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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    <snippage>[*]Episodes 9 and 10 will be played back to back.[/list]No more new episodes until January!
    Nooooooooooo whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    I think Jack was the 2IC, but he also appeared to be the 2nd highest ranking officer on base. I would love to see Sam as SGC 2IC but she is only a Lt Col and I think they still have some Col floating around (Renolds) so from an AF point of view it could be iffy. On the other hand she would clearly be the most experienced person on base besides Daniel and Teal'c and they are both civilians..... and what about the
    cilvilian oversight guy\gal might they not fullfill the function of 2IC... hope not. Are they equal to Landry or just a simple adviser?
    Last edited by AGateFan; 01 September 2005, 01:06 AM.
    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


      Hey! Thanks so much for all the kind birthday wishes. You are such a bunch of thoughtful folks.

      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
      I don't agree. Jack was 2IC of the SGC for the first seven years and he went out on missions and if Jack could handle the administrative side of the job, I'm sure Sam could. Though I'd hate to see her give up on her Scientific side in order to take on a position as 2IC of SGC. I'm probably the odd ball out, but really like seeing Astrogeek!Sam.
      You're not alone Kat. I don't want to loose Astrogeek!Sam either. Ages ago we discussed her love of science and thought perhaps it really is her first love. If she ended up being the SGC 2IC how would she ever have time to be warrior, scientist and administrator!? I wonder if Sam would really *want* the adminstrator responsibilites just for the sake of career advancement.

      I posted this pic a while ago, but we can't loose our scientist!

      Scientist Sam


        Originally posted by ChopinGal
        Kat, oh Kat, they should not have named this horrid hurricane with your sweet name!

        Peace, CG
        I think we should complain to whoever named it
        Originally posted by JMallozzi
        She can cook, but she's incredibly modest.
        Who asked that? Dont they know that Sam can do anything
        Originally posted by Skydiver
        Folks need to use their common sense. A little chitchat is fine and fun and contributes to the family atmosphere. But too much of it does annoy folks. and it also is rather off putting to new folks who may not get the in jokes and comments.
        I dont think there is any problem - this thread usually gets back ontopic pretty fast
        Originally posted by startrekempress
        I found a site with very nice Sam videos . . . I did a search and I don't think it has been mentioned . . . though it may have been . . . please forgive me if it has. Just thought I'd contribute in my small way.

        LauraJo's Lunar Lounge

        ~Sarah, who cannot make music videos and therefore greatly admires anyone who can
        Thanks for the link
        Originally posted by NearlyCircular
        I see that Gateworld has given out some spoilers for another late season 9 episode, Arthur's Mantle, which has an interesting premise

        "Cameron Mitchell and Samantha Carter are shifted to another dimension, and wander Stargate Command invisible and unable to interact with others"
        Unfortunately, Sam isn't mentioned anywhere else in the spoilers for the show, but at least it sounds like it has potential for some good Sam moments. You can find the article here

        Sounds good even though there is a physics law that says everything has an equal and opposite reaction
        therefore if they can see the sgc, the sgc should be able to see them
        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
        Ack!! Am I being overdramatic when I say that this is kinda tragic?!?!?
        Not at all
        Originally posted by Dani76
        Just wanted to say that I love the pic it says things on so many different levels
        Originally posted by Carterslave
        there really must be a Department of Tapping Studies founded someplace to further enlighten us.
        Sounds interesting
        gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
        so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
        love Torri


          Well all sorry if this isn OT but, my new schoolyear starts today, and that means, working in school/ company (for learning how to work in a company) and homework. So I don't know if I can "pop my head in" as much as I did these past 2 months.

          Altouh we speak Dutch here, I'll try to slip some Stargate quotes into my vocaulary, if and I say if we have some technical things to see, try n confuse some with Techno babble, and with Religious Education I gotta controll myself from not sayin': Hallowed are the ORI!

          And I try to spread the word of Hic Comitas Regit troughout my class.

          Oh and try to find my first GF!

