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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    Could you explain to us how you see the romantic sub plots as damaging to Sam's character and how more damage was done to Sam than Jack? And do please relate it to your earlier post where supposedly Sam would "make an idiot of herself over her commanding officer".
    In a nutshell, in later seasons, they took away all Sam's subplots in favour of her romantic life, giving it the same weight as Daniel's saving the universe. Which sells both AT and Sam short.

    Off the top of my head.
    They had the character behaving like a lovelorn teenager in kissing her boyfriend on the job, in going to her boss' house at least twice when not invited and when he was not willing to discuss the issue with her. They showed her dismissing her foster daughter with a line in favour of a hug from Jack. They showed Jack being unconvinced that her father, a Jaffa master and Teal'c could look after Sam, undermining what should have been her command (as the ranking USAF officer on the mission). They had AU Sam and Jack snogging while Daniel and Teal'c plan an uprising to over throw Ra, giving a make out session the same importance as saving the planet. They made the last scene in SG1 with Jack a regular about Sam and Jack, not about the team which had made SG1 a success in the first place.
    I could go on, but I have already, here -
    Caesar's wife must be above reproach.
    Wasting AT's acting talent and selfish vs not selfish love.
    Superficial nature of writing what should have been a serious issue.
    TPTB handing of S/J over the years. Look! I confess that Jack is cares about Sam too! Swoons in shock!
    TPTB shooting choices and how it effects what we see on screen.
    That execrable cabin scene in Threads, a prime example of Sam making an idiot of herself.
    Not actually related to this topic, but a link in the post to a Canadian study on how romantic media effects young people.
    Clumsy attempt at characterisation in Lost City.
    The problem for AT with removing all her sub plots except romances (Tok'ra, Jolinar, her father).
    Sam and Jack as a net loss, not a net gain for the show.
    Sam and Jack as a net loss, now with pictures.
    Sam and Pete, not a shining moment either and an example of how the general romantic writing for their female lead was pretty ghastly.

    That was from 20 pages of a 150+ page thread, there's more if you want them.



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      sooooooooooo, have we broca'd the episode to death??? is it time to move onto the next one?
      ETA: First Commandment I think it is.
      Been awhile since I seen this episode too as it was never one that I went back to after having seen it the first time. What I do recall and which stuck with me is Sam and her broken engagement to Jonas and the religious talk at the end of the episode between Sam and Jack. Having a bit more back story of Sam before she came to the SGC I loved, but the bible quoting I guess I could have done without. Rather surprised me, but I suppose there was a point to it all. Guess I just never thought of Jack as the type to remember verses and actually apply them to his life, especially after everything he had gone through on a personal level.

      I'll give this ep another watch later today.

      Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
      Just realized I got a promotion! YAY FOR ME!!!

      *sneaks out before anyone notices*
      Congrats and well done!


        Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
        I was insulting a character on a TV show, no reflection on any real person at all.

        I suppose I could have insulted a real person, such as jkfan55 instead? Because this post was just so respectful to jkfan55's point of view, a shining example of mature and tolerant of other peoples opinions and no one seems to have any problems with it. But insult a non existent character? That's really bad.

        why cant you understand i was only joking i have even sent you a message trying to explain i was only having a bit of fun and i dont see JKFAN55 being offended so maybe she saw i was clearly not being serious when i posted that.
        The best written female character on trek ever.


          as for the FIRST COMMANDMENT i actually dont rate this episode very highly for sam because i just dont believe she would of ever considered marrying that guy but the good news for me is that after this episode the writers begin to really find sams strengths as a character.
          The best written female character on trek ever.


            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            In a nutshell, in later seasons, they took away all Sam's subplots in favour of her romantic life, giving it the same weight as Daniel's saving the universe. Which sells both AT and Sam short.

            Off the top of my head. (...)
            I'm just a lurker on this thread and I don't intend to butt in uninvited, but seeing all this ship discussion I thought it would be a good idea to remind that there's a neutral ship discussion threadand perhaps taking the debate there would be better.

            Sorry for interruption, please continue.
            Last edited by Petra; 11 April 2010, 08:21 AM. Reason: fixing link
            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
            awesome sig by Josiane


              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              A walk-on role! Why oh why won't those stupid lottery numbers come up?

