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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
    You know, honestly, I don't get the whole Joe bashing thing. He has a very consistent online personality, but I would not describe it as being overly arrogant or dismissive of fans. He is very sarcastic and very pointed in his opinions, but if I were in his shoes I can guarantee I would not be nearly as nice and polite as he is.

    The crap he puts up with would drive me bat-**** looney. I know it's difficulty to tell tone in writing, but I never get an attitude from Joe that turns me off. I think he's got a biting sense of humor, and he doesn't hesitate to speak his mind. I appreciate that.

    I'm grateful that he keeps blogging.
    I just now that in his position I'd either have to do zero interviews and no blogging, or be just as sarky and diggy if not more so. I think I'd have to make a conscious decision to keep quiet, really


      Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
      You know, honestly, I don't get the whole Joe bashing thing. He has a very consistent online personality, but I would not describe it as being overly arrogant or dismissive of fans. He is very sarcastic and very pointed in his opinions, but if I were in his shoes I can guarantee I would not be nearly as nice and polite as he is.

      The crap he puts up with would drive me bat-**** looney. I know it's difficulty to tell tone in writing, but I never get an attitude from Joe that turns me off. I think he's got a biting sense of humor, and he doesn't hesitate to speak his mind. I appreciate that.

      I'm grateful that he keeps blogging.
      Without going so far as to say I'm grateful he's blogging, I do agree with the rest of what you've said. He is who he is - he puts his opinions "out there" and he usually takes as well as he gives, you have to respect that. Which is why I can't (and don't) take offense to his latest blog entry either. I think he's an absolutely terrible PR personality, and there are times I'd happily love to thwack him o'er the head with a pool noodle for his unbelievably enormous ego (a dry pool noodle, mind you). But I'm also happy to make my opinion on those instances public via a post here or there. As I have! So fair is, after all, quite fair. Joe's a card.
      Last edited by minigeek; 24 February 2007, 09:00 AM.

      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        I don’t understand these egos either that would insult Amanda, but sadly I’ve seen them write comments on other websites in response to articles written about Tapping going to Atlantis. I wish I could say that all these fans were only criticizing the creative decision, while yes a lot of them are. I’ve seen articles and fan waves suggesting another group of fandom to get out and voice their frustration about the changes to Atlantis. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately some of these posters are not directing their frustration at the decisions, but at Amanda for coming to Atlantis. So as a fan of the actress, I am very glad when someone voices their support.

        I respect the Save Weir and Beckett campaign, because I know I would have jumped on the Save Sam campaign. I have no objection to their stance. I like both of these characters and would like to see them remain on Atlantis! However, when some of these fans begin to take their frustration out on Amanda in other websites, then I as a fan of the actress feel I should stand up and support her and let the general public know that AT is extremely talented and not to be blamed for these decision.

        I want to do my own encouraging to those Sam/Amanda fans that watch Atlantis to write your own comments on these other websites. I’ve seen well written letters that are concerned about the direction of Atlantis, but who are still very and respectable toward Amanda. I’ve seen well written letters that are in complete support of AT going to Atlantis. I guess what I am saying whether you are supportive, cautious, or even if you don’t like the changes to Atlantis… if you want to write letters that are respectable of Amanda then I think it would let the general public know there is more than one voice out there regarding the changes to Atlantis. Just my two cents worth… no twisting of the arm Just taking a stance for the actress in a respectable manner. I know AT or TH would NOT want the two fan bases starting a Sam vs. Weir debate and neither do I!!! I think both of these actresses and character are good strong role models for women. I hope these two characters get to work together!! I look forward to seeing them on screen together!!!


          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          Without going so far as to say I'm grateful he's blogging, I do agree with the rest of what you've said. He is who he is - he puts his opinions "out there" and he usually takes as well as he gives, you have to respect that. Which is why I can't (and don't) take offense to his latest blog entry either. I think he's an absolutely terrible PR personality, and there are times I'd happily love to thwack him o'er the head with a pool noodle for his unbelievably enormous ego (a dry pool noodle, mind you). But I'm also happy to make my opinion on those instances public via a post here or there. As I have! So fair is, after all, quite fair. Joe's a card.
          Yeah, okay, maybe grateful wasn't the right word. I'm extremely entertained by the fact that he keeps blogging. And as a source of entertainment, I'm glad he does.

