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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
    So, 48 Hours, Affinity , Covenant, and Sacrifices will be on SciFi tonight. Can anyone think of a Sam moment for each episode without rewatching or looking it up? Honor system.
    Woo hoo, okay...

    48 Hours: The first time Sam meets McKay! Some time after he tells her that they didn't get off on the right foot and Sam says "What probability factor did you use to figure that out?

    Affinity: She's in her lab, and Jack strolls in, and she shows him the engagement ring and tells him that Pete proposed

    Covenant: She flies the X-302... or 301... I forget

    Sacrifices: Besides her expression when she sees a horse on the base The moment when she tells Jack that the Jaffa want a goat.


      AGGGH! Minor Rant about DSL!
      The cable company just returned my call. While the highway has cable, we aren't going to be able to get it for quite awhile longer. We're half a mile away. Does anyone know if high speed dial up works on the Sanctuary site or am I going to have to go to my mom's?
      End rant.

      Sky, I didn't realize the other shows were only renewed for 13 too. I am all for SciFi Saturdays, escpecially 14 of those Saturdays.

      Last night was so much fun. Thanks Spaz for the great Q & A. It is funny how many things were the same of all of our questionaires, and I feel like I know some of you better now. Who knew TJ used to be a penguin?


        Originally posted by Gate gal View Post

        So, 48 Hours, Affinity , Covenant, and Sacrifices will be on SciFi tonight. Can anyone think of a Sam moment for each episode without rewatching or looking it up? Honor system.
        Honor system?

        Hmm, well,

        48 Hours has that great scene at the end where she, SG-1 and McKay are in the briefing room with Hammond and he gets reassigned to Russia, you gotta love Sam's face and snark

        Affinity - I remember the scene in the car where she asks her bf for that *small* favour.

        Convenant - She gets to meet that reporter again, Julie something I think her name is... Donovan?

        Sacrifices - Is that episode with the animals on the base and Jack grabs her by the arms and they both look down? Hee, I do love that scene

        Made by the lovely Jakie


          Hey y'all I'm back! I wanna say I signed up on the Sactuary website, and I watched the latest Amanda clip on YouTube (see Gateworld for that). What I saw was well, it was very clear, Amanda looked so, well almost hairsharp (TV-PC quality improved a lot in recent years if you ask me) . She also looks so, 28, 32, 35? Years young.

          Think that's because of Olivia?

          Can't come on tomorrow so:


          Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


            Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
            AGGGH! Minor Rant about DSL!
            The cable company just returned my call. While the highway has cable, we aren't going to be able to get it for quite awhile longer. We're half a mile away. Does anyone know if high speed dial up works on the Sanctuary site or am I going to have to go to my mom's?
            End rant.

            Sky, I didn't realize the other shows were only renewed for 13 too. I am all for SciFi Saturdays, escpecially 14 of those Saturdays.

            Last night was so much fun. Thanks Spaz for the great Q & A. It is funny how many things were the same of all of our questionaires, and I feel like I know some of you better now. Who knew TJ used to be a penguin?
            To answer your question about the DSL and not TJ's hidden penguin tendancies I have DSL through the phone lines and it seems to work fine for me I have no idea though if there is a difference in the Canadian and American phone lines

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by NZBG View Post
              Ooooober! Whenever I see your sig, I just have to put my hand to my mouth and say "really?"

              Ack. Shoot me now!
              Actually I think the same thing when I see that moment...It was so funny the way she said it...and ony Amanda can say it like that...Oh boy she is sooooo funny

              Originally posted by SamFan31 View Post
              Here's kind of a "grungy" take on a wall for Sanctuary. It's a bit different from the nice wall Kat posted earlier, although the same Sanctuary pics were used.

              Sanctuary Wall
              Wow this one is amazing!!! I like it...Keep up the good work... Some talented people here on Samanda...I love it

              Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
              I hadn't thought of it like that!

              Also, maybe SciFi isn't done with SGA afterall. They get 20 (with the addition of Amanda/Sam for 14), BSG gets 13, and SG-1 gets the boot. This may sound terrible, but as much as I like BSG I'm kind of relieved. Since it has moved to Sunday nights, it is almost impossible for me to even remember it is on. Thankfully, hubby ususally remembers.

