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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    i think it was just supposed to be a (simpsons related) joke. BUT, seeing as the fans would say that jack's pond never had fish, and that we'd notice these things way before we're going to take it as a joke (that only online or magazine reading fans would know about)...

    either jack's pond always had fish and he just didn't know it, or you're right, and it's a slightly off universe now...

    but i'm more thinking that it was just a joke, and that even though it would derail the 'everything's put back to perfect order' idea...

    the joke's more important than the facts and the mythology all that unimportant stuff.
    I think it was important, and I think there is a fair case to be made for the "slightly off universe now", but do I think that was more important than the consequences of playing with time??? Ehhh............ not so sure.
    A lot of this depends on the....... "value" (??) you place on SG-1 I guess. 30 years ago, it was ST:TOS that people were touting as "life changing", now you get Stargate as that example by some.
    I just think it adds to the whole notion for stories being able to change people.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post

      We agree a good bit of the time. Certainly not all, but where's the fun in that?
      So S9/10 will always be "fargate" to you?

      And sally, I know that it was just a *thing* at the end of S8. It's only after S9 started that it looked like that was the departure point.
      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by suse View Post
        We agree a good bit of the time. Certainly not all, but where's the fun in that?
        I disagree, let me find a rant around here somewhere, I am sure I have one just for that response!!!

        Is it because you see SAM (not AT) being pushed aside for RCC's..........umm.......... "new toy" in Vala?
        What about in S4 of SGA where Weir gets pushed aside for Sam? Or Beckett being pushed aside for Keller?
        (That's an honest question BTW, not a dig, do you see it as just some kind of PTB drool based decision?? )

        And sally, I know that it was just a *thing* at the end of S8. It's only after S9 started that it looked like that was the departure point.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by suse View Post
          And sally, I know that it was just a *thing* at the end of S8. It's only after S9 started that it looked like that was the departure point.
          yes, it became CooperGate.



            Originally posted by JanSam View Post
            I prefer Reckoning to Moebuis.
            Me too. Time travelling eps can be really annoying. But I loved Sam in Reckoning - her working with Ba'al is always a refreshing change.
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              You did not like "geek sam"?
              Not really. I also think they wasted RDA's last episode with 4 people who looked like the SG-1 we know and love, but weren't the characters we had followed for 8 years.

              As an episode by itself, Moebius wasn't bad if it had been earlier in the season but for the last hurrah for Jack? I was majorly disappointed.

              I wanted team resolution moments, not 'these people are just getting to know each other again' moments. Moebius dealt with nothing IMO. I wanted Jack to have scenes saying goodbye to his team individually. Jack/Daniel scenes are always gold, I love the subtle understanding of the warrior thing between Jack and Teal'c and, well, Jack and Sam... so sue me, I'm a shipper, I wanted my onscreen resolution, damnit! One lousy kiss between alternates didn't cut it with me, we've seen that before *sigh*.

              Why set it up for 8 years if you're not going to follow it through? It didn't matter by that point anyway, Jack was at HWS and Sam was at Area 51 and it's not like they would get more than 2 minutes of collective screen time for the next two seasons so it's not going to distract from SG-1.

              Jack and Daniel also got more of a goodbye when he ascended than when Jack left. Were a couple of extra cabin scenes too much to ask for?
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                Not really. I also think they wasted RDA's last episode with 4 people who looked like the SG-1 we know and love, but weren't the characters we had followed for 8 years.
                That's a fair comment

                As an episode by itself, Moebius wasn't bad if it had been earlier in the season but for the last hurrah for Jack? I was majorly disappointed.
                Agree to disagree, I thought it was a good way to send off "O'Niell, 2 LL's"
                I wanted team resolution moments, not 'these people are just getting to know each other again' moments. Moebius dealt with nothing IMO. I wanted Jack to have scenes saying goodbye to his team individually. Jack/Daniel scenes are always gold, I love the subtle understanding of the warrior thing between Jack and Teal'c and, well, Jack and Sam... so sue me, I'm a shipper, I wanted my onscreen resolution, damnit! One lousy kiss between alternates didn't cut it with me, we've seen that before *sigh*.
                Have you seen Jack ignore his only way home with the PJ and the timedrive exploding into fireworks when Sam and Jack kiss??
                I guess I read it differently, but the "Sam and Jack" angst has ALWAYS stemmed from a place of "if it were allowed". If Jack was allowed to acknowledge what he feels for Sam (which he *constantly does* in eps where there are no repercussions), then Jack would not be "Jack". Would you be happy if it was "prime Sam" and AU Jack who "got it on"??
                I don't *think so*, because that would be "out of character" as well, wouldn't it??

                Why set it up for 8 years if you're not going to follow it through?
                Why didn't RDA or AT *insist* on it?
                This is purely personal opinion, but I think they both knew that Sam and Jack were simply NOT the people to break that particular rule, and to do otherwise was to not play to Sam and Jack. If that rule did not exist? Well, I think they would have been all over each other by S6 at the very latest.
                It didn't matter by that point anyway, Jack was at HWS and Sam was at Area 51 and it's not like they would get more than 2 minutes of collective screen time for the next two seasons so it's not going to distract from SG-1.
                By that stage they were playing it by year, so who knew??

