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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    we're rather low key. we don't have any hard and fast traditions. this year i believe we're going over to my sister's christmas eve, having a bit of a meal, then opening the pressies. we're not doing an exchange between us siblings, so it'll just be gifts from mom (santa) and gifts to mom.
    unless something comes up for christmas day, we'll just hang out at home or maybe i'll go to the movies like i have in the past. my sisters who are married may have other family taht they spend the day with.
    Sky! You're more than welcome to pop over to our place for Christmas breakfast lunch and dinner!! Even though I'll be working I'm sure the kids could keep you entertained til I get home!!...and just so you know...I'm totally serious!!!...although that would mean a trip down under...think you could manage it???...we could hot tail over to Adelaide and catch up with Myrth if she's home!!!
    Generally speaking, we're not supposed to be giving gifts to the siblings but we all end up giving each other shortbread and a bottle of wine!!'s usually just gifts for the kids and the parents!!
    So if you come over I can give you a bottle of Aussie wine and some shortbread!!! if that's not an incentive than I don't know what is!!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
      They're only being nice to coax you into making them a game of Monopoly.

      Glad you're well, though. And the pics are the same ones I showed you. I've not taken any of my shiny set, though I should. Did Amy tell you that we were playing it in the staff room the other week? My head and some of the maths teachers are huge SG fans.
      Awww...that's not fair!! As much as I would like one I won't pretend to be something I'm not...I like anyone who likes Amanda...just shows you what good taste they have...think I'll go and make more coffee and sit in the corner!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by maryclaremcdade View Post
        hi my name is mary-clare mcdade this sounds crazy but i ask anyway hoew you can get the dvd called stuck
        thank you
        from mary-clare
        Here's a link to the how to purchase post.

        If you have any questions PM either Sky or me.



          When I was younger Christmas for us revolved around immediate family and the Church we attended (I'd often end up going to three church services in the 24 hours of Christmas day lol) we'd go to church in the morning, then come home and open our presents...and then the Vicar and his wife would arrive for Christmas dinner, we'd eat and then watch a movie or play games together in the afternoon (we had such fun as a family when the Quidditch world cup playstation game came out *geeks*) and call our extended family. Then we have left overs for tea. Every five years we'd get my mum's parents to stay over Christmas too, those Christmas dinners were always fun as we'd have to hunt high and low through the house for forks and plates for all ten people. My Dad cooks a great Christmas dinner and my mum loves baking...she bakes the Christmas cakes in September, the Puddings on stir up sunday and starts making mince pies from about September onwards. She also makes personalized crackers for the dinner table each year.

          Now we're (nearly) all adults it's different. For the last couple of years my parents and youngest brother have gone to France for Christmas, they've got an old farmhouse/building project there. I'm in America and I have to work all through Christmas...and funnily enough there isn't a C of E church around here anyway. My mum sends me my Christmas cracker My oldest younger brother spends it with his gf and her family and my middle brother has a self-imposed isolation that he seems quite happy with. We still do all the phone calls round and keep in touch with everyone...and my mum still bakes like she's possessed...but it's definitely different.
          Last edited by Tittamiire; 06 December 2007, 04:11 PM.
          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
          My Fanfic~My Femslash