              Would love to do another Skype chat, but it's someone else's turn.
              As a Luddite without a computer at home and as someone who assumes you need one of those camera-thingies to have a Skype chat, I am waiting for the auction item "become AT's pen-pal".

              Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
              Just realized I got a promotion! YAY FOR ME!!!

              *sneaks out before anyone notices*

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                I was insulting a character on a TV show, no reflection on any real person at all.

                I suppose I could have insulted a real person, such as jkfan55 instead? Because this post was just so respectful to jkfan55's point of view, a shining example of mature and tolerant of other peoples opinions and no one seems to have any problems with it. But insult a non existent character? That's really bad.

                The reason I had no problem with chrono’s post was because it was clearly said in jest IMHO. The shippers, non-shippers, and anti-shippers who regularly post in this thread try to maintain a good sense of humor about all of our differing preferences and that includes a bit of good-natured teasing occasionally.

                There have been times when a fan of one persuasion or other has stepped over the line. I know an anti-shipper once attacked a shipper for posting an invite to one of the Sam/Jack thread events. I also know there have been some shippers that have let their squee get out of hand and made the polar bears around here uncomfortable. But it is a rare occasion and the joking around actually helps us all get back on track sometimes.

                Mostly, non-shippers like JanSam and Mandy, anti-shippers like Jckfan55, and shippers like me and others have almost always succeeded in getting along, expressing our own opinions, and treating each others’ opinions with respect while still being able to joke around about the subject. I would hate for that to change b/c it’s one of the things that makes this thread so interesting and really different from so many of the other threads around GW. I don’t know of many threads where shippers, anti-shippers, and non-shippers can actually discuss things without getting defensive and still consider each other friends at the end of a discussion. The one thing that makes that possible is that we all share a love of the character of Sam and respect for the actress who played her.

                I would hope if Jckfan55, a person I have immense respect for, had been truly offended, she would’ve felt comfortable enough here to say something about it either on the thread or in a PM to chrono. Even if that's not the case, it is clear that chrono has subsequently explained and apologized about the comment.

                Originally posted by Petra View Post
                I'm just a lurker on this thread and I don't intend to butt in uninvited, but seeing all this ship discussion I thought it would be a good idea to remind that there's a neutral ship discussion threadand perhaps taking the debate there would be better.

                Sorry for interruption, please continue.
                Can I just say ditto?

                Being someone who actually both likes the ship and loves the character of Sam (in all the seasons), I really don’t want to read rehashes of the shipper or anti-shipper threads here. This thread should be about Sam and why she was such an interesting character - not why Sam was an idiot for having feelings for Jack or a heartless witch for dating Pete and supposedly breaking Jack’s heart.


                  Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                  I was insulting a character on a TV show, no reflection on any real person at all.

                  I suppose I could have insulted a real person, such as jkfan55 instead? Because this post was just so respectful to jkfan55's point of view, a shining example of mature and tolerant of other peoples opinions and no one seems to have any problems with it. But insult a non existent character? That's really bad.

                  Huh. I thought the meant the "SOULLESS INHUMAN BEINGS" was said in jest. Isn't that pretty standard? To use the to show one is joking. And hasn't it been for well over a decade? There *was* no insult. Certainly chono_trigger has *no* history of snarking on those who think "Sam and Sir" has no merit.

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Just my two cents on the ship discussion. When I first came to GW I quickly learned there were certain threads to avoid and others where one could find sanctuary . The Team thread and the Sam thread were wonderful examples of the latter. Threads where all points of view, respectfully given, could be voiced. I don't think anyone should feel they can't discuss ship here if they wish to do so whether they are for or against it.

                    As has been mentioned, one of the problems with posting online is that sometimes the intent of the post is lost. Another may be that with the newer posters we do not yet have a complete understanding of their sense of humour (like we do with the old gals like Mandy ). I know I'm glass-half-full gal but I never take things said on this thread as an insult. For example, FF once made a comment about the set tour winners having more money than brains but I took no offence at that and, as you may notice by looking below my sig, it has become a bit of a motto. I don't think anyone intended harm to the other so let's remember that and keep on posting.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                      I was insulting a character on a TV show, no reflection on any real person at all.

