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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    sam would kick tushie in curling.

    a lot of it is like pool, power, angle, deflection, geometry

    it's a game of strategy
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
      Can I tell you how much I love curling. That's one of the things I most look forward to with the winter Olympics. (Must be all that French Canadian blood running through my veins ). Of course I usually have to record it 'cuz in the states they always show it at odd hours if it's not live.
      Can I tell you how much I love you?

      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
      I have to thank our Steward Co-ordinator, Tracy for that. She's great with designing banners etc.

      (Posting again, as asked )
      Brilliant Tracy! Thanks for posting again.

      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

      My sister's family have a Wii game and one of the Christmas presents was a game for the Vancouver Olympics. So I spent much of the last two weeks bobsleighing, ski jumping, ice skating and snowboarding on the Wii.

      After a while, I was tired of getting whipped by 6 and 10 year olds, so I suggested we learn to play curling on the game. They had no idea what curling was, so saved that button for last. We all absolutely loved it. I still got beat at the beginning (couldn't get the darn rock to go fast enough!), but at least I gave them a run for their money later on! I also taught them the saying "Age and treachery will always win out over youth and beauty" as I continually slammed their rocks out of the house

      Great game! And, of course all I could think about the whole time was Jack explaining curling in one of the SG1 episodes I also wondered if Jack ever took the rest of the team curling. I bet each team member would get a kick out of it in their own way.

      My nephew said it all when I finally beat him the first time and he was just as excited as I was. He said, "It's amazing how interesting this game is when it looks so easy and simple at the beginning." We got to the point where he wanted to play curling and I wanted to go back to the giant slalom.

      And he is right. Now I'm looking for curling courts (or whatever you call them) in Washington DC. I want to do this live! Maybe the Canadian embassy has a court, eh?

      Between the Arctic blast weather outside and the Wii Olympic game inside, I think the Canadian advertising campaign is in full swing. And working !
      LOL! Curling rinks have several sheets of ice. If you call the Canadian Embassy and ask for curling courts they will just laugh at you. However, they may have tennis courts and given the weather you've had recently, they may have frozen over and you could curl on them!

      In my town, once the rivers freeze they make a long skating trail. At one end of the trail are areas for hockey and curling. It's amazing to curl outdoors!

      I did not know there was such a game for Wii. Have to get that for the nephews!

      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      I googled. Mixed feelings about her story.
      Gee, why?

      I've watched curling. That's what happens when you live near the border. I grew up watching CBC.

      Oh, I'll have to get that game. I love the Olympics and I just got a Wii last week![/
      The CBC is part of our world domination plan. Now if we could just get more Canadians watching it!

      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      I love just about any sport and curling fascinates me. It's definitely not a strength sport, but more one of precision and skill. First time I saw it on tv, I was utterly amazed. It's very cool and I'm looking forward to seeing it in February.
      Obviously you have never had to sweep rock after rock in a curling game.

      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      D'oH! Yep...I've gone to google...but I'm not complaining...the more knowledge I gain the smarter I become...right??? Or am I kidding myself?? Thanks EH-T!
      Heehee, my plan is working.

      BTW, I was thinking about you just pooped into my fron...hope all is well in your frozen part of the world...wish I was a few scorchers coming up!
      Hard to tell which is worse, your scorching heat or our cold. Walked home yesterday and it was -30C with windchill. Today, -38C!

      And like Amanda, Sam would be allowed to use Jack's tool to repair it should it need fixing or tuning or the like!

      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      I just had a vision of Amanda pointing her finger and saying "Bang". Now did she mention that at AT4 or in an interview recently?...I can't remember.
      Both, I think.

      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
      Percussive Maintenance?

      I remember a short lived curling obsession over here from the last winter olympics. The whole country seemed patriotically/competitively obligated to watch when it became apparent that the GB women's team were doing well. Not that many people had a clue what was going on when they were watching, but by golly, we were watching
      Time to regain that obsession.