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
            It's never the same in my house, to tell the truth.
            When I was little, we'd always have a big family do on Christmas eve and all of us would get presents we could open (German family as well, hence the Christmas eve thing), but gradually it's changed so the family do is on boxing night and we do nothing on Christmas eve.
            Two out of the last four Christmases I've spent with my parents in Nottingham, with varying degrees of disaster (last year my mum purposefully tried to poison my dad when they had a spat). One of the others I spent on my own because of a family fall out, and the fourth I was living in Germany and spent my Christmas with a family from my church over there.
            I'm sorry Tracy but I'm laughing my ass off over your parents and I probably shouldn't but that would be something my mum would do if she had the courage!!...I think it's the German in them...they sound like my folks!!! fact your family sounds a little like mine...I'm sorry...I really shouldn't's not funny...but it can come to my house too if you like...I try to avoid my family like the plague sometimes!
            This year I'm going to my parents' and Amy's coming with me. We're apparently going to have Chinese and/or Indian takeaway on Christmas Eve (mum can't be bothered to cook) and then we'll spend Christmas day together. Generally we get up, get dressed and open gifts, then pop over to the neighbours to say hello and exchange gifts, then my mum has a bust up with my dad, they try to poison each other over Christmas dinner (a big turkey dinner with Christmas crackers and everything). After this, dad collapses drunk on the sofa and the rest of us watch a film.
            I'm sure your dad would be relieved to have take away!!
            Any particular film you watch??
            On New Years eve we always watch a German movie called Dinner for Two...or is it Dinner for One?? of's so old but it's a tradition...and then we have Ollie Bollen!!...dutch donuts!!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
              Spoilers for long rambling on Christmas traditions.
              When I was a kid we would get together for dinner with the extended family from my mom's side on Christmas eve. We'd do our 'extended family gift exchange' then (names were drawn at Thanksgiving dinner, so everyone got one gift) and play the dice game (pile of small presents in the middle of the circle - roll two dice and if you get doubles then you pick out a present - usually juice boxes, gum, kleenex - stuff under a dollar).
              Christmas day was just spent with the immediate family. We'd wake up early to open presents. Breakfast was rice pudding with lingon berries and some kringle (my favorite!). The day was spent playing board games or putting together a puzzle (my mom got one every year). It was nice and low key.
              After my mom passed, everyone but my brother and his wife were excluded from the Christmas Eve dinner (both sides blame the other, I stayed out of it since I lived across th country). So we started just having a smaller dinner on Christmas Eve and doing Christmas day breakfast at my brother's house (still with the rice pudding and kringle!).
              Last year my sister tried to make nice and asked if we could come by for the big Christmas Eve dinner. We were very rudely told that there would be no room for us, but we could stop by for dessert if we must. We decided to take the high road and showed up for dessert, but it was wonderfully awkward. The kicker is that the uncle who's house it was at was surprised that we were told that there would be no room (my sister had talked to another aunt).
              Also, since Christmas Eve is my nephew's birthday, the immediate family gets together for brunch or dinner to celebrate that (sometime after I fly in)

              Who knows what's going on this year. As long as I get my kringle and rice pudding, I am good
              I love what you used to do before your mum passed away...I'm extending my invitation to anyone who wants to come over for Christmas with us...there's always room in our little shack...even if we have to put up the tent in the's summer so you won't freeze!!...although last year we was pretty much a white Christmas last year...I have never ever seen it that cold or white at Christmas in my entire was awesome!!
              I hope this Christmas is better for you.
              What is Kringle?
              I love rice pudding...that's what I had cravings for when I was pregnant with Niki!!...I had it for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                When I was younger Christmas for us revolved around immediate family and the Church we attended (I'd often end up going to three church services in the 24 hours of Christmas day lol) we'd go to church in the morning, then come home and open our presents...and then the Vicar and his wife would arrive for Christmas dinner, we'd eat and then watch a movie or play games together in the afternoon (we had such fun as a family when the Quidditch world cup playstation game came out *geeks*) and call our extended family. Then we have left overs for tea. Every five years we'd get my mum's parents to stay over Christmas too, those Christmas dinners were always fun as we'd have to hunt high and low through the house for forks and plates for all ten people. My Dad cooks a great Christmas dinner and my mum loves baking...she bakes the Christmas cakes in September, the Puddings on stir up sunday and starts making mince pies from about September onwards. She also makes personalized crackers for the dinner table each year.

                Now we're (nearly) all adults it's different. For the last couple of years my parents and youngest brother have gone to France for Christmas, they've got an old farmhouse/building project there. I'm in America and I have to work all through Christmas...and funnily enough there isn't a C of E church around here anyway. My mum sends me my Christmas cracker My oldest younger brother spends it with his gf and her family and my middle brother has a self-imposed isolation that he seems quite happy with. We still do all the phone calls round and keep in touch with everyone...and my mum still bakes like she's possessed...but it's definitely different.
                My dad loves baking...he makes biscuits and cheese cakes and flans and macaroons!!
                My mum makes the best potatoe salad and she runs around like a chook with it's head off making sure there's plenty to eat. As an adult and a mum myself, I now help out by either baking an apple cake or Marmor Küchen...or I make pasta/noodle salad...we all pitch in for Christmas dinner (on the 24th)...we have a minimum of 18 people who come over for dinner every year...and I say minimum coz sometimes we have more...never less!
                There's my older brother Bob and his wife Di (who is also my husbands sister!) and the three kids, Tori, Danni and Matt...then my little brother Pip, his wife Carolyn and the three girls, Jess, Tianna and Charli...then there's us x 4 then dad and mum and uncle and auntie...sometime there's an extra uncle and auntie and cousin.
                We usually have so much left overs that mum either gives us some to take home for the next day or we just call in for Christmas dinner on the 25th...usually the latter.
                My mum in law makes shortbread and Christmas cakes for everyone. We have bacon and egg sandwiches for breaky with her and her family...which includes her youngest daughter Sam, David's middle sister Fiona and her hubby Dave and their four kids, Jesse, Jasmine, Alex and Zoe!...and then of course my older brother and sister in law and their brood and us!!...I get tired just thinking about Christmas...I can't wait for January 2nd!
                Our Christmases can be so hectic and yet so boring at the same time...we're always running on a timed's so overrated!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                  Well, it was like the 20 copies of Stuck, right? LOL.
                  Okay I have no idea what Stuck is (newbie remember) but you're all very flattering, that's for sure!