                Jack and Daniel also got more of a goodbye when he ascended than when Jack left. Were a couple of extra cabin scenes too much to ask for?
                I can't even begin to try to answer that one
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  I guess for me the ship was always about two lonely, damaged people finding happiness and comfort with each other so it did matter which version of Sam and Jack it was. Nothing but the real thing would have been enough for me lol.

                  AT and RDA weren't really bothered about the ship back then (although judging by some of the comments at cons I think AT has changed her mind since! )

                  It's also not breaking the regs as long as he's not her CO. Military folks get married all the time and I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure that, as long as they weren't together whilst in the same chain of command, Sam's transfer to Area 51 and Jack's to HWS would have provided a perfect window of opportunity (pun intended lol). It was doable to get around the regs IMO. After they were married the rules for serving together are different, I believe.

                  Meh, the episode just wasn't for me. Many shippers and non-shippers disagree with me on all of the above points and that's cool. Makes for interesting discussion.

                  I'm just disappointed that the Jack ONeill movie wasn't made. Would've brought proper closure from the spoilers.

                  Edit: I should probably also clarify that I wasn't shipping Jack and Daniel with that last point (although I'm pretty sure the J/D shippers would have appreciated that little add-in )
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    *dons estrogen proof suit*
                    Would you guys be equally annoyed if Paige actually took over from Prue in Charmed?
                    That's not what happened, granted. but what if she did?
                    Would you be annoyed that Piper lost the role?
                    Yes, because given what we knew about the character of Piper she would have naturally become the "big sister." Not to mention the actress having been on the show for years.

                    I think there was a better way to explain AT's absence.
                    I think the overall problem was that TPTB wanted to do something different with the show and viewed all the old character development as "baggage."


                      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                      I prefer Reckoning to Moebuis.
                      Me too.


                        Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                        I guess for me the ship was always about two lonely, damaged people finding happiness and comfort with each other so it did matter which version of Sam and Jack it was. Nothing but the real thing would have been enough for me lol.

                        AT and RDA weren't really bothered about the ship back then (although judging by some of the comments at cons I think AT has changed her mind since! )

                        It's also not breaking the regs as long as he's not her CO. Military folks get married all the time and I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure that, as long as they weren't together whilst in the same chain of command, Sam's transfer to Area 51 and Jack's to HWS would have provided a perfect window of opportunity (pun intended lol). It was doable to get around the regs IMO. After they were married the rules for serving together are different, I believe.

                        Meh, the episode just wasn't for me. Many shippers and non-shippers disagree with me on all of the above points and that's cool. Makes for interesting discussion.

                        I'm just disappointed that the Jack ONeill movie wasn't made. Would've brought proper closure from the spoilers.

                        Edit: I should probably also clarify that I wasn't shipping Jack and Daniel with that last point (although I'm pretty sure the J/D shippers would have appreciated that little add-in )
                        I'm pretty sure there were no plans to send Sam to Area 51 back in season 8. That only came in season nine, as a way to explain why she wasn't present (and how Mitchell managed to get command of SG-1 instead), so technically Jack still would have been her CO.
                        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                        On FFnet or AO3

                        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                          Originally posted by fems View Post
                          I'm pretty sure there were no plans to send Sam to Area 51 back in season 8. That only came in season nine, as a way to explain why she wasn't present (and how Mitchell managed to get command of SG-1 instead), so technically Jack still would have been her CO.
                          Unless the new assignment would be delayed for some weeks (Walter could lose the paperworks ) leaving him with no assignment during the holidays at the cabin.
                          My vids Sig made by me


                            For me, Moebius was a great chance to just make fun and have fun.

                            I loved Moebius Sam. And I absolutely LOVE the scene with her and Jack in the jumper when he says she's hot while she's technobabbling

                            Am I upset that we never get onscreen resolution? As a shipper heck yes, but a J/S kiss is a J/S kiss and these 2 characters are still Jack and Sam. Just my humble opinion.

                            FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                              Originally posted by fems View Post
                              I'm pretty sure there were no plans to send Sam to Area 51 back in season 8. That only came in season nine, as a way to explain why she wasn't present (and how Mitchell managed to get command of SG-1 instead), so technically Jack still would have been her CO.
                              She was packing at the end of Threads, Jack insisted on moving the box for her. I don't remember if Area 51 was mentioned specifically but she was always going somewhere away from the SGC.
                              Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                              If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                              Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                                Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                                She was packing at the end of Threads, Jack insisted on moving the box for her. I don't remember if Area 51 was mentioned specifically but she was always going somewhere away from the SGC.
                                I always thought that comment was because they were going to the cabin.

                                FFN ----- AO3 ----------

