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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    Canonically it has been established that BOTH Sam and Jack have feelings for each other but it has never been explored, a fact that I am quite happy with (mainly because the writers suck at human relationships). However having feelings for someone doesn't make you an idiot, acting inappropriately would do that but Sam has not ever done that, nor has Jack.
    I second that whole heartedly. I think it's great that all of the military people on this show (including Hammond, Janet, etc) were given the opportunity to show their emotions towards each other in various ways. It makes them realistic humans. Not getting into too much of the 'ship debate in this thread, but I saw nothing wrong with - or being degrading - to have Sam show feelings for her CO (or any of her other team members - military or not). It would have been very different if either had acted on any of those feelings.


      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
      Heh, I'd say Teal'c as well, though only after Unending when Sam leaves SG-1. Though as a non-shipper I wouldn't have wanted to see the ship on-screen. And I could see Joe as well if the events of 2001 hadn't played out as they did.

      I personally enjoy Sam's various friendships the best on-screen, and it kinda frustrates me to an extent when I so often see the slightest interaction she has with almost any guy get interpreted as shippy, with some of course liking it while others don't. When I was first exploring GW, it was baffling to me to see the brief scene in Evolution part 2 where Jack tells Sam he's going after Daniel get slammed by some as being too shippy, as well as other moments in the series (not just S/J) that are cheered as being shippy. It just feels like Sam the friend often gets lost in all the ship/anti-ship stuff, IMHO.

      No offense meant to anyone, everyone is free to interpret the show as they wish and I respect that. This is just one of the more frustrating things I've found about fandom in regards to Sam, or most of the female characters to be honest.
      Nicely said and I must say I heartily agree with you. I'd acknowledge that TPTB did write some of the episodes with a definite leaning in the shippy direction toward Jack. But that's it. Yes, she had some relationships with other men as well. But that's it. I'd rather see just Sam the woman. Sam the PERSON rather than who she might need to get through her day. Sam is so incredible on her own, with so many levels of awesomeness going on that I fail to see her need for anyone else to complete her. Just saying.

      And with that, I'm off for work! *waves* Soooooooooo, glad the weekend is finally sprung again, a few short hours at least (for me).


        Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
        There's wasn't any really, besides Janet sort of treating Sam's stab wound. I don't think Sam and Janet really had any significant interaction until Fire and Water when Janet was consoling a distraught Sam, and after that we got Hathor and Singularity back-to-back, which I think was really the foundation for their friendship.
        I think Hathor was a good way to set them up as a team, and I feel that their bond grew and got stronger as time went on, all the way up to Janet's death.

        I remember that interview, bravo AT, that must have been rather difficult considering she was potentially jeopardizing her job by objecting.
        Re Sam being 'the girl', I saw most of these early S1 episodes after I'd seen a lot of later SG-1 eps, and it does stand out how differently they wrote her character at this point in the series, esp in Emancipation, Broca Divide, and First Commandment. I wonder if perhaps these first 5-6 episodes were written before AT talked to the writers about how they wrote Sam, because from Cold Lazarus on they do write Sam less like 'the girl' and more like a soldier/scientist who just happens to be a woman.

        Originally posted by katjoy View Post
        im very glad that amanda stood up for herself and sam in the early days, even though they could easily have gone with someone else at that point... IMO sam wouldnt be who she is today without AT...
        Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
        I completely agree with you. AT spoke with the writers and told them to write her as one of the guys - I think this was a fantastic idea on AT's part. AT did wonders for this role!
        Very well said you guys. Back in 97 before SG-1 started, Amanda was still pretty much an unknown actress, she didn't have all the fandom support, she does now, she didn't have a huge fan base, heck she wasn't the queen of Syfy. They could very well have let her go, but they didn't and they allowed Amanda to let Sam grow and evolve into the awesome character she is.

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        I'm so glad they made Sam and Janet friends and colleagues. I think I remember AT saying she and TR were very strong in telling the writers that's what they wanted to see. I think especially at the time the show started it was more common for 2 women on a cast to be romantic rivals. Yuk. Or they could have had them fighting over Cassie. Double yuk. not on Stargate.
        I love how Janet really became linked with the team.
        In Broca Divide, I like how concerned Teal'c was re: Sam's injury. Just a little sign that he cares about his teammate already.
        P.S. had to chuckle the other day after our Samnubis discussion when I got home from work just in time to see Sam as Samnubis! (hears Twiight Zone music)
        Yeah I think I remember reading or hearing somewhere that they could have been rivals or something, but I'm glad AT and TR wanted Sam and Janet to be friends. Besides, with all the all their fight against the Goa'uld, they couldn't be having these rival moments on the base, I'm glad they all worked together to fight the Goa'uld. Well, almost everyone.

        Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
        whats going on in here today its dead. so to give everyone something to talk about i got a question for you if you could pick one person other than jack for sam to of settled down with who would it be. i pick martouf i thought they had a nice bond before his untimely demise.
        Oh wow, that's a good question. Maybe Daniel.

        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Wanders in after a long day.....looks around to see relationship discussions....slowly backs away.
        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Slowly backs in to drop off info re: next S4K auction:

        "Our next eBay auction is set to run from April 15th to the 25th. Participants can bid on a Skype chat with Robin Dunne and Amanda Tapping or bid on a walk-on role on the set of Sanctuary. Check the website in April for more details!"
        Thanks for letting us know about that. Now walk back out.


          While I don’t think Sam necessarily needs a man (or woman) to complete her, I do think she deserves to have someone in her life to come home to when the Hammond comes back to Earth every few weeks or months. If you think about it, Sam is the only one of the main characters who never had a stable, long-term relationship (unless you count Pete). Jack had Sara and Laira, Daniel had Sarah and Sha’re, Teal’c had Drey’ac and Sho’nac. Sure, most of those relationships tragically didn’t last, but at least they all had the experience of having someone in their lives who they loved unconditionally and who loved them unconditionally in return. Sam never had that – even with Pete - and almost certainly not with Jonas Hanson. So, personally, I like to think that she does have someone waiting for her back home and that she isn't completely all on her own anymore.

          After all, why should the guys on the show get to have real romantic relationships while Sam just gets to sit by and be their loyal friend and co-worker (and be the occasional object of affection for the odd alien)? Why should Daniel, Jack, and Teal’c get to fondly remember the times when they had wives and families while Sam has nothing to remember?

          That’s why I hate what they did with Pete. It could have been such a nice story-arc for Sam, but they didn’t create a character that could understand and respect Sam for who she was. I keep wondering why they didn’t have Sam start a relationship with Barrett… or bring Joe Faxon back from the supposed dead. Now that could have been a terrific episode and the start of a nice relationship for Sam – much of which could have taken place off screen.

          I guess to answer chrono's lighthearted question - I think it would have been great if Sam had been given a relationship with Barrett, Joe, or perhaps Alec Colson if she couldn't be with Jack. If USAF would have allowed it and the writers had been open to it, it would have been interesting to see Sam in a relationship with someone like Janet. They had a truly great bond.

          This penguin thinks pandas are pretty awesome, by the way.


            yeah, poor pete

            IMHO, instead of having pete be the writers' avatar (geeky slightly socially inept dude that falls for the hot girl and she falls for him) they should have just let it work out....have him be a bit more 'real' and respectful. not a doormat, but an equal to her
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              yeah, poor pete

              IMHO, instead of having pete be the writers' avatar (geeky slightly socially inept dude that falls for the hot girl and she falls for him) they should have just let it work out....have him be a bit more 'real' and respectful. not a doormat, but an equal to her
              i don't think pete the character was created to be anything but a road stop cafe to sam heading down the road to jack.



                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                A highly contested spot with the resident Canadians

                *waits for Mandy to chime in*
                *turns off VCR*

                Huh, what? Did you want something?


                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  I think Hathor was a good way to set them up as a team, and I feel that their bond grew and got stronger as time went on, all the way up to Janet's death.

                  Some of my favorite moments throughout Seasons 1 thru 7 were when Sam and Janet worked together to figure out some problem. I really liked them as a team with Daniel in "The Curse", and wished there could have been more moments or scenes like that.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    I think we all like Sam, or at least I'd hope that's why a person is here.
                    Indeed! But I don't just like Sam, I love her! I usually love the female characters more than the male characters in sci-fi/fantasy(i'm somewhat of a....feminist?) and I have to say Samantha Carter is one of my favorites of them all. I even like her more than Jack and Teal'c(but Daniel is my favorite. )


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      I think we all like Sam, or at least I'd hope that's why a person is here.

