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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    oh my god! will you ppl speak english!

    i've figured out 'GUP', but 'Smangyvalizeryless' and majorsam's 'ten hawt pron' or 'teh hawt pron'... i'm lost!


    HAHHAHA, oh dearest Sally... trust me, you do NOT want to know... I tell you now, if myself and/or AD start talking crazy talk like that... just smiiile and nod
    The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

    |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


      Originally posted by MajorSam
      HAHHAHA, oh dearest Sally... trust me, you do NOT want to know... I tell you now, if myself and/or AD start talking crazy talk like that... just smiiile and nod
      hahaha, of course if you really do want to know it might be best to ask in a PM


        Originally posted by Simhavaktra
        Okay, okay - deep, dark confession time: Simha is logo-recognition challenged.

        I have McDonald's down from sheer dint of repetition, and RCA because both my parents worked there, and Nipper is so darned cute. But, much beyond that - I had a particular book about attack aircraft for years before I noticed that the A-10 on the cover had been painted up with the warthog that's a logo for one of my company's product lines. I own a Toyota and somebody had to point out to me that the logo forms a "T" in an oval; I was thinking it was some kind of a funky non-mercator globe, maybe with Japan circled... So, please believe me when I say that not recognizing the logo in question, no matter how upscale, or popular on the other side of the continent is but a minor achievement (fiasco? ) for me. My apologies for being such a sorry sartorial failure.

        So, Rodney the Canadian hallucinates trendy fashions for the wealthy Vancouverite twenty-something? Um, that's... surely that's... indicative of... something... besides being out and out disturbing. And even more disturbing that he hallucinates them and a matching, cleavage-baring top onto a decorated military officer who would hurt him in ways he probably can't imagine if she found out about it! Maybe Rodney really goes for tormenting himself with what he can't have, hmm? Or is it that his subconscious is very observant, trying to tell him something, and throwing in every scrap of symbolism it can muster in hopes of being noticed against the glare of his ego?

        Thank you for the education, MajorSam: it's interesting, and very amusing in that " RODNEY! What Have You Done!!! " sort of way - but, please, please, please don't expect me to recognize the whatsit if I see it again!
        ??? Er, Deep knows nothing about fashion labels, especially not Canadian ones. Methinks you're talking about that girl over there > *points to MajorSam*. Oh, hang on, you mean it's a deep dark confession!
        possible spoilers:
        am I getting the serious impression that rodney has had a huge knock to the head and is hallucinating visions of Sam in a pink top?

        ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



          Originally posted by deepspace
          *slaps forehead* GUP=Grace Under Pressure, of course . Hang on, maybe I shouldn't slap my forehead so hard, or I might end up looking like Rodney in those pics .
          I still want to know more though! I haven't heard anything since the "Amanda's going to be in 20 episodes split over both SG1 and Atlantis" news that came back from Gabit.

          I'm sure you're boots are really neat, so don't worry . Still, maybe better to kick ass with than to kick laptops. Like replicators, well, do they have asses? *raises eyebrows*

          Sounds good to me. I'll hopefully be around a little more too now it's leading up to Christmas. Time for some seriously not serious Samanda folks!

          Third highest ranking! Whoohoo, you go girl! You'll be up there in no time. See, I always knew you were LtCol.Sam material . Though here in Samanda, you will forever and always be MajorSam . And Good Times indeed, sounds great all this stuff you do out there in the foggyness of Vancouver. Anyone who doesn't know, MajorSam's Army tales are great reading.

          Well, apart from wondering what to do with myself (both short term and in te future), not a lot. Certainly nothing interesting like you. I've been reading a lot of textbooks, which I actually do find interesting sometimes, but I doubt you want me to write a whole post on that. Hmm, if I think of anything interesting, I'll tell ya, but nothing's springing to mind. Your question has suddenly made me realise how little I actually do do . Scary.

          *gasp* looking like Smushed!Rodney!? Noooo! *hands over bandaid*

          I will tell you some tidbits tomorrow i'm just going off to bed now, so... you'll just have to wait and see (and make sure you're on tomorrow!)

          *gasp* I would never want to kick a Replicator's Maybe-existant Ass, I AM a replicator! *cough* I mean... i'm...not...

          Yay, Samanda folks! *does little Samanda jig*

          Lol, awww *blushes again* I will everywhere always be MajorSam... *sigh* Poeple keep telling me "dude shes a colonel now" and im like "yes, and, you're point? am I her? Well, i wish i was, but alas..." I do have my "PopcornSam" name for when MajorSam's already used... you know, Colonel, Popcorn...

          Haha, yeah the foggyness albiet strange is SO fun... I'm glad you enjoy my tales Was supossed to get my Scuba Diving certification last weekend, but my training officer had to cancel... so it's on hold for now. i'm psyched though.

          And oh gracious me, I hope I havn't gone and got you all depressed or anything... I'm sure your life is vrey fabulous, you're currently just saving up your energy for some huge wonderful thing that will be coming your way soon!
          The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

          |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
            hahaha, of course if you really do want to know it might be best to ask in a PM

            EEEK NO, AD, you can't give away our secrets!

            *sighs in huge melodramatic betrayed type way*

            Originally posted by deepspace
            ??? Er, Deep knows nothing about fashion labels, especially not Canadian ones. Methinks you're talking about that girl over there > *points to MajorSam*. Oh, hang on, you mean it's a deep dark confession!
            possible spoilers:
            am I getting the serious impression that rodney has had a huge knock to the head and is hallucinating visions of Sam in a pink top?
            Most poeple don't know bout Lululemon... when I say rich young girls I mean like, from 13-24 age group type thing... HAH. *still laughing that Amanda is wearing Lululemon*
            HAHA, you're assumptions are so far correct!

