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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
    LOL... your probably right. Even though I do speak french, I actually missed reading the question and just made an assumption. But what she said was still pretty much the same, in regards to her and Jack getting together if the were to be in the situation in the question. Thanks for clearing that up though
    So......who do you think grabbed who first? Did Jack grab Sam first? Or did Sam grab Jack? And how many years did it take for the "grabbing" to happen

    Let's have a poll for those inclined


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      I was always just a tad irritated that she rarely got credit for all the "saves" she made throughout the series. A specific example is in S6, Redemption, where she (with a little assistance from Jonas and McKay) came up with the idea of what to do with the stargate in order to save earth. Jack got invited to the White House for dinner for flying the thing into space. Yet without Sam's idea, there would have been nothing for Jack to do. He just carried out her idea. And I'm not implying he didn't deserve some applause for doing something that dangerous, but why was he the only one to get a mention, while the others did the actual work of coming up with the "save"? It seemed to me that something like this often happened - Sam came up with the idea and somebody else put it into effect and then the other person got the credit. (*makes me grumble*)
      FIrst, I totally agree that she should get credit... However.... I kind of consider all of her promotions and the respect she gets as a scientist as her credit and reward. She is pretty much the go to person when it comes to saving the planet/galaxy and as a scientist I'm sure that is a huge honor. Also.... The sgc is like the biggest secret ever so its not like they can credit her publicly. I'm sure the president totally gave her special thanks, and I would assume that she, along with Jack, recieved military commendations that just weren't mentioned like in Tokra (wow...brain fart.... spelling?) ALSO.... as an airforce officer it would have been ingrained in her that your job is essentially to make your CO look good without expecting any credit for yourself.

      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      I do think our Sam might have been a little bit miffed when other people got credit for the ideas she came up with. But she didn't dwell on it, because I think she'd just be happy the solutions worked and worked well (she really is pretty humble in spite of her brilliance). I always get a chuckle out of that scene in Moebius, especially when the Air Force guys show up and her boss thinks they've come to get him, and they want her instead.
      Its karma for sure.... at least Sam in one possible reality gets to stick it to her boss!!! Its the quintessential "nana nana boo boo"!!
      sigpic Gets better with age!

      Creation Vancouver SG Con 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
      GateCon Vancouver 2011
      Creation Chicago SG Con 2013 - 2014


        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
        So......who do you think grabbed who first? Did Jack grab Sam first? Or did Sam grab Jack? And how many years did it take for the "grabbing" to happen

        Let's have a poll for those inclined
        I think it would have been a mutual grabbing.

        As for how long, I think it depends. I'm not the military expert but if she was no longer in his chain of command then I think it would happen a lot faster than if they had to overcome their dedication to to the military rules. If it was still against the rules I think it would have taken them a long time to give up hope of overcoming the problem and then the rules wouldn't have mattered.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          So......who do you think grabbed who first? Did Jack grab Sam first? Or did Sam grab Jack? And how many years did it take for the "grabbing" to happen

          Let's have a poll for those inclined
          *waves* I'm new to this thread, so HI everyone!!

          I saw this interview today and was discussing it in the S/J shipper thread.... I think Jack would definitely grab Sam first! I think he'd hang around her a lot, in her lab and such first, and then probably one of those days about 6-9 months in when Sam was completely exasperated with her lack of progress, Jack would grab her and plant one on her and tell her to stop thinking and just feel.... *shippy sigh*
          lol, plot bunnies anyone?


            regarding amanda's newest interview -

            Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
            she said that if Sam and Jack were to be on a ship like Destiny, they would through military protocol out the window and get it on!! She said they would definitely be together in that situation.
            i don't know why we're doing spoilers, so i'll just follow suit

            i had to use a translator to understand the 'question', but wasn't the question talking about if sam and jack had been stuck together in the sg1 ep 'unending', and not about the sgu ship destiny? can someone say for sure?



              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              regarding amanda's newest interview -

              i don't know why we're doing spoilers, so i'll just follow suit

              i had to use a translator to understand the 'question', but wasn't the question talking about if sam and jack had been stuck together in the sg1 ep 'unending', and not about the sgu ship destiny? can someone say for sure?
              Yes... If you read back a few post someone pointed that out and I explained why I made the mistake.

              the spoiler is in case anyone hadn't watched the interview and didn't want it spoiled
              sigpic Gets better with age!

