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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    As to the vids.....I don't know if I expect any fan to appoint themselves the police person of the fandom. Don't visit the youtube site. Don't contribute to their hits.

    If you feel that strongly and know it's against the con's rules, you can report it to youtube, or you can report it to the con company and let htem take action.

    If you're at a con and you know taping is against the rules, turn them in. Just like you should turn in that abandoned bag, or return that lost cell phone to the reg desk.

    Now should you appoint yourself police and go looking for those taping? No. Sorry. You're an attendee. But if you see something say something.

    Should someone personally harass people whose actions they don't agree with? no. There's too much of this velvet handed bullying going on already. We have people that have left this forum because they've been told 'no, you can't say thaqt, what if Amanda reads it???? You can't say that, you can't post that'. 'You can't post that fic she might find it offensive' 'you can't say you didn't like this or that, how can you call yourself a fan if you don't love everything she does'....the list goes on.

    So no. If something that is in violation of posted rules is up, either ignore it or if you feel you need to report it, report it to the appropriate officials. Beyond that, live and let live is a good thing. Stop policing peoples' opinions. Stop telling them what kinds of fans to be. Fandoms are no fun when they become the Stepford Fandom.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Oh jeez... I was absolutely not suggesting that I regulate anyone. Not my job, and I have too much on my plate to babysit fandom. Guh. I just don't have the heart for it. Or the guts. But that's another story.

      But now I do feel bad that I used youtube to watch footage of Comic Con. It was before I'd been to a Con, and knew what the rules are, but still... There's that whole "Ignorance does not alleviate guilt" mindset that I was raised with.

      But that does mean that the video Dennys Ilic posted is fair game. I can watch that to my heart's content! Hee hee!


        Speaking of Amanda Tapping vs Denden... Wasn't there another cut of the vid put with another song? Did he keep that other one posted too, or is it just the new one now?


          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          I have to say, Jason Mamoa is delicious - really really sweet man...and freakin tall!
          The fact that he was pretty hot, was Ronon's saving grace!

          Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
          I'm actually okay with Ronan. I'm used to his type of character, and know many in real life (one of the benefits of being a Marine), and so I actually find him quite awesome. I haven't watched his earlier episodes recently, but I think the only thing that got on my nerves at that point was his reticence to relax and trust Atlantis. But that's mostly because I'm like "You're bringing this guy on to fill the Teal'c slot because apparently Teyla isn't doing it for yah... we already know he's gonna stick around. Feel free to let Ronan know that and be done with it!"

          But the whole "I'm gruff and sullen, but tell me I'm going to be beating the crap outta someone or blow s*** up, my face lights up like a freaking christmas tree"? Totally used to it, and horribly endearing. I exhibit some of those same tendencies, come to think about it...

          And I think Sam handled him well. Bringing Teal'c to Atlantis was awesome, even though the whole fight thing that came of it ended up being not so good a development to her new leadership position. Teal'c shoulda known better... But not even he can resist a good fight. Heh.
          I think the fact that Ronon displaced Teyla was one of the contributing factors to my dislike of his character. Teyla had so much potential as the female Teal'c type character, but the writers gave up trying to write her that way (the strong warrior - I mean she's a woman, she couldn't possibly be a strong warrior could she?! /sarcasm) and replaced her with the male version, who IMO was a poor replacement, but then got all the cool fighting stuff to do. I also felt they went over the top with his fighting ability, it took it from a believable level to the indestructible superhero level. Ronon reminded me of a stroppy teenager, with an attitude problem who was trying to be cool and edgy, but instead coming across as childish, hotheaded and immature - I just couldn't picture him surviving the length of time he did as a runner with his attitude.

