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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
    Yep! And most actors probably won't have the opportunity to be EPs of their show, sci-fi or not. They may be credited as producers which I guess is considered a "vanity credit" (thank you, 30 Rock!).

    But to have the option of being an EP, meaning the tenure, the respect, etc. - well, that's pretty rare.
    With Bones, I highly doubt it's a vanity credit for Emily & David. They've been EPs on the show for many years now. But for some shows/actors the "vanity credit" maybe true.
    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


      Sanctuary for Kids have updated their charity page with more details of much money have been raised, what that money have done for children world wide so far and what their plans are for the future.
      It also mentions Amanda's and Jill's trip to Nepal this month.

      And apparently they're planning on blogging about their trip as well here:


        IIRC, gary sinese is an EP on CSI New York, so is Caruso on CSI Miami, Mark Harmon is on NCIS, and i'm sure there are more.

        there are shows where the leading actors have a measure of control on the show. And, you know, a good chunk of those shows are ones that I like. I think you could make the very unofficial and unscientific connection between influence NOT from a network correlating with shows that are more popular in the long run.

        I have very little faith in 'network suggestions', largely because they brought us such gems as Anise and other plot twists that have generally left fans cold.

        By and large, i think there are a lot of network execs that don't know as much as they think they do, yet think they know tons and we end up with changes to shows that we, as fans, go 'huh?' over.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          ^ actors also being EP's seems to becoming more common... i cant think of any other egs off the top of my head, but i notice it a fair bit when watching tv these days...

          and it makes sense, they are the ones living and breathing the characters, they can tell what will work and what wont for their characters... and alot of them tend to have a decent gauge on what the fans are looking for...

          the networks on the other hand often seem stuck in a time warp with little or no reality check on what todays viewers are interested in...
          "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


            and i think that time warp is why more and more actors are pushing for EP control.

            face it, by and large the networks treat actors and writers like meat. they're a 'lesser form of life' and stupid and idiots and need the network's super special guidance to be successful

            actors and writers and such get sick and tired of idiotic network execs. so they push for control. (of course there is also the fact that as EP i believe you get more's another paycheck. and it's a credit that looks good for, once you get older and are deemed 'too old' to be IN a show, you can have a good resume of being an EP for when you want to invest in a show)
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              if you could spend time sam or helen, which would you choose and why?
              which woman do you like more, sam or helen and why?
              which woman would you want to trade places with and why?
              I'd spend time with Sam before I would with Helen...Helen intimidates me. Don't ask me why....just reminds me of some people I know who are somewhat way too cool, calm and smart...even though Sam is extremely intelligent too, she's more a people person...then again, being the abnormal I am, maybe Helen would be more understanding. Nah...I'd spend time with Sam first then have a nice cup of Darjeeling tea with Helen.
              I love both characters but I kinda lean more towards Sam at this stage...probably coz I'm more aware of who she is, where with Helen, she contradicts herself too much and we still know so little about her.
              I'm not a fan of trading places with anyone. I kinda like what I have...the good and the bad. But if I had to trade places with anyone, it would probably be Helen. I'm not afraid of living. I am however afraid of death. I like the idea of living for a very very long time. Probably sounds selfish and silly, but I do have my reasons. I like the idea of learning and accomplishing if I was Helen, I could do so much with such a long life span. I could experience so much more. Although on the flip side, Sam has experienced life on other planets and in other galaxy's...that's a pretty cool bonus. And Helen has lost so that's not a good thing. But we learn from what we have and what we lose.
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              helen, first i think she's more forgiving than sam. Meaning, well sam has a stick up her tush and helen is more mellow. so more fun to spend time with.
              Really? I don't get that a lot from Helen. And I reckon that stick up Sam's tush disappeared a few seasons back.
              and i'd rather trade places with helen. Nothing can be more fun than to be independantly wealthy with the ability to do just about anything. sam has to follow too many orders.
              But Sam can always retire and settle down to a "normal" life...she can...if she chooses to...get married, have kids and not have to worry about watching everyone she loves die before her. I reckon Sam has more fun than Helen...not to say that Helen has no fun, but IMHO, Sam knows how to relax better than Helen.
              They're very similar and yet so vastly different characters but I think Helen drew the short straw...I'd imagine her life being far more stressful than Sam's. Just MHO though.

