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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    pete, had he been written differently, would have been great

    and he was ok, to a point.

    they just needed a bit of realism in their fantasy

    vala and daniel is just a further extension of the warped nature of m/f relationships that these folks write

    they write them all as dysfunctional...when they could be anything but with a little tweakage

    Sam needed pete, i do agree with that. they just needed to write pete a bit better is all
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Repost, PLEASE JOIN!!! THE MORE THE MERRIER! i know there are a lot of creative and original people here so Only have 4 people atm...


      Because it is also a big success in S/J thread and cause it is a lot of fun to get to know each other and make Christmas into something special, I am going to do it on Samanda too.
      PLEASE JOIN, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE BIG, just a little presents you make for someone can cheer up someone else their holiday

      What is Secret Santa?

      Everyone who signs up for it makes something for another person. You can make anything you like. music vids, fanmix, icons, wallpapers, headers, poem, fix, stories, picture stories, ... Be creative
      So you'll be making something for someone but you'll also be getting something.

      How does it go?

      Fill in this form, and mail it to: [email protected]
      And make sure your subjects of your mail says Secret Santa Samanda (or SAGC or Sam thread) cause I am also doing it for the ship thread

      Your E-mail: So I can contact you.
      Name + nickname:
      Age: for the rating of fics (if you get one)
      Things you want to make:
      Things you don't want to make:
      Things you really like:
      Things you don't like:
      Your favourite things like colour, music, song, artist, country, city, place, food, drink: (so the person making something for you gets to know you and has more of an idea what you might like)

      Singing up can be until 14 november then I'll send the assignments out around 16th november.

      And assignments have to be in my mailbox before 16th December! Then I'll be mailing them off to everyone And if you want you can post them on this thread and tell who made it for you...



        come on guys, please sign up.

        it sounds like a lot of fun

        i signed up
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          ok, sooooo...let's say that the team is doing thanksgiving. Jack is having the turkey, potatoes and stuffing catered or he's cooking it

          it's potluck

          who brings what and why?
          This is a very difficult question to answer. I can come up with a whole list of things they would need, but I'm having trouble assigning the different items to people. I just can't see Teal'c baking a pumpkin pie or Daniel making green bean casserole. I guess Sam would bring dessert because we know she can bake. Perhaps she would bring one of her famous souffles.

          Yay! I found something Sam could bring and it actually looks delicious. Autumn Pumpkin Souffle (click on pic for recipe):

          Cam could bring lots of macaroons that no one will eat.

          Do we know if Teal'c or Daniel have any specific areas of expertise in the kitchen?


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            Repost, PLEASE JOIN!!! THE MORE THE MERRIER! i know there are a lot of creative and original people here so Only have 4 people atm...


            SECRET SANTA
            Because it is also a big success in S/J thread and cause it is a lot of fun to get to know each other and make Christmas into something special, I am going to do it on Samanda too.
            PLEASE JOIN, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE BIG, just a little presents you make for someone can cheer up someone else their holiday

            What is Secret Santa?

            Everyone who signs up for it makes something for another person. You can make anything you like. music vids, fanmix, icons, wallpapers, headers, poem, fix, stories, picture stories, ... Be creative
            So you'll be making something for someone but you'll also be getting something.

            How does it go?

            Fill in this form, and mail it to: [email protected]
            And make sure your subjects of your mail says Secret Santa Samanda (or SAGC or Sam thread) cause I am also doing it for the ship thread

            Your E-mail: So I can contact you.
            Name + nickname:
            Age: for the rating of fics (if you get one)
            Things you want to make:
            Things you don't want to make:
            Things you really like:
            Things you don't like:
            Your favourite things like colour, music, song, artist, country, city, place, food, drink: (so the person making something for you gets to know you and has more of an idea what you might like)

            Singing up can be until 14 november then I'll send the assignments out around 16th november.

            And assignments have to be in my mailbox before 16th December! Then I'll be mailing them off to everyone And if you want you can post them on this thread and tell who made it for you...


            OKAY! OKAY!!

            *is signing up as she surfs...
            I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


              Originally posted by JanSam View Post
              Part three interview with Amanda on Voices From is up...

              Ahh..thanks! Am listening to it right now and loving it.

              Originally posted by Melora View Post
              I agree that they could have explored Pete's motivations better. If they had delved a little more into his character, we might have been able to understand things from his point of view better. I still wouldn't think what he did was right, but I might have been able to understand it better.

              I do think having a normal relationship was important to Sam's development as a character. And I agree with AT that it was something that made Sam a deeper, more well-rounded character. But there were just so many problems with how the Pete character was written and TPTB really took the story arc too far when they brought him back in Season 8.