                      And we all like different part of her or different ways she acts. We all see different things in her. and in this wide and varied thread, and amongst all our likes, we have a bunch of dislikes.

                      I think it's good to remember that one person's like is another's dislike, and one person's dislike is another's like.

                      So, just like Sam, let's try to express our dislikes with respect for others likes. If you don't agree, don't agree. No biggie

                      But those of you that have met her, I don't think you'd ever see or hear Amanda talking about someone's like or dislike the way some of us have been.

                      But let's post as if were were all in one big room talking to each other, face to face, not sitting behind a keyboard, probably in our jammies (or in Neep's case, without her pants)
                      Totally, agree Sky. We all like and love Sam for different reasons, but whatever those reasons are, we're all still Sam fans none the less. Good point about AT there Sky.

                      In other news, I just uploaded a new YT vid. It's a small tribute vid I made to Helen and Ashley Magnus. The song is called, "In My Daughter's Eyes" by Martina Mcbride. I made this vid to show the fans of the show how close and strong the bond between a mother and daughter is, and to remind us of one of the reasons why we became fans of the show in the first place. Oh, and it's the first vid I've made in black and white.

                      Anyway, enjoy. A Tribute to Helen and Ashley Magnus- Mother and Daughter


                        as a feminist and a shipper i dont see these to be conflicting... i ship equal parties, potential couples who respect and care about each other... i dont ship in terms of people needing to be in a relationship to complete or fulfill themselves, and i have never seen this as being the case for sam and jack...

                        nor do i see it as a case of sam being 'jack's girl', because at the end of the day if that were the case jack would be just as much 'sam's guy', cancelling out any labels imo... what i see is two people who highly respect each other, two people who would die for each other, two people who care about each other... yes there is a physical attraction, but its never been about ogling or pinning after each other, but rather about having found that person who when the time is right they could share their lives with... someone who they could sit with in comfortable silence, or that they could share their day with and each would listen to the other...

                        im someone who believes i dont need a man to complete me, nor am i at a point in my life where i even want someone to share my life with... and despite an internal battle in my head that there has to be a line to draw between being a strong, independant women and being in a relationship i dont see any problem with two equals coming together to share a life that they both believe in... this doesnt make either party weak to want a companion on life's journey, nor does it mean they need someone to complete them...

                        there is also the double standard that a guy can want a relationship without being any less of a man... because at the end of the day if being in a relationship equates to not being a strong, independant women then wouldnt one 'look down' (for lack of a better term) on many women, and what would it mean for the human race...
                        Last edited by katjoy; 10 April 2010, 02:57 AM.
                        "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                          Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                          Or, as we prefer to think of ourselves, those with the good taste not to want to watch a highly decorated USAF officer, intelligent, beautiful woman make an idiot of herself over her commanding officer.

                          well then are you saying jack would be making an idiot of himself considering he also had feelings for her. its not one way you know.
                          The best written female character on trek ever.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            I think we all like Sam, or at least I'd hope that's why a person is here.

                            And we all like different part of her or different ways she acts. We all see different things in her. and in this wide and varied thread, and amongst all our likes, we have a bunch of dislikes.

                            I think it's good to remember that one person's like is another's dislike, and one person's dislike is another's like.

                            So, just like Sam, let's try to express our dislikes with respect for others likes. If you don't agree, don't agree. No biggie

                            But those of you that have met her, I don't think you'd ever see or hear Amanda talking about someone's like or dislike the way some of us have been.

                            But let's post as if were were all in one big room talking to each other, face to face, not sitting behind a keyboard, probably in our jammies (or in Neep's case, without her pants)
                            Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                            as a feminist and a shipper i dont see these to be conflicting... i ship equal parties, potential couples who respect and care about each other... i dont ship in terms of people needing to be in a relationship to complete or fulfill themselves, and i have never seen this as being the case for sam and jack...

                            nor do i see it as a case of sam being 'jack's girl', because at the end of the day if that were the case jack would be just as much 'sam's guy', cancelling out any labels imo... what i see is two people who highly respect each other, two people who would die for each other, two people who care about each other... yes there is a physical attraction, but its never been about ogling or pinning after each other, but rather about having found that person who when the time is right they could share their lives with... someone who they could sit with in comfortable silence, or that they could share their day with and each would listen to the other...