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      sam would kick tushie in curling.

      a lot of it is like pool, power, angle, deflection, geometry

      it's a game of strategy
      She would. Sam would make a great skip and Teal'c, Jack and Daniel would be great sweepers.

      Welcome one and all to the Sam/Amanda/Curling thread. My work here is done.

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Time to regain that obsession.
        It's one of the only Winter Olympic events where we've got a shot at a medal or medals....of course I'm watching!

        I wonder if there were any sports Sam wouldn't be able to have a decent go at and have some level of success given the decent levels of strength, dexterity, co-ordination and brain power she's got at her disposal.
        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
        My Fanfic~My Femslash


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          (secretly hopes everyone is googling War of 1812 and Laura Secord, if so, my work here is done)
          OK, so I googled it and the first sentence that came up was this:
          "Mention the name Laura Secord and Canadians picture that woman on the chocolate boxes. "

          lol, so on topic.

          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          The tried and true Luddite method.

          I think Sam could fix pretty much anything mechanical or technological. But with a house full of computers would she still own a VCR?
          Yes, but only until all seasons of McGyver have been released on DVD. Until then she will have to keep the VCR to watch her old tapes.

          (For that very same reason I still own a VCR. Well, actually, the reason is not old McGyver tapes but a whole shelf full of tapes with just about everything - except the last 4 years - my favorite actor has done. Some time in March a whole bunch of those tapes will get thrown out! Season 1 of SMK is due for release then.)

          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          (secretly hopes everyone is googling War of 1812 and Laura Secord, if so, my work here is done)
          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          *High Fives EH-T*

          Job well done!
          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          Thank you ma'am. Now if I can get them all curling, or at least watching curling, our plan for world domination will be complete.
          So ya wanna hook me up with Olympic curling tickets?
          I'm game.
          Men with brooms, just can't resist.

          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          LOL!! I like that one
          My sister's family have a Wii game and one of the Christmas presents was a game for the Vancouver Olympics. So I spent much of the last two weeks bobsleighing, ski jumping, ice skating and snowboarding on the Wii.

          Between the Arctic blast weather outside and the Wii Olympic game inside, I think the Canadian advertising campaign is in full swing. And working !
          I have to ask: is that the Mario and Sonic Olympics game? Because that is the only WII Winter Olympics game I could find online.

          I saw 2010 Olympic Games for XBox and PS but not for the WII.
          If there is a similar one for the WII I'm going to get it.


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Obviously you have never had to sweep rock after rock in a curling game.
            For sweeping the ice in front of the rock? Hmm, I've never played the sport, but I've seen how they do get rest periods in between and they're only active for the time the rock is sliding. Definitely not an extreme sport. They do need superior judgment and lightening quickness of thought to decide angles and trajectory, but strength? I'd think they'd need to apply more physics than anything. But, again, I've never played.

            To me, curling is like playing chess on ice. It's more about the calculation and thinking one move ahead of yourself what you will do.


              Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
              I have to ask: is that the Mario and Sonic Olympics game? Because that is the only WII Winter Olympics game I could find online.

              I saw 2010 Olympic Games for XBox and PS but not for the WII.
              If there is a similar one for the WII I'm going to get it.
              Yes. Mario and Sonic. I didn't know who they were but do now, plus there were a whole bunch of other video characters I didn't know. I now like Peach and Yoshi best

              The only event I could see Sam struggling to do would be the bobsleigh. I think Daniel would hop in the sled quickly and Teal'c could push. But you have to have four and I don't know if Jack would be very quick getting in


                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                For sweeping the ice in front of the rock? Hmm, I've never played the sport, but I've seen how they do get rest periods in between and they're only active for the time the rock is sliding. Definitely not an extreme sport. They do need superior judgment and lightening quickness of thought to decide angles and trajectory, but strength? I'd think they'd need to apply more physics than anything. But, again, I've never played.

