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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
    You mean we can't talk about her hair?
    *Glares at wine_buyer* Please don't get them started......again.

    Count me in for the much as I am able that is


      ok, this week's topic, from Children of the Gods to Within the Serpent's Lair (or was it grasp?)

      How did Sam change? What moments changed her from green captain to a more experienced officer? What moments defined her? What moments altered her fate? What moments, had they happened differently, would have left her different?
      What did she learn? What will she never forget?

      You can do it in one post, an episode by episode post, bits and pieces......whatever floats ya boat
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        ok, this week's topic, from Children of the Gods to Within the Serpent's Lair (or was it grasp?)

        How did Sam change? What moments changed her from green captain to a more experienced officer? What moments defined her? What moments altered her fate? What moments, had they happened differently, would have left her different?
        What did she learn? What will she never forget?

        You can do it in one post, an episode by episode post, bits and pieces......whatever floats ya boat
        Just to start off with a little bitty... the briefing room scene of her introduction, and right as she's about to go through the gate for the first time - "You really will like me once you get to know me" For the first good long time she felt she had to defend herself against whatever judgements she was expecting. She felt the need to always prove her worth as a scientist, a team member, and a woman. Obviously, as the show progressed, that was no longer an issue within the team. She was accepted, respected, loved, and didn't need to explain herself all the time. She knew what she had to do, and was gonna get it done, or so help her
        The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

        |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          How about a theme of how sam has grown through the years? Captain to Colonel, what makes her tick, what made her the officer she is 'today'?

          Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with 'wasn't she pretty' 'let me list why i adore her'....but how about more...substance? (please no disrespect intended)

          Folks wouldn't be here if they didn't like her so....what makes Sam tick per season, per episode? How has she changed through the years? how did each episode change the Captain and lay the groundwork for Colonel Carter?
          You mean we can't talk about her hair?

          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
          *Glares at wine_buyer* Please don't get them started......again.

          Count me in for the much as I am able that is
          *points up^^^*

          Actually, I like Sky's suggestions. How has Sam changed through the years, the promotions, the gate experiences, the cultures she's come into contact with, the dangers she's face and the fears that go with it, and the science alone had to be huge for someone like her!


            Dude, it's been ages since I've watched SG-1 in any type of order. I can't do a whole season in a week!
            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              you don't have to do a whole season. just do one episode if you want, and it doesn't have to be a season a week, it can be a season a month if folks want it that way
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                Yes. They'd have to do it carefully--I wouldn't want it to be the "historical figure of the week." I think maybe something about the early days of the Sanctuary and getting Watson to work with her would be cool. Maybe Ashley's childhood. I'd love to see some kind of brief flashback of Helen in the park with Ashley in a stroller. There must be some way to work that in. Maybe she and Watson are having a discussion...
                I'd love to see flashbacks to Ash as a little kid, that would be a good way of showing Helen's past, and how life was like for her when she first became a mom.

                Loved the JS/AT twitters. Like someone said, so long as they handle it carefully (and she's nothing like Keller ) I wouldn't mind. But I know AT wants to be careful about using too many SG people. You don't want to have the SG guest star of the week syndrome. It's not so bad with the character actors, but esp the leads. I thought they handled MS pretty well. It was worth it just to see AT/Helen's smile.
                Well, Amanda said at CC that there was very little screen time with her and MS, most of the episode was with MS and AD. I'd really like to see JS or maybe even Rick on the show, either one of them would be great, and I'm sure they'd make it work like they did with Penance.

                And you're right, having Michael on the show as a great way to make Amanda smile.

                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                That's very contagious--I'd be steering clear of you too.
                I used to fake pink eyes to get out of going to school. I'd rub it, and keep my eye open to to make it red and say it's pink, and it usually worked. Still does.

                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                I agree, I wouldn't want it to be every week but in a 20 ep season they could give us a few (especially since we've had none to date).

                I like JS and wouldn't mind her guesting on Sanctuary at all. I think they can handle it well, like with MS. There was an interview with AT and DK on InnerSpace and they both were very conscious of casting MS. AT said she didn't want it to be the "Sam & Daniel show" and DK didn't want it to be just stunt casting.
                Ok, when was this Innerspace interview?

                *Hopes EH-T isn't going back to her old ways*

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                maybe skydiver can answer this, but will this thread suffer the same break (the thread not accepting more posts) like the shipper thread did when we broke a huge record?
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                when Greg saw how massive some threads were he was amazed. Right now this thread seems stable, but i think as soon as - if it does - start losing posts, the best thing to do would be to shut it down to preserve it and start over.
                Thanks for asking, Sally, and thanks for answering, Sky.

                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                ok, this week's topic, from Children of the Gods to Within the Serpent's Lair (or was it grasp?)

                How did Sam change? What moments changed her from green captain to a more experienced officer? What moments defined her? What moments altered her fate? What moments, had they happened differently, would have left her different?
                What did she learn? What will she never forget?

