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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    with orlin though...she did try to tell them. But orlin hid and all it got her was a psych eval and everyone thinking she was nuts.

    she tried to follow protocol and got kicked in the butt so said 'forget this' and did it her way.

    she probably did get in trouble over it, because, even though their distrust in her is what drove her to be secretive, the higherups, heavy in their own hypocrisy, would be looking for a scape goat, and it'll be her. They won't buy the 'look, you wrote me off as nuts' excuse, because if they did then they'd have to take responsibility for their part in the situation.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      with orlin though...she did try to tell them. But orlin hid and all it got her was a psych eval and everyone thinking she was nuts.

      she tried to follow protocol and got kicked in the butt so said 'forget this' and did it her way.

      she probably did get in trouble over it, because, even though their distrust in her is what drove her to be secretive, the higherups, heavy in their own hypocrisy, would be looking for a scape goat, and it'll be her. They won't buy the 'look, you wrote me off as nuts' excuse, because if they did then they'd have to take responsibility for their part in the situation.
      There are a couple of fics out there where the higher ups (mainly Col. Simmons) tried to have her court-martialed and used a lot of ridiculous charges against her. But she won ... or was acquitted.


        here's a question for everyone when sanctuary eventually ends for good would you want amanda to do another sci fi show or a show thats a different genre like drama,crime procedural or soap opera?
        The best written female character on trek ever.


          Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
          here's a question for everyone when sanctuary eventually ends for good would you want amanda to do another sci fi show or a show thats a different genre like drama,crime procedural or soap opera?
          I think maybe she would like something comedic for a change. But a good drama or detective show would be good. However, I think she'd be good in just about anything


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            I think maybe she would like something comedic for a change. But a good drama or detective show would be good. However, I think she'd be good in just about anything
            i would love to see her in a comedy especially a guest appearance as herself in the big bang theory.
            The best written female character on trek ever.


              Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
              here's a question for everyone when sanctuary eventually ends for good would you want amanda to do another sci fi show or a show thats a different genre like drama,crime procedural or soap opera?
              as long as its an interesting & well written show with an interesting & well written character!

              amanda's range, acting ability and brilliant comedic timing could have her pull off pretty much anything she sets her mind too!
              "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                here's a question for everyone when sanctuary eventually ends for good would you want amanda to do another sci fi show or a show thats a different genre like drama,crime procedural or soap opera?

                Definitely want to see her do comedy, but will watch her in ANYTHING!

                I agree about Big Bang Theory. OMG... *fans self* Might just die of happy geekdom
                The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                  Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                  here's a question for everyone when sanctuary eventually ends for good would you want amanda to do another sci fi show or a show thats a different genre like drama,crime procedural or soap opera?
                  since i miss seeing sam SO much... i think i'd enjoy amanda playing another space babe.

                  this is kind of freaky, but i actually thought of this today. it's really hard to image seeing amanda play someone 'normal', b/c i *so* enjoy seeing her do all these out-of-this-world stuff. could i take her playing a lawyer, when i'm used to seeing her kick butt? yeah, i could... but i'd miss the kick butt characters she's played.



                    I just can't wait until she's old enough to play Miss Marple. Just saying.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      I just can't wait until she's old enough to play Miss Marple. Just saying.
                      she could now, with make up.



                        OT: so in the last 40 days were i live has had 806mm (32 inches) of rain, which is an average of 20mm (3/4 of an inch) a day...
                        "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                          Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                          OT: so in the last 40 days were i live has had 806mm (32 inches) of rain, which is an average of 20mm (3/4 of an inch) a day...
                          as im really bad at all measurements im guessing thats a lot and if it is well i think it's karma for all the beautiful sun and beaches you get all year round.
                          The best written female character on trek ever.


                            i'm watching season 1 of sg1 on amanda's *so* cute.

                            i haven't watched these eps in YEARS, so it's totally refreshing and fun. i watched Bloodlines. Fire and Water, Hathor, and Singularity just today. it'll be super fun to see the 'evolution' of sam carter.

                            --> <-- super cool



                              Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                              as im really bad at all measurements im guessing thats a lot and if it is well i think it's karma for all the beautiful sun and beaches you get all year round.
                              uhhhh that's state wide floods - massive aid is needed up there


                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                We usually talk about the Best Sam episodes--but what about the worst? for example:
                                1. What 3 (random number) episodes do you think show Sam's flaws the most? [not that flaws are necessarily bad in a character, but go with me. ]
                                2. What 3 episodes do choices made by Sam hurt or delay the team in their mission/ question etc. Or in what 3 episodes is Sam's involvement minimized to the expense of the team?
                                In other words, Sam should have been doing X, which would have helped save the team/solved the problem etc. but she didn't. Maybe due to a choice she made or how she was used in the episode by the writers. [and yes, I know her *choices* are all made by the writers. Hopefully you know what I mean. ]
                                Just throwing out ideas for discussion...
                                jckfan slinks away mumbling to herself
                                Wow. Talk about setting a challenge.
                                I think her desicion to go back down to Cassie in Singularity was reckless - I understood why but she let her emotions cloud her judgment, putting herself and her team at risk while they remained at the top waiting for Sam.
                                I understood what she was doing in First Commandment by giving herself to Jonas but was it the right thing to do?...yes and no so I can't decide on that one.
                                I question her decision to put her hand into the tank of Goa'uld's in Bloodliness, her decision to step away from her team in Prisoners when they were surrounded thus putting herself in danger...I also sometimes wonder why no one asked why Sam told Seth that they were working for the Tok'ra even though yes, she was under alien influence but the boys didn't say anything yet Sam did - not necessarily Sam doing bad but I do wonder about that.
                                The whole Entity thing - Jack was right - shoulda blown it up. Sam wanted to communicate with the entity and in doing so put herself in danger...but then again, this is the SGC, they are exploring new places, races and lots of cool stuff but anyone could have seen it was a trap luring Sam into it. Just my HO though - I'm sure not everyone would agree.
                                She's done other things which I have questioned but quite often it's done under direct orders - so one has to wonder how much control she has on her own judgment on what is the right thing to do and should she obey just because it's a direct order?
                                Like in Red Sky - she bypasses lots safety protocols all the time but this one time it came back to bite them in the butt - lesson learned but was it entirely Sam's doing? Same with Ascension when she doesn't report Orlin after he reappears. She kinda does by talking to Jack but he was pretty dismissive of her. I think she did the right thing up to the point of jumping through the little gate but then that turned out to be a good thing in the end too. How many times does her unconventional, rash decision making end up saving their butts?
                                In Desperate Measures, she should've shot Adrian Conrad when she had the chance - again, just MHO.
                                Oooh - Space Race - once she knew of the risks, should Sam have stayed in the race?
                                Biggest mistake was convincing General Hammond that Pete should known about SG1 - big - HUGE mistake. Did no one ask why he was there at the stake out? Ask why he was following Sam? Hello??? Alarm bells must have been banging somewhere.
                                And Alec Colson...letting him fly the F302 in Covenant.
                                In End Game, she pressed the beam me up Scotty button but wasn't prepared for what might await her thus getting herself zatted and captured.
                                Gotta question why she didn't smack Cameron upside the head in Off the Grid when he went off to play nice with the locals who turned out to be inter galactic drug lords.
                                I know you wanted 3 but you set a challenge like that and it's hard to stop. My top 3 would be Singularity, Bloodlines and Entity.
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

