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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    this is one of my favo:





        Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
        Okay this is under spoiler tags but if you want to be spoiled about Sam in SGA S4 click and read

        She joins Stargate SG-1 cast member Amanda Tapping, who also joins Atlantis' cast, reprising her role of Col. Samantha Carter.

        Staite is "fabulous," executive producer Robert C. Cooper said in an interview on the show's Vancouver, Canada, set over the weekend. Other cast members hinted that Keller may develop a romantic relationship with one of the other characters and will become friends with Carter.

        As for Carter's joining the Atlantis team, executive producer Joseph Mallozzi said the transition won't go smoothly. For one thing, Carter and Rodney McKay (David Hewlett) have a history, as fans of SG-1 know well. "There will be a little friction off the get-go," Mallozzi said. "But they're both adults [about it]." McKay's unrequited lust for Carter will be addressed, Mallozzi promised. "That gets touched on very early on."

        "The difference between Carter and [Dr.] Weir [Torri Higginson] is that Carter is in the military," Cooper added. "In fact, when she joins them she's a full-bird colonel, and she's a superior to [Lt. Col. John] Sheppard [played by Joe Flanigan], so there's really not much he can say or do; she's his superior officer."

        full article here


        squeeeeeeee! That is such great news!








                as to the spoiler in the interview

                dude, i SOOOO love being right
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  IMHO, pairing warnings are a must.

                  just as, if the fic is whumping or romantic or whatever. it's simple politeness to let folks know what they're getting into so that they dont' get 'tricked' into reading something that they don't want

                  on the other hand, if someone doesn't warn and you hate slash and it goes to a slash fic...don't toss a hissy fit, just X out of it and maybe warn people instead 'umm, this IS sam/vala for those that dont' know'
                  Yep a warning is always nice...or a summary, that immediatly tells you what it is about and a wordcount is also nice Cause some of us have issues with the X and then start reading a long story when they actualy have to go to bed... just a thought eh
                  as for slash and other pairings and stuff, I really can read that as long as the characters aren't too OOC...

                  Originally posted by hastiekido View Post
                  I'm making caps of the ep 2010..
                  I think Sam looks stunning in this ep...
                  For looks its definately my favorite....

                  that is one of the most powerfull scenes I have ever seen!!! I think it is powerfull cause of Amanda her face and how she acts it. Every time I see it I wanna hug her and I start crying with her. It is just such a sad moment. I mean she hears she can't have kids at all, while the other doctors told her she could without a problem. I think her dream of having kids, and having a normal life crumbled down...cause it wasn't possible to her. And then she realizes that the Aschen did something, cause they were just lying to her.
                  I also love how Janet is in this moment, comforting Sam in every way. you also can see her sorrow in her eyes for her best friend. Cause she knows more then anyone else what Sam wants in her personal life. She was also the one who suggested she looked at Sam, cause she felt something was up...

                  ETA: Sky


                    i'm probably late on the report but, i haven't been reading spoilers because i don't want to get spoiler too far (i.e. no plot). so you've probably already heard this already, but i'm gonna say it again anyway!
                    Sam on SGA, no specific plot
                    From SciFi Wire:

                    "The difference between Carter and [Dr.] Weir [Torri Higginson] is that Carter is in the military," Cooper added. "In fact, when she joins them she's a full-bird colonel, and she's a superior to [Lt. Col. John] Sheppard [played by Joe Flanigan], so there's really not much he can say or do; she's his superior officer."
                    Full article here:

                    "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                    Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                      Here's the transcript for Amanda's interview on The Standard

                      spoilered for size:
                      Presenter: but first, Amanda Tapping is probably best known for her role in the sci-fi television series Stargate: SG-1 but this busy actor has had TV roles in other series too. Like Due South, The X-Files and the Outer Limits. A feminist at heart, Tapping grew up in a male dominated home with three brothers, she credits her mother and grandmother along with Gloria Steinham for helping her develop a strong personality. Shannon Nelson recently had the opportunity to chat with Tapping about her career and spirituality.

                      Voiceover: The sci-fi TV series Stargate: SG-1 ran for an unprecedented 10 seasons before it was cancelled and the major players in the series like Richard Dean Anderson and Amanda Tapping became household names for sci-fi fans. But back when it all began no one had any idea what they were in for.

                      Shannon: Did you have any idea when you embarked on this

                      Amanda: No

                      Amanda: When I signed my deal you sign a five year series contract as a standard rule of thumb but we knew going in that we had a two year pickup from Showtime at the time with the network, we knew we had 44 episodes. So all we had to do was make it through the pilot and if our characters got picked up, so we were all on our best behaviours and our characters got picked up and we knew we had 44 episodes. So that's unheard of, I mean that was like an amazing commitment coming out of a pilot normally it's maybe six, maybe 13 network standard, so to have 44... So we had the luxury of doing this great story arc, but I thought two years that's pretty great and then we knew after Season 1 it was going to be four years and then suddenly it was five years and we all thought Oh Wow. And then 7 years is the sort of standard sci-fi Star Trek

                      Shannon: Right

                      Amanda: model so we thought seven years, phew we're done, eight, nine, What? What? Ten!

