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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I'm just re-running all the shows I have, with preference to SG though.
    "Go to hell!"

    "Earth first!"


      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      hulu has all the eps and both movies, and it's FREE.

      the quality is pretty good too, especially if you do the highest, 480.
      LOVE Hulu. Been investigating new shows and catching up on some I only made it halfway through before becoming distracted by other, shinier shows. Saw all the Stargate they have there which is awesome. Like skipping down memory lane.

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      even in the US, we're in the rerun doldrums.....may sweeps is over, a fw summer shows are on but many won't start until july sweeps, so lots of nothing is on

      i got caught up on game of thrones (good but not for the faint of heart). I have bbc being human 3 to watch along with plenty of other dvd's

      right now i've been cleaning off hte DVR, watching and deleting stuff i recorded months ago.
      Game of Thrones is DEFINITELY not for the faint of heart. I was reading the book even it was so good, but have stagnated on both a bit when I read a spoiler about a certain character not continuing on in S2. I've not even watched that episode because I'm soo not looking forward to seeing it.


        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        Game of Thrones is DEFINITELY not for the faint of heart. I was reading the book even it was so good, but have stagnated on both a bit when I read a spoiler about a certain character not continuing on in S2. I've not even watched that episode because I'm soo not looking forward to seeing it.
        I haven't seen the TV show, but I read the books as they came out, don't get too attached to any character, GRRM is brutal to his characters.



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          even in the US, we're in the rerun doldrums.....may sweeps is over, a fw summer shows are on but many won't start until july sweeps, so lots of nothing is on

          i got caught up on game of thrones (good but not for the faint of heart). I have bbc being human 3 to watch along with plenty of other dvd's

          right now i've been cleaning off hte DVR, watching and deleting stuff i recorded months ago.
          White collar is back on Tuesday


            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            I haven't seen the TV show, but I read the books as they came out, don't get too attached to any character, GRRM is brutal to his characters.

            Yeah, others have told me the same. It's hard to get so involved in a storyline that has distinct right/wrong lines with good/bad characters and still maintain that level of detachment. It's not the usual story that's for sure. Will finish up the first book sometime this week I think though as I'm just a few chapters from finishing. I might procrastinate, but one thing I'm not is a quitter.


              Originally posted by parsifal View Post
              Official photos from the Leo Awards are posted. Same images as the Peopleshots gallery, but some nice photos from the Wednesday night awards.

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              thanks, pars!

              so, it looks to be very hard to save any of these pics (there are ways, though )...

              for those that don't want to hunt through all the pages, i've got which pic #'s amanda's in. (i might have missed some that showed many ppl in a room and such)

              *celebration awards gallery: 5, 57-64
              *red carpet: 128, 129
              *gala: 169-172, 176, 178-179, 203
              After taking a look at them myself, I saw a few attentional AT pics.

              In the celebration awards gallery, Amanda's also at #41, #42 and #65.
              Last edited by Rocky89; 20 June 2011, 12:51 PM.


                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                After taking a look at the myself, I saw a few attentianl AT pics.

                In the celebration awards gallery, Amanda's also at #41, #42 and #65.



                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                  I heard there were big screens set up along Georgia Street (?) for those not able to get tickets and in the final minutes of the Canucks loss, those watching began pitching drinks, bottles and the like at the screens. From there it escalated into general mayhem. I do believe it might have started with disgruntled fans, but agree that those of the criminal tendency might have joined in. Others might have just joined in for the fun of burning and smashing property so they could get their picture taken and posted to their social network of choice. It's a riot. Happened in Vancouver in 1994 after their loss and it happens all over the world after sporting events, whether a team wins OR loses. Just happens. Kinda surprised Vancouver didn't anticipate something like this happening though and make preparations beforehand.
                  A0 they expected better behaviour (like at the Olympics)
                  B) they did not learn the lessons from 1994

                  Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                  Heard on the news this morning that police have already begun arresting people who were caught on video vandalizing in Vancouver. Apparently, some of these "brilliant" criminals actually posted the videos and pictures themselves on their facebook page and You Tube, bragging about it!
                  Yup, those that do this kind of thing are stupid and this proves it.

                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  As good an idea as this might be ... my first thought when I read it was "Yeah ... like that's gonna happen!"

                  I don't mean to be negative, but there aren't really that many people that would turn in their own children unless they are super responsible parents. Or at least we don't often hear of something like that happening.
                  Some people have turned themselves in.

                  Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                  The only thing I didn't like about Death Knell was that Jack and Teal'c had to save Sam at the end, it did show how tough and resourceful Sam was, but she still had to be rescued by those big male hero types, I wanted them to come across her after she had defeated the super soldier by her own ingenuity.



                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  I hope the reporter got her name. Because she just confessed to a crime.

                  I know. Another brilliant individual.

                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  Long time no see everyone!! Everything is well over here. Very well. Milou is almost 11 months old and doing great!
                  What I came to tell ... hubby and I occasionally watch some SG DVD's and we now arrived at SGA S4. All new Amanda for me to watch It makes me happy!

                  Hope everone is ok! I do browse the threads occasionally. Seems there is some gabit news soon ... yay! And the newest Amanda pics are lovey. Though too bad she didn't get the Leo (right? ... lol).

                  Lovely to "see" you again.

                  Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                  Hey Lies! Long time no see. I can't believe Milou is nearly a year old already! Can we see a picture? Is she walking yet? News! We need news!



                  Just spotted my rank. I'm Mac's Hockey Goalie. My Son in law, who IS a goalie only told me today that I would be useless in that position after I missed a dolly catch when he tossed me my keys!
                  As a former goalie, I would be happy to give you a few tips next time I see you.

                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                  I didn't think it was boring. I greatly enjoyed watching that hottie Sebastian Spence
                  Agreed. He is so good looking. I vote for him as a love interest for Helen in season 4!

                  Originally posted by donamac View Post
                  My thought exactly--politics is definitely not my favorite subject. And lately watching the news is painful! Sometimes I feel like screaming at which time I shut off the TV and read SG novels or fanfiction

                  Haven't been on the forum for a while. Hope everyone is doing OK. I've been really tired of sitting at the computer. AND hoping for the sun to make an appearance in Seattle soon. It's June and I still have to turn on my furnace!!

                  Happily summer will (supposedly) be here in a couple days. Happy summer, folks!
                  It's old home week. Welcome back everyone! :0

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    @amandatapping Attention America! @Syfy: Tonight is the season finale of #Sanctuary at 10/9c. Hope you enjoy!!!! Xoxox


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      It's old home week. Welcome back everyone! :0
                      Another long time absentee popping in to say hi to all!

                      Been a while, things got busy. Lived in London last year, wrote a thesis, and graduated university this year. Whew! I lurk ocassionally, but I miss you guys!

                      Hope all is well, and I can't wait to see the Sanctuary season finale tonight!


                        anyone wanna play?
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by siles View Post
                          White collar is back on Tuesday
                          Ick. imo
                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            I have been picking up the Mac box sets at the video store next to work, and putting them back down. No way I would have time.
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              Ick. imo
                              doesn't do much for me either. never seen it I am looking forward to WH 13 and Eureka in a couple of weeks. And am enjoying Flashpoint and maybe Rookie Blue when it starts

                              IMHO, some of the summer network shows are better than their mainstream ones
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
                                Another long time absentee popping in to say hi to all!

                                Been a while, things got busy. Lived in London last year, wrote a thesis, and graduated university this year. Whew! I lurk ocassionally, but I miss you guys!

                                Hope all is well, and I can't wait to see the Sanctuary season finale tonight!
                                Welcome back!

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

