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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Ah, I love lazy Boxing Day lie ins.
    Can't be too lazy, I have visitors for lunch so need to have a shower before I take the 8 varieties of cheese out of the 'fridge. Cheese, hummus (roasted onion and lemon with coriander) mushroom pâté, they are veggies so, once I have cut up the crudities, it's pretty much done.

    Christmas started with fresh OJ and chocolate croissant. Lunch was home cooked ham on sandwiches. We ate dinner late, (after the traditional watching of Dr Who! I was with my best friend and family, SF fans one and all) we had turkey, glazed carrots, sprouts with chestnuts, roast potatoes and, my favourites, roast parsnips. I made cranberry relish, I'm very good at cranberry relish, a little tart to cut through all the fat. Followed by Christmas pudding and cream, all very traditional. And a nice glass or two of merlot, of course.

    Hope everyone else had a good day? I have the next three days off work, the 'fridge is well stocked so if I want to stay at home and do nothing, I can! Hurrah!



      Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

      Today i was putting up my new framed pic's i got two for christmas the first one from my parent's is an autographed pic's of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart and the second one which i got from close family freind they said it was my birthday/christmas prezzy is of a pic's of SG-1 autographed by the cast i was squeeeeeing so much i was happy and shocked at the sametime i freaked opeing boath gift's .
      sounds like you did well id be squeeing over a signed sg1 cast photo too

      hope everyone had a great boxing day!

      "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


        Just a run-by post, to wish everyone a very merry (and belated) Christmas. Hope your day was grand, and contained yummy meat and delicious chocolaty desserts, and some fine wine to wash it all down.

        Gonna go back now to horizontal position, and wait for all the food to wear off.

        you're so cute when you're slurring your speech but they're closing the bar and they want us to leave

        'What is it, Sebastian? I'm arranging matches.'

        "Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality. And the protections that we have, for religion --we protect religion-- and talk about a lifestyle choice! That is absolutely a choice. Gay people don't choose to be gay. At what age did you choose not to be gay?" (Jon Stewart, The King of Common Sense)


          Happy Day after Christmas !

          The storm came back with a vengeance. I thought we might be out of the woods with a very clear, sunny day on Christmas Eve day. But, alas, Mother Nature is leading all of the Christmas celebrations this year. We've been socked in the last two days and it doesn't look like it will end any time soon. Wind gusts to 55 mph (90kph) and more snow, although I think this snow was supposed to land in Canada and the wind took it south . It is OK though as I have no place I would rather be than in the house.

          My favorite Christmas present is I get to be with my family for over two weeks. We may very well be tired of each other, but this is the first time in over 20 years I've been able to be with them for both Christmas and New Year's.

          We actually started eating "Christmas" food a couple of days before the big day and still have one big meal to go today. Although, it may need to be post-poned until tomorrow after Church.

          For Christmas breakfast we had orange juice, link sausages, and french toast. And lots and lots of hot tea as it was very cold outside.

          On Christmas day, we ate turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and turkey gravy, cranberry relish, olives, pickles (all canned at home), brussel sprouts, asperagus, cornmeal rolls, Kool-Aid, and an assortment of baby oranges, cookies, cream candy, chocolate covered nuts, and in-shell peanuts for dessert. We've been making cookies for four days and are only half way done. WooHOoo!!! That means more cookies. Most of the food was home-made or home-grown. Gotta love living on a farm !

          Today, we'll have a much lighter meal home-grown ham roast, mashed potatoes and red-eye gravy, glazed carrots, sweet corn, rolls, cinnamon jello salad, and maybe cherry pie if I can get over to the other farm to get the ingredients where I left them. The storm may say we get more cookies. Darn, the cherry pie will have to wait a couple of days

          Love, love, love the Rudolph movie. I've tried to watch every year since it came out in the late 60s. Mom helped me find the channel early on. I also like the Dylan McDermmot version of Miracle on 34th Street. Don't care for It's a Wonderful Life either. Christmas Story is beginning to become a favorite too. "You'll shoot your eye out!" It was especially poinient (sp?) this year as my nephew got a .22. We still can't stop laughing!