              My least favorite moment in their relationship still has to be when he storms out of her house in the morning after she won't tell him more about her job. He didn't even get his shoes on completely until he got to his car. A guy who acts like that doesn't deserve a second date IMHO.
              I think Sam needed Pete in a way but again I think she was better off without him so I was glad when she broke it off. He's a good guy but a bit base for someone as complex as Sam. If his character was written differently than maybe.

              I watched Threads this afternoon and blubbered like an idiot throughout the second half. Not a good one to watch when your RL is depressing atm.

              For OT
              totally broke up with my gf

              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
              Repost, PLEASE JOIN!!! THE MORE THE MERRIER! i know there are a lot of creative and original people here so Only have 4 people atm...


              SECRET SANTA
              Because it is also a big success in S/J thread and cause it is a lot of fun to get to know each other and make Christmas into something special, I am going to do it on Samanda too.
              PLEASE JOIN, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE BIG, just a little presents you make for someone can cheer up someone else their holiday
              *obeys* Though my artistic talent is quite lacking sometimes, I'll see what I can whip up.
              Last edited by Celandine; 07 November 2007, 09:08 PM. Reason: Didnt dot my i's nor cross my t's


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                kavan is absolutely adorable. I think he's the one actor whose photo i would pay for. I've got so many of them that really, getting photos at a con is now optional, but i'd just HAVE to get a photo of him. he's just soooo dang cute. only good thing to come out of ENemy Mine
                All I can say is....TOTALLY SMITTEN!!!!!!
                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                Random question here. The thought occurred to me that Sam in this ep isnt wearing her regulation uniform while everyone else is...
                Am I missing something here or what?
                You're definitely missing something...she's wearing her uniform...just not the jacket!!
                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                Sam's probably realised that Atlantis is now more than just another military assignment - its also her home so she's able to relax a bit more.
                This bothered me a bit...I don't like to think of Atlantis as her home so much...yes she's there but to me home is where the heart is...and that's on earth...and that's not just my shippy head speaking either...she has everyone back home...and besides...Atlantis is only's kinda like her going to Area 51...IMHO anyway!!...but I hope she does get the chance to relax and let her hair down...figuratively and literally speaking!!
                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Actually Sam has been wearing the Atlantis uniform since taking over a leader She is still wearing the Atlantis uniform, just not the jacket
                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                YAY! I've had some sleep!
                And a brief, silly and no where near as funny as Sky's version of the whole underwear idea
                Yay!! I loved it...very cool!! Thanks Tittamiire!!
                Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                Welcome everybody! It's always a pleasure to see how glad you are
                By the way, I went into my Photoshop and made some icons and wallpapers... To be honest I'm really new to make walls so I don't think they are the greatest works of mine...
                Hope you like them!!
                They are brilliant Jenny!! Yay!! Thank you!!
                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                As mentioned she is wearing her uniform.
                I just wonder is there any insignia on her jacket that might link her as the leader of the base? They (McKay. Zelenka, Sam, Keller, etc. were all afraid of the soldiers ... if Sam had any thing on her jacket that might remind the others of the solider then I would think they would treat her with the same mistrust especially Zelenka. So it might be why the writers, or Martin decided that Sam would not wear her jacket through out the episode. As far as the cleavage. Honestly I didn't notice. It wasn't until I heard people were complaining about it in the episode thread... that I had to laugh.

