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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by wibbling View Post
    No you're not! I've never seen it, and what's worse (I'll probably be thrown off this thread for admitting it), I've never seen a whole Star Wars movie! Just doesn't do it for me....
    Now that's just wrong :|


      Originally posted by NZBG View Post
      Of the four "Star" franchises: -wars, -trek, -gate, and -search, "-gate" is easily my third favorite!
      Comic Book Guy, oh how I detest thee!

      Yeah, I've never watched any of the Star Treks and...

      *brace yourselves*

      ...I have not ever watched the original Star Wars trilogy. I came in at The Phantom Menace, when Master Lucas took it just three steps too far.

      *dodges stuffed mini ewoks and picard creatures*

      My parents have never been into scifi. They barely tolerated my X-Files adoration when I was younger. But now they don't have to, so they're very vocal about it. The emblem on Teal'c's forehead confuses my mother, despite repeat explanations; Thor and the various other aliens disgust her. I can't imagine how she'd react if she saw an episode of Farscape.


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
        ...I have not ever watched the original Star Wars trilogy. I came in at The Phantom Menace, when Master Lucas took it just three steps too far.

        *dodges stuffed mini ewoks and picard creatures*


        gtfo imo.


          Thank goodness I'm not the only one! I adore Star Trek, but Star Wars turned me off after the first half hour, if that! I seem to find my eyelids drooping every time I try to watch it!
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by wibbling View Post
            No you're not! I've never seen it, and what's worse (I'll probably be thrown off this thread for admitting it), I've never seen a whole Star Wars movie! Just doesn't do it for me....
            See I also never gotten into star wars. But I love Star Trek... might have someting to do with Kirk though I mean wasn't he hansome... Now not anymore though Last time I saw him in Boston Public and I was just shocked how much that he was changed.

            After the movies of ST I started watching the series. And I loved them I think Sam would fit right in I mean brilliant scientist...Always needed in ST...Maybe she even could make it to a captain on their ship, like Janeway

            But Star Wars...nope...nada...nothing. Although I would probably like it if I see it...

            Ok I am going to bed I am exhausted...Night night (morning for me though) everyone!!



              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
              Comic Book Guy, oh how I detest thee!

              Yeah, I've never watched any of the Star Treks and...

              *brace yourselves*

              ...I have not ever watched the original Star Wars trilogy. I came in at The Phantom Menace, when Master Lucas took it just three steps too far.

              *dodges stuffed mini ewoks and picard creatures*

              My parents have never been into scifi. They barely tolerated my X-Files adoration when I was younger. But now they don't have to, so they're very vocal about it. The emblem on Teal'c's forehead confuses my mother, despite repeat explanations; Thor and the various other aliens disgust her. I can't imagine how she'd react if she saw an episode of Farscape.

              MY mum watches it when I break it to her gently, "hey mum, want to watch an episode of the show with MacGyver in it?"

              Oh, I so want to show her some Farscape!
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post

                Ok I am going to bed I am exhausted...Night night (morning for me though) everyone!!

                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  ok I have a question here. what do you think was the background of GeekySam?
                  I mean did she lose her mom? or did she lose her dad? and what is said in the ep about that? What are your views.

                  I am thinking about writing a fic about GeekySam but I first need some other points of view before I actually write it... to make sure I don't make any mistakes
                  For me, I think Geeky Sam probably lost both parents. I believe that in the Alt timeline Jacob did pick up Sam's mother as he was supposed to but that led to both their deaths or that they died when she was quite young. Without either parent, Sam was a young, geeky adolescent without any parental guidance to help develop her self-confidence or spark a will to succeed despite the odds (a kind of 'I will show my Dad I can succeed without the military' thing that maybe the other AU Dr Carters had).

                  Geeky Sam hid herself in books and became increasingly socially inept and without confidence; brilliant but unable to stand up for herself and make her way in the world. It's only with the video and her sudden inclusion in the Stargate programme that she starts to realise her true potential...
                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                    Now that's just wrong :|

                    I know, I know, I'm a freak....
                    "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                      Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                      I know, I know, I'm a freak....
                      Don't be silly, you watch Stargate. That's the only one that really matters
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                        Don't be silly, you watch Stargate. That's the only one that really matters
                        at least I chose the most important one!
                        "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                          Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                          at least I chose the most important one!