          Nephew got the Wii game for Winter Olympics and have been playing it for the first time with him. It is getting me in the mood for Vancouver.

          Which Olympic event do you think Sam would be best at?
          Last edited by hisg1fans; 26 December 2009, 06:36 AM.


            my boxing day, well it'll be christmas. the weather was too bad to do anything but hunker down and shovel yesterday. already shoveled this morning but it's still snowing a bit

            we're hoping we can get out. we live in the center of town but haven't seen a single plow since yesterday am

            i don't know what the official total is, but i'd guess we have between 12 and 18 inches of snow, with lots of blowing and drifting
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Which Olympic event do you think Sam would be best at?
              the skiing and shooting one.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                the skiing and shooting one.

                That is the one I was thinking of too but couldn't remember the name.


                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Before I go off to bed I'd just like to ask 2 questions.

                  1. Did you get what you wanted this year?
                  Close, but not quite.

                  Wanted the whole family together, since we're currently spread out across the US, but sadly my grandmother passed away recently so my Dad's currently in India.

                  My brother did gift me with an amazing new Macbook though.

                  2. What was your big Christmas meal?
                  I helped my mom make a feast of Indian food since my brother was coming home Christmas day. It was quite yummy.

                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                  Happy Day after Christmas !

                  Nephew got the Wii game for Winter Olympics and have been playing it for the first time with him. It is getting me in the mood for Vancouver.

                  Which Olympic event do you think Sam would be best at?
                  I think Sam would rock at Skeleton.



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    we never had a fire place, so kinda glossed over the chimney thing

                    i can' recall when the story faded but i do know that my sisters were pros at finding 'santa's stash' and unwrapping/rewrapping.

                    me, i never wanted to peek. takes all the fun out of it.

                    I do know, there used to be a TV tower visible out my window - don';t know if it is now, the trees have grown so much, and yeah, the blinking red light was there 365 days a year, but on christmas eve, that was Rudolph

                    That's another of my favorite movies, Rudolph is wonderful. and I know i'm an odd one out, but i simply cannot stand It's a Wonderful Life. don't watch it, don't care for it.

                    I don't know what it is but the movie simply has no appeal for some reason
                    I agree. I'd rather watch Mr Magoo's Christmas Carol.


                      Originally posted by donamac View Post
                      I agree. I'd rather watch Mr Magoo's Christmas Carol.
                      Christmas Carol is one of my favourites. In the last few days I have watched the Musical version with Kelsey Grammar, Patrick Stewart's classic version and the Muppet Christmas Carol. Each one has its merits.

                      My greatest treat some years ago, was to go the The Old Vic theatre to see Patrick Stewart do his one-man version of the story on stage. It was wonderful! He worked so hard and received a well deserved standing ovation of more than five minutes. It's an awkward theatre to get to, and there was torrential rain that night - but the effort was very well rewarded.

                      We have stuffed ourselves silly for the past two days. Turkey, Christmas pud (home made by big Sis - scrummy!) Chocolate log cake. Scottish shortbread biscuits, chocolate orange, Newberry fruits (my favourite!). No wonder I feel 'ick... (I shudder to think what my blood sugar is!!! )

                      Hope you all had as good a Christmas as we did.

                      For details of AT10 go to


                        We usually have lamb, chicken, turkey and ham but this year for the first time in my life we had two smaller gatherings instead of one huge one and we skipped the turkey. An amazing salad of homegrown lettuce, tomatoes, feta, avocado, olives... new potatoes (yum!).

