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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    meaningless spam for post 4300
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by ChopinGal
      Have to get ready for work, but just picked this layout up at another one of my forums ... don't think we've posted it here yet. It's the TV Guide inside spread. LOL Putting our Queen next to a certain BG sexpot seems like a perfect example of "form over substance".

      It should have been Janet Fraiser standing next to Sam! (Sigh) Let's hope better days are coming .... S9 will be here before you know it.

      Have a great day, those of you who can play and not have to earn a paycheck today!
      Wow! I never realized Dr. Balthar was such a shrimp! Well, the "sexpot" IS wearing heels, but our queen is just naturally and regally tall. As for Teyla, she is more on the order of Teryl's size....maybe a tad taller. You learn something new everyday!


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        meaningless spam for post 4300
        And thoughtful spam to congrat Skydiver for post 4300
        Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


          Originally posted by ChopinGal
          And the Royal Foot-in-Mouth Award goes to ... (drum roll) ...

          Chopin Gal

          Dear Royal Bodyguard ... I am so sorry that you kind of misinterpreted my good intentions. Let me explain what I meant, or at least try to ... er ... if I could just extricate my big toe from ... aah! That's better ... got it out of my mouth ... and I'm talking ....

          Here's the scoop: in my mind, I saw your wonderful flag designs as quite vivid in color and bold ... and using that frame, compared to Lys, it did seem that the boldness of your design appeared more masculine in nature (nothing to do with the designer!).

          Think Betsy Ross ... now that gal put together quite a bold design herself ... there she was in her skirt and pearls and girly-girl getup ... but, if you didn't know who produced the flag ... by gosh, those old founding fathers probably took a look at the bold and daring design of the stars and stripes and whatever ... and all that linear construction and penetrating color and, hot dang, those patriarchs just knew they had themselves one good-looking manly flag for the new nation.

          Well, that's how I felt about your blue-and-green flag - it was right on! It had nothing to due with your own gender!!! But, then, sigh, I saw Lys's blue jello and circular stargate and cute-as-a-button Sam in the middle flashing her sweet blue eyes ... and I just thought of it as more soft and feminine. Somehow, even though the colors were just as bold, Sam's face had softened the perspective of the design (for me).

          Oh Lord ... I'm headin' for the Royal Liquor Cabinet right now ... are you there Royal Accountant?! Open up and let me in ... I need to calm these nerves .... Hey, Keeper? Madam VP? Anyone out there? Help!!

          Jester (who promises, in the future, to engage her brain before speaking)
          My dear jester, I confess that my misinterpretation was, um, somewhat deliberate... I just couldn't resist such a grand opportunity to poke a little fun at your words. You see, there's a running joke in my family that my parents had two boys, then tried a third time for a girl... and unfortunately ended up with another boy (me)... And now, imagine my horror to discover that my masculine FLAG DESIGN obviously provides further evidence for this misconception...

          Strix "I don't try to be butch" varia

          My LJ


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            meaningless spam for post 4300
            Congrats on post 4300!

            And you are allowed a "meaningless spam" post, as the majority of your posts are full of content and well written and thought out. So, an occasional "quickie" is fine.


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              You know, I'm not sure if TPTB realize how much of a little pep squad they have in Amanda. Because more than anything, it's her genuine kindness and wanting to make everyone feel welcomed and appreciated that has made the show seem so close knit to me.

              With other shows, when someone leaves you always seem to hear about the animosity that surrounded the set while that person was a part of the show, and yet with Amanda, she always goes out of her way to express the positive contributions that each person made/makes. She did it with Michael, Cormin, David and she's doing it yet again with RDA. It's for this reason that I admire her so deeply.

              It's very easy for each of us to see the negative aspects of life when we are down or frustrated. I know, I for one, am very much like this; but Amanda seems to have this wonderful ability to look past the negatives and find something good in almost every situation. Even when people constantly push the negatives in her face, via questions/interviews, she will often agree that they exist and yet offer a positive side as well. I truly commend her for being such a uplifting and genuinely thoughtful person. I can't express how much she has changed my views on life itself since I began to learn about her.