                      I suppose I could have insulted a real person, such as jkfan55 instead? Because this post was just so respectful to jkfan55's point of view, a shining example of mature and tolerant of other peoples opinions and no one seems to have any problems with it. But insult a non existent character? That's really bad.

                      Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                      why cant you understand i was only joking i have even sent you a message trying to explain i was only having a bit of fun and i dont see JKFAN55 being offended so maybe she saw i was clearly not being serious when i posted that.
                      Originally posted by suse View Post
                      Huh. I thought the meant the "SOULLESS INHUMAN BEINGS" was said in jest. Isn't that pretty standard? To use the to show one is joking. And hasn't it been for well over a decade? There *was* no insult. Certainly chono_trigger has *no* history of snarking on those who think "Sam and Sir" has no merit.

                      I would just like to say that the above "discussion" is exactly why I am usually not comfortable expressing my opinions here. I usually just stick to lurking b/c it seems like some may take each other and themselves a little too seriously.

                      I'm sorry is this sounds harsh but it doesn't make new ppl want to post their own opinions when there are those that would so quickly attack them for have a different opinion or simply b/c they were misunderstood.

                      However....on the topic of this thread, I think we should all take a lesson from Sam AND Amanda in tolerance and acceptance of one anothers difference, let go of any anger or grudges we are harbouring for hurt feelings (whether justified or not) and come together in the spirit of appreciation for the fact that not matter who we are, and where we are from, we all have something in common to share. We all love SG and Amanda's character.

                      'nough said i think....
                      sigpic Gets better with age!

                      Creation Vancouver SG Con 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
                      GateCon Vancouver 2011
                      Creation Chicago SG Con 2013 - 2014


                        i just want to say me and frostfox have agreed to let it go. so harmony is restored to this thread
                        The best written female character on trek ever.


                          that video might have been the first gatecon. I know gatecon 2000 and 2001 were in september, as was 2002 (i remember cause when i flew in for GC 2001 it was one week post 911)

                          one reason they moved it, amanda did not attend in 2001 (she stopped by for one panel but it was on the way to the air port) , so they moved the con to the later part of july because they knew if tey kept it in sept, it'd always conflict iwth her anniversary, thus making it harder to book one of the 'sought after' actors.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            I think i folks feel strongly against sam and jack, there's a whole thread for them to discuss the detriment the relationship has upon teh show or the characters involved.

                            And for those that strongly support it, they have a thread as well to discuss how much they like it.

                            Maybe, in this here NEUTRAL thread, if people have strong feelings they just can't temper down and can't/won't move to the existing 'for' and 'against' threads, maybe they need to tuck them behind spoiler tags. Then those that want to read can, those that don't can pass them, or pass that person's posts by.

                            And if there's someone that just annoys the stuffins out of you, there's always the ignore feature. Comes in handy.

                            This thread is about SAM. ANd yeah, as part of that her relationships will come into play and be mentioned. But they shouldn't become a long standing topic simply because this thread isnt' for 'debate and discussion of sam's relationships over the years', it's for those that like sam to have a place to come and play.

                            Those that are ardently pro ship, you're gonna have to be tolerant of those that aren't. Those that are ardently non-ship, you're gonna have to be tolerant of those that are. ALL of you should take into account the neutral nature of this thread when you post and avoid tapping into those 'hot button' terms and words. Both sides should temper their comments, respecting the fact that there are so many here that may/may not agree with you.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Another may be that with the newer posters we do not yet have a complete understanding of their sense of humour (like we do with the old gals like Mandy ).
                              Who you calling old


                              my fanfic


                                Sooooooooo, Ten Commandments. Haven't re-watched it again but I've been reading Thomisina Gibson's latest book (picked up at AT4) which is a bigger glossier version of her books on the various Stargate seasons. This one covers seasons 1-5. There was a comment in the book that when AT punched the guy her machine gun swung around and whacked her in the hip which apparently hurt quite a bit. Isn't one of the reasons we like AT so much is because she's such a klutz?

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