          My LJ


            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
            But god's honest truth - there's no crusade necessary. To be honest, Joe and I actually have a similar sense of humour.

            Having said that, I now think he regrets saying what he did to that reporter, and Joe'sEgo being Joe'sEgo, this is the closest he'll come to an out and out apology, so I'm cool with being the butt of the joke on it. The meaning is still the same. Or wait, "it's the thought that counts" ? Is that how it goes?

            My lack of indignation on your behalf stems not from a lack of love, but rather because I knew that Joe's comments would probably just amuse you. And that you deserved them. You two were made to tangle. Or is that tango?

            On edit: However, if you ever need me to go crusading on your behalf, all you have to do is ask. ((((mini))))

            My LJ


              Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
              My lack of indignation on your behalf stems not from a lack of love, but rather because I knew that Joe's comments would probably just amuse you. And that you deserved them. You two were made to tangle. Or is that tango?

              On edit: However, if you ever need me to go crusading on your behalf, all you have to do is ask. ((((mini))))
              And you do wield a mean sword (?).

              and then there's always:


                Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                I guess I grew up in another generation, where I was taught that if you can't say something nice, then you shouldn't say anything at all. We may not all agree with what the writers and producers have done with the show. And we should all be allowed to voice our opinions freely; but I also believe we should be able to critic a piece of work without being scathing with our comments. There is no need to tear a person down in order to express one's own personal opinions and I often feel that many fans cross those lines on a reguar basis.
                Yeah I grew up in the Thumper generation to - if I said anything that was not nice about someone my mother would Thump me.
                My View From The Peanut Gallery


                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                  Without going so far as to say I'm grateful he's blogging, I do agree with the rest of what you've said. He is who he is - he puts his opinions "out there" and he usually takes as well as he gives, you have to respect that. Which is why I can't (and don't) take offense to his latest blog entry either. I think he's an absolutely terrible PR personality, and there are times I'd happily love to thwack him o'er the head with a pool noodle for his unbelievably enormous ego (a dry pool noodle, mind you). But I'm also happy to make my opinion on those instances public via a post here or there. As I have! So fair is, after all, quite fair. Joe's a card.

                  Here ya go mini....anything to help out a friend

                  **wonders how I'm going to pack these for the trip to Toronto***

                  my fanfic


                    Well I shall happily accept being a voice of 1 on Joe's comments.

                    Yep he may be funny, but I think in the 2 instances I saw today I think they were somewhat misdirected.

                    If people are being disprespectful - yes snark away, but I don't agree in snark for snarks sake. I still think his reply to the fan commenting on the convention was way off the mark - Great if he's protecting Amanda, but I don't think the fans were getting at Amanda. So to me his comments we not clever in the slightest.

                    Neither do I agree with Joe bashing

                    Do I think Joe's a wit? Drole yes! but sometimes mean - sometimes warrented and sometimes not!


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      and then there's always:

                      What episode is this pic from?

                      I decided to break out my season 1 DVDs - disc 1. Fun to watch Sam's interaction with Jack and Daniel in these early eps. It's easy to see where the "wonder twins" nickname for Sam and Daniel came about. I forgot how they both yelled "Hold your fire! Hold your fire!" simultaneously at the end of Children of the Gods (while the refugees were still coming through the stargate). And the conversation where they figure out how the stargate could go to lots of different places even though nothing but the Abydos address would work from Earth. ("I knew I'd like you.")

                      Sam is just so adorable-looking in season 1! Oh, and though I'm not a big fan of the episode Emancipation, it's all worth it for Sam's line, "In my world I'm a warrior and a scholar. I do the work of men." YOU GO, GIRL!!! Also love her big fight scene. I gotta say, I don't think the dress she had to wear would have really captured the rest of SG-1's attention the way it did. The headdress DEFINITELY had to go. I think maybe if the shoulders on the dress weren't pouffy (sorry, can't think of a better word for it), it might have been more attractive.
                      Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                        Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                        What episode is this pic from?