              I know many people look at Sam Carter and see this wonderful role model, a strong and intelligent woman who has achieved and done more than most of us have ever dreamt; and yet when I look deep down inside myself and think of all the things I wished I had become or done, nothing seems as important to me as wishing I were more compassionate, understanding, giving, nuturing and loving.

              Try as I might, I feel as if it's a daily struggle to improve these aspects of myself. And yet just when I feel as if I might give up, I need only look at Amanda and see her genuine kindness towards others and all my doubts seem to go away. It's as if she's become this beacon of hope that makes me want to strive a bit harder, to reach down a bit deeper and become the person I know I'm truly capable of becoming.

              This may seem very silly to others, but over the past year there has been one thing about myself that I have tried desperately to change. It's such a tiny, little thing; and yet I never realized until I had become so captivated by Amanda how much it could change my life... and that was simply to greet each new day with a smile upon my face. It seemed like such a simple request at first. Smile. Yes, it's easy enough to make yourself smile at will. To smile at your child, your spouse, the mailman...the clerk at the grocery store. Perhaps I am in the minority but to remove the perpetual frown from my face and replace it with a smile has been a very hard task to accomplish, but I'm finding it's well worth it.

              So I'll just tack 'smile' down to the long list of things of why I truly admire Amanda.

              A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. ~Unknown
              This is a post that exempifies the best of this thread and deserves to be repeated several times throughout the day, so everyone can read it. It says it all, and very well. I'm going to make a copy and tape it where I can see it. This is advice I need to take.

              Thank you Kat.


                Originally posted by Lys
                What about Scotland ?
                As far as I'm aware, Scotland doesn't have any "Rights of Way" laws as such.

                While recognised tracks and trails have become established over time, you can basically go wherever you like as long as you're not trespassing on private property, causing damage or getting up to any form of mischief, or the landowner hasn't got a valid reason for restricting access (for example, deer stalking / culling is taking place and they don't want to shoot you by mistake!!!). There are also certain places where it is customary to contact the landowner out of courtesy before you go wandering over their land.

                This certainly applies to access on foot. I believe the same rules apply to cycling, although ultimately it is the terrain which is more of a limiting factor as to where you're able to go.

                So, no hills in my case...



                  Originally posted by Atteria
                  This is a post that exempifies the best of this thread and deserves to be repeated several times throughout the day, so everyone can read it. It says it all, and very well. I'm going to make a copy and tape it where I can see it. This is advice I need to take.

                  Thank you Kat.
                  I think it's advice we could all use from time to time.



                    Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
                    As far as I'm aware, Scotland doesn't have any "Rights of Way" laws as such.

                    While recognised tracks and trails have become established over time, you can basically go wherever you like as long as you're not trespassing on private property, causing damage or getting up to any form of mischief, or the landowner hasn't got a valid reason for restricting access (for example, deer stalking / culling is taking place and they don't want to shoot you by mistake!!!). There are also certain places where it is customary to contact the landowner out of courtesy before you go wandering over their land.

                    This certainly applies to access on foot. I believe the same rules apply to cycling, although ultimately it is the terrain which is more of a limiting factor as to where you're able to go.

                    So, no hills in my case...

                    I certainly didn't expect such an extensive answer ! Thanks for your insight in the maze of laws applied on both sides of the Tweed river.
                    Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                      What wonderful posts and discussion about how Sam would view religion and faith! Thanks to everyone for posting such considerate and thoughtful expositions. Definitely a round of the Royal Blue is in order!
                      Originally posted by Lys
                      Happy Birthday 1speed4sam !

                      Great cake, Lys!
                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                      You know, I'm not sure if TPTB realize how much of a little pep squad they have in Amanda. Because more than anything, it's her genuine kindness and wanting to make everyone feel welcomed and appreciated that has made the show seem so close knit to me.

