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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hey Samandans!

    Congratulations everyone on 80,000 posts!!!

    I was looking through the latest Legends Memorabilia Auction listings and there are quite a few Sam/AT items available.

    They have a set of Sam's Blue BDUs for those with a lot of extra cash on hand. There are also a couple of items that still are going for a more reasonable price: a set of continuity photos and Sam's motorcycle helmet from "Space Race" (my favorite of the bunch). There are also quite a few autographed pictures of AT up for sale.

    If anyone is interested here is the link to the auction:

    Legends Memorabilia Auction

    I just think it would be so cool to own Sam's motorcycle helmet.


      Originally posted by Melora View Post
      Hey Samandans!

      Congratulations everyone on 80,000 posts!!!

      I was looking through the latest Legends Memorabilia Auction listings and there are quite a few Sam/AT items available.

      They have a set of Sam's Blue BDUs for those with a lot of extra cash on hand. There are also a couple of items that still are going for a more reasonable price: a set of continuity photos and Sam's motorcycle helmet from "Space Race" (my favorite of the bunch). There are also quite a few autographed pictures of AT up for sale.

      If anyone is interested here is the link to the auction:

      Legends Memorabilia Auction

      I just think it would be so cool to own Sam's motorcycle helmet.
      that would be very cool!
      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
      My Fanfic~My Femslash


        Originally posted by Melora View Post
        Hey Samandans!

        Congratulations everyone on 80,000 posts!!!

        I was looking through the latest Legends Memorabilia Auction listings and there are quite a few Sam/AT items available.

        They have a set of Sam's Blue BDUs for those with a lot of extra cash on hand. There are also a couple of items that still are going for a more reasonable price: a set of continuity photos and Sam's motorcycle helmet from "Space Race" (my favorite of the bunch). There are also quite a few autographed pictures of AT up for sale.

        If anyone is interested here is the link to the auction:

        Legends Memorabilia Auction

        I just think it would be so cool to own Sam's motorcycle helmet.
        That is cool indeed! If only I had the money but I'm saving for AT3

        Anyway I'm off to bed now, night everyone

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          H A P P Y

          H A L L O W E E N

          M Y

          F E L L O W

          S A M A N D A S

          Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


            Oooh nice kitty

            my fanfic


              Happy Halloween to those who observe it!

              Nope, I can't take the credit. This was a product of an unknowns entry into the pumpkin carving contest at my daughter's job. I couldn't pass up showing this off.
              Last edited by SG1Poz; 05 November 2007, 02:05 PM.


                Nice job.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                  MGM has posted a video promo for Tabula Rasa on their web site. AT does the intro to the clip.
                  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Tis awesome!!!!
                  Originally posted by stargate barbie View Post
                  sam's role in reunion
                  the character had to be shown as someone who doesn't leave people behind, considering she had just told sheppard that they weren't going after weir without a plan.
                  this is all tv logic. yeah sure, maybe in the real world sam - in her new role- wouldn't have been the one to go on the rescue mission. i don't know. (of course none of this would have happened in the real world) i do know tv though. and in the tv world it made sense to have sam go.
                  the audience needed to know who sam is. her leading the mission in no way undermined shep. shep went into an unknown situation that went wrong. sam had more info. she also had ronon who was more in the know of what they were dealing with.
                  yes it would have made sense to have sent lorne, but lorne isn't the character being introduced. they had to hit the point home of sam doesn't leave her people behind. the audience also had to be shown that sam is not only a scientist, but a soldier. the atlantis crowd already knew she was a scientist because her previous role's in atlantis have been scientific.
                  as for daniel making more sense as the new leader, i completely disagree. daniel's a good negotiator and diplomat when he has to be, but unlike weir, its not his training. that was (IMO) what weir had going for her as a leader. sam has actual leadership history. she's been trained for leadership. she's lead not only an sg team, but also a whole gaggle of scientists at area 51 (gaggle is the correct term. trust me.) also, from a tv standpoint, she is the one with more history with the show.
                  as for her making shep and mckay redundant. well thats just not the case. thats like saying that caldwell or lorne makes shep redundant, and zelenka makes mckay redundant. just because she has the same skills as more than one person put together, doesn't make them redundant, as she's not there to do their jobs. she's there to lead the entire expodition. the fact that she understands completely what the likes of shep and mckay are talking about puts her at a leadership advantage in terms of being more likely to be able to make the right decisions based on their input.

