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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by sueKay

    As for character arcs...I prefer standalone episodes. I feel that standalones give the best character development. Such as Emancipation in season one. Where Sam went from 'the girl' to being a full member of the team that Jack had confidence in her.

    The same as Death Knell did more for her character in showing her quick and on-the-spot-thinking, than the season eight arcs could ever do!
    Yay!--someone else who likes stand alone episodes. As much as I liked the arcs of the Tokra, gouauld etc, I loved when they just went to a planet and found something interesting going on. and I agree with you suekay that those eps can really show a lot about the characters even if they're not written specifically for that purpose.


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
      I think that the thing that makes Stargate SG-1 is that it usually does a good job of showing a variety of topics to keep the fanbase happy based on their specific likes.

      So a few NID eps here, a few Jaffa freedom stories there...neither of which I enjoy in big doses but small bites...all woven together to form the brilliant tapestry of a well told story.

      The problems arise when a specific arc takes over for too many episodes in a row...for instance, the Daniel ascenscion story isn't my fave but it's part of the SG universe...but I wouldn't want 7 Daniel ascension stories in a row.

      So last season we had such a huge microscope on Sam's personal life...and whereas I didn't mind it, I didn't want it to go on for too long because that's only one aspect of her personality. Granted, TPTB were dealing with money/RDA issues and had to have more earth-based/character-based stuff to compensate. I'm glad they've dealt with the topic though so now we can see a more self-assured Sam back on campus.

      And now this season, we have such a huge focus on Vala...and like all things, too much is too much. I now like Vala (especially after The Powers that Be) but I don't want a focus on her and what she does/who she's with for too long either. Right now, SG-1 (that would be Mitchell, you know "SG-ME"), Daniel and Teal'c are all reactionaries to Vala's antics and for me it's TOO MUCH.

      To really get back to the roots of SG-1, you have to go back to the idea of that grand tapestry...mixing it up with a wide range of storylines and no huge focus on any one story for too many eps in a row. Plus going offworld helps a lot know, actually going through that big round thing that flushes sideways? Yeah that.

      Plus it wouldn't hurt to get our wormhole back.

      Or our opening credits.

      I'm just sayin'...

      Excellent summary and trajectory for pointing the show in the right direction for S9 and beyond! That's the "groove" that's missing and sure hope we get it back!

      Your "tapestry" metaphor is great!


        Originally posted by jckfan55
        Don't cower--I'll stand with you too on Sam SG-1 leader. I'm an anti-shipper. I watched my tape of Friday's ep today--was so jazzed to see AT in the preview I rewound it and watched it again. I agree with the poster who said now it feels like the season is starting. I'd say ep 1 & then this one (the last few were more like filler).
        Well I am a shipper and I moderately agree with this.

        I think Threads was necessary to wrap up the whole issue of Sam's personal feelings because that arc had gone on for so needed some sort of resolution.

        That being said, I wanted more Sam in command episodes to round things off.

        Focusing too much on her personal side is as off-balance as focusing too much on her professional side...

        It all goes back to that whole tapestry analogy I used a few posts ago...

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Yes, AstroG is a back!! Sorry about the SaGC Collection problems!! Hopefully it will get there safely, and I'm glad that some Samandans are going to Gabit---that may help verify that AT received it.

          Skydiver, hope you are having a great time on your trip! Glad you stop by every so often.

          Suekay---great collage of AT!

          On the topic of Threads---I'm so mixed about it. I LOVE the jacob/sam relationship. I have loved their relationship from the beginning when we first meet Jacob in Secrets (?). The writers have done an excellent job with this relationship and CA and AT have been fabulous in their portrayals. So I hated that Jacob dies, but maybe at the time once again the producers figured that this was SG1's last season, at least when they came up with idea. Regardless, I hope Jacob does come back sometime.

          What's so diffiicult is that Sam was very close to Jacob and Janet, and these two relationships were key for her character. And now Jack is "gone" somewhere---the regular viewing audience has no idea where!! But season 9 should bring us back more closely to scientist/soldier Sam that I adore. My only concern is that the writers haven't wallpapered her (given that JM thinks she has had several major story arcs, and Daniel and Teal' haven't had any in the last several seasons---that fascinated me really---wow--I thought Daniel and Teal'c had continuing story arcs). I guess I worry a bit only because Teal'c and Mitchell have been wallpapered for five episodes in a row, IMO. That amazes me for Stargate SG1. If they can wallpaper these two main characters, why not her. And frankly I am really tired of Daniel front and center for so long. I like Daniel, but this overexposure is killing me (and some of my friends), but I think things will change soon, I hope.


