    Thanks for the link! I may have to write one of these, too! The possibilites are endless!
    That's what we need: some fic to address the possibilities/impossibilites of the new situation. Sam faces: death? demotion? glory? gets turned into a wraith and hunts Elizabeth? Gah, I'm over the really depressing part of not seeing more Sam Carter- seeing less but for great reasons; still.

    Ok, and this is from someone still coaxing her muse from the dust behind the bookcase. Still I'd be willing to do a short piece speculating on Sam's last stand as Atlantis Commander. Tryin' to deal with this in a positive, hopeful light.

    And the idea came from reading the above quotes and from a really cool GW thread, "If Atlantis was cancelled..." Some are ROFL hilarious, and some quite thoughtful. My favorites:
    Spoiler: - A really creative plotting that would make a cool story.
    Originally posted by Icedragon View Post
    They have a surprise party for Mackay and make him a lemon tart cake, which he greedily consumes not knowing its lemon, is then proved to be wrong about his allegy, at which point he become addicted to lemons.

    The team finds out they are really retro-viruesed wraith. Earth has known about the wraith for 5 years and been studying the team for 4.

    Mackay tries the power thingy from 'Trinity' and 'Millers Crossing' again on a massive scale and this time destroy's 7/8's of the pegasus galaxy.
    The thread is here:
    It's quite amusing most of the time.

    Just sayin', I'd start it now but then I'd be a wraith wreck at work in the morning. Maybe for after this weekend if anyone's game. I'm up for a smilie fic I can post here, or a short (under 1000 word) fic on Well, just a suggestion; hope others may like. Floating off to bed now in a cloud of euphoric GIANTS WON THE SUPERBOWL! cool.
    Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


      Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
      AHHH so know what u mean.
      I Mean "Line in the sand" was suposed to be a Sam Ep (as it said in the Commentary) and it ended up being changed to a Vala/Tomin ep, Sam was just pushed to the side. But I do love the sam wumping
      did you guys really hate s9 that much? i agree it was different, and i really wish they could have kept jack in there, but i think they did okay with what they had. i mean, amanda was out for the first six weeks on maternity leave, so they had to write her out, but once she was back, i don't feel like she was pushed too far to the side.

      the thing was, there were now 5 people on the team to write for, instead of four, so now each person had to have fewer lines so everyone could speak. and they had two brand new characters that they had to develop. Sam was semi-featured in a few of the eps-- beachhead and the fourth horseman, at least, although i agree that Mitchell got the bulk of the good stuff. as it went on, i didn't feel she was being snubbed so much as she was having to share with more people, and a new 'leader' of sg-1, even though he wasn't, really.

      that being said, there were a few eps that i could absolutely have done without (Talion comes to mind)!

      in all, i guess i can see where you're coming from. s9 is certainly my least favorite.

      i really didn't mean to write so much...

      "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

      SG-1 FanFiction
      Sanctuary Fanfiction


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        just a little confirmation

        tara, amanda, alan, wibbling, realm, janice, mpb, sunny, annR, i got all your messages

        I also got them from nat and mary, but i'm not sure if they play here.

        I know i haven't responded yet, but i do want to let you know that they have been received and are sitting in a folder in my e-mail.

        thanks to all that have already sent stuff in and a pre-thanks to all that will
        That's great Sky, thanks for letting us know


          Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
          did you guys really hate s9 that much? i agree it was different, and i really wish they could have kept jack in there, but i think they did okay with what they had. i mean, amanda was out for the first six weeks on maternity leave, so they had to write her out, but once she was back, i don't feel like she was pushed too far to the side.
          Actually, Amanda was out of the first five eps in S8, not S9.

          I count myself among the fans that did not like the turn that the show took starting in S9. They made too many changes all at once and it no longer felt like "home" to me.
          I also did feel like the writers were writing to the new characters. It was only natural...they had new things to explore. However, to the longtime fan it did feel like the characters that we knew and loved were being ignored while the writers had fun making up stories for these new characters.

          It's still just a matter of perspective. Within Trek fandom you will find almost universal loathing of Star Trek V (the one that Shatner directed). However, there are fans that loved that particular film. I don't have to agree with their assessment, but I can respect it.

          So, that being said -- while I may not have liked the changes to the show in S9 & S10, I can respect that someone else might have enjoyed those seasons. As Seinfeld would say "Not that there's anything wrong with that!"


            Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post
            Actually, Amanda was out of the first five eps in S8, not S9.
            Well...actually it really was season 9, not 8. The first part of 8 was actually pretty Sam-heavy, with episodes like New Order and such. Amanda was enjoying her introduction to mommyhood at the beginning of 9 and was not around when Mitchell first came to the SGC.

            Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post
            I count myself among the fans that did not like the turn that the show took starting in S9. They made too many changes all at once and it no longer felt like "home" to me.
            I also did feel like the writers were writing to the new characters. It was only natural...they had new things to explore. However, to the longtime fan it did feel like the characters that we knew and loved were being ignored while the writers had fun making up stories for these new characters.
            Right. For me it felt as if the show was about the new characters and the others supported them...rather than it being about the team and how they respond to the new characters, which I think would have made more sense. We the viewers identify with the team...with people we're familiar with...and our reactions would have tended to consciously or not mimic theirs. In doing what they did, IMHO, it made me feel like a stranger in a strange land and the faces I looked to for validation seemed to carry the same blank stare I was sporting.

            Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post
            It's still just a matter of perspective. Within Trek fandom you will find almost universal loathing of Star Trek V (the one that Shatner directed). However, there are fans that loved that particular film. I don't have to agree with their assessment, but I can respect it.
            I'm not an active part of Trek fandom but I agree with the almost universal assessment of ST5. Sorry Bill.

            Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post
            So, that being said -- while I may not have liked the changes to the show in S9 & S10, I can respect that someone else might have enjoyed those seasons. As Seinfeld would say "Not that there's anything wrong with that!"
            And as Teal'c would say...


            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              HI EVERYONE!

              OT: I had a great day at work today the lady who usualy pick's on me wasnt in today and the day past so quickly also when i got home there was a suprise waiting for me , i got home and there was small parciel waiting for me at the front door i opened it up and it was my SANCTUARY T-SHIRT it was good to come home to after a good day at work

              Oh and i found out tommorow REVISIONS is on i cant wait to see it the first thing i thought was SANCTUARY lol i love watching that eps and the behined the scene's it so funny and i love how Amanda is holding the cammera for Martin i love seeing them together on behined the scene's everyone i watch i'm ROTFL it'll be great to see if they do that for SANCTUARY and them doing the comminteries for the eps
              (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                God even I got it and English isn't even my first or second language

                Lucky you!!! Thing is, the way I pronounce "eh" isn't like I pronounce "A" for me it wasn't as clear.
                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                Love the responses to my name!
                To explain to the non-Canadians, we Canadians are often accused of saying "eh". For example, "How's it going, eh?". The word "eh" is pronounced like the letter A. So EH-T is pronounced the same as AT as in Amanda Tapping. Got it?
                Welcome to Samanda EH-T!
                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                I read on another thread someone's recommendation for a scenario of Sam moving out of command. Which was actually what we were thinking a couple of years ago that would have made sense for her stepping out of SG1 command. She does something incredibly heroic but also totally against orders & they (IOA) punish her by taking away her job. They can't get rid of her b/c she's too important, but they can take her out of a command. I'm guessing she either goes back to the SGC or gets command of a ship & gets called in as needed.
                Well I for one hope that doesn't happen...I'd be pretty peeved if they demote her after everything she has done...I'd like to see her commended...I still think that her trip to the Pegasus Galaxy was always meant to be temporary anyway...which is why she packed her SG1 gear...I hope she gets command of the SGC...does anyone think that maybe she just wants to stop for a while...she's been pretty flat knackers for a long time now...maybe it's time Sam slowed down a's just gotta be a good ending not something's the least she deserves!!
                Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                And have a present:

                ...that is so cute...would you mind if I snurched it for my own private collection??
                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                what i hope:
                however they write sam out of commanding, i hope it's *respectful* to the character. if it's ship related, i'd like sam and jack to already be married or getting married. but *career wise*, i'd like sam being given/accepting another command, like a ship or the sgc, or whatever. i don't want her stepping backwards, career wise.

