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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by morjana View Post
    A live journal with a backstage account at the Leo Awards plus PHOTOS - Amanda, Damian, Ryan, Damian and more!
    This was a very very nice read! Her reports on the Vancouver con are nice as well.


      From Damian on FaceBook :

      "Damian Kindler is so incredibly proud of all the Sanctuary Leo winners: Ryan Robbins, Gabriellie Rose, Todd Masters, and... the incredibly wonderful Amanda Tapping..."


        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

        Oh so you guys knew about it?

        When you guys found out about it, what did y'all think? Also, how long it y'all know?
        SJSL mentioned it when we were in Vancouver. As for what I thought? I thought it was typical of her to do something so nice because she is such a thoughtful, kind, lovely and generous person. (Not to mention well-behaved )

        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        oh heck no. I'm nobody to her. but after AT3 and hearing that she didn't have a copy, since i'd made the copies that Lindsay sold, I made her one and sent it to her fanmail address, and she must have gotten it.
        But you are somebody to us. She who must be obeyed!

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          SJSL mentioned it when we were in Vancouver. As for what I thought? I thought it was typical of her to do something so nice because she is such a thoughtful, kind, lovely and generous person. (Not to mention well-behaved )
          HAHAHAHAHAHA .... girl ... you meant girl But well-behaved I am ... as are all 4 of us ... or at least we can really give the impression we are. Hehe.

          And EH-T totally, completely, utterly beats me in the generous / awesome / nice /*insert more words I don't know ... darn english* department .... /EH-T fangirl moment

          And Rocky ... of course they knew ... I was discussing with them when the best moment would be to get you the sigs. I brought the DVD's on the settour actually, but there was not a good moment for it there. Luckily the autographline at Creation was just fine. Did we mention there were people there who had like 8 items for Amanda to sign?? Joe was next to Amanda in line for autographs and his little desk was without people sometimes, because people were taking too long at Amanda.


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            But you are somebody to us. She who must be obeyed!
            err... yeah... *cough*

            PengYn haz hidden teh Noodle in a plate of pasta


              Originally posted by antoa View Post
              Just a quick note on the 'SciFi' demographic discussion. I don't think you can extrapolate from convention attendance about male vs. female scifi fans. There are still way more male scifi fans than female ones, but they tend to be more 'average fans' - ones that watch and enjoy the show, but don't necessarily attend the conventions. I think that the high number of females at conventions is simply because female fans spend more money (generally speaking) than the 'average fans'. This is why the female demographic should not be ignored by TPTB. Though we may be smaller in number, we are deeper in pocket book.

              And I also don't think that the new Trek movie will do anything to alter the stereotypes. Most that becomes a fan of the film who did not call themselves a scifi fan before, will probably still not consider themselves one.

              Anyway, it's late, I just got home from Vegas and I am probably not making any sense.
              No worries, you make sense to me.

              But I do think, in a way, it's actually a good thing that people who may enjoy scifi movies like the new Star Trek may still not label themselves as 'scifi' fans. I think that suggests that the genre is becoming a bit more mainstream and scifi films aren't as differentiated from more conventional action/adventure films, or scifi TV shows aren't as differentiated from more conventional shows. If that makes any sense..

              Originally posted by morjana View Post
              Sanctuary - The Province: 2009 Leo Awards:

              At the Province (Vancouver, BC, Canada):

              (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

              Sci-fi projects roar at Leo Awards

              By Glen Schaefer, The Province

              May 10, 2009

              B.C.'s sci-fi productions were big winners at this weekend's annual Leo Awards for B.C.-made film and television.

              ... Also among sci-fi winners was the new TV series Sanctuary, a gothic-themed show starring former Stargate: SG-1 lead Amanda Tapping as an immortal from Victorian England doing battle with modern-day monsters. The show won acting awards for Tapping as well as guest stars Ryan Robbins and Gabrielle Rose. Sanctuary also won the prize for best makeup.
              Thanks for the update, and congrats to all the winners!! 10 nominations and 4 wins in their first season is pretty amazing, go Sanctuary!

              Oh, and a very Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers on the thread! Now I have to go make my mom dinner!



                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                err... yeah... *cough*

                PengYn haz hidden teh Noodle in a plate of pasta
                smites the misbehaving black & white clad one with a large uncooked rotini
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  smites the misbehaving black & white clad one with a large uncooked rotini



                    I'm so happy Amanda won !!! Requiem is one of her best performances I've seen, probably THE best. Another performance which is also high on my list is Trio. Cause, we know Amanda has a fear of heights, but still crawled up those boxes and "let the show go on".