                  rant over.
                  Rant away!! That was awesome...personally I think it was great to see Sam in action!!
                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  What Jan said. GIve us a few days please. We have stuff to work out and logistics to get into place.
                  Spread the word amongst yourselves, certainly. But let's not get the cart before the horse. Rather than some scattered e-mails, we're hoping to have a simple process in place to accomodate as many as possible.
                  Just give us another day or two please. We're talking across 3 countries and lord only knows how many time zones
                  What we're hoping for is
                  e-mail person 1
                  arrange payment
                  Person 1 will tell person 2 to ship the dvd to you
                  Person 2 gets it in the mail
                  Within a week or two of placing the order, the customer can get Stuck
                  Stuck on Amanda
                  sounds like fun...and what scari and AD want to do on Saturday night
                  So would it be a good idea to say get a few Aussies together and order it in one order...if that makes sense...excuse my daftness...I'm kinda fuzzy with pain killers ATM...but is this what you mean???
                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                  4000 pages
                  ...nearly 80,000 posts
                  and over 150,000 1.5 million views.
                  For a character who is considered to be so disliked, she doesn't seem to have too much trouble keeping up with all the so-called 'popular' kids.
                  Let's hear it for Sam and all the other unpopular geeks out there!
                  Damn! I missed yet another party!!!
                  Way to Go Samandans!!!

                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  Those are great CG your very talented
                  I concur...wtg CG...that was brilliant!!!
                  Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                  Amanda inspires poetry and, yes, I've tied up this thread tonight but for a good cause. It was fun to look back at our Samandan family history ... let me share one more oldie, but goodie, which still seems to fit ...
                  Reprise: A Salute to the Thread
                  (originally posted on its first-year anniversary)

                  Many fans have come and gone
                  And yet the SaGC thread goes on
                  It seems to have a life of its own
                  Through ups and downs, the posts have grown
                  No matter who or where we are
                  Some so near, some so far
                  Samanda is our happy place
                  To honor Sam/AT, full of grace
                  Other fans may think us mad
                  A Royal Court? An imaginary land?
                  Perhaps they don’t really understand
                  Why admiring Sam produced something so grand
                  Over 80,000 replies of fun and mirth
                  In discussing Sam Carter’s worth
                  It started as a single simple post
                  From MajorSal, our inquiring host
                  She touched a nerve and we resonated
                  To the fair heroine who had Stargated
                  Into our homes and our mundane lives
                  Bringing female power alive
                  Sam was what we wanted to be
                  Brilliant, gutsy, and so on key
                  She could handle anything in stride
                  She was just as capable as the guys
                  As the seasons waxed and waned
                  Sam Carter grew and we exclaimed
                  “Of Sam Carter, we’ll never tire
                  She models, motivates and inspires”
                  Yes, she’s had her moments of despair
                  Times we thought the script needed repair
                  But through it all the core was true
                  Sam Carter was a winner too
                  Her face and figure left its mark
                  But something more, that inner spark
                  Is what drew us here to talk of her
                  A reality-based well-acted character
                  Amanda Tapping kept her engaging
                  All the while her own life changing
                  From young ingénue to solid lead
                  Even marrying motherhood to career, indeed!
                  And so we watch and always wait
                  For Sam Carter to travel through the Gate
                  Here we post and sometimes falter
                  But always expect the best for Carter!
                  A simple toast to SaGCT, may ever it strive
                  To keep the role of Sam Carter front page and alive
                  Now is the time to raise a glass and give a loud cheer
                  Sam Carter rocks, each and every year!
                  You can tie us up anytime CG...
                  Cheers to the Tappinating Spottie and all her minions!!!

                  Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                  Happy Halloween to those who observe it!
                  I know what I want for Christmas now...I want the Stargate dolls!!!
                  Happy Halloween everyone!!

                  I'm going to sign out now myself...I have successfully stayed conscious for 4 hours now...yay!!
                  Night all, take care and have fun!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                    So would it be a good idea to say get a few Aussies together and order it in one order...if that makes sense...excuse my daftness...I'm kinda fuzzy with pain killers ATM...but is this what you mean???
                    To the best of my k nowledge, there is no mechanism in place for volume discounts. Now, if Jane and Ed don't have credit cards and Paul wants to order 3 copies and get the money from Jane and Ed, that's between them.

                    Since Person 1 will be taking payment and person 2 will be shipping, some sort of 'multiple copy discount' will have to be arranged with person 1.

