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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by kes View Post
    Its nothing that hasnt been mention before on twitter or facebook. Except maybe AT's spoiler lol
    Don't start me on Facebook! I have been trying to register for a week now and am being studiously ignored.

    Sorry to be a pain but I hate spoilers with a passion, and I did not appreciate some of what I read in that (extremely fangirly) report.

    (On my spoiler soapbox)
    For details of AT10 go to


      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post

      Sorry to be a pain but I hate spoilers with a passion, and I did not appreciate some of what I read in that (extremely fangirly) report.

      (On my spoiler soapbox)

      I read that report and there was a spoiler warning from what I recall.

      Anyone continuing to read after that, sorry, but its their own fault.

      I'd have known going in to read (even without the mention of spoilers) that I could possibly be spoiled with info.

      The only way to truly be spoiler free is to avoid places where you may be spoiled.
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        i happen to hate face book with a passion

        i don't 'get' it, or twitter or any of the other social networking things.

        livejournal is the only one i really feel comfortable at, so i'll stick there
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          i happen to hate face book with a passion

          i don't 'get' it, or twitter or any of the other social networking things.

          livejournal is the only one i really feel comfortable at, so i'll stick there
          Me too--although I had to sign in on FB to stay in touch with a friend who cancelled all her email accounts. It totally confuses me and of course I keep getting emails asking to be my "friend" even though I have no idea who they are. I ignore them. But I've also gotten emails from folks I haven't heard from in years. Mixed feelings

          As for twitter, who cares to hear what people are doing every minute of the day I just don't get it at all.

          I hardly have time to look in this forum (which I enjoy) and check my email. My biggest problem is I never seem to check in here except when noone else is on. Makes conversation difficult

          But all the same is great, as is Amanda--love them both as well as Helen and can't wait for Sanctuary to begin again...


            Totally OT.

            Three icons of the 70's/80's gone in 2 days. I'm in shock. When I heard about Ed McMahon and Farrah going into the hospital. I just knew she would be gone soon. Then when we heard about Farrah this morning, we were talking at work and wondering who #3 would be (it IS true, it comes in 3's). I about fell off my chair when they said on the radio that Michael Jackson was gone.

            RIP. Love to your friends and families.


            Hug your loved ones.
            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
            William Shakespeare

            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              Totally OT.
              Three icons of the 70's/80's gone in 2 days. I'm in shock. When I heard about Ed McMahon and Farrah going into the hospital. I just knew she would be gone soon. Then when we heard about Farrah this morning, we were talking at work and wondering who #3 would be (it IS true, it comes in 3's). I about fell off my chair when they said on the radio that Michael Jackson was gone.
              RIP. Love to your friends and families.

              Hug your loved ones.
              Tell me about it. Nearly choked when I heard Micheal Jackson was dead. I thought the text I got this morning was just a joke. I'm kinda relieved for Farrah Fawcett though. For her and her family. It's a blessing that she is now in peace. But what the heck happened to MJ??
              I heard about Ed McMahon yesterday but I'm not that familiar with him.
              It's awful. I'm so sick of people dieing. And I'm sorry, I don't mean that to sound like I'm being selfish it's just too much. It seems like everywhere I turn, someone is gone. We lost 4 residents at work in a 24 hour period last week. And another resi the week before. I've had about enough of death as I think I can take.
              Please take care Samandans and stay safe.
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Finally got my Grand Slam photo op pics in the mail today.

                I have put a water mark on them because while I did not take the photos, I FRELLIN' PAID for them, so there. Please, do NOT take them without my permission or use them in any way you see fit. They are MY personal photos.

                AT & me
                I totally blame Amanda for the look on my face...I forget what was said, but she made me laugh...hence the look on my face.
                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post

                  Here is a live journal post from someone who was hanging around the studio (not posted to encourage you to follow suit BTW):

                  Warning: may be spoilers

                  If you read my report then you know that the actors and crew repeated how much they appreciated us showing our support. Damian even said something along the lines of "We don't really know what to make of fans coming out here, since we've only had on season", but went on to thank us for being so supportive of the show.