          I do think Sam handled him well though, in fact that's one of the things I liked about Sam in Atlantis, she managed to adapt her leadership style to the personal she was dealing with.
          The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


            Originally posted by samcartersg1 View Post
            Just curious what are people's opinions about posting videos taken at cons? I admit I have done it and I figure it is a public venue meant to advertise the show so the expectation of privacy isn't there and I like to share these moments with people who can't go. If it was a video taken on the street, airport, etc... I agree that is totally inappropriate but I think cons are different meant to show off the actors and show. What do you think? Don't want to turn this into a heated debate...just curious
            I've done it but only knowing that it was allowed. If they say no filming then I don't film - if they say filming is allowed then I film and only share snippits.
            I personally don't undestand why they don't film the cons & share it as it only promotes not only the con itself but the actor too.
            Having said that, I think that all attendes should be aware of the fact that filming will take place. And I think the camera should concentrate on the guest not the attendees...just in case there are some camera shy peeps out there. Just my humble opinion.
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Often they can't film because they arent' allowed to by the guest.

              Other times, Gabit has tried to do a con vid almost every time, but since people in the room refuse to turn off their cell phones the audio is messed up on the tape so much that it's unusuable. Cell phones interferring with microphones isn't a fallacy, it's real. I've heard it. I've had interviews of mine messed up.
              But every time the 'no phones'rule comes off, there are many that respect it, but then some that refuse. And even if they don't publicaly say they refuse, they still leave their phones on, thinking that mute is as good as off. It's not. It's not the ringing that's an issue but the noise created by the data downloads.

              So, in some cases the desire to make a video may be there but the refusal of fans to follow the rules ruins it for everyone.

              As to fans videoing, well if they're disobeying the con rules, then shame on them. But if videoing isn't against the rules....hey whatever. That said, there's a lot of people in the fandom that could use a lesson in ownership. Just cause it's up on the net doesn't give you the right to download and pass it on willy nilly. It's not yours. DOwnloading and keeping, relatively harmless. Downloading and reposting without the owner's permission, that's stealing. And I know it's not just video, I know we have people that have downloaded and then reposted the photos of others. Its rude.

              I've also seen people that break the rules, record when they're not supposed to, post it on youtube then act all shocked when they get in trouble.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                I know videoing can be done though. I have a vid from Gatecon of RDA's panels when he came out of hiding and was a guest that year.

                The quality isn't bad though I had to wait at least a year to receive it in the mail due to RDA finding time to okay the content on it.


                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                  I know videoing can be done though. I have a vid from Gatecon of RDA's panels when he came out of hiding and was a guest that year.

                  The quality isn't bad though I had to wait at least a year to receive it in the mail due to RDA finding time to okay the content on it.
                  Is that the one where he kissed AT? I wish I coulda been there for that one. My poor shippy heart...

                  I know they're both married, but dang if they don't make an attractive couple. I think they know this, and have accepted it. Otherwise I don't think they would tease us as they do....


                    Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                    Is that the one where he kissed AT? I wish I coulda been there for that one. My poor shippy heart...

                    I know they're both married, but dang if they don't make an attractive couple. I think they know this, and have accepted it. Otherwise I don't think they would tease us as they do....
                    Yup. Same one. AT wasn't even scheduled at Gatecon that year, but since she was 'in the neighborhood' she dropped in for moral support for an old friend. One of the perks of having cons in Vancouver I guess.

                    I think AT is just a big tease. She does the same stuff with RD when they do cons now. Smoochy shots, one's that make you think they're sleeping together, etc..


                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      Yup. Same one. AT wasn't even scheduled at Gatecon that year, but since she was 'in the neighborhood' she dropped in for moral support for an old friend. One of the perks of having cons in Vancouver I guess.

                      I think AT is just a big tease. She does the same stuff with RD when they do cons now. Smoochy shots, one's that make you think they're sleeping together, etc..
                      She did it with Chris Heyerdahl at Dragon Con... they're my OTP for Sanctuary, so I squealed like a fangirl...


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        Often they can't film because they arent' allowed to by the guest.

                        Other times, Gabit has tried to do a con vid almost every time, but since people in the room refuse to turn off their cell phones the audio is messed up on the tape so much that it's unusuable. Cell phones interferring with microphones isn't a fallacy, it's real. I've heard it. I've had interviews of mine messed up.
                        But every time the 'no phones'rule comes off, there are many that respect it, but then some that refuse. And even if they don't publicaly say they refuse, they still leave their phones on, thinking that mute is as good as off. It's not. It's not the ringing that's an issue but the noise created by the data downloads.