                        S8 - It's Good To Be King
                        My View From The Peanut Gallery


                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                          Thanks for the link! I'm sure some will also have issues with it too... But I was glad he at least addressed it in some aspect and took up for AT. Amanda/ Sam is not the reason! The decision was made well before Amanda/Sam was selected to join Atlantis!! So stop blaming Amanda for the decisions TPTB make!!! ok ...whew ... I feel better now

                          Here is the answer that I liked the best from Joe's blog because he is sooo right!! I heard about this after the con from a few non supporters and I was frustrated by the news. However I did read a few blogs from others that attended that where a little unsure, but after hearing DH talking about how excited he was to be working with Amanda again some changed their minds and were looking forward to S4. Go David!!! I knew I loved that guy

                          Jessica writes: “You might want to ask David Hewlett about the boos he got when he mentioned that Amanda was going to be in 14 episodes at a recent con in the UK. That's right. People booed.”

                          Joe's Answer: Well, David Hewlett may have been surprised when a certain group of fans booed an actress for doing nothing more than accepting a job to help support her family, but me - not so much. What can I say? Congratulations to all those who embarrassed themselves and the performers who made the long trek to spend time with you all. Classy.
                          Yeah, it's not Amanda's fault. It was a coincidence, but do you think everyone will see it that way?

                          I just can't believe people booed DH for mentioning AT going to Atlantis. That really isn't classy at all. I think things like that make these actors that take time out to come to conventions rethink it. Fans booing and making them feel's sad. IMHO, you don't go to conventions to bring down the people making the show you love. You go there to have a good time. You go, I assume, because there are enough positive aspects for you to want to be there. Sure, you can be dissatisfied with some things and perhaps have some well worded questions to ask. But booing? I know I've got some issues with some creative decisions, but when I go to Vancouver, I'm not going to bring myself down with the negative parts. I'm going to enjoy myself! Then again, there will always be people that dwell on the negative aspects of everything.

                          Now I'd love for Amanda to come to the Vancouver convention. LOVE it. But if I were her, I'd steer clear of it just because of the high tensions right now. BUT TH is still scheduled to appear. I would love nothing more than for those two to be on stage together and set all this straight once and for all.

                          Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                          I still don't get it. Text with the jello blocks has been happening for a very, very long time. In fact, I thought it has always done that?
                          It has.
                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          well, i guess i always thought that the little phrases that come up over hte jello was anonymous, not personalized, but maybe i'm remembering things wrong
                          Ah. Well, I don't know if it was always personalized...but I though maybe it was?

                          And thank you Gate_Gal and Spaz for the congrats.


                            Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

                            And thanks for the posting the JM's blog on how the decision making went Weir reduced = Sam included more and not the other way around...I would just like to say in a very smug way that I postulated that theory way back when the news broke....
                            that was one of two of my fave things joe said last night on his blog (the other about the fan reactions with david hewlett at the con).

                            i was soooo hoping it was amanda being brought in more *because* of weir's reduced time, not the other way around. i just hoping this means the ppl bashing 'amanda' will cut it out now.

                            truly, i understand their emotions and heartbreak behind all of it... but sometimes, we can get so overcome that our delivery of our message...




                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              i was soooo hoping it was amanda being brought in more *because* of weir's reduced time, not the other way around. i just hoping this means the ppl bashing 'amanda' will cut it out now.
                              oohhhhi interpreted that's leaving, what now? lets bring in sam. i like the "reduced time" view better.
                              as for the bash-fest stopping...don't get your hopes up. especially since (by my honestly ill-informed interpretation), it may be obvious that sam is filling weir's diminished time. especially to those who are hell-bent on seeing it that way.

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              well, i guess i always thought that the little phrases that come up over hte jello was anonymous, not personalized, but maybe i'm remembering things wrong
                              that was my first thought as well, but i can't think of what they would have said if our names weren't in them. i don't think it said like "this poster" or anything.
                              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                                wow, i've never been in here b4. i hate 2 say it, but even if i am a weir fan, i still like madam super kick ass sam!! its kinda odd and dumb 2 see both of the character fanships at odds over this season 4 switch up, however, i do know and regard everyone's opinion for this subject and i will also say that im on the fence for what the show needs.
                                *sometimes, u gotta do something stupid to be smart; in this case, im doin' it everyday*

                                Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers. - Homer Simpson