                            im someone who believes i dont need a man to complete me, nor am i at a point in my life where i even want someone to share my life with... and despite an internal battle in my head that there has to be a line to draw between being a strong, independant women and being in a relationship i dont see any problem with two equals coming together to share a life that they both believe in... this doesnt make either party weak to want a companion on life's journey, nor does it mean they need someone to complete them...

                            there is also the double standard that a guy can want a relationship without being any less of a man... because at the end of the day if being in a relationship equates to not being a strong, independant women then wouldnt one 'look down' (for lack of a better term) on many women, and what would it mean for the human race...
                            Well, apparently I have to spread the love around a bit before I can green you both. Well said ladies.

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                              as a feminist and a shipper i dont see these to be conflicting... i ship equal parties, potential couples who respect and care about each other... i dont ship in terms of people needing to be in a relationship to complete or fulfill themselves, and i have never seen this as being the case for sam and jack...

                              nor do i see it as a case of sam being 'jack's girl', because at the end of the day if that were the case jack would be just as much 'sam's guy', cancelling out any labels imo... what i see is two people who highly respect each other, two people who would die for each other, two people who care about each other... yes there is a physical attraction, but its never been about ogling or pinning after each other, but rather about having found that person who when the time is right they could share their lives with... someone who they could sit with in comfortable silence, or that they could share their day with and each would listen to the other...

                              im someone who believes i dont need a man to complete me, nor am i at a point in my life where i even want someone to share my life with... and despite an internal battle in my head that there has to be a line to draw between being a strong, independant women and being in a relationship i dont see any problem with two equals coming together to share a life that they both believe in... this doesnt make either party weak to want a companion on life's journey, nor does it mean they need someone to complete them...

                              there is also the double standard that a guy can want a relationship without being any less of a man... because at the end of the day if being in a relationship equates to not being a strong, independant women then wouldnt one 'look down' (for lack of a better term) on many women, and what would it mean for the human race...
                              As someone who has been involved with women's issues since the early 1980's, I completely agree, one can be a strong independent woman whether one is in a relationship or not. All our experiences and expectations will be individual and unique, and no one is more right than another.

                              I find TV's depictions of women are still woefully lacking in diversity and empowerment. Roles for older women, minorities and the non-conventional are particularly lacking. Sam is good example of a strong female lead, I find TPTB's attempts at writing romantic sub plots for her to be weak and damaging to the character.
                              You see Sam and Jack as a relationship between equals, as it is shown in canon on SG1, I do not. I find it poor writing of both characters but find the more damage done to Sam than to Jack.

                              You are totally entitled to your reading of SG1, it's just as valid as mine, and, well considered debate is always interesting. Unlike some people, I don't find wit in mocking other peoples views, but neither am I going to refrain from saying my piece when I want to.



                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                Nicely said and I must say I heartily agree with you. I'd acknowledge that TPTB did write some of the episodes with a definite leaning in the shippy direction toward Jack. But that's it. Yes, she had some relationships with other men as well. But that's it. I'd rather see just Sam the woman. Sam the PERSON rather than who she might need to get through her day. Sam is so incredible on her own, with so many levels of awesomeness going on that I fail to see her need for anyone else to complete her. Just saying.
                                Well said as well.

                                You also bring up something else that I've had difficulty with while learning the Stargate fandom. Having watched shows like Farscape or BSG where the romantic relationships that developed between characters were shown quite often and in pretty overt ways, Stargate by contrast had minimal shippy episodes and what was shown was also quite tame in comparison, IMHO. So the amount of ship, or the way that sometimes the slightest things are taken as ship, in the fandom surprised me. Though perhaps this is a common phenomenon in fandom, I really only have Stargate and Sanctuary to go by and haven't explore the latter enough to fairly comment.

                                Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                                there is also the double standard that a guy can want a relationship without being any less of a man... because at the end of the day if being in a relationship equates to not being a strong, independant women then wouldnt one 'look down' (for lack of a better term) on many women, and what would it mean for the human race...
                                This irks me as well, that often if a woman shows a romantic interest in a man it somehow completely defines the character, but the same label is not applied to a man. Personally, I also don't believe a woman (or man) need someone to 'complete' them, but if both people respect and care for each other, I also wouldn't think a relationship between them as being something bad or degrading.

                                And I'd just like to clarify again, I respect those who hold different opinions and I sincerely hope that no one felt like I was saying they were wrong or didn't have good judgment for having that opinion. That was not my intent at all and I apologize if I made anyone feel that way.