            Can anyone recommend any good Samfics that were posted while I was gone over the past 3 weeks?
            With Links? I'm going into Samfic withdrawals.


            For my part, here's a three-part fic that was recommended by a friend of mine (in an email that was waiting for me when I got back into town). Nice and long fic, with lots of angst, emotional torment and intense characterizations.

            Part 1: Monkey Screaming at Gateworld's fanfic site

            The first part is mostly about Jack and a 'what might have happened' to his mini-me clone. Deeply psychological and harkens back to the O'Neill from the original movie.

            Part 2: Monkey Screaming: Mirror Image (at Gateworld)

            Deals with the aftereffects of what the team did to save Jack's clone in Part 1. Part 2 deals more with Sam's character. Very cool and interesting backstory for Sam and the startup of the Stargate program - with some consideration to the flying portion of her career and training.

            Very cool gender-role-reversals between Sam and Teal'c... and no... I don't mean that Sam becomes a guy and Teal'c becomes a woman... just that the author handles the head cheerleader and star quarterback roles in a very cool fashion.

            Part 2 continues the psychological bent (torment) that was begun in Part 1. Plenty of angst and delves deeply into the characters' psyches.

            Part 3: Silk and Chains (at Heliopolis 2)

            Part 3 is the longest- very descriptive and generally not as antagonistic or tortorous for the characters as Parts 1 and 2. Team oriented, with substantive time spent on Daniel and Teal'c. Of note, the end of the story is X-rated... very Jack/Sam ship - but definitely not fluffy and light.

            Here are a few of my favorite passages:

            "Asking Carter to try harder is like asking a bomb to blow up. It's redundant. And stupid. You do not want to be at ground zero when Carter runs out of reasonable options."

            "Carter attacked a problem with logic. With facts. With dizzying, convoluted, gravity defying science that masked the fact that she was beating the sqare peg on the head until it surrendered. Scarily, for her, it usually worked. When it didn't, she confessed all to SG-1 until one of them gave her an idea and off she went"


            Another emotionally intense well-written fic is the one recently posted by Mabyn (referenced by MajorSal in an earlier post)
            Alea Iacta Est at Heliopolis 2 and
            rated for mature and serious topics (rape and the aftermath)


            And for lighter fare:
            "Growing Pains" by iamdragonrider at
            -this is a humorous fic, with Sam as a spitfire and good overall team characterizations
            -there are currently 17 chapters posted, and the author has 150 more pages already written (she was kind enough to let me preview them )


            And here's a link to a list of some of the Carterfic posted at


            So, any recs for other new, well-written Samfics? Sure would like to read a meaty story with competent Colonel Carter kicking butt and generally being the hero that she is.
            Last edited by astrogeologist; 14 August 2005, 04:38 PM.


              The Amanda Tapping Club is running a new contest

              "The Amanda Tapping Club, The Abydos Gate, The Official Website, The Amanda Tapping French Fanclub, The German Fanpage, The Czech -English Ammie's Fanpage and Rj's Peace and Love collection, present to you the second Amanda Tapping Contest ! The reason behind this is to show Amanda how much she is appreciated by her fans. Therefore we invite all of you to participate in this contest to show how much we admire her for the variety of work she has done and for the warm welcome she gives her fans at conventions.

              Fans from all around the world are asked to submit artwork, fiction, music videos, websites, poetry,… (no matter how small, short, what technique etc) that relate to any and all of the characters Amanda has played and Amanda herself.

              The contestsubmissions will run for about a month, more specific from July to the end of August people will be able to submit their entries. The contest’s submissions will be added to this site (, which is especially made for this project for all to enjoy. Early September until mid October there will be a voting booth set up, so everyone can vote for their favourite entry and decide the winners for each category. The winners will receive various prizes such as a DVD with Amanda's work, photo CDs, key pendants, magazines, blue jello and much more.