                        For dessert we had the traditional pavlova (doubled as my birthday cake ), Christmas pudding, trifle, jelly, log cake, fruit salad... other stuff. Hehe. We have an odd mix of English traditions (hot Christmas pudding) and more summery stuff. I went old school with the pavlova too- covered it in whipped cream an inch thick and a layer of sliced strawberries and kiwi fruit. Nom. We also had fresh cherries, strawberries, grapes... tonnes of seasonal fruit

                        I'm off for trifle for breakfast for the second day in a row.
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          the skiing and shooting one.
                          You mean biathalon? (Yeah, I've borked the spelling for that ) Let's see: endurance, pacing, concentration, steady hands, good eye, stamina and strength. Yep, Sam could do that.

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            we never had a fire place, so kinda glossed over the chimney thing

                            i can' recall when the story faded but i do know that my sisters were pros at finding 'santa's stash' and unwrapping/rewrapping.

                            me, i never wanted to peek. takes all the fun out of it.

                            I do know, there used to be a TV tower visible out my window - don';t know if it is now, the trees have grown so much, and yeah, the blinking red light was there 365 days a year, but on christmas eve, that was Rudolph

                            That's another of my favorite movies, Rudolph is wonderful. and I know i'm an odd one out, but i simply cannot stand It's a Wonderful Life. don't watch it, don't care for it.

                            I don't know what it is but the movie simply has no appeal for some reason
                            Speaking of Rudolph, popped the DVD into the player last night to watch this old fave and discovered that it's in Spanish. It's a new disc but I bought it last year after Christmas so I never watched it until this years attempt. The thing is it's supposed to be in English with the option to play it in Spanish but no matter what I pick it's in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish but my honey does. Irony=She hates Rudolph


                              Which Olympic event do you think Sam would be best at?
                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              the skiing and shooting one.
                              I'd definitely have to agree with the shooting event...for the summer Olympics...I'm not sure about the winter ones though...bobsledding perhaps??

                              Just popping in to see if everyone had a wonderful and safe Christmas. It's warm here...not hot...just a balmy 28C! I'd be happy to not eat for a month right now...I'm so sick of the sight of food but alas I have to get some groceries today, to last the week...bbq for dinner tonight!!

                     joke #2...sorry if these are lame jokes but the kids saved them for me to put online.
                              Alrighty's one that Sam might like...or not!

                              Q. Who invented King Artur's round table?
                              Sir Cumference!!!! Bwahahaha...I kill me!!!

                              Well it's kinda a round about way!
                              Hmm...maybe Daniel would appreciate it more - meh!

                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Well I had a good, bad and fun day. Let's start with the bad.

                                The bad: My uncle (my dad's side) called my today, and he told my dad my 24 year old cousin died today. I didn't really know him, I only met him a few times because my uncle likes to keep the home private because my cousin was very autistic, he couldn't talk and he suffered from seizures at least twice a day. Not a month went by without him ending up in the hospital, but now it seems he wont be heading there anymore. I later called my sister who was at work and she cried as soon as I told her the news. My dad went to go see his brother and the rest of my family feels real bad because they knew how hard my cousins life was. The funeral is Monday morning. It's times like these you realize how things you love can slip away from you.

                                The good and the fun: On a brighter note I was able to go my uncle (my mom's side) and we had a lot of fun, it help take our minds off my cousin, and we were able to think about all the good things we have, and it was a blast. Oh and btw, we did our secret Santa thing this year like we do every year, and as a joke I said I wanted a plane ticket t London. AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I GOT! I opened my card and inside was a ticket to London. Take a look-


                                One more thing, I went to my uncles house for our annual Christmas/Boxing day party, and I brought along some Stargate DVD's to watch, and I showed my 4 year old God-daughter Sam Carter. Long story short, within 10 minutes I converted her into a very young Amanda Tapping fan. She's only 4 and can't say Amanda or Tapping, so she just called her AT.

                                Amanda Tapping's newest and youngest fan

                                No Amanda fan too old or too young I always say.
                                Last edited by Rocky89; 14 May 2010, 08:33 AM.