              I had a dream last night which featured Amanda...OT stuff approaching!!
              I told Niki about it so it doesn't come true. I dreamed that I went to Sydney Armageddon...which I will be but it's different...and Amanda was there with Chris Heyerdahl...Chris will actually be attending the Sydney Armageddon btw...and I had both the kids with me and we arrived at the event late but we sat at a huge square table where Amanda and Chris were signing auto's. I was about to get mine and I wanted to introduce Amanda to my ids when they abruptly up and left. The attendant there said that the signing session was done and Amanda was off to do a Q&A. So in my bummed mood, we went into the hall and sat on the floor at the front of the stage. Amanda came out and stuff was said and what not...boring part of my dream. The next thing I know I'm walking through the convention hall browsing in the wine section...mind you there is no wine sections at these events normally but this is my crazy dream...and Amanda came up to me. I said hi...she returned the favour. She asked me if I knew where the good wine was. I asked her if she preferred red or white and we both said at the same time that we like red. So I showed her a few bottles of some nice Aussie red wine and we just kept chatting about hats and kids. It was really weird and uncomfortable. I felt so out of place around her even though I helped her pick something to take back home with her.
              I kinda hate dreams like this coz it makes me feel weird about meeting Amanda. I know, stupid me but hey...I can't help what I watch in my dreams and how that makes me feel later. Anyhoo, that was my dream last night. I think it must be because I'm kinda excited...just a wee bit...about Amanda coming over in December and about finally deciding to go to the Sydney Armageddon event next year.
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                I'd spend time with Sam before I would with Helen...Helen intimidates me. Don't ask me why....just reminds me of some people I know who are somewhat way too cool, calm and smart...even though Sam is extremely intelligent too, she's more a people person...then again, being the abnormal I am, maybe Helen would be more understanding. Nah...I'd spend time with Sam first then have a nice cup of Darjeeling tea with Helen.
                I love both characters but I kinda lean more towards Sam at this stage...probably coz I'm more aware of who she is, where with Helen, she contradicts herself too much and we still know so little about her.
                I'm not a fan of trading places with anyone. I kinda like what I have...the good and the bad. But if I had to trade places with anyone, it would probably be Helen. I'm not afraid of living. I am however afraid of death. I like the idea of living for a very very long time. Probably sounds selfish and silly, but I do have my reasons. I like the idea of learning and accomplishing if I was Helen, I could do so much with such a long life span. I could experience so much more. Although on the flip side, Sam has experienced life on other planets and in other galaxy's...that's a pretty cool bonus. And Helen has lost so that's not a good thing. But we learn from what we have and what we lose.

                But Sam can always retire and settle down to a "normal" life...she can...if she chooses to...get married, have kids and not have to worry about watching everyone she loves die before her. I reckon Sam has more fun than Helen...not to say that Helen has no fun, but IMHO, Sam knows how to relax better than Helen.
                They're very similar and yet so vastly different characters but I think Helen drew the short straw...I'd imagine her life being far more stressful than Sam's. Just MHO though.

                I had a dream last night which featured Amanda...OT stuff approaching!!
                I told Niki about it so it doesn't come true. I dreamed that I went to Sydney Armageddon...which I will be but it's different...and Amanda was there with Chris Heyerdahl...Chris will actually be attending the Sydney Armageddon btw...and I had both the kids with me and we arrived at the event late but we sat at a huge square table where Amanda and Chris were signing auto's. I was about to get mine and I wanted to introduce Amanda to my ids when they abruptly up and left. The attendant there said that the signing session was done and Amanda was off to do a Q&A. So in my bummed mood, we went into the hall and sat on the floor at the front of the stage. Amanda came out and stuff was said and what not...boring part of my dream. The next thing I know I'm walking through the convention hall browsing in the wine section...mind you there is no wine sections at these events normally but this is my crazy dream...and Amanda came up to me. I said hi...she returned the favour. She asked me if I knew where the good wine was. I asked her if she preferred red or white and we both said at the same time that we like red. So I showed her a few bottles of some nice Aussie red wine and we just kept chatting about hats and kids. It was really weird and uncomfortable. I felt so out of place around her even though I helped her pick something to take back home with her.
                I kinda hate dreams like this coz it makes me feel weird about meeting Amanda. I know, stupid me but hey...I can't help what I watch in my dreams and how that makes me feel later. Anyhoo, that was my dream last night. I think it must be because I'm kinda excited...just a wee bit...about Amanda coming over in December and about finally deciding to go to the Sydney Armageddon event next year.
                Amanda is the nicest and sweetest person you will ever meet. She is relaxed and genuine and a big hugger. So relax because meeting her is a treat. And Chris is a big, silly, slightly badboy teddy bear!


                  Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                  Sanctuary for Kids have updated their charity page with more details of much money have been raised, what that money have done for children world wide so far and what their plans are for the future.
                  It also mentions Amanda's and Jill's trip to Nepal this month.

                  And apparently they're planning on blogging about their trip as well here:
                  Thanks for this.

                  Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                  ^ actors also being EP's seems to becoming more common... i cant think of any other egs off the top of my head, but i notice it a fair bit when watching tv these days...

                  and it makes sense, they are the ones living and breathing the characters, they can tell what will work and what wont for their characters... and alot of them tend to have a decent gauge on what the fans are looking for...

                  the networks on the other hand often seem stuck in a time warp with little or no reality check on what todays viewers are interested in...
                  William Petersen was/is an EP on CSI.

                  I think Amanda as a lead and EP in s show, prove that women in the business work.
                  Amanda's been doing this for a LONG time now, so knows who she is, what hers fans want, and how to please them, because she listens to her fans at cons and stuff, so they know what they/we want to see. She also knows what works for her, and the right way to play a character, again she didn't play the "reproductive organs" Sam for over a decade, she made Sam the right way.