                To me, curling is like playing chess on ice. It's more about the calculation and thinking one move ahead of yourself what you will do.
                For the Wii, you had to shake the controller the whole time the stone was sliding down the lane (forgive the technical terms here, I'm a beginner). We were all breathing hard and sweating just doing that. Of course, two of us were sick as sin, but we did get our exercise


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Oooh...I hope I wasn't the mad gunman.
                  I had a bad dream last night...I was in pain and literally woke up crying in pain...bad neck and shoulders...the masseuse wanted to know if I had been in an accident recently as my neck is such a mess. Only thing I can recall other than the pain is my hubby saying it was alright...but bugger me...the pain was real!!

                  I just had a vision of Amanda pointing her finger and saying "Bang". Now did she mention that at AT4 or in an interview recently?...I can't remember.
                  I heard that in an interview. She also talked about correcting all the "kids" when they did Training Ground. They were holding their guns wrong.

                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                  For the Wii, you had to shake the controller the whole time the stone was sliding down the lane (forgive the technical terms here, I'm a beginner). We were all breathing hard and sweating just doing that. Of course, two of us were sick as sin, but we did get our exercise
                  Definitely have to get that game. The Wii is great exercise, that's why I bought one.
                  Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                  William Shakespeare

                  Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    For the Wii, you had to shake the controller the whole time the stone was sliding down the lane (forgive the technical terms here, I'm a beginner). We were all breathing hard and sweating just doing that. Of course, two of us were sick as sin, but we did get our exercise
                    All this talk of this Wii game has me itching to pick it up now for myself.

                    I'm with you on the exercise the Wii can give you. I have the EA Active which I use occasionally during the week when I'm unable to get out of doors because of work. It gets my heart rate up substantially with the exercises and leaves me feeling a good tired which I love.


                      Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                      OK, so I googled it and the first sentence that came up was this:
                      "Mention the name Laura Secord and Canadians picture that woman on the chocolate boxes. "

                      lol, so on topic.
                      Yes, they named a chocolate company after her. One more reason to love her. Heroic woman and great chocolates!

                      So ya wanna hook me up with Olympic curling tickets?
                      I'm game.
                      I'd love to but I couldn't even get tickets myself, not through proper means. There is now a website where tickets can be resold by those who "can't use them". Unfortunately, it is probably mostly people who bought tickets hoping to cash in on reselling. Worse still, the Vancouver Olympic Committee is sanctioning the site to "protect" ticket purchasers from fraud. Right. Oh, and just a coincidence that the VOC is taking a cut of each ticket resold. When did pimping become an Olympic sport? I am not in favour of scalping even when it is deemed legal. Just plain wrong.

                      Men with brooms, just can't resist
                      Paul Gross (of Due South fame) did a movie called Men With Brooms. Now that was hard to resist.


                      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                      For the Wii, you had to shake the controller the whole time the stone was sliding down the lane (forgive the technical terms here, I'm a beginner). We were all breathing hard and sweating just doing that. Of course, two of us were sick as sin, but we did get our exercise

                      You can call it down the ice or down the sheet. (Love that I'm teaching curling terminology )

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                        All this talk of this Wii game has me itching to pick it up now for myself.

                        I'm with you on the exercise the Wii can give you. I have the EA Active which I use occasionally during the week when I'm unable to get out of doors because of work. It gets my heart rate up substantially with the exercises and leaves me feeling a good tired which I love.
                        I've been thinking about Wii sports too. I might actually do some exercise if it was fun and I didn't have to risk falling on ice.

                        Not totally sure how it works. Do you plug the console into your tv? Maybe someone can PM me. (jckfan goes to find quill pen to take notes)

                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        You can call it down the ice or down the sheet. (Love that I'm teaching curling terminology )
                        See, the thread is *educational.* I love that scene in The Light where Jack is teasing Sam about a bet on curling.


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          I've been thinking about Wii sports too. I might actually do some exercise if it was fun and I didn't have to risk falling on ice.

                          Not totally sure how it works. Do you plug the console into your tv? Maybe someone can PM me. (jckfan goes to find quill pen to take notes)

                          See, the thread is *educational.* I love that scene in The Light where Jack is teasing Sam about a bet on curling.
                          Plugs into your TV with RCA cables (red, white, yellow). They come with the game so you can bring it home and plug it in.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            I had a nightmare last night. A gunman open fired on a unicycle parade. Then suddenly Amanda Tapping (not Sam or Helen) appeared out of nowhere and threw herself on him and kicked the gun away. Then she sat on him and patted him down for any other weapons. Dream Eileen figured that Amanda must know her way around a gun by now.
                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            Oooh...I hope I wasn't the mad gunman.
                            I had a bad dream last night...I was in pain and literally woke up crying in pain...bad neck and shoulders...the masseuse wanted to know if I had been in an accident recently as my neck is such a mess. Only thing I can recall other than the pain is my hubby saying it was alright...but bugger me...the pain was real!!

                            I just had a vision of Amanda pointing her finger and saying "Bang". Now did she mention that at AT4 or in an interview recently?...I can't remember.
                            OMG I had a very bad Amanda dream the other day too. I was taking a nap on the couch and the dream I had was so sad I actually woke up teary. I'm not going to explain the dream, but we were all together, and everyone had tears in there eyes.

                            They say some dreams come true, but I don't EVER want that to come true.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            sam would kick tushie in curling.

                            a lot of it is like pool, power, angle, deflection, geometry

                            it's a game of strategy
                            I agree, but how do you think she'd be at tennis or bowling?

                            Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                            Yes, but only until all seasons of McGyver have been released on DVD. Until then she will have to keep the VCR to watch her old tapes.

                            (For that very same reason I still own a VCR. Well, actually, the reason is not old McGyver tapes but a whole shelf full of tapes with just about everything - except the last 4 years - my favorite actor has done. Some time in March a whole bunch of those tapes will get thrown out! Season 1 of SMK is due for release then.)
                            I don't why people look at VRC's as old. I have 2 in my house and I love them, of course I have DVD players and a big TV, but I woulnd't want to lose my VCR's either. I have tapes from my childhood on tape that I wouldn't want to lose either.

                            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                            For the Wii, you had to shake the controller the whole time the stone was sliding down the lane (forgive the technical terms here, I'm a beginner). We were all breathing hard and sweating just doing that. Of course, two of us were sick as sin, but we did get our exercise
                            I don't ever see myself getting a Wii, it looks weird and I'm perfectly happy with my PSW.

                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            Paul Gross (of Due South fame) did a movie called Men With Brooms. Now that was hard to resist.
                            I saw that movie Men With Brooms, I buddy of mine from HS was in that movie actually. And Amanda was in an episode of Due South.

                            Btw, since I have to take the bus VERY early to get to collage now, I had to go by Toronto today to get a student membership pass, I've been there plenty of times before, but this time the only thing that I could think of when I was there wasn't that I was in a big city or that I saw the CN tower, Toronto only ever really meant something to me after I learned that Amanda grew up there. And Michael too. It was so to be in Amanda's home town in Canada, how everyone ever been there?

                            One more thing, on my way there I passed by a TV studio called Shaw TV. I think it's the same network where Amanda will be doing that interview, I could be wrong, but I think it is. When is her interview anyway?
                            Last edited by Rocky89; 07 January 2010, 01:52 PM.


                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                              I agree, but how do you think she'd be at tennis oe bowling?
                              Don't know about Sam, but AT was apparently a pretty good tennis player. I seem to recall the guy who plays Pendergast saying he played tennis with her once upon a time.


                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                Don't know about Sam, but AT was apparently a pretty good tennis player. I seem to recall the guy who plays Pendergast saying he played tennis with her once upon a time.
                                I've never heard this, details.