                    We'll get you guys some details as soon as we can. We just want to make sure that, when we make it public, we have things right so that there is no 'oops'

                    If we can't have a final 'this is how it's done' bit we'll have an update by the weekend
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      fic time

                      sam/cameron friendship (you can read more into it if you want to) and big spoilers for unending
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        oh my gosh i have to stop this
                        Ok so my mum has been hogging the computer te last fue weeks so this is one of my only times i can come on, but its for a good reason shes got assignmets so....
                        Yet again Welcome to all the newbies and happy birthday to any birthdays i missed Im sorry
                        well its good to be back. Lately ive bn in Stargate withdrawl and i can tell this cause ive been dreaming up episodes (ones where Janets alive of cause) i dont know if i want them to stop its nice dreaming stargate every night but then i cant watch stargate ahhhh what a delema.
                        I think i said this already but Yay Chistopher Judge.. almost the whole time i was there i was wondering "whens Amanda Coming down" HA one track mind

                        Any who How have you all been?
                        Ive missed you all



                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Tis awesome!!!!

                          Rant away!! That was awesome...personally I think it was great to see Sam in action!!

                          So would it be a good idea to say get a few Aussies together and order it in one order...if that makes sense...excuse my daftness...I'm kinda fuzzy with pain killers ATM...but is this what you mean???

                          Damn! I missed yet another party!!!
                          Way to Go Samandans!!!

                          I concur...wtg CG...that was brilliant!!!

                          You can tie us up anytime CG...
                          Cheers to the Tappinating Spottie and all her minions!!!

                          I know what I want for Christmas now...I want the Stargate dolls!!!
                          Happy Halloween everyone!!

                          I'm going to sign out now myself...I have successfully stayed conscious for 4 hours now...yay!!
                          Night all, take care and have fun!!
                          Party!!!!!!WHATWHATWHAT NOOOOOOOOOO NOT Again Darn i missed another one, *Hits head on a large Doohickey* WAHHHHHHHH



                            Originally posted by Samarwenn View Post
                            Freakin' awesome pic! I absolutely love it! *steals and saves for admiring later* Very nice job!

                            Originally posted by Melora View Post
                            Hey Samandans!

                            Congratulations everyone on 80,000 posts!!!

                            I was looking through the latest Legends Memorabilia Auction listings and there are quite a few Sam/AT items available.

                            They have a set of Sam's Blue BDUs for those with a lot of extra cash on hand. There are also a couple of items that still are going for a more reasonable price: a set of continuity photos and Sam's motorcycle helmet from "Space Race" (my favorite of the bunch). There are also quite a few autographed pictures of AT up for sale.

                            If anyone is interested here is the link to the auction:

                            Legends Memorabilia Auction

                            I just think it would be so cool to own Sam's motorcycle helmet.
                            Ooh very nice! I was drooling over both sets of AT's bdu's and thinking how totally awesome it would be to have them. *sigh* I'm resigned to the fact though that I can not afford everything I want. I'd much rather backpack around England and hang out with some Stargate geeks than have some of Sam's old clothes to brag about to others. *pokes self* Who am I kidding? I want those bdu's!

                            Helmet would be cool too I think..and much more affordable. umm, does it come with her Indian though? *innocent looks*

                            Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                            Happy Halloween to those who observe it!
                            Holy Jebbers! Very nice! Tell me you carved the pumpkin! It's awesome!

                            Love the ACTION FIGURES too...oh and they're not dolls. I'd feel much too weird playing with a Sam doll.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            To the best of my k nowledge, there is no mechanism in place for volume discounts. Now, if Jane and Ed don't have credit cards and Paul wants to order 3 copies and get the money from Jane and Ed, that's between them.

                            Since Person 1 will be taking payment and person 2 will be shipping, some sort of 'multiple copy discount' will have to be arranged with person 1.

                            We'll get you guys some details as soon as we can. We just want to make sure that, when we make it public, we have things right so that there is no 'oops'

                            If we can't have a final 'this is how it's done' bit we'll have an update by the weekend
                            I'm definitely interested in buying a copy of Stuck and can't wait till the info is ready. Thanks for getting all this together for us.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            fic time

                            sam/cameron friendship (you can read more into it if you want to) and big spoilers for unending
                            Lovely fic. Unending was pretty sad and I can definitely see Sam doing whatever she could to try and comfort Cameron. It seemed she tried to stay upbeat throughout the whole ep too.