                I liked TR (last weeks Atlantis episode)!
                They complained??? Really??? Over that??? Oh boy!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                the only part of solitudes that was taped outside was 'sam' going out onto the glacier.
                and in that case it WAS amanda, she choppered up onto one of the mountains with a tiny crew. they 'made' the crevase for her to poke her way out of.
                they taped it from teh chopper which was hovering a small distance away
                she tells a funny story. she was standing there and hears this sound, asks them what it was 'oh, just an avalanche' (far enough away that it wasn't an issue of course)
                so cold, frightened sam...was pretty much cold and startled amanda
                LOL...where on earth do you get your stuff from Sky?? You always seen to have a plethora of stories to tell about Amanda's exploits...thank you!!!!
                Originally posted by Melora View Post
                See... that was my perception as well. I didn't even notice any cleavage when I watched the episode. Then I was sort of confused when someone brought it up on the episode thread and then I got into a huge, frustrating debate about the whole issue (which I should have stayed out of ).
                But I did just go through all of JennyJ's lovely caps and there was a teeny, teeny, tiny bit of cleavage in a couple of shots (see Alan's post above mine). The amount of cleavage that was shown in those couple of shots is not inappropriate or blatant IMHO. In fact I am amazed that anyone noticed, b/c you really had to be looking for it to notice it.
                Maybe it's the style of the shirt that gives the perception that there is a lot of cleavage when there really isn't? Maybe just the look made viewers think they saw something that wasn't really there? Sometimes we remember things differently than they actually were. Or maybe some people are just very sensitive about any hint of feminine sexuality being on display. I don't know. But the whole thing is very perplexing to me.
                But I guess if that's the only major complaint about Sam's presence in the ep, I can live with it.
                All I can add to this debate's all about the boobs!!!!...and Amanda looks awesome so I don't care what anyone says about her cleavage...I just wish I had one like that...especially like the one in TRNT...that black dress...stunning!!!!!!!
                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Heh, I'm not complaining or saying it's a huge amount of cleavage. I like this shot from Tabula Rasa, this is where I noticed it:
                Thanks JennyJ!
                If all the women on earth would walk around with a cleavage like that...all the men on earth would be drunk on happiness!!!
                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                I agree it's not something you would notice unless you are looking for it. The fact that you can't wear a V neck sweater or shirt on TV without one group or another complaining is perplexing indeed. My opinion is there are people that just want to find something to complain about. Especially since the majority of people didn't notice anything. If peoples only complaint is wardrobe and they are that worked up over it, then write a letter to the head costume designer or Executive Producers that decided on that look.
                ...well said!!!
                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                I bet they all had some fun with Amanda's costume that when they were filming Off the Grid. I bet she got teased more than my friend did when he had to dress as a mouse
                ...well the boys liked it...I would have loved to have been a fly on the set when she came out of wardrobe for the first time in that get up...I would have loved to have heard their reactions when seeing her in that black dress of the guys (Alan McCullough(sp?) ) in the commentaries for TRNT did say and I quote..."You look hot in that dress girl"...yay...and that guy Billy...who is he???...he got an eyeful as he walked's all about the boobs...but Amanda is just so totally awesome!!!
                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                *picturing AT's reaction to the wardrobe*
                Wait, you want me to wear leather... and a corset... a leather corset... instead of baggy BDU's. Sweet.
                OK, maybe I'm just projecting my reaction.
                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                You want me to wear leather... and a corset... a leather corset... with baby boobies? Sweeet!

                LOL...she was still breast feeding Olivia at the time of OtG...and she still looked amazing!!!
                Originally posted by Melora View Post
                Now that is cleavage.
                Did anyone complain about the cleavage when OTG aired? I remember a lot of squeeing, but I can't recall if anyone had the opposite reaction. Just curious.
                Not me...I wouldn't complain about that....ever!!!!!
                Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                Part three interview with Amanda on Voices From is up...
                Thank you Jan...I have absolutely loved this was so nice to listen to both Amanda and the interviewer...I loved it!!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                aaaand we hit the magic rewind button
                ...what?? What button???
                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                I'm really enjoying those interviews. How AT can keep answering the same kind of questions and still sound fresh is amazing to me. Though I must say this interviewer was pretty good.
                I thoroughly enjoyed it...even if to just listen to Amanda's voice and the funny little moments in between...who was the interviewer?? I'd love to listen to the whole thing with no breaks between!!
                Originally posted by Melora View Post
                I agree that they could have explored Pete's motivations better. If they had delved a little more into his character, we might have been able to understand things from his point of view better. I still wouldn't think what he did was right, but I might have been able to understand it better.
                I do think having a normal relationship was important to Sam's development as a character. And I agree with AT that it was something that made Sam a deeper, more well-rounded character. But there were just so many problems with how the Pete character was written and TPTB really took the story arc too far when they brought him back in Season 8.
                My least favorite moment in their relationship still has to be when he storms out of her house in the morning after she won't tell him more about her job. He didn't even get his shoes on completely until he got to his car. A guy who acts like that doesn't deserve a second date IMHO.
                I liked Pete as much as he gave us the opportunity to see Sam in a different light...the more personal side to her...but as a shipper, it also pointed out how much Sam and Jack are better together than anyone else...he had a purpose and moved on...yay...I have to admit though that my first gut reaction to him was that he was a bit immature for Sam's type...but then maybe that's what she also needed...something totally different...I dunno....I'm glad she's no longer with him...but I do like DDL...I think he's kinda cute...but Pete was a bit weird!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                come on guys, please sign up.
                it sounds like a lot of fun
                i signed up
                Me too!!!! Yay!!! You don't need to be a creative genius either...god knows I can't create a thing but it's the thought that counts!!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                ok, sooooo...let's say that the team is doing thanksgiving. Jack is having the turkey, potatoes and stuffing catered or he's cooking it
                it's potluck
                who brings what and why?
                Ok...I'd probably imagine that they'd do pot luck!!
                What do you guys eat on thanksgiving anyway???
                I might adjust my answer when I learn more about your culture!!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Melora View Post
                  This is a very difficult question to answer. I can come up with a whole list of things they would need, but I'm having trouble assigning the different items to people. I just can't see Teal'c baking a pumpkin pie or Daniel making green bean casserole. I guess Sam would bring dessert because we know she can bake. Perhaps she would bring one of her famous souffles.
                  Yay! I found something Sam could bring and it actually looks delicious. Autumn Pumpkin Souffle (click on pic for recipe):
                  Cam could bring lots of macaroons that no one will eat.
                  Do we know if Teal'c or Daniel have any specific areas of expertise in the kitchen?
                  I would imagine Daniel can cook some exotic dishes given his field of with the Abydonians and in Egypt and all...but I like the idea of Sam bringing the soufflé...I still can't picture Teal'c actually cooking...maybe he would pick up the turkey at the store...already cooked and ready to eat!!
                  Jack can have the potatoes and corn roasting on the BBQ...and Daniel can bring some exotic bean dish...the idea of Cam bringing the macaroons is pretty good...but I would imagine he would also bring some apple pie!!!
                  Vala can bring the center piece for the table!!
                  Would Lam, Landry or Hammond be attending??? And what about Cassie??
                  Someone needs to bring the booze!!
                  What do you drink on thanksgiving?? Is it eggnog or is that for Christmas only??
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Hehe, I want baby boobies! My mum practically gave me permission to have babies today... not that I need her permission Now that I'm nearly 20 and won't be a teen mum her thinking has switched from "no, you're my babies!" to "oooh, more grandkids!"