              So, 48 Hours, Affinity , Covenant, and Sacrifices will be on SciFi tonight. Can anyone think of a Sam moment for each episode without rewatching or looking it up? Honor system.
              Ok what I rember eh...might be some strange thing though
              48 hours:
              * Where Sam shoots in the air...Love that moment...I think it really shows Sam as soldier...and I love her there
              * Go suck a Lemon...When she says that to McKay...Soo funny...
              *Picking blue jello as dessert lol...what I remember strange things...
              *Setting up the dhd and where Jack says to her: 'you sure you wanna be there' and Siler says 'No sir' Of course Jack wasn't talking to him...or was he lol

              *lots of Sam and Pete moment
              *Sam in a lovely pink outfit in the beginning
              *Sam in her lab doubting her love for Pete and talking to Jack about it...
              *the end...Where Sam has a nice outfit and walks in the wearhouse... to save the day
              *where she says Yes to Pete in the appropriates place on earth..So OOC for Sam to say yes at work...

              *Sam and Maxwell...sorry really that is how I associate with
              *Sam flying
              *Sam in a short skirt going to her car with Daniel...Red phone
              *Sam giving an interview on the her there
              *Sam talking to Maxwell(sorry I really don't know his name) about going to a place save and that way Maxwell not killing himself...

              *Sam and Daniel holding hands and laughing at Ry'ac...such a sweet laugh of Sam
              *Jack and Sam in the whole looking at eachother
              *lots and lots of horses...yeah sorry really that is what hit me the most in the ep...I know nothing to do with Sam...but just an observation lol


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                I'm not sure if this has been answered yet, but no it's not a new series (go figure) I remember seeing it before (can't remember what network) but it didn't last very long, hmmm seems like SciFi keeps getting it's new shows from the garbage bin of other networks
                OK, that's what I thought. It didn't look like something recent, yet at the same time, it didn't look like the budget had been terribly lacking. All in all it was kinda cheesy... Though I'm not surprised that SciFi was trying to fill their Friday night gap with it. To think, SciFi could be airing SG-1 and Atlantis right now.

                ETA: KatG, I thought the premise seemed similar to Sanctuary as well... As for the quality, I guess I'm just kinda tired of the "good cop" gal/"bad cop" guy pairing, where the male lead does oh-so-heroic-but-stupid things, and the female lead sits back, rolls her eyes and tells him how immature and reckless he's being. I guess I'm tired of sexual tension, too. But I'm willing to give it a shot, I suppose.

                That's why I'm excited about Sanctuary. From the looks of the things, the series doesn't revolve around two lead characters with UST. You've got a lead female, her protege, her daughter and some beasties. Unless Helen develops a thing for that one hairy dude...

                I had a question: Tsax's article said that BSG would be coming back for 13 episodes next January, right? If that's the case, SciFi seems to be using the same twisted logic on their beloved show as they did on Atlantis.

                Anyway, I've been wondering when Stargate Atlantis would be coming back for a fourth season. If the third season doesn't end until June, they can't have it come back as soon as July or August, right? There'd be no suspense; it'd just be one continuous series of episodes. And if they wait any longer than July or August, that puts them up against the big networks in September...
                Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 13 February 2007, 09:06 AM.


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  To answer your question about the DSL and not TJ's hidden penguin tendancies I have DSL through the phone lines and it seems to work fine for me I have no idea though if there is a difference in the Canadian and American phone lines
                  I just got DSL and it works okay. There have been times where I just have to click "Try Again" and it immediately comes up. It could be that the telephone company has to upgrade the telephone lines certain sections at a time.

                  I adore my DSL. Makes GW load quicker!


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    I couldn't get it to load either. I have a fast connection at work but either their server is really, really slow, the file is frakking huge or work is blocking the video.

                    I'm not trying at home cause it will likely take me a lot of time to download.

                    I'll live vicariously through others
                    I tried to play it yesterday at home and I think it's that I need to update my graphics card on my computer. They're obviously more advanced that I!


                      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                      So, 48 Hours, Affinity , Covenant, and Sacrifices will be on SciFi tonight. Can anyone think of a Sam moment for each episode without rewatching or looking it up? Honor system.
                      48 Hours - OK, this was the one with McKay right? If so, I really liked the "hate/despise" bit in the hallway. I guess that kinda jumpstarted the whole Carter/McKay banter.