                    Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                    $0.5 for national, $1.50 to Oz and $2 for the rest of the world. The $47 was just for postage. My mum bought the cards, and I'm paying her back by buying meat for 3 dinners =)
                    woah. I didn't realize postage was so different around the world. Shows how much I get out. lol Thanks for doing this...I know I'll appreciate mine even more so knowing everything now.

                    Originally posted by CapitaBlood View Post
                    Messed up hair and no make-up, but always beautiful


                    Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
                    Thought some of you might be interested in my Amanda Tapping Stargate Atlantis Super Fan contest entry with lots about Sam.

                    My Stargate Story


                    Hope you're well!
                    LOL I loved watching it! Good luck in the contest and I've got my fingers crossed for you!
                    Last edited by Celandine; 06 December 2007, 05:32 PM. Reason: meh


                      Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
                      Thought some of you might be interested in my Amanda Tapping Stargate Atlantis Super Fan contest entry with lots about Sam.
                      My Stargate Story
                      Hope you're well!
                      OMG!!! Thank you so much for sharing that!! I loved it!! It was so cool!!
                      So...why is McKay a duck???
                      Good luck with the competition!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by lonemala View Post
                        Okay I have no idea what Stuck is (newbie remember) but you're all very flattering, that's for sure!
                        What??? don't know about Stuck??...oh you poor thing!
                        Stuck is a fantabulous movie starring Amanda Tapping and JR Bourne and it's about 4 people who get stuck in an elevator...but it's a really deep and thought provoking film...much more deeper than I could have ever imagined it...I highly recommend you get your hands on a copy of's mind blowing!...for me, JR's performance truly amazed me...I hope you can get a's so worth it!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          What??? don't know about Stuck??...oh you poor thing!
                          Stuck is a fantabulous movie starring Amanda Tapping and JR Bourne and it's about 4 people who get stuck in an elevator...but it's a really deep and thought provoking film...much more deeper than I could have ever imagined it...I highly recommend you get your hands on a copy of's mind blowing!...for me, JR's performance truly amazed me...I hope you can get a's so worth it!!
                          I still haven't seen Stuck! I'm so sad. I'm going to Eileen's tomorrow night so I'm gonna steal it for a couple of days. Just don't tell her.

                          "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                          "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                          My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                            Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                            I still haven't seen Stuck! I'm so sad. I'm going to Eileen's tomorrow night so I'm gonna steal it for a couple of days. Just don't tell her.
                            If she's anything like me you won't even be able to find copy is well hidden...because I don't want the kids to see it and I won't be lending it out to anyone...tis a very precious dvd to me...I find it hard enough to lend out my SG dvd' least I know I can easily replace them if anything happens to them...I have actually got them insured...asked specifically when I renewed my policy...hubby doesn't know...yet!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              If she's anything like me you won't even be able to find copy is well hidden...because I don't want the kids to see it and I won't be lending it out to anyone...tis a very precious dvd to me...I find it hard enough to lend out my SG dvd' least I know I can easily replace them if anything happens to them...I have actually got them insured...asked specifically when I renewed my policy...hubby doesn't know...yet!!
                              OMG! Awesome! I reckon I'll be able to find it. It'll be somewhere close so she can watch it whenever she wants.

                              "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                              "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                              My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                                if it makes you feel any better, i still haven't had time to watch it. hopefully this weekend. everytime i want to watch it, stuff comes up and i'm busy and it just gets put off

                                i want to watch it when i know i have 94 uninterrrupted minutes. still hasn't happened yet
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


