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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    did we ever finish the season one discussion? or did we get lost halfway through?

    I'd like to keep it going if we can
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
      Here is something I've been thinking about lately. With the two series, SG-1 and Sanctuary, are there any episodes where Sam and Helen are in similar situations or react in the same manner?

      A little background on the question. I'm not asking if you see AT playing the same character in both series. There are only about 9 stories in the history of mankind, so coming up with a new story is tough. However, good writers can put twists in the old stories to keep them fresh. I'm wondering if any of the shows, or in particular AT's character's role in the stories, have been the same.
      I haven't had any "gee this seems just like that SG-1 moment" or "that reminded me of that Sam moment" moments yet. I have had a couple "boy this seems alot like that X-files episode" moments. Like you said, there are only so many stories. The episode about the folding men, of course was very much like the Tooms episodes on XF. But it was different enough that it was still enjoyable.

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      I too have the amanda/rick sandwich pic.

      it was quite fun...and kinda hard. I had no issue getting my pic taken with Amanda, but for RIck....i was the second person ever to have a con pic with him (and the first was a steward) so it was like 'omg, i soooo can't do anything to spook him' so i kept my hand closed so i wouldn't accidentally put any fingers in the wrong place.

      then, once the pic was taken, they had a monitor set up and Rick had to go over and see it. and he left amanda and i standing there. she looked at me and asked 'do you think he'll be like this with all of them?' and I said 'yep'

      then, shucks, he didn't like that pic so we just HAD to have a second one taken
      Rick is such a perfectionist. It was terrible to have to do multiple pictures. All that hugging.

      Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
      I was fortunate enough to see Amanda a couple years ago when she came to the con in my neck of the woods, Shoreleave, in Maryland. They had just wrapped season 10, but it was before all the episodes were aired. I remember her telling us hints about the "surprises" in the 200th episode. She was very funny and entertaining. The hour went by too fast!! I would go see her again, fer sure.

      I have yet to have the opportunity to see RDA, but I'm not sure I'd be very calm. At the before mentioned con, I turned and practically ran into Connor Trinnier and I couldn't breathe!! Face-to-face with him... he is 10 times hotter in person, believe me!! So I can't even imagine how good RDA would look in the flesh!
      I've noticed quite a few of the folks from SG are even better looking in person. It's not bad enough that they are so photogenic, they improve in real life! There must be something in the Vancouver water. I should have drank a lot more water while I was there!
      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
      William Shakespeare

      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


        Hey everyone,

        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        I too have the amanda/rick sandwich pic.

        then, shucks, he didn't like that pic so we just HAD to have a second one taken
        Bet that was a hardship, right Sky. Hehe!

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          I too have the amanda/rick sandwich pic.
          it was quite fun...and kinda hard. I had no issue getting my pic taken with Amanda, but for RIck....i was the second person ever to have a con pic with him (and the first was a steward) so it was like 'omg, i soooo can't do anything to spook him' so i kept my hand closed so i wouldn't accidentally put any fingers in the wrong place.
          then, once the pic was taken, they had a monitor set up and Rick had to go over and see it. and he left amanda and i standing there. she looked at me and asked 'do you think he'll be like this with all of them?' and I said 'yep'
          then, shucks, he didn't like that pic so we just HAD to have a second one taken
          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
          Hey everyone,
          Bet that was a hardship, right Sky. Hehe!
          Good one Julia!!
          Love the story Sky - I think Rick is a lot more settled with the photo's nowadays - he never checked them at the Stargate2010 event in March...mind you there were a LOT of people having their pics taken and so little time. But he was just really...nice. I only got to chat with him briefly at the cocktail function and at breaky was embarrassed by Chris Judge...though I'm sure we were both thinking the same thing about Chris....Rick and I kinda shared a WTF screwing up our faces look at each other...Chris was overly excited that I had seen something of a certain show thingy. Still, he seems nice. And though I didn't have much of a chance to chat with Amanda at AT4...maybe later this year I will get that chance.

          Good to hear everyone is making it home safe and sound from their epic journey's. Even better to hear all had a wonderful time.
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            I was lucky enough to do it. It's awesome!
            i bet it was!

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            I too have the amanda/rick sandwich pic.

            it was quite fun...and kinda hard. I had no issue getting my pic taken with Amanda, but for RIck....i was the second person ever to have a con pic with him (and the first was a steward) so it was like 'omg, i soooo can't do anything to spook him' so i kept my hand closed so i wouldn't accidentally put any fingers in the wrong place.

            then, once the pic was taken, they had a monitor set up and Rick had to go over and see it. and he left amanda and i standing there. she looked at me and asked 'do you think he'll be like this with all of them?' and I said 'yep'

            then, shucks, he didn't like that pic so we just HAD to have a second one taken
            great story sky! sounds like a great moment!

            Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
            I have yet to have the opportunity to see RDA, but I'm not sure I'd be very calm. At the before mentioned con, I turned and practically ran into Connor Trinnier and I couldn't breathe!! Face-to-face with him... he is 10 times hotter in person, believe me!! So I can't even imagine how good RDA would look in the flesh!
            i was fine when i met rda in march, but then im pretty sure he thought i was a kid and not an adult...

            i also met connor trinneer at that event and he is all kinds of adorable and cute! when i had my photo op the camera man wasnt happy with the first two and connor kept his arm around my shoulder and me pulled in next to him through every retake! and later when i got his auto he said i reminded him of his kids babysitter!

            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            I've noticed quite a few of the folks from SG are even better looking in person. It's not bad enough that they are so photogenic, they improve in real life! There must be something in the Vancouver water. I should have drank a lot more water while I was there!
            "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


              it was fun. rick was also geeking out over the tech and being able to see phtotos as they were taken.

              at that point in time, and heck even now, amanda and I have done more cons than he ever it was 'old hat' to us in a way (like how many thousands of photos has she posed for?) and still new to him.

              you could also tell that he was a 'virgin' because he didn't know how to pace himself

              he was pretty wiped out by the auction that evening
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                I was fortunate enough to see Amanda a couple years ago when she came to the con in my neck of the woods, Shoreleave, in Maryland. They had just wrapped season 10, but it was before all the episodes were aired. I remember her telling us hints about the "surprises" in the 200th episode. She was very funny and entertaining. The hour went by too fast!! I would go see her again, fer sure.

                I have yet to have the opportunity to see RDA, but I'm not sure I'd be very calm. At the before mentioned con, I turned and practically ran into Connor Trinnier and I couldn't breathe!! Face-to-face with him... he is 10 times hotter in person, believe me!! So I can't even imagine how good RDA would look in the flesh!
                I havent got to meet RDA yet but i did meet Corin Nemic he is so sweet and so cute i got my photo with him and i thanked him and he gave me a kiss on my head he is so sweet

                This will be my first time meeting Amanda this year at STS con i hope my nerves dont get the better of me when i get nervis i loose my voice .
                (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                  Slowly catching up as time allows....

                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  Hope you had a great time and I love to hear about it
                  Thanks. Had a fabulous time and will post about it when I have more time. I will say this, we were treated to major spoilers about which, of course, I will not be saying anything. Agam's comment to me was that she was surprised they would let us tour on that day given what they were filming.

                  Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                  Just dropping by with yet another reminder of the AT5 Photo Mosaic Project, it’s just under 4 weeks left. (deadline is September 1st)
                  I’ve got lots of great Comic Con and TSE photos, but I know there’s a lot more out there, as well as other AT photos that I haven’t got my hands on yet.
                  And still, anyone that have the slightest of photoshop know how are of course welcomed to join in on the fun of making tiles! Just send me mail at [email protected] if you want to join in!

                  I’m so thrilled and humbled by all the people that are helping out with this, and by the looks of it we’ll be hitting the target number of 6000 tiles before deadline. (However I will be collecting photos and tiles all the way up to the set deadline, the more I got the better the final mosaic will be)

                  I’ve also been doing some smaller test runs of assembling a mosaic out of the tiles I’ve got so far, testing out possible template images and frankly... it looks freaking awesome! I can’t wait to show you guys! (But that of course have to wait until everything is done )

                  I’m super proud of the work we’re doing here. And the amazing result from TSE have gotten me, if possible, even more motivated and eager to make a good job with this project. The power of fandom is truly beautiful

                  Can't wait to hear about it!
                  Think your project is great and I will now be able to participate! Thanks to llp I have a new digital camera. Thanks to Suse, the pics were downloaded into her computer so i think she was going to forward some to you.

                  Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                  Hey everyone,

                  Can't wait to all about it! *hugs*

                  Thanks. I will tell what I can.

                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                  Hello AT folks!

                  I just posted a lengthy intro in the Sam/Jack appreciation thread, so I won't repeat it here. But I wanted to say 'hi' and 'I'm new!' I've been reading your thread for several months now, and I have to say my admiration for AT and the genuine niceness of this thread has just grown and grown to the point where I wanted to join in.

                  I'm looking forward to chatting with y'all!
                  Sorry I am so late but wanted to say a big welcome to the thread.

                  Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                  You're all welcome.

                  Yes, the auction was hilarious. It's really hard to take pictures when you're laughing. And they all move around so much. Had to delete many pics because they were just people shaped blurs.
                  My favourite part of the auction was you yelling out "squirrel"! Totally cracked me up. AT screaming at me to smell auction items was a close second.

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  So was the meet and greet like having a team come out at the start of a game? Or a receiving line?

                  looks like people had a good time. looking forward to some reports.
                  Everyone came into the room together. Everyone came out for the M & G, AT, MW, DK, RD, RR, CH, AG, RL, CC and Lee Wilson. They circulated from table to table. Chuck even stayed late after everyone had gone. What a sweet, sweet guy. So impressive that they all came, even Gabit didn't know everyone was showing up. MW hugged Jumble, Damian talked motorcycles, Chris made funny faces for pictures and everyone was very friendly.

                  For antoa, SamJackShipLover and Pengyn, AT mentioned that the hatbox the cake from Lilyfield cakes came in that we gave her is used by her daughter to hold her doll clothes. AT:"I have you every day in my house" Me: "I'm so sorry".

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.



                    You will have to pay for the SG1 episodes off Itunes, you might get one or two free, but you can burn them to DVD so you can add them yo your itunes library on another computer, should get about 7 to 10 episodes to a DVD when back'd to DVD from what I remember it's been a while since I've backup'd my itunes library. Itunes will let you watch the episodes once imported in your library or downloaded from the itunes store.

                    Hope this helps.


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      For antoa, SamJackShipLover and Pengyn, AT mentioned that the hatbox the cake from Lilyfield cakes came in that we gave her is used by her daughter to hold her doll clothes. AT: "I have you every day in my house" Me: "I'm so sorry".
                      Hahaha ... that's awesome!


                        Still catching up...

                        Originally posted by suse View Post
                        I'm back(ish)! The SA crew (yes Ma, after that comment at Bob's Burgers and Brew you *are* included) dropped me off and headed further south. Now 5 daysd with the brother, then back to home. Supposed to be 101 F the day I return. Swell.

                        Border was hideous. 2.5 hours! Great peeps to ride with though. God bless 'em.
                        Sorry about the border issues but glad you are all home safe now.

                        Just for the record I would like to say that Ma likes me best.

                        Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                        Guy's I've decided to leave my yahoo groups and Gate World for now. I haven't been well for a long time and who knows if/ when I make it back.

                        I wish that I could stay, but I can't.

                        Love you all
                        Fran Pinto
                        So sorry to hear that.

                        Sends love back.

                        Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                        i could so handle being sandwiched between AT and RDA for a photo op!

                        Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                        I was lucky enough to do it. It's awesome!
                        Lucky girl.

                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        Welcome home to all convention participants. Hope you had a great time. Thank you for all the photos and stories.

                        Go AT
                        Thanks. I will post some stories but no photos. While I again have a camera to take pictures I have no idea how to get them out of the camera. Must read instruction book.

                        Quick story from the tour...I took a photo of a set we saw then was informed as it is a set that hasn't been seen on TV yet, could I please delete the photo. Eh-t: "Sure, as soon as I learn how to delete photos I'll do that". I actually ended up having someone do it for me.

                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        Does anybody know if AT will be in SG Universe in Season 2?
                        Sorry, don't know. No one asked about it at the SE.

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I too have the amanda/rick sandwich pic.

                        it was quite fun...and kinda hard. I had no issue getting my pic taken with Amanda, but for RIck....i was the second person ever to have a con pic with him (and the first was a steward) so it was like 'omg, i soooo can't do anything to spook him' so i kept my hand closed so i wouldn't accidentally put any fingers in the wrong place.

                        then, once the pic was taken, they had a monitor set up and Rick had to go over and see it. and he left amanda and i standing there. she looked at me and asked 'do you think he'll be like this with all of them?' and I said 'yep'

                        then, shucks, he didn't like that pic so we just HAD to have a second one taken
                        Ah, shucks.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          My favourite part of the auction was you yelling out "squirrel"! Totally cracked me up. AT screaming at me to smell auction items was a close second.

                          For antoa, SamJackShipLover and Pengyn, AT mentioned that the hatbox the cake from Lilyfield cakes came in that we gave her is used by her daughter to hold her doll clothes. AT:"I have you every day in my house" Me: "I'm so sorry".
                          That was fun. Though I almost got myself in trouble cause they thought I was bidding.

                          You shouldn't say you're sorry. You made a little girl very happy. She now has a pretty place for her doll clothes. (did you tell Amanda there was a hidden camera in the box? )

                          So, now you're going to tease us with your "insider" informaton. Hmmph. Do we get to know what your scene involves? (*crosses fingers in anticipation*)
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.



                            If you rent the dvd's from netflix, there's a free program called 'handbrake' that runs on both pc and mac, and it'll make .mp4 files of the dvd's, to be put on an ipod, etc.

                            another way to get them onto your portable device.

                            AND, even better, if you actually own the dvd's, you can legally make a digital copy for your own just can't pass it on, that's where you get into trouble

                            I have all of sg1, sanctuary and macgyver on a player, oh and big bang theory
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Still catching up...

                              Sorry about the border issues but glad you are all home safe now.

                              Just for the record I would like to say that Ma likes me best.
                              She's already complaining you never call

                              Thanks. I will post some stories but no photos. While I again have a camera to take pictures I have no idea how to get them out of the camera. Must read instruction book.

                              Quick story from the tour...I took a photo of a set we saw then was informed as it is a set that hasn't been seen on TV yet, could I please delete the photo. Eh-t: "Sure, as soon as I learn how to delete photos I'll do that". I actually ended up having someone do it for me.
                              Hey, I thought I gave you instructions

                              my fanfic


                                Ripping movies/TV shows off of rented DVDs is still infringing on copyright.

                                If you own the movie/TV show you can change the format (i.e. rip it for your iPod or burn a digital copy to a disc) as far as I understand.