                            Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                            oh my gosh i have to stop this
                            Ok so my mum has been hogging the computer te last fue weeks so this is one of my only times i can come on, but its for a good reason shes got assignmets so....
                            Yet again Welcome to all the newbies and happy birthday to any birthdays i missed Im sorry
                            well its good to be back. Lately ive bn in Stargate withdrawl and i can tell this cause ive been dreaming up episodes (ones where Janets alive of cause) i dont know if i want them to stop its nice dreaming stargate every night but then i cant watch stargate ahhhh what a delema.
                            I think i said this already but Yay Chistopher Judge.. almost the whole time i was there i was wondering "whens Amanda Coming down" HA one track mind

                            Any who How have you all been?
                            Ive missed you all
                            Welcome Back! Hope your Mom let's you have a bit more puter time so you can hang here again as I understand your withdrawal. Dreaming of Stargate is a pretty cool consolation though if you ask me. If I slept a bit more, perhaps this would be something I'd choose to dream about as well.


                            OT stuff...had to work tonight, but afterwards went with some friends to a pretty cool Halloween party. Wore my full SG1 bdu's that I put together for a Con a few months back and you know what? I had to explain my costume! I had everything from, "Are you an army recruiter..?" to "Were you ever in the army...?" (as if they'd let me in! ) and my favorite that I sadly shook my head at "What's Stargate..?" pffft....what's Stargate. *shakes head* Poor sad people. They don't know what they're missing.
                            Last edited by Skydiver; 01 November 2007, 04:00 AM.


                              Originally posted by Samarwenn View Post
                              Wow good Job And welcome yes were slightly syco here but ya no youll get used on it

                              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                              Freakin' awesome pic! I absolutely love it! *steals and saves for admiring later* Very nice job!

                              Ooh very nice! I was drooling over both sets of AT's bdu's and thinking how totally awesome it would be to have them. *sigh* I'm resigned to the fact though that I can not afford everything I want. I'd much rather backpack around England and hang out with some Stargate geeks than have some of Sam's old clothes to brag about to others. *pokes self* Who am I kidding? I want those bdu's!

                              Helmet would be cool too I think..and much more affordable. umm, does it come with her Indian though? *innocent looks*

                              Holy Jebbers! Very nice! Tell me you carved the pumpkin! It's awesome!

                              Love the ACTION FIGURES too...oh and they're not dolls. I'd feel much too weird playing with a Sam doll.

                              I'm definitely interested in buying a copy of Stuck and can't wait till the info is ready. Thanks for getting all this together for us.

                              Lovely fic. Unending was pretty sad and I can definitely see Sam doing whatever she could to try and comfort Cameron. It seemed she tried to stay upbeat throughout the whole ep too.

                              Welcome Back! Hope your Mom let's you have a bit more puter time so you can hang here again as I understand your withdrawal. Dreaming of Stargate is a pretty cool consolation though if you ask me. If I slept a bit more, perhaps this would be something I'd choose to dream about as well.


                              OT stuff...had to work tonight, but afterwards went with some friends to a pretty cool Halloween party. Wore my full SG1 bdu's that I put together for a Con a few months back and you know what? I had to explain my costume! I had everything from, "Are you an army recruiter..?" to "Were you ever in the army...?" (as if they'd let me in! ) and my favorite that I sadly shook my head at "What's Stargate..?" pffft....what's Stargate. *shakes head* Poor sad people. They don't know what they're missing.
                              Yes, it would be great if we could choose what to dream, there would be no more nightmares for me



                                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                                80,000 posts??!?!?!?!
                                Holy Hairless Hamsters!!
                                That's a lotta Samanda love, eh?
                                Congrats Rox.

                                geek (happily hold-up with the ever lovely Julia here in sunny<cough>LONDON! Yay geek! Across the pond yet again! )

                                PS-> Scari sucks.
                                WoW, I'm glad I'm not the one spreading this little tidbit of information.

                                Just curious -- does she suck in a good or bad way?

                                As for what Sam would have dressed up as for Halloween?

                                I think Sam would have been a space pirate or a rogue ( preferably gnomish ).

                                My daughter on the other hand wasn't so lucky this year. Poor thing. But she did manage to bring home quite the stash.

                                Happy Halloween
                                Last edited by ForeverSg1; 31 October 2007, 09:26 PM.