                  None of them had to come out. The fact that they did, AND the fact that Robin tweeted his thanks and appreciation to us afterwards sure says a lot.

                  So while I don't encourage fans to go crazy and swarm the studios, a practical visit to show your support shouldn't be discouraged either.

                  Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                  A warning that there are some MAJOR spoilers in this. Some of the things they were told probably shouldn't have been passed on...

                  Damian said nothing about us not passing anything along. Had he not wished for us to say anything, he probably wouldn't have gone into such great detail. What I told everyone? Probably less than 20% of what he told us as it is. I listed three very obscure things that give away absolutely nothing, and like I mention below, they were marked as spoilers.

                  Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                  Sorry to be a pain but I hate spoilers with a passion, and I did not appreciate some of what I read in that (extremely fangirly) report.

                  (On my spoiler soapbox)
                  I did, indeed, have it marked with "Hmm. Spoilers...", but now it's bolded for your viewing convenience. I figured if you someone did not wish to read spoilers they would have stopped reading at that point, since the rest of the post contains spoilers up until the bold "EDIT".

                  And yes. I'm indeed a fangirl and so proud of that fact.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i happen to hate face book with a passion

                    i don't 'get' it, or twitter or any of the other social networking things.

                    livejournal is the only one i really feel comfortable at, so i'll stick there
                    I don't get Twitter either although I can see some celebrities having fun with it. I do like that the Sanctuary folks use it, but I have less than zero desire to get an account. I got a FB account because it's where announcements are being made for an upcoming high school reunion. I have a few fandom people on it, but they're all people I've met in person. As far as fandom stuff is concerned, LJ is my place of choice, but it's also where I blog the few times I do.

                    Most of the time I just hang out here.

                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.


                      Whew, back from my road trip that included, amongst other things, getting stuck on an icy mountain pass in Yellowstone, nearly falling into Lake Tahoe from a 300 foot cliff, getting a flat tire in the middle of Kansas, and giggling madly at Wyoming rodeo clowns using the expression 'Holy Hannah' to my parents' utter confusion.

                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      Hi Everyone,

                      This is maybe a wee bit of topic but Tittamiire and I wanted to share this with you, we walked/wheeled together at the Race for Life event in Aberdeen today, this was my first time at the event. One the many reasons we ran/wheeled today was in memory of Deejay, it was a very uplifting and emotional event and Deejay was very much in my thoughts as I went around the course with the 6,000 other women taking part.
                      Nicely done!

                      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                      I have some fantastic news of my own as two very generous Samandans had bid on Amanda's charity auction for the Montessori school and won. They then sent me a surprise email telling me that I was going to Vancouver with them to have lunch with Amanda and tour the Sanctuary set!! Mind boggling, eh? We have never met in person and these two special fans wanted me to share the event with them. I'll share more with all of you as I'm able. We are going mid-July.
                      Congrats on the set visit! I'm sure you'll have a blast.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      dropping off a little fic fun


                      Summons - Teal'c summons SG-1
                      Thanks for the fic!

                      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                      I don't get Twitter either although I can see some celebrities having fun with it. I do like that the Sanctuary folks use it, but I have less than zero desire to get an account. I got a FB account because it's where announcements are being made for an upcoming high school reunion. I have a few fandom people on it, but they're all people I've met in person. As far as fandom stuff is concerned, LJ is my place of choice, but it's also where I blog the few times I do.
                      I think social networking sites like Twitter can be incredible tools for rapidly distributing information, like in the current situation in Iran, but like anything it can be taken to silly extremes.

                      I also have a FB account, but only really use it to coordinate events with friends and share pictures since it a convenient place for that.



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i happen to hate face book with a passion

                        i don't 'get' it, or twitter or any of the other social networking things.

                        livejournal is the only one i really feel comfortable at, so i'll stick there
                        I like LJ the best too. I like the whole journal feel from it. And the communities and friends. But I'm starting to get used to facebook, it's just really weird at first.
                        But yeah, there's only so much time in a day .. you can't spend it all on the internet.

                        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                        Don't start me on Facebook! I have been trying to register for a week now and am being studiously ignored.

                        Sorry to be a pain but I hate spoilers with a passion, and I did not appreciate some of what I read in that (extremely fangirly) report.

                        (On my spoiler soapbox)
                        Hehe .. extremely fangirly indeed, but cute.

                        I don't mind spoilers at all. For Sanctuary I think there are only a few real spoilers out? But yeah, with facebook and twitter and LJ and Gateworld (lol) it's difficult to avoid any and all spoiler.


                          Originally posted by loveandbullets View Post
                          And yes. I'm indeed a fangirl and so proud of that fact.
                          No worries there. I think the Fangirl Line can be rather blurry, and is in the eye of the beholder. Certainly it takes some level of "fangirliness" to do many of the things AT's fans have done -- myself included. LOL

                          I saw no harm in your post when I read it. It seems like you had a great time! As always, I appreciate it when fans are treated with respect by the usual group of people. It's nice to see that hasn't changed.

                          *pops out*


                            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                            Wow, it's like I'm talking to the female version of me . I can't imagine how I'll be meeting Amanda, as long as I don't faint I'll be OK . My biggest fear is her not liking me , and I'm also nervous as to what I'd do ro not make her like me .

                            But yeah, you're right about everything you said about Amanda and Sam , she *IS* Sam Carter , and I can't wait for S2 .
                            hehe, tell me about it...

                            and im sure AT will love you, from what ive read you are a nice guy, so that should be the least of your worries btw ill let you know if i remember my name, lol... besides from what ive seen of AT in interviews and Q&As you'd have to do something pretty bad for her to not like you... she loves her fans

                            oh yeah, she definately is sam carter... she made sam her own, nobody else could have brought the endearing, humourous qualities to sam the way AT did...

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            i happen to hate face book with a passion

                            i don't 'get' it, or twitter or any of the other social networking things.

                            livejournal is the only one i really feel comfortable at, so i'll stick there
                            yeah i dont get facebook either... its way to confusing for me... im on myspace but only to keep an eye on [in one spot] when and where aussie singers are playing...

                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            Tell me about it. Nearly choked when I heard Micheal Jackson was dead. I thought the text I got this morning was just a joke. I'm kinda relieved for Farrah Fawcett though. For her and her family. It's a blessing that she is now in peace. But what the heck happened to MJ??
                            I heard about Ed McMahon yesterday but I'm not that familiar with him.
                            It's awful. I'm so sick of people dieing. And I'm sorry, I don't mean that to sound like I'm being selfish it's just too much. It seems like everywhere I turn, someone is gone. We lost 4 residents at work in a 24 hour period last week. And another resi the week before. I've had about enough of death as I think I can take.
                            Please take care Samandans and stay safe.
                            michael jackson died of a heart attack at his home...
                            "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                              Originally posted by loveandbullets View Post
                              None of them had to come out. The fact that they did, AND the fact that Robin tweeted his thanks and appreciation to us afterwards sure says a lot.
                              So while I don't encourage fans to go crazy and swarm the studios, a practical visit to show your support shouldn't be discouraged either.
                              I only wish I was as brave or conveniently located as you guys to do that. I loved the report and the pics and what, if any, spoilers were shared. I actually didn't find anything really that spoilerish.
                              I loved how they came out and to be honest, I was surprised that they told you Amanda wasn't in as I would have thought she would have been extra busy being EP and what not...but see for me my spidy sense would have said that it was just a ruse!! As it was!!!
                              Gotta go dish dinner...back later!!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Hey Everyone,

                                On the Facebook/Twitter discussion, I have both and love them, the FB games and quizzes. And I love that I can Tweet from my mobile/cell phone.

                                It would be cool if we could do that with GW.

                                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                                Totally OT.

                                Three icons of the 70's/80's gone in 2 days. I'm in shock. When I heard about Ed McMahon and Farrah going into the hospital. I just knew she would be gone soon. Then when we heard about Farrah this morning, we were talking at work and wondering who #3 would be (it IS true, it comes in 3's). I about fell off my chair when they said on the radio that Michael Jackson was gone.

                                RIP. Love to your friends and families.


                                Hug your loved ones.
                                *Nods* RIP

                                Here's a question, what is Sam's favourite music?

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

