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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    i couldn't resist... oh crap, s2 is going to rock!!
    LOL, bad Sally...just can't resist the temptation eh?

    my fanfic


      Well, I'm not too happy right now, I went by two DVD stores today, Future shop and HMV, and they both told me the Sanctuary DVD's were delayed.

      I had to wake up early to go get them, got a ride near the first store I went to, Future shop, I walked there, only to find out they don't have it. Then I went to a DVD store near it, and it wasn't there either. I'm like "I did all that for nothing?" Then when I got to HMV, I was told it wasn't there either, my eyes lit up like a Goa'uld and I thought: "I came all this way for a copy of Sanctuary, and I'm going to get a copy of Sanctuary.

      I got 4 hours sleep last night, and I did all that walking for nothing. I'm hoping for Friday, but my record has been broken, I bought both the SG-1 movies the day they came out, and sadly I can't say the same for Sanctuary. I'm just glad you guys have got a copy, and the good news is that Sanctuary is ranked #21 on Amazon's best sellers.


        Originally posted by rderoch View Post
        Mine shipped from Amazon on Monday so I'm hoping to have it for the weekend. Sanctuary marathon!
        ooh, i just checked mine, and it says i could get it on the 17th! it said before it could be the end of the month... but now it's VERY soon!!



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          i'm gonna check best buy later on this week, but they should have it. wally world listed it on the website as 'online'

          now, i know folks hate wally world, but they will do a free 'site to store' so you can order and pay for it, have it shipped to your local store and pick it up and there's no postage.

          but we're going to be hitting best buy tomorrow, so i'm going to check there

          Target had it at both I went to (2 each). I bought 2 because one is a gift. It was a few dollars more than at Best Buy, but you can take the BB ad in and they'll price match. The Wal-Mart I went into didn't have it at all. But it was on the smaller side, so I'm assuming that's why. Best Buy is impossible for me to get to, my shift at my job I keep reminding myself I'm grateful to have is crappy and Best Buy isn't in a convenient area to it.

          Yay! I have it! As no one is online to chat, I guess I'll watch an ep. Oh, that hardship!

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Add me to the list of those frustrated by the DVD release for Sanctuary. Not in relation to the extras, we'll get those eventually, but by the fact that the DVD is nowhere to be found. I spent a couple of hours and went to several stores and no Sanctuary. The Future Shop checked and apparently none of their stores in Canada have it. I even went to the evil Walmart and I never shop in that store. No one could tell me when they are getting any. Off now to find the e-mail address of the distributors to register my concern about the failure to deliver to the stores.

            Did those in the U.S. get it?

            So much for that e-mail I sent a few weeks ago asking about distribution, huh? <sigh>
            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by leiasky View Post
              Hopefully, not finding it on the shelves is indicative of how well its selling and not that it wasn't distributed properly!
              I had the same thought when I saw there was only one left! Right after, 'yay there's one left!'

              Though it was funny, when I was checking out, the girl at the register saw the DVD and said 'oh I remember this show, it has a weird English woman and vampires right?' Heh. I kinda laughed and said yeah, plus Jack the Ripper, Bigfoot, and Sherlock Holmes.



                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                Add me to the list of those frustrated by the DVD release for Sanctuary. Not in relation to the extras, we'll get those eventually, but by the fact that the DVD is nowhere to be found. I spent a couple of hours and went to several stores and no Sanctuary. The Future Shop checked and apparently none of their stores in Canada have it. I even went to the evil Walmart and I never shop in that store. No one could tell me when they are getting any. Off now to find the e-mail address of the distributors to register my concern about the failure to deliver to the stores.

                Did those in the U.S. get it?
                Yep, U.S. got it. BB was selling it at a special price of $24.99 instead of the sticker price of $34.99.


                  Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                  A friend gave me a tape with a couple of episodes way back. I started watching CotG and the "reproductive organ"-bit really annoyed me. I watched an additional 5 minutes but then turned it off and never watched the rest.

                  Two years later I'm at a friend's house, the episode "Solitudes" is on and my friend tells me she needs to tape the show for a friend.
                  I said let's just watch it.
                  The episode starts and she goes "Ah, yes, it's the episode where they are back on earth through a second Stargate."
                  So, yeah, got the spoiler right at the beginning. :-(
                  I knew nothing about the show, nothing about the characters but I really liked the episode.

                  After that whenever I watched my mom's show with her on Wednesdays we left the telly on the same channel and watched Stargate.
                  I really loved the O'Neill character (no RDA-fan, never watched MacGyver) but after a while Sam grew on me and became my favorite character.

                  No bimbo-with-glasses would have been able to do that.

                  When I look at the SGU pics all I see is a bunch of pretty faces and slim bodies. The only chubby person is some guy.

                  Why is it that it's OK for guys on TV to be chubby but not for women.
                  I cannot think of one show on TV with a chubby female character but there are lots of shows with (often more than chubby) male characters but of course they are all married to beautiful, slim women.
                  The Drew Carey Show had a chubby woman on the show, character name Mimi and she was terrific on the show.


                    my copy of sanctuary shipped from amazon yesterday fingers crossed it doesnt take too long to arrive...
                    "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                      Desperately trying not to be jealous of all of the Sanctuary dvds flying into the arms of Samandans. Unfortunately I'm saving up a hefty tuition for school next year and I've had to discpline myself intensely. I'll have to see if Sanctuary hopefully makes it into my Christmas stocking


                        I received and email this morning stating it was shipped out today. Just in time to introduce my gf to the series this weekend I think. Huzzah!


                          Did anyone else order from I got a notice today that shipping has been delayed, not happy at all


                            ^ reading other posts it seems canadas instore sanctuary dvds are delayed as well... hopefully they sort it out soon...

                            found out this evening that jasmine rae has a gig at the rsl 5 mins from my place on friday night EEEKKK... ive been waiting for ages for her to do a show in queensland, and now she is playing just down the road putting nannas bday money to good use
                            "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'




                                Happy Birthday Katjoy!!

                                On the brighter side of not getting my DVD, there are now several store clerks in town who a) know about the series and b) have learned how to do a raincheck.

                                I sent a very polite Canadian e-mail to Tricon. I'm not sure they are actually the ones responsible for the delivery but hopefully they can pass it on if not. I also thanked them for their work in getting Sanctuary sold around the world.

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