                You can do it in one post, an episode by episode post, bits and pieces......whatever floats ya boat
                well, to give a short answer, I think as time went on, she started to see that to make at the SGC, she had to allow herself to be more human, she had to allow herself to come to terms that she can't be soldier Sam all the time. She has feelings, and emotions, and she couldn't hide them forever, and she showed a lot of that in Singularity.

                But, she didn't want the people she worked with to let her see like that all the time, she had to stay strong and keep on top of things, yet show them that she was someone they could like and would want to work with. A lot of things happened to her in S1, good and bad, but I think those things were needed to shape her into the woman she became in WtSL, and all the way to the woman she became in EatG, 12 years later.


                  OK folks, its after midnight here, and I know it's only like 9:45 in Vancouver. But as y'all know tomorrow season 3 of Sanctuary starts filming.

                  Words cannot express how happy and proud I am for the show, the cast and the crew. The show may have started off small on the net, but it grew to TV, and from then on a lot of great things happened, S4K for one. It's come a long way since it's debut online in 2007, it's come to TV, gotten a big fan base, done things on TV no one has seen before, had interactive missions made about it, and started a very successful charity. At CC, the man presenting Sanctuary said no other internet show in history has made it to a second season on TV, and tomorrow it starts filming for it's third season. Sanctuary to me is more than just a Syfy show, it's visual art and wonder, and television history in the making, and it's all because the show has the right people, and the right fans.

                  So here's a toast, to season 3, the cast and crew, and to us, for supporting it and tuning in every week. Cheers.

                  You know what, join me for a REAL drink-

                  BEST drink ever!
                  Last edited by Rocky89; 14 March 2010, 08:55 PM.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    the sam infirmary thing

                    ok, use myself <snipped for length>
                    The company I work for goes by a point system; point for calling off, sometimes two or three depending on what day of the week it is, point for tardiness, points for calling off on holidays. We have points for going home sick, etc.. I understand my company's need for us to be there. Without us, tables can't open and guests can't play and spend money and hence, the company is unable to make money. Makes sense and takes no stretch of the imagination to understand. People have lost their job by pointing out which might seem harsh, but on the other hand, we are rewarded quite richly for timeliness and perfect attendance. So it's all fair to me. Heck, it's a job. Time to grow least where work is concerned.

                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    This is because you only discovered the Team thread just as the entire review of eps was ending, isn't it? Timing is everything. Since I shall miss the discussions on the Team thread, I'd like to do this (besides, we'll actually be on topic for a change )

                    Yeah, timing is sometimes my arch nemesis. I missed the whole review by only 10 seasons in the Team thread. Seems my record for showing up early when something good is happening is still safe.

                    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                    You mean we can't talk about her hair?
                    Yikes! I might go more insane talking about hair for the next several dozen pages.

                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    I like the idea of a SG1 re-watch from a Sam perspective. We are coming up on a pretty big thread count anniversary (coming up on 110,000 posts) and it might be a good time to honor the occassion with something special like this.

                    I've been watching the old seasons and just moved on to Season 3. Somewhere along the line, Sam went from being pretty unsure of herself, to getting a promotion, acting very confident, and being a real part of the team. If I had been paying a little more attention, or actually coherent at the time , I would like to have tried to pinpoint an episode/scene/situation where her situation changed. A nice discussion might have helped me see the change, or at least narrow it down.

                    But then, I like talking about curling too
                    So glad so many are chiming in that they like the idea of a rewatch. I've been needing something like this for a long time or I wouldnt be seeking it out so much lately. It's also comforting knowing I'm not the only one who has forgotten so much about the episodes too. Whew!

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    when Greg saw how massive some threads were he was amazed. Right now this thread seems stable, but i think as soon as - if it does - start losing posts, the best thing to do would be to shut it down to preserve it and start over.
                    Wow! We have been quite chatty havent we?

                    What year did this thread even begin? *iz too lazy to check*

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    ok, this week's topic, from Children of the Gods to Within the Serpent's Lair (or was it grasp?)

                    How did Sam change? What moments changed her from green captain to a more experienced officer? What moments defined her? What moments altered her fate? What moments, had they happened differently, would have left her different?
                    What did she learn? What will she never forget?

                    You can do it in one post, an episode by episode post, bits and pieces......whatever floats ya boat

                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    Dude, it's been ages since I've watched SG-1 in any type of order. I can't do a whole season in a week!
                    Eeep! I don't think I can do it either! I do work over 40hrs a week (and with a semi-social life thrown into the mix) and trying to tackle a season in a week is just not going to happen for me. I can do a thorough watching of an episode or two a week and make jot notes to bring from it into some sort of discussion here, but picking one massive theme and trying to cram a whole season to get the entirety of the development of Sam's character fully understood would be a too much. I cannae do it. Sorry.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      ok, this week's topic, from Children of the Gods to Within the Serpent's Lair (or was it grasp?)

                      How did Sam change? What moments changed her from green captain to a more experienced officer? What moments defined her? What moments altered her fate? What moments, had they happened differently, would have left her different?
                      What did she learn? What will she never forget?