                      With other shows, when someone leaves you always seem to hear about the animosity that surrounded the set while that person was a part of the show, and yet with Amanda, she always goes out of her way to express the positive contributions that each person made/makes. She did it with Michael, Cormin, David and she's doing it yet again with RDA. It's for this reason that I admire her so deeply.

                      It's very easy for each of us to see the negative aspects of life when we are down or frustrated. I know, I for one, am very much like this; but Amanda seems to have this wonderful ability to look past the negatives and find something good in almost every situation. Even when people constantly push the negatives in her face, via questions/interviews, she will often agree that they exist and yet offer a positive side as well. I truly commend her for being such a uplifting and genuinely thoughtful person. I can't express how much she has changed my views on life itself since I began to learn about her.

                      I know many people look at Sam Carter and see this wonderful role model, a strong and intelligent woman who has achieved and done more than most of us have ever dreamt; and yet when I look deep down inside myself and think of all the things I wished I had become or done, nothing seems as important to me as wishing I were more compassionate, understanding, giving, nuturing and loving.

                      Try as I might, I feel as if it's a daily struggle to improve these aspects of myself. And yet just when I feel as if I might give up, I need only look at Amanda and see her genuine kindness towards others and all my doubts seem to go away. It's as if she's become this beacon of hope that makes me want to strive a bit harder, to reach down a bit deeper and become the person I know I'm truly capable of becoming.

                      This may seem very silly to others, but over the past year there has been one thing about myself that I have tried desperately to change. It's such a tiny, little thing; and yet I never realized until I had become so captivated by Amanda how much it could change my life... and that was simply to greet each new day with a smile upon my face. It seemed like such a simple request at first. Smile. Yes, it's easy enough to make yourself smile at will. To smile at your child, your spouse, the mailman...the clerk at the grocery store. Perhaps I am in the minority but to remove the perpetual frown from my face and replace it with a smile has been a very hard task to accomplish, but I'm finding it's well worth it.

                      So I'll just tack 'smile' down to the long list of things of why I truly admire Amanda.

                      A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. ~Unknown
                      Wonderful post, Kat!
                      (PS: Also love your sig pic's reference to 'pillow talk' ala the earlier Doris Day references )
                      Last edited by astrogeologist; 06 July 2005, 08:13 AM.


                        For my 600th post, I will announce the winner of the "special occasion cake" contest......and the winner is:

                        The "flowery" cake won by 2 votes! First runner up was the "fantasy" cake. Thanks to all who voted and let's hope we get to use this cake soon.


                          i can't green ya atteria, but congrats on post 600!!!
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Congrats Skydiver on 4,300 Posts!!
                            Congrats Atteria on 600 Posts!!
                            Last edited by ChevronSeven; 06 July 2005, 09:25 AM.


                              Ooh... I'd better get on it, if I'm gonna get 1000 posts by July 15th!

                              Sorry about the neg post last night, guys! Sometimes I get in a ranting mood for a good five or ten minutes, and it ALL goes to pot! I think I might have been a tad bit on the fatigued side, too... But today IS a new day, and I'm counting down to the Inside SciFi Friday thingy on Monday...

                              I guess it just gives me something to do.


                                Kat, really nice post about smiling and Amanda’s positive outlook. It reminded me of the days when my mother used to say ‘think happy thoughts’ (I was a bit of a scowling teenager). It can be so easy to slip into our daily routine and forget something as easy a smile for those we meet along the way. Thanks for the reminder of the dual benefit (for others and ourselves) of such a simple act as smiling.

                                Sky, Congratulations on post 4300! Your posts are *never” spam!

                                Atteria, Congratulations on post 600! Way to go!

                                1speed, belated birthday wishes and I hope you haven’t eaten all that cake – yet. Have you cycled up and down that chocolate mountain before consuming each bit of cake? Now, a really important question - can you finish season 2 before Sam returns on August 19?