                    Yeah, as much as I want my little Freddie (girl) and Geordie right now, I still want to get my degree and travel first.

                    Ok, I would never actually call a kid Geordie, because people know I watch Star Trek. My first kid is definitely a Freddie though.

                    Wait, how did I get so off topic? Ah... baby boobs.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!





                        Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                        Oh noes... I can't stop laughing. Poor kid...


                        *gasps for air*

                        Tears streaming here.

                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          Hehe, I want baby boobies! My mum practically gave me permission to have babies today... not that I need her permission Now that I'm nearly 20 and won't be a teen mum her thinking has switched from "no, you're my babies!" to "oooh, more grandkids!"
                          Yeah, as much as I want my little Freddie (girl) and Geordie right now, I still want to get my degree and travel first.
                          Ok, I would never actually call a kid Geordie, because people know I watch Star Trek. My first kid is definitely a Freddie though.
                          Wait, how did I get so off topic? Ah... baby boobs.
                          Freddie?? As in Fredericka??? I used to love that was the name of a character on a British tv show called Cats Eyes...Fredericka was played by Lesley Ash...the character was awesome!!!
                          I always thought I'd have a Sarah or Amy...never thought about boy names the end I had a Nikita and a Thomas!
                          As for boobs...they are so overrated!!! Trust's like with always want what you don't have.
                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post

                          Hmmm...are you bored AD???

                          Tis very quiet here!!
                          Night night all...take care and have fun!

                          Just a few pics of different shades of Sam/Amanda!!!

                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Hey Everyone,

                            Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                            Part three interview with Amanda on Voices From is up...

                            That was great Jan thanks
                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post

                            I think Sam needed Pete in a way but again I think she was better off without him so I was glad when she broke it off. He's a good guy but a bit base for someone as complex as Sam. If his character was written differently than maybe.

                            I watched Threads this afternoon and blubbered like an idiot throughout the second half. Not a good one to watch when your RL is depressing atm.

                            For OT
                            totally broke up with my gf

                            Celandine I agree about Pete, sometimes he was almost painful to watch, but is was something that Sam needed to (for lack of a better word) go through and it was nice to see that side of Sam too. Pete just wasn't written from the best angle IMHO.
                            On your OT stuff, (((((((((Celandine))))))))))
                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            Ok...I'd probably imagine that they'd do pot luck!!
                            What do you guys eat on thanksgiving anyway???
                            I might adjust my answer when I learn more about your culture!!!
                            LOL, that was my thought to chelle
                            Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post

                            Oh that's hilarious LOL.

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                              Part three interview with Amanda on Voices From is up...

                              Thanks for the link Jan, that was great

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                a TRADITIONAL american thanksgiving is

                                mashed potatoes and gravy
                                yams/sweet potatoes
                                veggies - corn, green beans or whatever

                                pumpkin pie for dessert

                                but you can do anything literally. deep fried turkeys are quite the rage, smoked turkeys, ham and the associated side dishes.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