                i've been feeling better each day after the initial news. i'm going to miss sam with all my heart, even though i know she'll pop in when time permits. but i LOVED having the continuing stories of sam carter but i'm also trying to focus on the fact that sanctuary is going to take off, BIIIIIG TIME!!! just imagine the advertising we're going to see.
                I'm thinking very much like you Sally. The shipper in me wants to see Sam and Jack have it all, the Sam fan wants nothing but the best for Sam Carter and the Amanda fan is thrilled for Amanda's accomplishments and successes...I think I would be very surprised and very disappointed if TPTB were to have Sam leave in a negative's just not the right thing to do IMHO!
                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                The only thing I can think of that would be a step forward after commanding Atlantis would be commanding the SGC. Or perhaps some post at HWS? That's where Hammond and Jack went after their commands. I just don't want anything detrimental done to the character. I really wonder what they'll come up with!
                Me too too!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                they coudl find ANOTHER ancient city...a further out outpost, and sam goes to command that - since it's REALLY on the frontlines, and someone else comes to the 'safer' city
                Uhm...I don't think I'd like to see Sam sent to the front lines anymore than she already is...I think it's the mother in me that wants to see her return home safe and sound!!
                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                There was absolutely no reason in the world why TPTB couldn't have have given the character of Mitchell a rank lower than Lieutenant Colonel and had him just cover the command of SG-1 until Sam returned.
                Oh dread...I just had a thought after reading your post Alan...what if the new commander is Cameron Mitchell...bwahahahaha...what a hoot!!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                well, i'd suggest, those that want sam's writingout to be what you term 'worthy' of her character, head over to joe's blog and NICELY suggest that they please write her out nicely and well
                Originally posted by jz9 View Post
                I thought that episode was already written.
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                episode one is written, yes. but not likely written as sam leaving since the eps was 'done' a bit ago but her leaving was just official a few days ago.
                i'm betting there's some tweaking going on...and anything can change right up until the tapes roll
                If I really thought that it would make any slight difference than I would write...but I don't feel confidant that writing to Joe would help...not that I'm having a go at Joe...I just don't think anything we ask for is going to make a difference to what they want to do.
                Last edited by Chelle DB; 04 February 2008, 02:13 AM.
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                  did you guys really hate s9 that much?
                  I didn't hate season 9...but admittedly, I had been in GW before it came out here and I read a lot of spoilers and reviews on the seasons my first impressions were a little tainted so my expectations weren't high...anyway, I watched it and found I actually enjoyed it...I think for me, one of the mistakes of season 9 was they put in too many new faces and focused on them...I'm glad that I watched it though...I know some folks who won't watch it because of what they have read or have been told about it...and some who won't watch it because Jack wasn't in it anymore....each to their own I guess!!

         know the drill folks...take care, be safe and have fun!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping



                    I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.




                      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                      'Ruined' is a strong word, but I totally understand what you mean. i'm really looking forward to trio, but only because she's figured prominently in the episode (finally!) so when she's not on, i'm kinda blah about watching the show, whereas before, i liked it more. though not near as much as sg-1

                      i hope she's not reading right now, cuz i don't want to make her feel bad! i just like the character so much that she kinda overshadows everything else for me.
                      I suppose it is a strong word. Spoil? Only in one way, because I know once she's gone, I'll get used to it all again without the Sam love. But right now, I'm just watching SGA and waiting for Sam. I'll keep watching

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      what i hope:

                      however they write sam out of commanding, i hope it's *respectful* to the character. if it's ship related, i'd like sam and jack to already be married or getting married. but *career wise*, i'd like sam being given/accepting another command, like a ship or the sgc, or whatever. i don't want her stepping backwards, career wise.

                      I really, really hope it's not ship related. Not that I don't love Jack, and Sam/Jack. But it should be career related because that is Sam.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      we could have the 'adventures of Sam Carter' in her own city and own part of hte universe

                      Yes! Failing that we can just created our own little AU for this.

                      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                      did you guys really hate s9 that much?
                      I liked Season nine, okay so there was less Sam, a lot less and Daaaaaaaaaamn that sucked but you could tell they were just finding their places again within a new team, with new people, and Vala was good and Cam was pretty, and it was fun. Season nine wasn't a bad year, it was just worse because it was a warm up for season ten, which was a good year in my opinion.

                      Question: When is the Ark Of Truth out in the UK? Because the cover is so cool.
                      +I thought I was a fool for no one
                      but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                        Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

                        I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.


                        You have my sympathies. I wish I had something more to say.

                        +I thought I was a fool for no one
                        but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                          my biggest issue with season 9 was like someone said....all of a sudden instead of it being a team show, it was the adventures of daniel and vala with a minor supporting role by cam, and the chick and the black guy got used as a plot device

                          which was fantastic if you liked that new set up...if it didn't appeal to you, thre wasn't much else to enjoy in it because it was so massively unbalanced.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

                            I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.


                            My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              my biggest issue with season 9 was like someone said....all of a sudden instead of it being a team show, it was the adventures of daniel and vala with a minor supporting role by cam, and the chick and the black guy got used as a plot device

                              which was fantastic if you liked that new set up...if it didn't appeal to you, thre wasn't much else to enjoy in it because it was so massively unbalanced.
                              That's a good point. Though, I did enjoy the adventures of Daniel and Vala. I did find it frustrating, waiting for Sam to do something. Anyway. I liked it, lol.
                              +I thought I was a fool for no one
                              but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                                Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

                                I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.


                                My condolences go out to you, your family, and friends. You have my deepest sympathies for your loss.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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