                    She DID deserve to win, just in my opnion she wasn't nominated in the right category: Nominated for an OSCAR for..... No Of course the nomination where she won this leo in is deserved. Amanda is good a playing dramatic roles, but you could say the same for comedy roles and roles where somebody plays a historic charecter, like Forrest Whittaker who played Iddi Amin . She is so talented, she just needs to pick out a category: comedy, drama, historic, western... .

                    Once again too bad she isn't gonna get an Oscar for best actrice... leading role ... in a TV show (if an Oscar for such catagory already exists?), so that's why I said it wasn't the correct category. But I do agree she had to win, if ya would nominate Amanda in the catagory : best actress in a comedy she could win it too. I say could, cause there are also other nominated people, who worked hard too I just prefer AMANDA out of that list of people.

                    This award and the other awards put Sanctuary on the (bigger) map I hope. Now that Sanctuary is sold by over 50 countries, I hope BELGIUM is among them. Including Flemish broadcaster Kanaal 2. Cause seeing Sanctuary on RTBF 1 (La Une), where her pretty voice will be DUBBED by a French one... I don't even know if (incase French language La Une ) will air the show as "Sanctuary". Every movie title get's changed by a French one. Luckily Stargate stayed Stargate, but in "French" Stargate they refer to the 'Gate as "la porte des étoiles (incase you'd translate it literly it'd be the gate of the stars) But you see my irony? I can see Sanctuary being aired as "le sol sur" (safe ground) or "le sol sacré" (Holy ground) (Luckily they don't change tv shows names, but you see where I'm going to). Flemish Kanaal 2 only subtitles tv shows and movies (so nothing of the original can be spoiled by dubbing)

                    I'd like to toast with some Blue Jello on Amanda winning the Leo award

                    (before he goes he puts some tables in the room with glasses of blue jello)
                    (since I don't know the Latin for Amanda rules I use something diffrent)

                    Here's to Amanda:

                    Hic comitas regit!

                    Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      Long slightly OT rambling conversation on scifi demographics:
                      I'm not sure if it's even spending money as much as that conventions tend to be, by their very nature, social events. And, though it sounds like a stereotype, I think women in general tend to be more social. Lets face it, I think a lot of us who go to cons do it 'to meet people' as much as for any other reason. Which could explain why there are more women.

                      But, yeah, the stereotypes and perceived demographics are likely way off base. I know it's true for videogames, too, in which most people are convinced women don't play yet 38% of 'players' are generally women. And this article (from 2005, so it's a bit out of date) states that, in the UK at least, female viewers slightly outnumbered males on Sci Fi UK. Again they attribute that to more character based Sci Fi shows with more female characters, which means, given the number of shows with strong female characters we've had since then, the actual people making the decisions may, in fact, know this and be setting programming as a result. (Sanctuary, TSCC, Dollhouse to name three that leap out)

                      Which brings this back almost on topic. Cause one can certainly see how both Sam and Helen have been on the leading edge of 'more complex and interesting female characters' and see the effect they've had on drawing the women here to scifi. And I know Sanctuary - thematically - often feels more like Lifetime well disguised than Scifi.

                      Although, I think the increase in females might also be attributable to the fact that many of the 'geeky' guys of the 50s and 60s actually did grow up and get married and have kids, including daughters with whom they shared their love of scifi - who shared it with their friends - so that in *spite* of the marketing the popularity grew among women...

                      And, approprietely for mother's day in the US, I know personally SciFi shows are some of the few we can watch as an entire family, with enough outward action and subtle layers to hold the interest of everyone from our youngest 5 year-old daughter (the one who wants to be a Wraith Queen when she grows up) to my 40-something husband.
                      I didn't mean to imply that women go to the conventions because of the money spent, I do agree that they go for the social aspect and that they believe that it is worth their money for that reason. I don't think as many men would put that kind of value on social connections.

                      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                      No worries, you make sense to me.

                      But I do think, in a way, it's actually a good thing that people who may enjoy scifi movies like the new Star Trek may still not label themselves as 'scifi' fans. I think that suggests that the genre is becoming a bit more mainstream and scifi films aren't as differentiated from more conventional action/adventure films, or scifi TV shows aren't as differentiated from more conventional shows. If that makes any sense..
                      It does make sense, and I agree. It would be nice if one day SciFi is not seen as some ******* step child of a genre.