                      Shannon: It's almost unheard of

                      Amanda: I think we would have actually been shocked if we'd been picked up for an 11th season it would have, it would have been completely shocking

                      Shannon: Yeah. OK, I've got to ask this question because we've interviewed the man, what was it like working

                      Amanda: with Richard Dean Anderson

                      Shannon: Well I was going to call him McGuyver but

                      Amanda: Yeah. He's great. Richard set the standard for us in terms of his sense of humour and terms of his sort of irreverence. It made it fun to come to work and that was his mantra from the very beginning "If you're not having fun, get off the set"

                      Shannon: mmm hhmm

                      Amanda: so that, he definitely set the tone and he was the benchmark by which we sort of held ourselves up to that standard. And here's a man who understands the medium better than anyone, I mean after being on a successful series like McGuyver he understands how that works so we learned a lot from him.

                      Shannon: Alright now I read, and you can correct me if I'm wrong that there was a point in your career that you swore you'd never do television.

                      Amanda: Oh! Absolutely. I graduated from theatre school with a very limited vista.

                      Amanda: I graduated with a very theatre background

                      Shannon: Right

                      Amanda: and I said that I would only ever do stage and maybe really, really good art films

                      Shannon: Yes

                      Amanda: really meaningful art films. Um yeah in my naivete and one of our guest instructors said to me "Oh you're going to do television" and I said pffft! No, No,

                      Shannon: Too tacky for me

                      Amanda: Dear God, prostitute myself for my art? What are you crazy?

                      Amanda: And then I got an agent in Toronto and I got my very, very first audition was for a Tim Horton's donuts and I got it! It was for their oat bran muffins don't you know. So it was very healthy and I played the counter girl and with the bad visor and the hair net and I though "Oh my god" here I am on a set and I'm selling oat bran muffins for Tim Horton. What Happened to my career goals?!? And then I got the pay cheque and I went, I can pay my rent, I can eat this month, you know struggling artist
                      Shannon: Yeah

                      Amanda: And then I got more commercials and it was just a slow build and the next thing I know I'm on a sci-fi series for 10 years so there ya go

                      Shannon: Yeah slow build to that

                      Amanda: Never say never

                      Shannon: No

                      Amanda: Maybe I should say I never ever want to win an Academy Award

                      Shannon: Yeah or the lottery

                      Amanda: Or the lottery, ever

                      Shannon: I'm sure it will work

                      Amanda: I won't prostitute myself for that

                      Shannon: Alright well let's go back because I know you were born in England

                      Amanda: Yes

                      Shannon: and raised in Toronto,

                      Amanda: Yes

                      Shannon: You've got a twin brother

                      Amanda: Yes

                      Shannon: two other brothers

                      Amanda: Yes

                      Shannon: one who sadly you just lost

                      Amanda: yes he passed away

                      Shannon: Do you mind telling us a little about that because it was just months ago

                      Amanda: Yeah he died on Christmas Day

                      Shannon: Right

                      Amanda: Ah he ah was the oldest of the four kids,Steven. He had a really tough life, he struggled with epilepsy his whole life, schizophrenia which we believe was sort of part and parcel of the epilepsy and the medication. in the 70's they really didn't know how to deal with epilepsy so it was triple the dose of phenobarb, double dose the dilantin and see what happens

                      Shannon: Yeah

                      Amanda: So he became a little bit of a chemical soup and we attribute that a lot to the schizophrenia that he suffered but he was an amazing man. See we called him The Cockroach lovingly, we always said to him Steven there's going to be a nuclear holocaust and you're still gong to be walking the earth. So it was a shock when he actually passed. But he won the volunteer award in Toronto in 2004 for his work, he worked in what essentially is the downtown eastside of Toronto, kinda the Main & Hastings of Toronto and he volunteered in the soup kitchen at the church and he volunteered for all sorts of church activities and a women's shelter and he just, he was amazing.

                      Shannon: Yeah just a good guy

                      Amanda: He was a great guy and he was very spiritual, he believed in God and so when he passed for us it gave us a great sense of comfort that he knew where he was going, he absolutely believed.

                      Shannon: What about you. What do you go through spiritually when something like that happens.

                      Amanda: Huge questions right. Automatically you go What next? What comes next? Surely there's got to be something

                      Shannon: Yeah

                      Amanda: I guess I'm more Buddhist in my philosophy of the way we live our lives, the way we walk this earth and the way we treat our fellow man. Like it's my belief that it would be more of a Buddhist philosophy but it's not that different from Christianity or Judaism or Muslim belief. We all, the essential tenet of all religion is do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Every single major religion says that and I believe that and I live that, so. When Steven passed all I can say is that I have to hope you know without having, because it's a hard thing to wrap your head around but because he believed so strongly I absolutely believe he's in heaven.

                      Shannon: Yeah. Given all your exposure through SG-1 and all the things you are doing now, is it possible for a gal like you to have any kind of a private life?