          Wish me luck and see ya later,


          Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


            More here -
            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
            love Torri


              I meant to post these avs a while ago but I kept forgetting!!

              gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
              so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
              love Torri


                Answering a few things here - Jack took over the SGC in that one ep where Hammond left to go to Washington - it was clearly stated he was 2IC and he even acted on it so it is canon I just cannot recall the ep name (may have been the one with the black hole.) As to Carter going off-world, she will certainly still be going off-world as we know from spoilers so I do not see it as a position that would hinder her abilities with the team or with her science to any great extent (I agree if it did, I would not want to see her get it but it did not stop O'Neill one bit, ergo it should not stop Carter) - it lends a huge amount of respect and prestige to the character which would fill any demotion hole made by her not having full command of SG1 and, as Dani76 said, it would bring a sense of equality or even give Carter a leg up on Mitchell which the Carter character deserves even if she does not have full command of SG1. As to other higher ranking officers - well this was one of my other arguments, besides Carter being in charge of SG1, as to why it made no sense for Mitchell to get SG1 - where ARE all of the other EXPERIENCED officers besides Carter? Never mind the issue why a new, green guy would get it over Carter but on top of that, if they had other more experienced higher ranking soldiers around why wouldn't they give SG1 to one of them if Carter was not available? So it is not that far a stretch to say Carter could be 2IC of the SGC regardless of whether Reynolds et. al., are around especially since, if they are around, they did not make them leader of SG1 cuz they had this NEW guy? Hope my thoughts make sense as I am writing kind of fast. (Also for O'Neill, an irreverant soldier who hated admin and desk work, to go from a one star in charge of the SGC to a 2 star in charge of Homeworld Security in one year stretches the imagination (mine is to the breaking point at this time) and would likely not happen in the real life AF world either so based on the fact this is TV, TPTB need something really big for Carter if many of the fans are to accept that she does not have full command of her team, I am still thinking this could be it. How else could TPTB, as they said, keep everyone happy, especially Carter fans? I have not been able to come up with anything else that would be worthy of the Carter character in the absence of full command of her team).
                Last edited by binkpmmc; 01 September 2005, 04:35 AM.


                  Originally posted by minigeek
                  It doesn't make sense from a military point of view either, to place a resource like Sam Carter under a novice's command. When Landry gave Mitchell the go-ahead to "pick his own team", there's no way he meant he could do that from officers currently above his station and/or experience level. Nor would those sorts of human resources be allocated that way (by the General).

                  despite what the military folks keep telling me, i think that hank thought that cam would have the common sense not to grab a colonel and say 'dude, i want you on my team'

                  Personally, i think cam is more than willing to let sam be the leader and not push to be her boss. I don't think there'l be a power struggle...unless, of course, the writers want to add that tension and make it a plot device
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    Wasn't Jack the base's 2IC? I didn't think Sam was the base 2IC in Season Eight, but I did wonder who was. Perhaps he (not she, mind you) is still the 2IC this season anyway? :shrugs:

                    ON EDIT: As always, Forever beat me to it!
                    it's fanon. yes, jack is a colonel, but there are other colonels on the base and in 'reality', to take norad for example, the boss is a 4 star i think and his second a three star.

                    chances are, if the sgc was real, there would be a one star general running around to do the admin stuff
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      I don't think there'l be a power struggle...unless, of course, the writers want to add that tension and make it a plot device
                      I doubt they would do that it would be too risky
                      gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                      so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                      love Torri


                        First off,

                        Thanks for the warm welcome (and the private messages!). You guys are great.

                        Thought it would only be fair for me to add a couple of my fav pics from the collection! Several of these are S/J, sorry if that bugs anyone. But you know, as my sig does SAY...


                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Very nice Minigeek especially the last one
                          gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                          so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                          love Torri


                            Originally posted by binkpmmc
                            I am once again losing posts because I cannot use the Quote reply so in response to AGateFan's post about JM's post - I agree with your edited second thought on this - I did not read JM's reply as anything but once again non-committal on the command issue. I read it as him responding to the issue of Mitchell being wallpaper and background noise. I did not see anything in BH or EDM that remotely indicated Mitchell to be in charge of these three, or anyone else for that matter, and as others have said it will be awfully hard for anyone (well almost anyone) to buy that Mitchell could tell the three experienced SG1ers what to do, where to do it, how to do it, etc., etc., since he is so green to Stargate travel in the first place. I will not buy it at all; it is just not logical or believeable based on the experience that Sam, Daniel and Teal'c have and the inexperience of Mitchell. If they do pull it I will probably laugh out loud when it happens. IIRC when Carter said "it's your call" wasn't that BEFORE the patch scene? (which, BTW, I despised, and I know I am in the minority on that one, but I did.) I did not rewatch the ep so I may be mistaken - can someone clarify?