                        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                        Oooh, I'm really looking forward to that one . I heard the bruises are just make-up, but you never know with Amanda, I mean-
                        Sure Rocky, any excuse to showcase Amanda's legs.

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        here's a slightly different topic

                        Remember the Gatewomen LJ group? the one that Deejay founded to celebrate the ladies of the Gate?
                        {snip}I know folks are busy, we all are. But, to 'save' the community I'd welcome any suggestions how to liven it up a bit. Discussion ideas, artwork contests, anything you guys think might liven things up a bit. And this isn't open only to samanda, it's open to ALL hte ladies of the Gate so if anyone plays in other groups, please spread the word.

                        I know Deejay started the group and that there is attachment to it because of that, but if the group isn't going to be active, next year at this time I'll just let it lapse.
                        For myself, I wouldn't have time to be a regular participant, but it would be cool if it could be revived.

                        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                        From Damian on FaceBook :

                        "Damian Kindler is so incredibly proud of all the Sanctuary Leo winners: Ryan Robbins, Gabriellie Rose, Todd Masters, and... the incredibly wonderful Amanda Tapping..."
                        So wonderful that AT won for Requiem. Definitely well deserved. Good to see RR winning too. who is Gabrielle Rose?


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          So wonderful that AT won for Requiem. Definitely well deserved. Good to see RR winning too. who is Gabrielle Rose?

                          Gabrielle Rose played the mom in 'Edward'. I don't remember the character's name.


                            the one thing that has always puzzled me with the networks catering to the stereotype 'young male' scifi fan...ok, there's the 19 year old college student and then there's me. A woman with a established career and a good job.

                            who do ya think has the most money to blow at a con?
                            seriously, which of us do you think can shell out 1000 dollars on con tickets, air fare and hotel rooms?

                            so yeah, young males may watch a lot of scifi, but from the 'disposable income' stand point, it ain't the younger fans by and large, it's the adults. the very ones that the suits ignore and mock and belittle.

                            but then there are shows like sanctuary that don't do that. (see, topic )

                            thus far they have mostly avoided and not fallen into the whole 'boobs to titlate the fan boys' 'blow stuff up to get their attention' 'simplify that plot, don't make them think too hard'

                            and i think a lot of that comes from damian and amanda and the fact that they have a better finger on fans than any suit, largely because they 'lower' themselves to interact and know us rather than staying up in their safe little ivory tower where they let focus groups and statistical research tell them what fans like
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post

                              Gabrielle Rose played the mom in 'Edward'. I don't remember the character's name.
                              Ah, ok. Yes, she did a nice job.

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                              thus far they have mostly avoided and not fallen into the whole 'boobs to titlate the fan boys' 'blow stuff up to get their attention' 'simplify that plot, don't make them think too hard'

                              and i think a lot of that comes from damian and amanda and the fact that they have a better finger on fans than any suit, largely because they 'lower' themselves to interact and know us rather than staying up in their safe little ivory tower where they let focus groups and statistical research tell them what fans like
                              Probably true. They know that a lot of us are fairly intelligent people who respond to well written and acted stories.
                              I remember RDA had a statement on one of the first special features where he said something about "why go down to the lowest common denominator?" Treat the audience as intelligent. Even have them come up a level to the story you're telling.

                              I see the same thing at times with education. Don't make it "too hard" or they won't come to your school.


                                amanda won, amanda won, AMANDA WON, amanda won, oh, and, AMANDA WOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!

                                i'm always extremely happy when amanda wins any awards, but this one, for 'requiem', i'm the most proud of. amanda kicked butt and i'm SOOOO proud of her!!

                                congratz, miss amanda, for your win! and happy mother's day too!!

                                *fangirl sigh*

                                Originally posted by morjana View Post
                                Sanctuary - The Province: 2009 Leo Awards:

                                At the Province (Vancouver, BC, Canada):

                                (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

                                Sci-fi projects roar at Leo Awards

                                By Glen Schaefer, The Province

                                May 10, 2009

                                B.C.'s sci-fi productions were big winners at this weekend's annual Leo Awards for B.C.-made film and television.

                                ... Also among sci-fi winners was the new TV series Sanctuary, a gothic-themed show starring former Stargate: SG-1 lead Amanda Tapping as an immortal from Victorian England doing battle with modern-day monsters. The show won acting awards for Tapping as well as guest stars Ryan Robbins and Gabrielle Rose. Sanctuary also won the prize for best makeup.