                      You can do it in one post, an episode by episode post, bits and pieces......whatever floats ya boat
             to think about tonight in more detail, but it feels like the biggest change is the moon sized chip on her shoulder shrunk way down to a much more manageable sized chip.
                      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                      My Fanfic~My Femslash


                        I was at work today when my phone a new text message:
                        @amandatapping: At airport in Vangroovy waiting to go to NY for Syfy upfronts. So weird to miss 1st day of #Sanctuary. Feel kinda sad ... and sleepy. Xo

                        Here's to Amanda getting some sleep and feeling happy again!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                          Awsome pics Kat
                          Originally posted by kusanagi View Post
                          thanks glad you liked them!

                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Agreed. I was just wondering again while watching Kali where all her resources come from but maybe they just want to keep that as part of her mysterious past. However, they keep talking about wanting to do some of Helen's backstory (at least AT does) but we haven't seen it yet. Bring it on!

                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          Yes. They'd have to do it carefully--I wouldn't want it to be the "historical figure of the week." I think maybe something about the early days of the Sanctuary and getting Watson to work with her would be cool. Maybe Ashley's childhood. I'd love to see some kind of brief flashback of Helen in the park with Ashley in a stroller. There must be some way to work that in. Maybe she and Watson are having a discussion...

                          Loved the JS/AT twitters. Like someone said, so long as they handle it carefully (and she's nothing like Keller ) I wouldn't mind. But I know AT wants to be careful about using too many SG people. You don't want to have the SG guest star of the week syndrome. It's not so bad with the character actors, but esp the leads. I thought they handled MS pretty well. It was worth it just to see AT/Helen's smile.
                          no, i wouldnt want historical figure of the week either... back stories that im particularly interested in are how the five met and started their research, the progression of helen over the years, the point where she decided to have ashley... but also some of the people she has met over the years...

                          id also like to see when henry and big foot came to the sanctuary and what it was that started their friendship... more backstory helens watching over will as a child and how his gift of noticing things came about... more about the contacts kate would have made over the years...

                          someone from stargate id really like to see on sanctuary is teryl rothery...

                          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                          I looked up the words "On topic" but I still have no clue what it means. I also like the idea of re-watching and discussing episodes of SG1. I came into the fandom via Sanctuary so I missed a lot of prior discussions.
                          LOL, i think we could all use the definition of 'on topic' but i think we may all face the same problem you did with its defintion
                          "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            I was at work today when my phone a new text message:
                            @amandatapping: At airport in Vangroovy waiting to go to NY for Syfy upfronts. So weird to miss 1st day of #Sanctuary. Feel kinda sad ... and sleepy. Xo

                            Here's to Amanda getting some sleep and feeling happy again!
                            Here's to Amanda!!


                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                              OK folks, its after midnight here, and I know it's only like 9:45 in Vancouver. But as y'all know tomorrow season 3 of Sanctuary starts filming.

                              Words cannot express how happy and proud I am for the show, the cast and the crew. The show may have started off small on the net, but it grew to TV, and from then on a lot of great things happened, S4K for one. It's come a long way since it's debut online in 2007, it's come to TV, gotten a big fan base, done things on TV no one has seen before, had interactive missions made about it, and started a very successful charity. At CC, the man presenting Sanctuary said no other internet show in history has made it to a second season on TV, and tomorrow it starts filming for it's third season. Sanctuary to me is more than just a Syfy show, it's visual art and wonder, and television history in the making, and it's all because the show has the right people, and the right fans.

                              So here's a toast, to season 3, the cast and crew, and to us, for supporting it and tuning in every week. Cheers.

                              You know what, join me for a REAL drink-

                              BEST drink ever!
                              Cheers!(holds up hot cuppa) heres to many years of Sanctuary

                              Sanctuary has done so well and i cant wait to see what happens in season 3
                              (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                                So it's all fair to me. Heck, it's a job. Time to grow least where work is concerned.
                                at times, i wish we had something like that. my co-worker, quite often goes home with a 'headache', or if we're slow, he goes home to work around the house, etc. and i'm usually the one to stay behind....and the only 'punishment'.....he's got less than 50 hours of sick leave, i have over 600., and he's worked for the company longer than I have.

                                sometimes i do get tired of those going home all the time simply because they lack the work ethic to stay and get a job done.

                                when i have to bite my tongue is when he'll occasionally mention how come people come to me or how come I know about this or about that....well dude, first you claimed the cubie 'around the corner' so you're not in easy view of the door, and you're quite often gone, gee wonder why people don't ask you stuff?

                                Sometimes I wonder if that ever bugged sam. Bear with times, especially in the later seasons, Jack seemed to have a 'yeah, take care of it tomorrow' attitude. 'i'm going home, call me if something happens' he never shirked his duty (and to be fair, my co-worker doesn't do that either. if there's something that has to be done, he'll be here), but jack did seem to have a 'take time to play' attitude, while sam seemed to have a 'hang out in case i'm needed' attitude.

                                I wonder if they ever were at odds over it?
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