                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  I had a dream last night which featured Amanda...OT stuff approaching!!
                  I told Niki about it so it doesn't come true. I dreamed that I went to Sydney Armageddon...which I will be but it's different...and Amanda was there with Chris Heyerdahl...Chris will actually be attending the Sydney Armageddon btw...and I had both the kids with me and we arrived at the event late but we sat at a huge square table where Amanda and Chris were signing auto's. I was about to get mine and I wanted to introduce Amanda to my ids when they abruptly up and left. The attendant there said that the signing session was done and Amanda was off to do a Q&A. So in my bummed mood, we went into the hall and sat on the floor at the front of the stage. Amanda came out and stuff was said and what not...boring part of my dream. The next thing I know I'm walking through the convention hall browsing in the wine section...mind you there is no wine sections at these events normally but this is my crazy dream...and Amanda came up to me. I said hi...she returned the favour. She asked me if I knew where the good wine was. I asked her if she preferred red or white and we both said at the same time that we like red. So I showed her a few bottles of some nice Aussie red wine and we just kept chatting about hats and kids. It was really weird and uncomfortable. I felt so out of place around her even though I helped her pick something to take back home with her.
                  I kinda hate dreams like this coz it makes me feel weird about meeting Amanda. I know, stupid me but hey...I can't help what I watch in my dreams and how that makes me feel later. Anyhoo, that was my dream last night. I think it must be because I'm kinda excited...just a wee bit...about Amanda coming over in December and about finally deciding to go to the Sydney Armageddon event next year.
                  Cool dream, Chelle.


                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    I'd spend time with Sam before I would with Helen...Helen intimidates me. Don't ask me why....just reminds me of some people I know who are somewhat way too cool, calm and smart...even though Sam is extremely intelligent too, she's more a people person...then again, being the abnormal I am, maybe Helen would be more understanding. Nah...I'd spend time with Sam first then have a nice cup of Darjeeling tea with Helen.
                    Sam seems more of a regular person. Of course, I couldn't talk any science with her.

                    I'd be intimidated by Magnus I think. She'd probably be very pleasant, but with a certain distance and reserve. I'd be dying to ask her all about her life "you knew Churchill?" (like Will) but I'd be too polite. so I'd probably stammer like an idiot.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      IIRC, gary sinese is an EP on CSI New York, so is Caruso on CSI Miami, Mark Harmon is on NCIS, and i'm sure there are more.

                      there are shows where the leading actors have a measure of control on the show. And, you know, a good chunk of those shows are ones that I like. I think you could make the very unofficial and unscientific connection between influence NOT from a network correlating with shows that are more popular in the long run.

                      I have very little faith in 'network suggestions', largely because they brought us such gems as Anise and other plot twists that have generally left fans cold.

                      By and large, i think there are a lot of network execs that don't know as much as they think they do, yet think they know tons and we end up with changes to shows that we, as fans, go 'huh?' over.
                      Kiefer Sutherland on "24" is also an EP


                        Wow, no posts in over 24 hours?

                        We should play a Sam game. It goes like this, I'll start by talking about 1 episode of SG-1, and why I think it was a good Sam episode, and then I'll choose an episode that we can talk about next.

                        COTG, I think that was a really good episode to introduce Sam, it showed her as a strong, smart and capable character, both as a soldier and a scientist. I think it's because she's an air-force officer too, and she wants him to see that. Since she was the only woman in the group, I think she needed to prove to O'Neill and the other men that she belonged there, and I think she did, especially the scene with Daniel in the (for lack of a better name) symbol chamber, and how they both figured how the gate system must work. That's my fave scene btw.

                        Another scene I liked was was at the end where Teal'c hands her his staff weapon, I like that moment because he's handing over his weapon to a woman, I look at it as a way of him showing respect to because he sees her as an equal and a solider.

                        Now, random episode.... Singularity.


                          if you could spend time sam or helen, which would you choose and why?

                          Sam. Because she gets to ride in space ships and shoots things.

                          which woman do you like more, sam or helen and why?

                          Probably Sam. Because I've known her longer, seen her change more.

                          which woman would you want to trade places with and why?

                          Sam. Because she gets to ride in space ships and shoots things


                            good reason
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by llp View Post
                              Amanda is the nicest and sweetest person you will ever meet. She is relaxed and genuine and a big hugger. So relax because meeting her is a treat. And Chris is a big, silly, slightly badboy teddy bear!
                              I met her last year at AT4 ...but meeting her makes me more nervous than any other actor I have met thus far...including RDA. And I met Chris last year and I had no issues with chatting to him...I actually rarely have issues chatting with the guests which I'm sure some of my mates would testify to ...but I do feel nervous about Amanda...and I do have a theory as to why.

                              Those Nubbins must be wreaking havoc in GW again. Cheeky buggers.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                                I met her last year at AT4 ...but meeting her makes me more nervous than any other actor I have met thus far...including RDA. And I met Chris last year and I had no issues with chatting to him...I actually rarely have issues chatting with the guests which I'm sure some of my mates would testify to ...but I do feel nervous about Amanda...and I do have a theory as to why.

                                Those Nubbins must be wreaking havoc in GW again. Cheeky buggers.
                                Is it her incredible awesomeness?
                                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                                William Shakespeare

                                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.