                      Affinity - That's a tough one...Maybe the stakeout? That episode (as much as I don't hate Pete) had very little going for it, unfortunately. What about her hair? Can I point out how cool her hair was?

                      Convenant - When Carter tricked the planet on national television... I thought it was interesting that they made Carter the poster child for the SGC/Pentagon both here and in another episode.

                      Sacrifices - Sam/Daniel with Ryac and his dork of a girlfriend in the gateroom, and Sam/Jack with the horses and the chaos in the hallway (loved the fact that that was done in one continuous take with all of the stuff that was going on around them!).


                        Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                        Who knew TJ used to be a penguin?
                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        not TJ's hidden penguin tendancies
                        Hidden? I never tried to hide them! You should have seen me babbling away to myself back at Shipmas '05... I was a little over-enthusiastic to say the least (by my standards, at least)! And this is my sig from this time last year...


                        The main thing that drove me away from the ship was the same thing that drove me away from other places on the forum.... people being really over the top about things to the point of being scary.

                        I suppose I'm not fanatical enough to be a penguin and not far enough away to be a polar bear. So I guess I'd be a creature living on the equator.... a lion perhaps?
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Spoilers for 200 pic

                          Amanda took a few minutes to explain to the Samandans exactly how she is going to find the time to do SGA, Sanctuary, the SG-1 movies, AT3, and chat with her fans. The Samandans were amazed by her ability to multitask.


                            Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
                            I tried to play it yesterday at home and I think it's that I need to update my graphics card on my computer. They're obviously more advanced that I!
                            or not thinking very well. You can't totally dumb down your stuff, but geek 101 is the lesson that you have to make your product not understandable just by your fellow geek but by the geek's boss. If the boys that make graphics make them so that they only look good on the newest and biggest graphics card...something that's only in 10% of the computers out there, then they've just turned away 90% of thier audience. Some will upgrade to check it out, but others will just move on and turn thier attention to other things

                            As to dr who and eureka, well dr who is always just 13 eps, and i THINK eureka is too. At least thier first season was
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              I'll give this a go...

                              1.) What was the first episode of Stargate SG-1 you ever saw?

                              Children of the Gods

                              2.) What or who drew you to the series?
                              The fact it was a new scifi show, and I love this genre. Also, having RDA in it was a big plus, since I'd lusted after him enjoyed his acting skills since his MacGyver days.

                              3.) What is your favorite episode of Stargate SG-1?

                              I don't have a favourite episode, although I have many favourite scenes from episodes. If I was going to watch a random episode for fun, it would probably be something like WoO, Foothold, Heroes...too many to list.

                              4.) Who is your favorite character? Why?
                              Sam, of course! I love her for all the same reasons as everybody else here.

                              5.) Do you ship/slash? Who (and/or What) is your favorite pairing?
                              Sam and Jack!

                              6.) What friendship dynamic is your favorite?

                              I love the original team, but I also enjoy Sam/Jack, Sam/Teal'c, Sam/Jonas, Sam/Jacob.

                              7.) In your opinion, what is the funniest Stargate SG-1 moment of all time?
                              I love all the moments with the subtle humour, like when Jack asks, "phasers?", when he tells Sam they can't name the X303 'Enterprise', etc. This , to me, is far better than the slap-stick humour of S9.

                              8.) In your opinion, what is the most poignant Stargate SG-1 moment of all time? Or, if you want to be character-specific, what is the most poignant Sam moment of all time?

                              Every time Sam's with Jacob, especially in Threads. I also loved Janet's eulogy.

                              9.) Name one person in this thread who you haven't gotten a chance to talk to personally, but who you think you have the most in common with, and why.
                              I'm still recovering from the trauma of meeting so many of you at AT2!

                              10.) What's your favorite kind of Sam (e.g. Soldier Sam, Science Sam, Pilot Sam, etc.)?
                              I love all the different Sams.
                              Last edited by dipsofjazz; 13 February 2007, 10:13 AM.


                                Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
                                I tried to play it yesterday at home and I think it's that I need to update my graphics card on my computer. They're obviously more advanced that I!
                                Maybe its as simple as Downloading the updated version of Quicktime

                                my fanfic