                      Amanda: Oh totally! That's the beauty of this. I mean I'm not a huge celebrity, it's fantastic, I'm doing what I love to do for a living and I'm working full time as an actress and now producing but I can still go grocery shopping because nobody gives a...
                      Shannon: [laughs]

                      Amanda: about me in Vancouver. When I go to Paris, I get followed or there's cameramen outside the hotel. Or when I'm in England people recognise me a lot more and I get recognised here in the grocery store People go Hey SG-1. Which is great but it's not at all of the stratosphere of celebrity we see on the covers of the tabloids or the magazines. I don't ever have to deal with that and you know knock wood but that's just not the level of celebrity that I'm at, and that's perfect.

                      Shannon: Well this has been great

                      Amanda: Yeah

                      Shannon: and we're out of time

                      Amanda: Get out

                      Shannon: Well I telling you

                      Amanda: It goes so fast

                      Shannon: It is fast but thank you so much for sitting down and talking to me

                      Amanda: Well thank you

                      Shannon: I really enjoyed this

                      Amanda: Yeah, me too. Thank you.

                      Presenter: for more about Amanda Tapping, be sure to visit her website

                      Many thanks again to PG15 for supplying our Amanda fixes

                      For those of you having difficulty downloading the interview, I have uploaded it to a simpler site here
                      Thanks for transcribing that for us, RealmOfX. What a great interview! The bit about her Buddhist philosophy was very interesting, especially since that's pretty much how I describe my own spirituality, too.

                      My LJ


                        Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                        Okay this is under spoiler tags but if you want to be spoiled about Sam in SGA S4 click and read

                        She joins Stargate SG-1 cast member Amanda Tapping, who also joins Atlantis' cast, reprising her role of Col. Samantha Carter.

                        Staite is "fabulous," executive producer Robert C. Cooper said in an interview on the show's Vancouver, Canada, set over the weekend. Other cast members hinted that Keller may develop a romantic relationship with one of the other characters and will become friends with Carter.

                        As for Carter's joining the Atlantis team, executive producer Joseph Mallozzi said the transition won't go smoothly. For one thing, Carter and Rodney McKay (David Hewlett) have a history, as fans of SG-1 know well. "There will be a little friction off the get-go," Mallozzi said. "But they're both adults [about it]." McKay's unrequited lust for Carter will be addressed, Mallozzi promised. "That gets touched on very early on."

                        "The difference between Carter and [Dr.] Weir [Torri Higginson] is that Carter is in the military," Cooper added. "In fact, when she joins them she's a full-bird colonel, and she's a superior to [Lt. Col. John] Sheppard [played by Joe Flanigan], so there's really not much he can say or do; she's his superior officer."

                        full article here

                        This is one spoiler I'm *glad* I broke down and read. Thanks tsax!


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          Yep a warning is always nice...or a summary, that immediatly tells you what it is about and a wordcount is also nice Cause some of us have issues with the X and then start reading a long story when they actualy have to go to bed... just a thought eh
                          as for slash and other pairings and stuff, I really can read that as long as the characters aren't too OOC...

                          that is one of the most powerfull scenes I have ever seen!!! I think it is powerfull cause of Amanda her face and how she acts it. Every time I see it I wanna hug her and I start crying with her. It is just such a sad moment. I mean she hears she can't have kids at all, while the other doctors told her she could without a problem. I think her dream of having kids, and having a normal life crumbled down...cause it wasn't possible to her. And then she realizes that the Aschen did something, cause they were just lying to her.
                          I also love how Janet is in this moment, comforting Sam in every way. you also can see her sorrow in her eyes for her best friend. Cause she knows more then anyone else what Sam wants in her personal life. She was also the one who suggested she looked at Sam, cause she felt something was up...

                          ETA: Sky
                          It was very well played by Amanda and it was that scene that made me write to Amanda because it moved me so much, sometimes it's what's not said that speaks volumes.


                            Originally posted by tara3583 View Post
                            It was very well played by Amanda and it was that scene that made me write to Amanda because it moved me so much, sometimes it's what's not said that speaks volumes.
                            Yes, she's very good at that isn't she? I'm so glad she decided to do tv/film instead of just theater (for which she originally trained.) Not just because then we get to see her, but because she has such a way of communicating with her eyes and expression which I think you don't necessarily get to appreciate in theater. As I think one of the directors said "the camera loves her."

                            I also love her scene with Joe in that episode when she finds out he knew about what the Aschen were up to.

                            she really gets to do various things in that ep, including being heroic.
                            What can I say? Sam and AT are cool.


                              Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                              Nope i am too i just love reading them i get so stuck in that i dont realise how much time has passed...and sometimes i dont care...i wish i could write, Stupid dyslexia *tear*
                              I know the feeling, I have dyslexia too
                              Yay my 2000 post yippy
                              Congrats on 2000!!

                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              amanda didn't say steven was her twin. the interviewer didn't say he was either. did i miss something?

                              Nope sorry Sally, you didn't miss anything, sorry if I confused you I think it was something someone posted(don't remember who though) that made me ask

                              I watched Sanctuary today, it was fantastic! It just gets better and better
                              and trying very hard not to read SGA spoilers, but its so hard *I'll be strong*

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                                Hey i have 2 meetings today and i was tired cause i spent last night shoting so i have every right to go to bed, im not good with no sleep.