                            It will be interesting to see what they do in Babylon and whether they clarify who is in charge BEFORE Mitchell disappears because just from that short clip of Carter yelling "where the hell is Mitchell" it is clear she is in full command mode and will likely be for the whole ep after his disappearance and, surprise, surprise, they have Carter and Mitchell SEPARATED AGAIN. I think TPTB will continue to keep the command issue ambiguous and they will continue to keep Carter and Mitchell separated as much as possible to avoid it. They were separated in EDM and it was not at all clear, at least to me, that Mitchell was in charge even after the patch scene. I am disappointed at how TPTB have chosen to ignore so many huge gaps such as O'Neill's situation, why SG1 broke up in the first place, where was Carter and why (the Barrett scene was, IMO, a waste of time and, to be honest, I full forwarded through it as it made me cringe. The mere mention of Cassie maybe made it worth a 5 second spot but on the whole I thought it was basically useless, throw away scene that could have been so much more).

                            Speaking of Mitchell disappearing and being in peril once again in Babylon, I saw one of the Protoype photos and it looks as if Mitchell is once again in distress. Are TPTB that hard up for what to do with this character that they have to have him play the Damsel in Distress every other week? Is this supposed to make me like him or care about him or think he adds something to the team? For me all it does is reinforce the notion that TPTB have no real idea what to do with the character because he brings nothing to the team that they did not already have with Sam, Daniel and Teal'c (see an earlier post of mine which goes into detail about how the SG1 of Sam, Daniel and Teal'c had all of the assets necessary for what they do leaving Mitchell out in the cold as he had no unique skills to contribute to this elite team) so there is nothing to write for him. Running in full sarcasm mode I may suggest to TPTB that they make it a spin-off and change the name of the show to "The Perils of Pauline Mitchell - Sci-Fi Style". (Sorry - sarcasm turned off now.)
                            I agree w/ your post on many points. I like Mitchell, but I'll be extremely angry if Sam's not on command & will start a e-mail writing campaign. There's much more I wanna say but must run now.
                            This is OT, but I've been working full time & going 2 school 7-9:40pm since Tue night. I'm so tired that I've actually taken up drinking tea, although I detest the taste. Sorry if I'm incoherent. My brain has shut down from the lack of sleep.
                            sg-1-fanitin, tried to green rep you, but couldn't. I'm sending you hugs.

                            Goa'uld queen in possession of Daniel, Jonas and Martouf clones
                            Lovely signature courtesy of Admiral Q O and Skydiver.


                              When are you going to let us know about that con vid BRJSG1?
                              gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                              so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                              love Torri


                                Originally posted by Daivy
                                Well all sorry if this isn OT but, my new schoolyear starts today, and that means, working in school/ company (for learning how to work in a company) and homework. So I don't know if I can "pop my head in" as much as I did these past 2 months.

                                Altouh we speak Dutch here, I'll try to slip some Stargate quotes into my vocaulary, if and I say if we have some technical things to see, try n confuse some with Techno babble, and with Religious Education I gotta controll myself from not sayin': Hallowed are the ORI!

                                And I try to spread the word of Hic Comitas Regit troughout my class.

                                Oh and try to find my first GF!

                                Wish me luck and see ya later,

                                Good luck, Daivy! A few of us in the thread are going to school, like thedancerofspaz, and a few others are teaching, like chopingirl. I wish they'd invent a chip to learn things, like in the learning curve. Don't get me wrong. I love school, but I miss sleep.

                                Goa'uld queen in possession of Daniel, Jonas and Martouf clones
                                Lovely signature courtesy of Admiral Q O and Skydiver.