              Creation Vancouver SG Con 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
              GateCon Vancouver 2011
              Creation Chicago SG Con 2013 - 2014


                Hmm, been absent for a few days and I come back to 'grabbing' chatter in this thread. Why am I not surprised?

                Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
                *waves* I'm new to this thread, so HI everyone!!

                I saw this interview today and was discussing it in the S/J shipper thread.... I think Jack would definitely grab Sam first! I think he'd hang around her a lot, in her lab and such first, and then probably one of those days about 6-9 months in when Sam was completely exasperated with her lack of progress, Jack would grab her and plant one on her and tell her to stop thinking and just feel.... *shippy sigh*
                lol, plot bunnies anyone?
                Hello and welcome to Samanda! I see you've already dug your toes in...good!

                Is everyone okay with moving on with our episode discussion? Again, we looking at the progression of Sam throughout the series how/what has changed her. What about BD did you find interesting, insightful, exciting, etc...

                The Broca Divide
                Members of SG-1 become infected with an alien virus that turns them into primative beings. Dr. Fraiser must find a cure to save the team and the alien population from whom it was contracted.

                I'm off to work shortly so don't have time to give any proper opinion on this, but will do so tomorrow. Time to make the doughnuts!


                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post

                  I'll stick to the chocolate, thanks.
                  Is it bad that I saved my little lindt bunny for later and helped eat the big shared bowl of chocolate on the day? I get the best of both worlds... I get my own stash like the kids (if you can call one bunny that) and I get to dig into the big shared adults' stash. NOM.

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Haven't seen Mary Poppins in ages. I love that line (in fact, I'm wearing my badge today). Said by two of my favourite characters, Helen Magnus and Mary Poppins (alike in so many ways )!
                  ... how did we not see this before!? Eh-T is Mary Poppins! (and a Helen Magnus/Mary Poppins cross over? Don't give the crazy crack!fic writers ideas like that!)

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  I think it would have been a mutual grabbing.
                  So that's what the kids are call it these days... mutual grabbing. Nice.
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                    More video from the Paris interviews. No dubbing.

                    thanks for the link

                    Originally posted by Florena View Post
                    Hi, what did she said about jack? I of course saw the video, but my english is not the best and to read it would be easier. Thanks :-)
                    welcome to samandan

                    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                    I had to let you know, I'm a Hugo nominee again this year. In the immortal words of Jack O'Neill, "This should not get old." and nor does it.
                    Much celebrating was done (including rather a lot of Welsh whisky!)
                    If you don't know what the Hugo's are... suffice to say it is a big, big thing, particularly in $ for editors and publishers and authors, and in fannish street cred for us fans.
                    congrats on the nomination!

                    Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                    Thanks for the link!

                    Actually, I don't know French myself but

                    the question seemed like it was asking if Jack had been in the last episode of SG-1, would they have gotten together when they got stuck on the Odyssey for 50 years. The question had 'le dernier episode de SG-1' in it, which I believe translates as 'last episode of SG-1', and AT mentions them growing old together, which doesn't fit the Destiny to me. IMHO, if Jack had been on the Odyssey for Unending I could see him and Sam starting a relationship, rather like Daniel and Vala started one while stuck on the ship.
                    i was soooo bummed that jack wasnt in unending for that reason

                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    I do think our Sam might have been a little bit miffed when other people got credit for the ideas she came up with. But she didn't dwell on it, because I think she'd just be happy the solutions worked and worked well (she really is pretty humble in spite of her brilliance). I always get a chuckle out of that scene in Moebius, especially when the Air Force guys show up and her boss thinks they've come to get him, and they want her instead.
                    that was a classic moment!

                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    So......who do you think grabbed who first? Did Jack grab Sam first? Or did Sam grab Jack? And how many years did it take for the "grabbing" to happen

                    Let's have a poll for those inclined
                    i think jack would have made the first move after coming to his own conclusions they were going to be there for a while...

                    Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
                    *waves* I'm new to this thread, so HI everyone!!