            Anways Samanda, (or rather the two or three of you still here!) I'm off to bed now *waves* It's been great, i've probably posted more tonight than I have in the past 4 months
            Sweet Dreams all.
            Last edited by MajorSam; 24 November 2005, 10:14 PM.
            The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

            |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


              *gasp* looking like Smushed!Rodney!? Noooo! *hands over bandaid*
              *patches up head with bandaid*
              there, much better now, I'd better not start hallucinating though .

              I will tell you some tidbits tomorrow i'm just going off to bed now, so... you'll just have to wait and see (and make sure you're on tomorrow!)
              G'Night then, and catch ya tomorrow. Hey, if we keep up this 'be on tomorrow or you don't get to hear this" with each other, then it might actually work .

              *gasp* I would never want to kick a Replicator's Maybe-existant Ass, I AM a replicator! *cough* I mean... i'm...not...
              She's a replicator ! So, if you're a human form replicator, does that make you number... ? It has to be after fifth right.

              Yay, Samanda folks! *does little Samanda jig*
              Lol, awww *blushes again* I will everywhere always be MajorSam... *sigh* Poeple keep telling me "dude shes a colonel now" and im like "yes, and, you're point? am I her? Well, i wish i was, but alas..." I do have my "PopcornSam" name for when MajorSam's already used... you know, Colonel, Popcorn...
              That kind of Colonel. We don't have that so much here in Aus as far as I'm aware, but I still get the joke.

              Haha, yeah the foggyness albiet strange is SO fun... I'm glad you enjoy my tales Was supossed to get my Scuba Diving certification last weekend, but my training officer had to cancel... so it's on hold for now. i'm psyched though.
              Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, scuba diving!!!!! That's soooooo on my list of things for 'oneday', especially if I ever study marine geology/biology or anything like that.

              And oh gracious me, I hope I havn't gone and got you all depressed or anything... I'm sure your life is vrey fabulous, you're currently just saving up your energy for some huge wonderful thing that will be coming your way soon!
              Na, 'tis ok. I've just been generally very lost as to what direction to take lately. What with the fact that I'm facing decisions about University or not, and general stuff like that. So... I guess I'm just in a bit of an in-between stage at the moment, with no clear idea what to do.

              ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

              HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                Goodnight MajorSammy, and everyone else. It's time for me to go make dinner.
                *walks away from Samanda feeling very happy and fulfilled, for the first time in a long long while*
                Thanks for the chit chat folks .

                ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                  Originally posted by deepspace
                  Goodnight MajorSammy, and everyone else. It's time for me to go make dinner.
                  *walks away from Samanda feeling very happy and fulfilled, for the first time in a long long while*
                  Thanks for the chit chat folks .

                  Great to see you again, deepspace - you've been missed so badly.

                  And welcome back MajorSam, Ma'am. *salutes*


                    ohhh, thanks 1speed . Good to see you're still here. Say hi to Coley for me if she's still around.
                    Must. Go. To. The. Kitchen. Now.
                    Don't worry, I'll be back. I'm not going to disappear again yet.

                    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                      AM. Bump.


                        Great to see you back, deepspace and MajorSam!! What a wonderfu surprise! I suspect we will get to see you both around alot more now?!!

                        To those who posted the Grace Under Pressure pictures--thanks! I have to admit, I can't wait for this episode. Always liked Sam and McKay interactions. And yes, AT looks fantastic in those pictures. Glad she is helping McKay out!

                        Hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a good one yesterday!!


                          Originally posted by MajorSam
                          HAHHAHA, oh dearest Sally... trust me, you do NOT want to know... I tell you now, if myself and/or AD start talking crazy talk like that... just smiiile and nod
                          Yeah, believe me it would be very hard to understand. I think I was even in the discussion briefly when they were talking about what the gibberish meant and I can't remember it anymore. I think it has something to do with a perfect SG team, but I can't remember everyone who was it.

                          Hmmm, or maybe it was a different discussion. Oh well, who knows. MS and AD get the strangest ideas in their heads whenever they get together. *Pats both on the head*
                          Last edited by ForeverSg1; 25 November 2005, 05:45 AM.


                            Hey Deepspace,

                            Glad to see you back! We have Samandans crawling out of the woodwork tonight. What fun. As for my MSN space, I have to admit I'm not really sure how to prevent people from posting nasty comments. I do believe I made my space private though, so it doesn't show up on MSN's list of blog spaces. The only people who see my blog are the ones I show it to. I don't recall exactly how I did this though, but I'll play around with the site and if I figure it out I'll send the information on to you.

                            Wish I could be of more help. I know Tsaxlady also has a MSN space, perhaps she can help out a bit as well.



                              Originally posted by MajorSam
                              Most poeple don't know bout Lululemon... when I say rich young girls I mean like, from 13-24 age group type thing... HAH. *still laughing that Amanda is wearing Lululemon*
                              Hey! I have some LLL stuff. And I'm ... not 24 anymore.

                              mini(turnin' 3-0 in January! )geek

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by minigeek
                                Little minithanksgiving present for my American SAmandan family.

                                From the minigeek - who celebrated last month here in Canada. No turkey and stuffing (mmmm stuffing *g*) for me today, unfortunately.

                                Okay, minigeek. You did it again. A fabulous sketch. A wonderful talent you have!

                                Did you send your other sketch of Sam/AT to Amanda?