                        So, in some cases the desire to make a video may be there but the refusal of fans to follow the rules ruins it for everyone.

                        As to fans videoing, well if they're disobeying the con rules, then shame on them. But if videoing isn't against the rules....hey whatever. That said, there's a lot of people in the fandom that could use a lesson in ownership. Just cause it's up on the net doesn't give you the right to download and pass it on willy nilly. It's not yours. DOwnloading and keeping, relatively harmless. Downloading and reposting without the owner's permission, that's stealing. And I know it's not just video, I know we have people that have downloaded and then reposted the photos of others. Its rude.

                        I've also seen people that break the rules, record when they're not supposed to, post it on youtube then act all shocked when they get in trouble.
                        The con organizers could use a mobile phone jammer, but I don't know if they're legal in US.


                          Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                          Is that the one where he kissed AT? I wish I coulda been there for that one. My poor shippy heart...

                          I know they're both married, but dang if they don't make an attractive couple. I think they know this, and have accepted it. Otherwise I don't think they would tease us as they do....
                          Rick's not married


                            Originally posted by siles View Post
                            Rick's not married
                            Oh. Jeez. Der. I just assumed having a family takes one off the market.

                            Was he married at some point? Or is he one of those long-term relationships without marriage? Or do I just need to go off and do my homework?

                            P.S. My fandom of RDA is not on the same level of my fandom for AT. In case you couldn't tell. I don't know much of RDA beyond Jack O'Neill.


                              Rick has been in several relationships, none of which ever resulted in Marriage as far as I know. Apryl Prose (think her name is) is Wylie's mother.

                              The reason Jack got shot in Spirits is so that Rick could fly down to LA when Wylie was born. As she got older she he wanted to spend more and more time with her, hence why his schedule got more and more complex. Through season six Rick had it in his contract that he was on set from monday am through thursday at noon. He then flew out to LA to spend friday, sat and part of sunday with Wylie, then flew back Sunday night.

                              There's a lot of times when you only think Rick was in the reality it was Dan Shea.

                              Rick is one heck of a playboy and a flirt. He's very good with making the female gender feel at ease. That said given the fact that AT was happily married when she started the show, they're both people that are good at making others feel at ease, comfy with flirting and light hearted even as they are professionals in how they feel about and want their characters treated.

                              I would say that they are both good actors with good instincts that have similar preferences about 'good' and 'bad' on the screen. they both have a sort of dignity in their characters and respect for their characters that kinda flies in the face of the later leadership of the show....which seemed to cater to the low brow and crass.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                Rick has been in several relationships, none of which ever resulted in Marriage as far as I know. Apryl Prose (think her name is) is Wylie's mother.

                                The reason Jack got shot in Spirits is so that Rick could fly down to LA when Wylie was born. As she got older she he wanted to spend more and more time with her, hence why his schedule got more and more complex. Through season six Rick had it in his contract that he was on set from monday am through thursday at noon. He then flew out to LA to spend friday, sat and part of sunday with Wylie, then flew back Sunday night.

                                There's a lot of times when you only think Rick was in the reality it was Dan Shea.

                                Rick is one heck of a playboy and a flirt. He's very good with making the female gender feel at ease. That said given the fact that AT was happily married when she started the show, they're both people that are good at making others feel at ease, comfy with flirting and light hearted even as they are professionals in how they feel about and want their characters treated.

                                I would say that they are both good actors with good instincts that have similar preferences about 'good' and 'bad' on the screen. they both have a sort of dignity in their characters and respect for their characters that kinda flies in the face of the later leadership of the show....which seemed to cater to the low brow and crass.
                                All of which reinforces the fact that they make a good pair.

                                It's always nice to find someone who matches your personality like that... you just hit the right frequency and it's instant friendship. I've had friends like that. They're my favorite people ever.