              Everything that is submitted to the contest will be presented to Amanda at the Gabit Event in October to show our appreciation and to give Amanda something in return for being the role model of many young-woman, for her lovely smile, warm welcomes and for all the funny moments she has shared with us through conventions, interviews, chats and by watching Stargate."
              We have so many talented photoshoppers, poetry writers and such on this thread... I sure hope that you folks submit some of your stuff to this contest

              Link to the contest webpage:

              Note: Again, I apologize if this has already been posted on this thread... but I figured that a reminder wouldn't be a bad thing


                Originally Posted by Agent_Dark
                Oh! I only just noticed your call for assistance! :O

                Back you evil ship mongerers! Your time is at hand! Free yourself from ship, or live a life of eternal damnation! REPENT!

                That better?

                Originally Posted by Lys
                Agent Dark, you're my knight in shining armor ! Oops ! Did I say that out loud ?

                I don't fear any penguin missiles now. However just to clarify, I may be not a shipper, but I have nothing against them.
                Okay you two - add me to the non-shipper list if you did not already know that (Über - no throwing of things ). I'm not an anti-shipper just not a fan of the shippy stuff and I don't see it in every little look like some people do

                That being said while there were parts of Threads I did not care for at least it moved Sam forward and resloved some of the linger personal issues from S7/8. I would have loved to see more action Sam in S8 and I'm holding out hope for that in S9. Although I like RDA now that he is gone I'm looking forward to seeing Solider/Scientist Sam back in action, focused on the work at hand.
                Last edited by tsaxlady; 14 August 2005, 05:03 PM.
                My View From The Peanut Gallery


                  Hey Astro sorry about the trouble with getting the SaGC Collection to AT. Hopefully it will work out with the recent shipping. I know what it can be like to get things mailed to other countries, my father was an international frieght forwarder and I work a couple of summers for shipping companies on the East Coast. You should see what the hazzardous cargo custom numbers books look like. One of my jobs one summer was looking up hazzard numbers for shipments - here is some trivia for you there are over 25 different hazzardous cargo numbers for curling irons and if you put the wrong one on custom papers it can mean big trouble in some countries.

                  Thanks for your hard/persistent work with getting it shipped up North.
                  My View From The Peanut Gallery


                    Originally posted by tsaxlady
                    Okay you two - add me to the non-shipper list if you did not already now that (Über - no throwing of things ). I'm not an anti-shipper just not a fan of the shippy stuff and I don't see it in every little look like some people do

                    That being said while there were parts of Threads I did not care for at least it moved Sam forward and resloved some of the linger personal issues from S7/8. I would have loved to see more action Sam in S8 and I'm holding out hope for that in S9. Although I like RDA now that he is gone I'm looking forward to seeing Solider/Scientist Sam back in action, focused on the work at hand.
                    *looks for nearest object to fling at tsaxlady*

                    Just kidding.

                    I don't mind non-shippers or even reasonable anti-shippers. We all have our different likes and dislikes and that's just fine...Stargate's big enough for all of us.

                    I do however have a problem with rabid anti-shippers who lambast Sam (funny never Jack though) for her feelings. I also get irked by those who put other people down for enjoying the ship because they themselves do not.

                    I think all of us here at Samanda just want Sam to live a fulfilled life, both professionally and personally. We don't want her to be fulfilled completely right now...there should continue to be struggles for her to overcome of course. Sam/Jack shippers believe that Jack kinda rounds her out...he provides the levity when she gets too serious and we appreciate that about their relationship.

                    I'm cool with there being little/no ship acknowledgement this season though...the door's open for the future...Amanda said as much. I've said it repeatedly on this forum and I'll say it again...that quandry's been solved. Sam knows how she feels. I'm sure she and Jack have had the talk and clearly know where each other stands. Of this I am fairly certain...especially after Threads. There's so much more to her character than her personal feelings/faults...too much of a continuing focus on her personal struggles will only serve those who put her down for seeming to be wishy-washy. It needed to be has been...she knows how she feels...let's move on.

                    So longer weighed down by the ship...she can focus on her work and be Kickbutt!Sam.

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by UberSG-1Fan
                      don't mind non-shippers or even reasonable anti-shippers. We all have our different likes and dislikes and that's just fine...Stargate's big enough for all of us.

                      I do however have a problem with rabid anti-shippers who lambast Sam (funny never Jack though) for her feelings. I also get irked by those who put other people down for enjoying the ship because they themselves do not.

                      I think all of us here at Samanda just want Sam to live a fulfilled life, both professionally and personally. We don't want her to be fulfilled completely right now...there should continue to be struggles for her to overcome of course. Sam/Jack shippers believe that Jack kinda rounds her out...he provides the levity when she gets too serious and we appreciate that about their relationship.