                          I wonder if the SGC has fire drills? All those stairs would suck
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
                            Also, I can't wait to see Sam on Atlantis, and I plan to chime in now and then about Sam's role in Atlantis on this thread and in the episode threads. I hope, ForeverSg1, that you will post about Sam in SGA, at least on this thread. I'm very happy to hear that AT has been welcomed with open arms by the Atlantis cast and crew, and not surprisingly. I'm glad to know that AT has said that she is very happy there. As a result, I"m looking forward to seeing how Sam is integrated into the show. Sam lives on in Atlantis (and the SG-1 movies), and I'm glad because I don't want to give her up just yet! I'm looking forward to Sam's commanding presence, and how the character grows with interactions from other characters like Sheppard, Teyla, and I hope Ronon too. I think it will be interesting to discuss Sam's character as she moves to this new setting.
                            I have to admit I'm now very excited about Sam in SGA S4 and seeing how her character is incorporated into the Atlantis set-up.

                            It's weird really because I follow both shows and I like both shows, but I rarely post on the SGA forums although I've done fan reviews for all the episodes. I used to browse if I had time on the episode threads but I've even stopped that now and that has certainly been because some of the anti-Sam stuff. Honestly I can't see that stopping as some fans seem determined to hate the show simply because of the character/cast changes and are equally determined to illogically blame their lot on Sam/AT.

                            So, I'm very happy that we'll have this thread to come to in order to talk about Sam in SGA.
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                              Comic Book Guy, oh how I detest thee!

                              Yeah, I've never watched any of the Star Treks and...

                              *brace yourselves*

                              ...I have not ever watched the original Star Wars trilogy. I came in at The Phantom Menace, when Master Lucas took it just three steps too far.

                              *dodges stuffed mini ewoks and picard creatures*

                              My parents have never been into scifi. They barely tolerated my X-Files adoration when I was younger. But now they don't have to, so they're very vocal about it. The emblem on Teal'c's forehead confuses my mother, despite repeat explanations; Thor and the various other aliens disgust her. I can't imagine how she'd react if she saw an episode of Farscape.
                              Wow 5,000 posts you sure yammer on - I'm locked out of the frig currently but I'll get around to it -

                              I know it's OT: But seeing the Original "Star Wars" for me was a big event - it was a father/daughter date night at the new theatre at five points for me.

                              Back on topic - I do watch SGA and have since it started. I have really enjoyed some episodes, not so much others. I am looking forward to Sam being on SGA. It will be interesting to see how Carter is written into SGA. I also hope they develop some of the other characters already on SGA this next season. I am a bit tired of the McKay/Shepperd show.

                              By the way I saw the promo for the next SciFi Magazine which is due out next week. There will be interviews with cast members from SG1 along with an article about AT joining the Atlantis cast.
                              My View From The Peanut Gallery


                                It's just a thought but I think Mini mentioned it earlier on. And I'm not even sure if it is technically possible but why not rename this thread "Samanda -Amanda's fans' community" or something similar, instead of SaGC Thread?
                                That title, as someone else pointed out, doesn't reflect the community on here anymore. It's too narrow a category and this group encompasses so much more than that.

                                I actually had always thought (and this is only my opinion and I still do think it) that *this* thread reflected discussion about Amanda and all her characters and all her work, but so be it, the other thread has been formed now.

                                If people want to keep Samanda as a community, and lets face it the name "Samanda" is now well known in the Amanda fandom community everywhere and has been for some years and you've made presentations to Amanda from the Samandan community, then can it be changed if the majority of the community wanted it?

                                I don't know the technicalities of if it can be done, Sky would obviously need to advise on that and I may be stepping out of line in suggesting it, but that would be my suggestion to keeping the Samandan community a distinctive place to be and keeping its name and ethos alive.

                                I for one won't be able to go on all the other threads, with all my time constraints, if I did start reading all three threads as much as I do this one I wouldn't be able to put my attention to things like Gabit. I think I'll just stick mostly to this one and keep a weather eye on the others.

                                I'm going to be honest and say that I still think it would have been better to have a one stop Amanda and her characters thread and that that *should* have stayed in its old home here and not forced old fans and friends to seek each other out across multiple threads but that's my opinion only.

                                It's just a thought so don't shoot me down in flames. This thread is your community Samandans.

                                Okay I'm outta here.

                                To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic

