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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    How do you think Sam feels about getting awards? Didn't one of the S10 episodes mention Sam had won some physics prize?
    Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
    i think she is probably proud at what she has achieved but embaressed by the attention you get when you win an award.
    Well, if she's anything like Amanda, she probably doesn't do what she does for awards and such. I mean the promotions are well deserved but I don't think she's thinking of that while she's fighting bad guys or saving the world, or a world.


      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
      Well, if she's anything like Amanda, she probably doesn't do what she does for awards and such. I mean the promotions are well deserved but I don't think she's thinking of that while she's fighting bad guys or saving the world, or a world.
      true but with all the times SG1 has saved the world/worlds i do think they should have been rewarded with a mansion or something for their dedicated work i mean they did rise above the normal requirements for a soldier or archeologist
      The best written female character on trek ever.


        Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
        true but with all the times SG1 has saved the world/worlds i do think they should have been rewarded with a mansion or something for their dedicated work i mean they did rise above the normal requirements for a soldier or archeologist
        Yeah but keep in mind that most of what they did couldn't be revealed to the public. I mean they couldn't have huge award ceremonies for them, and they couldn't have their accomplishments in the paper and what not. I've often felt sorry for all of the SGC personal and SGA too because they're out there seeing and doing amazing things, things most people can't even imagine, between SG-1 and SGA there's a HUGE list of accomplishments, things what could change the world, but like 99% of it has to stay hidden.

        They deserve bigger rewards yes, but I think saving the world, even the galaxies are a good enough award.


          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
          Yeah but keep in mind that most of what they did couldn't be revealed to the public. I mean they couldn't have huge award ceremonies for them, and they couldn't have their accomplishments in the paper and what not. I've often felt sorry for all of the SGC personal and SGA too because they're out there seeing and doing amazing things, things most people can't even imagine, between SG-1 and SGA there's a HUGE list of accomplishments, things what could change the world, but like 99% of it has to stay hidden.

          They deserve bigger rewards yes, but I think saving the world, even the galaxies are a good enough award.
          there better people than me then as i would be like daniel in absoloute power with his personal requirements
          The best written female character on trek ever.


            Originally posted by katjoy View Post
            HAPPY BIRTHDAY wine_buyer!
            A belated happy birthday, hope it was a good one!

            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            How do you think Sam feels about getting awards? Didn't one of the S10 episodes mention Sam had won some physics prize?
            Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
            i think she is probably proud at what she has achieved but embaressed by the attention you get when you win an award.
            I agree, I think Sam would be a little embarrassed but quite proud about the honor. We kinda see that in her two promotions, she has this kinda happy but sorta sheepish smile at being singled out in front of all those people.

            I think that S10 ep was the one with the bounty hunters, at the conference they said Sam had won a couple of prizes for the advancement of physics. I wonder what specifically she won them for, one was probably the naquadah reactor since that was a pretty amazing new source of power that she played a big part in developing.



              Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
              i think she is probably proud at what she has achieved but embaressed by the attention you get when you win an award.
              Kind of like Amanda herself.
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                Originally posted by chrono trigger View Post
                i think she is probably proud at what she has achieved but embaressed by the attention you get when you win an award.
                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                Well, if she's anything like Amanda, she probably doesn't do what she does for awards and such. I mean the promotions are well deserved but I don't think she's thinking of that while she's fighting bad guys or saving the world, or a world.
                agreed, sam is in her fields to learn, contribute and be the best she can be... while she would rightly be proud of any recognition of her work its not why she does it... and while promotions are part and parcel of military life she doesnt climb over everyone else to get ahead, she works hard and earns her ranks...
                "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                  I reckon Sam would be proud of her accomplishments and awards but humble about it too. I'm not sure if I could say she would be embarrassed but certainly humbled and proud. I just look at how she was when she got her award in the ep Secrets...and her promotions...I didn't think it was embarrassment as much as just her being humbled. But I also don't think she likes too much attention drawn to her either...not for things like awards. Watching the ep Bounty, she seemed a little bashful when she so expertly demonstrated the weapon. I reckon deep inside she was slightly chuffed too. But of course this is all just my humble opinion. Is it ever shown to be canon anywhere how Sam feels about her awards and such? Just curious.

                  Oh and just for fun...coz it was linked on twitter tonight and coz it's funny...and Amanda being a comedian and all, thought maybe I could share this here:
                  The Axis of Awesome

                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    I think, for Sam, it's nice to be acknowledged. And I don't think others say 'thanks' often enough, and there are probably some days when she's a bit down about that. 'great, i saved the world and no one cares'. (everyone has down days)

                    but i think there are also times when she's proud of what she's done. And i think there are times when she loves any awards she gets, nto for the award itself, but just for the acknowledgement.

                    most people don't like a fuss to be made. But I do think they enjoy the little e-mail thank you, or a 'thank you snickers bar' etc.

                    not grand gestures, just simple acknowledgements
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      ^ it is always nice to be acknowledged for a job well done... whether it is a simple thank you, an email, a small gift as a token of appreciation or something more public, its nice to be recognised... but at the same time it can also be uncomfortable if a fuss is made...

                      i agree sam probably has her moments where she thinks to herself does anyone realise the gravity of what i just did... but she is also quick to share the recognition as well and work through a problem with her team...
                      "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I think, for Sam, it's nice to be acknowledged. And I don't think others say 'thanks' often enough, and there are probably some days when she's a bit down about that. 'great, i saved the world and no one cares'. (everyone has down days)

                        but i think there are also times when she's proud of what she's done. And i think there are times when she loves any awards she gets, nto for the award itself, but just for the acknowledgement.

                        most people don't like a fuss to be made. But I do think they enjoy the little e-mail thank you, or a 'thank you snickers bar' etc.

                        not grand gestures, just simple acknowledgements
                        I've always seen that as a 'Wonder Twins' thing; Sam and Daniel giving each other the small but important boosts which show that someone knows what an important or special job has been done, even if they can't tell their peers. Although their disciplines are very different, they are, at the end of the day, both scientists, both seekers of knowledge.
                        Actually, all the SG1 geek squad probably had a secret cool code (such as a chocolate bar) for major discoveries and breakthroughs, little things which wouldn't mean anything to anyone else but were important to them.



                          Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                          I've always seen that as a 'Wonder Twins' thing; Sam and Daniel giving each other the small but important boosts which show that someone knows what an important or special job has been done, even if they can't tell their peers. Although their disciplines are very different, they are, at the end of the day, both scientists, both seekers of knowledge.
                          Actually, all the SG1 geek squad probably had a secret cool code (such as a chocolate bar) for major discoveries and breakthroughs, little things which wouldn't mean anything to anyone else but were important to them.

                          I really like this. We all like a bit of recognition for our hard work, and sometimes it means the most if it's from a friend -- to me, anyway, others probably see it different -- and I can see Sam and Daniel, being friends and all, doing this.
                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            I reckon Sam would be proud of her accomplishments and awards but humble about it too. I'm not sure if I could say she would be embarrassed but certainly humbled and proud. I just look at how she was when she got her award in the ep Secrets...and her promotions...I didn't think it was embarrassment as much as just her being humbled. But I also don't think she likes too much attention drawn to her either...not for things like awards. Watching the ep Bounty, she seemed a little bashful when she so expertly demonstrated the weapon. I reckon deep inside she was slightly chuffed too. But of course this is all just my humble opinion. Is it ever shown to be canon anywhere how Sam feels about her awards and such? Just curious.

                            Oh and just for fun...coz it was linked on twitter tonight and coz it's funny...and Amanda being a comedian and all, thought maybe I could share this here:
                            The Axis of Awesome

                            For me personally, no matter how much I might like an actor or show, the way in which they accept an award or honor determines if I'll continue to follow and watch them. Some people are good, know it and like to soak up as much personal attention as they can get from it. Others are quite humble about it and defer the attention not on themselves, but acknowledge their fellow costars and everyone else involved. These people I admire and will continue to admire and will voice it from the loudest rooftops about what a sensational artist they are.

                            Amanda is of the latter group for me.

                            Thanks for the link too Chelle. So true too, ain't it?


                              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                              For me personally, no matter how much I might like an actor or show, the way in which they accept an award or honor determines if I'll continue to follow and watch them. Some people are good, know it and like to soak up as much personal attention as they can get from it. Others are quite humble about it and defer the attention not on themselves, but acknowledge their fellow costars and everyone else involved. These people I admire and will continue to admire and will voice it from the loudest rooftops about what a sensational artist they are.

                              Amanda is of the latter group for me.

                              Thanks for the link too Chelle. So true too, ain't it?
                              Well said Cel, I've seen actors get up on stage and take a lot of the credit for awards, but the actors I really have respect for are those who give more credit to those they work with. Like Amanda here, I love how she accepts her awards and how she doesn't act like she's the star of the moment.

                              Amanda Tapping wins the Leo Award 2005

                              LEO AWARDS 2009 Ceremony 2/2 4:18


                                from my pov, we had a project this week, a video to make. and we got it done and up by the deadline...and this was an idea they came up with just about two weeks ago. got it done, got it up, they love it....and i got a thank you e-mail from THE boss. Just two sentences, saying she loved it and congrats for getting it done so fast.

                                I printed it out. Yes, recognition is nice...but simple thank you's are nicer.

                                I always try, if someone does something for me, to say thank you. to let them know that i appreciate what they did.

                                her simple e-mail means a lot.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