                    I saw this interview today and was discussing it in the S/J shipper thread.... I think Jack would definitely grab Sam first! I think he'd hang around her a lot, in her lab and such first, and then probably one of those days about 6-9 months in when Sam was completely exasperated with her lack of progress, Jack would grab her and plant one on her and tell her to stop thinking and just feel.... *shippy sigh*
                    lol, plot bunnies anyone?
                    welcome to samandan

                    hehe, nice scenario... maybe a shoulder massage one night when sam is stressed from trying to figure out how to solve the problem...
                    "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      So that's what the kids are call it these days... mutual grabbing. Nice.
             kids call it a picnic.

                      Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Easter.
                      Ours was not without it's drama's - spoilered for those not interested in a sample of what we got up to! - OT:
                      Niki got bitten by a spider so it was off to the hospital 70km's away!! She's ok though - on antibiotics and such and the swelling and bruising is subsiding be it slowly.
                      Few of us got stung by the wasps...we found the nest and eradicated them. The cows were calving so at night you could hear some of them give birth. Lots of new little calves to see!
                      Hubby and little bro played funny buggers in the them airborne...was cool but scary...but really cool!
                      Hubby made up a big water slide for the kids. We took up our fire fighting tanks, filled them with river water, laid down plastic sheeting and made a pool at the bottom then squirted dish washing liquid on the plastic and started the hose...the kids had a ball!!
                      I got pulled over by the fuzz on the way home for a vehicle check...need to amend a few things on little red but other than that she was good! Had I been in little blue, she would have had a canary slapped on her and it would have been a long hike back to camp!
                      We named our camp sites too...we were in Camp Spinifex, then there was Camp Bundy, Camp Carlton, Camp Southern Comfort, Camp XXXX, Camp VB and then the stragglers who had no name at all. All camp names other than ours were after alcoholics beverages!
                      Foggy mornings, warm days and chilly nights...the camp fire was surrounded by no less than 33 people. Some late nights...or rather early mornings with lots of singing around the voice box is still recovering.
                      Back to work yesterday, pulled my shoulder lifting a bag and woke up with a temperature this morning but we had a fantastic Easter. So I picked up mum after work last night and we went to dad's tree and threw some eggs under it. Hubby and the kids returned a couple of hours ago so while my peace has been shattered, it's good to be home! Too many idiots on the roads...and not just the speedsters...even the slow drivers are a hazard.
                      So that was just a sample of our Easter weekend!

                      Was sad to read Amanda's twitter today.
                      Off to have tea dinner.

                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Short text interview in French. I know it's a French site, but why not make Amanda's original English answers available as well?



                          Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                          Short text interview in French. I know it's a French site, but why not make Amanda's original English answers available as well?

                          No idea


                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            Hmm, been absent for a few days and I come back to 'grabbing' chatter in this thread. Why am I not surprised?

                            Hello and welcome to Samanda! I see you've already dug your toes in...good!

                            Is everyone okay with moving on with our episode discussion? Again, we looking at the progression of Sam throughout the series how/what has changed her. What about BD did you find interesting, insightful, exciting, etc...

                            The Broca Divide
                            Members of SG-1 become infected with an alien virus that turns them into primative beings. Dr. Fraiser must find a cure to save the team and the alien population from whom it was contracted.

                            I'm off to work shortly so don't have time to give any proper opinion on this, but will do so tomorrow. Time to make the doughnuts!
                            well this episode was probably the first sign of the sam/jack ship because of when she goes all primitive and tries to seduce/tackle/force jack into being her mate. oh and i love it then when jack tells daniel about it daniel says "you poor man"
                            The best written female character on trek ever.


                              Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                              well this episode was probably the first sign of the sam/jack ship because of when she goes all primitive and tries to seduce/tackle/force jack into being her mate. oh and i love it then when jack tells daniel about it daniel says "you poor man"
                              Actually, Janet explained why Sam went for Jack (and that's a scientific explanation).


                                Originally posted by kusanagi View Post
                                Actually, Janet explained why Sam went for Jack (and that's a scientific explanation).
                                what was the explanation again werent it something like sam saw him being the best choice.
                                The best written female character on trek ever.