                      I'm cool with there being little/no ship acknowledgement this season though...the door's open for the future...Amanda said as much. I've said it repeatedly on this forum and I'll say it again...that quandry's been solved. Sam knows how she feels. I'm sure she and Jack have had the talk and clearly know where each other stands. Of this I am fairly certain...especially after Threads. There's so much more to her character than her personal feelings/faults...too much of a continuing focus on her personal struggles will only serve those who put her down for seeming to be wishy-washy. It needed to be has been...she knows how she feels...let's move on.

                      So longer weighed down by the ship...she can focus on her work and be Kickbutt!Sam.
                      What she said!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal
                        LOL ... first of all, thanks for the congrats on my poems, oops, posts! And, yes, the past two days have been a mess trying to post ... I was having the same problem as you and even wondering if this will go through now ... I kept losing the poems and not having written them down had to recompose ... so you know how I spent most of my Saturday!

                        Secondly, about "Sam's long arc in past season" ... your thoughts are my feelings exactly! What's missing from this picture?! The writers increased the "Carter gets a life" personal arc and sacrificed what should have been written: how Sam responded to replacing Jack in command of SG1. I wanted to see her as soldier Sam in the field and at the SGC ... Sam Carter as a warrior and CO and doing what has to be done! As Jack was adjusting to his new role at SGC, there could have been a similar arc, really running parallel to his, for Sam. Now, with Cam and the "new team", I fear that we'll never see that part of Sam - the opportunity was lost in S8. So I don't see Sam's time onscreen in S8 as such a defining moment the way JM seems to imply.

                        I did welcome Threads, however, and felt that extricated Sam from the personal arc with you-know-who which took up so much of S8. I hated to see the death of Jacob, but that scene seemed to rejoin Jack and Sam and reframe her father's words in Grace towards her future choices. Jacob seems to be less than thrilled with Pete and, while dying, tells Sam not to give up on her original desires - that, indeed, she can have it all. Jack repeating "always" as she leans against him in observation room also comes full circle. And, finally, the visual triad that's formed by Jack's reflection in glass as he's looking down at Sam and Jacob as he dies was very powerful and meaningful (to me, a shipper). So, if any episode had to be sacrificed in S8, I would not have picked this one. I'd have picked Affinity if I had my druthers. It didn't do justice to Sam Carter or Teal'c for that matter IMHO.

                        No tomatoes to be thrown!

                        Peace, CG
                        I feel the same as you and Lys, and although I am a S/J shipper, I would love to see some soldier Sam episodes and how she coped with being the CO of SG1, also
                        Last edited by LadyJeep; 14 August 2005, 07:50 PM.
                        In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                        Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                        so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                        Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                        Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                        Hic Comitas Regit
                        Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          RepliCARTER...I think and I know I could be in the minority here...I THINK Replicarter was beamed out the same time Daniel was. Now if I'm wrong then so be it but I would LOVE to see a Sam/Replicarter standoff now that she knows the extent of her double's duplicity.
                          A short post to make sure this is working now - I lost lots of time earlier today trying to post 4 times and got zapped every time - almost threw the computer out the window.

                          I agree with you 100% on this and made a post about it after seeing that ep. I think Replicarter is out there somewhere and I am hoping we get to se Carter and Replicarter duke it out with the real Carter kicking butt as per the real Carter.


                            Uber, binkpmmc...

                            TOTALLY agree...I'm CERTAIN we've not seen the last of Replicarter.
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Wow, I just had the surprise of my life tonight. I had my parents over for dinner (we have a weekly Sunday dinner date), and after the meal, my father turned to me and asked if he could borrow some of my Stargate DVDs.

                              After scraping my jaw off the table, I told him "sure" and loaned him season one. My partner (who isn't a Stargate fan) asked him why he was interested, and he said that if it was still going after 8 years, there must be something to it.

                              I'm still a bit bemused; my dad (who is in his 70s) has never been a fan of science fiction or fantasy, and my 80-year old mum has ventured into the genre more than he ever did. So it's very off-the-wall. But I really, really hope he likes it! I've already converted my nephew to the show... maybe my dad will be next.

                              My LJ


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                *looks for nearest object to fling at tsaxlady*
                                Ducks out of the way and flings object back

                                Okay one of the great things about this thread is that we have so many people of differing tastes and likes that still get along so well. Right Über !
                                My View From The Peanut Gallery

