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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    mckay has gotten better. he's actually quite likeable because, as much as he's an arrogant ass (close to his words) he does have a sense of honor and duty and, other than whining about food, it isn't all about/for him

    i would wonder if he learned some of that duty from sam. i remember in redemption, the second time we saw him. he saw what sam did for real. he saw her go with his bad idea becaus she had to. and then almost get killed because of it.

    he and sam do interact well. mckay needs someone to push and question him. and so does sam in a way. she's gotten so used to being the smart one that she needs someone to push her buttons.

    i mean, look at her, she tells colonels and generals what to do. like someone once said, she may not have rank but she does have pull

    mckay is a very likeable character. he's had some rather nasty things happen to him in the course of the show and i think it's pulling him out of his narrow little world and making him see the big picture.

    that was the one thing he never could do with sam. she saw the big picture. all he saw was the small one, confined to his research. he's growing because of that
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by majorsal

      Sam is in the latest new season preview much more than the last one I saw.

      yay indeed!

      can you tell us what it looks like; for those of us that aren't watching scifi at the moment?

      Hi Fellow Samandans ... just back from the Berkshires and have to get to work but did watch the re-runs last night on cable and, MajorSal, this will brighten your day ... I swear I saw the Moebius scene of alternate Sam and Jack kissing fly by in the previews ... caught it more than once ... or am I just hallucinating? I think if they've included the shippy S8 ending that TPTB may want to hint that there is a further "personal commitment" for Sam along the same line, n'est-ce pas?!

      What have I missed, campers, the past two weeks?! Did MajorSam go off on military maneuvers? Did Uber finish the group photo and, if so, where can I view it? Did Astro, indeed, complete the massive Compendium of All Things Sam and, by now, found a bindery and sent it off?!

      Please answer any or all of my questions ... and I'll rejoin you guys tonight after the RL day's worth of work subsides ....


        Originally posted by Caro
        There was a hand-to-hand combat scene in Desperate Measures... she kicks some "ninjas"asses big time !
        Just a quick post....I have to go see my surgeon again today. YUCKERS!

        Maybe AT has requested that there be no intensive fighting scenes for her this season. Besides having given birth in late March, as she is now in the "high risk" category for pregnancy, perhaps she and her husband are trying to get pregnant again. She may want a sister or brother for Olivia and the sooner, the better. Although the risk for "older" women have decreased in the past 2 decades, it is still more difficult to conceive and carry a baby to term when you are 35 or older. Sad have it so much easier. Anyway, it's just a thought. I'll take Sam any way I can get her, in hand to hand combat or just being her usual beautiful, intelligent self.

        Have a great day everyone and keep posting. July 15th is almost here!!! (throws confetti)


          Originally posted by astrogeologist
          SaGC Collection update: It's all printed! Finally! It took a solid week.. and my little inkjet printer is very, very proud of itself! The final collection was 385 pages, printed double-sided and in color. I used high quality, heavyweight 'brochure' quality paper (103 brightness) - where you can print on both sides, but what's on the 'other side' can't be seen when looking at either side of the paper. In some cases I also used glossy photopaper - where there were full page photos and/or photo-art - but I could only do that where there wasn't a photo on the other side (text printed very well on the back side of the photopaper, but photos did not).
          Thank you, Ruth! That’s a lot of toner, though, plus the cost of the binding. I really think we should organize a fund to help you recover your costs. It just doesn’t seem right for you to shoulder this expense alone.

          Originally posted by majorsal
          i loved seeing them interacting, because we'd never seen this side of sam (snarky).

          i don't watch atlantis, but i'd like to ask someone that does a question. i know this is off topic, but it's just popped into my head (again). mckay was not only a jerk to sam, he was willing to let teal'c die in (the ep i can't remember the name of, but teal'c was stuck in the stargate buffer). i guess i think it's weird to make someone cruddy into some kind of hero. i'm not real crazy (understatement) in them doing that with baal either. baal's the most realistic and sexy of the goaulds, but HE TORTURED AND MURDERED JACK OVER AND OVER... and it's been forgotten or something. if the opportunity comes up, i'd like to see sam stand face-to-face with baal... and then her blow his head off. literally.

          wow, i'm blood thirsty tonight.
          Well…..Replicarter killed General Yu, didn’t she? So, I think it’s in Sam to do it…..especially to someone who has killed and tried to kill them so many times. Sounds good to me! Ba’al really deserves it, especially after what he did to Jack! I think she could……

          As to the Rodney McKay discussion, I really hated the way the character interacted with Sam…..but still found myself strangely intrigued by him. He was such an arrogant MCP…..and he and Sam were oil and water together. I can’t imagine anyone seeing ship potential there. He’s just not her type. We know who her type is! But I digress…..

          Yes, I do watch SGA, and while I would have rather seen it become the first SG-1 movie, I am enjoying it immensely. Rodney (so wonderfully played by David Hewlett) is the most entertaining character on the show. He’s still an insufferable know-it-all, but he has mellowed somewhat. Maybe it’s the time he spent in Russia. More likely, it’s TPTB making him more likable for long-term viewing. But I’m glad they chose to make him part of the ensemble. He is growing on me.

          The other character I really like is that of John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), who hubby refers to as “Jack-lite.” I really see a younger RDA in many of his mannerisms…..not that anything will ever live up to the original! Sorry, that’s a little OT…..but it relates back to the Sam/Rodney discussion you were having after I had to go to bed last night.

          Hope the Kingdom of Samanda remains happy and upbeat today! I’ll check back in after work!


            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
            Thank you, Ruth! That’s a lot of toner, though, plus the cost of the binding. I really think we should organize a fund to help you recover your costs. It just doesn’t seem right for you to shoulder this expense alone.

            i agree. i'd love to help you out. i know it couldnt have been cheap and since the gift is from all of us, i'd love to help you out with the costs
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by chocdoc
              remember, this is just an ad for the following week of July 10, where there will be some coverage of the three shows. I am curious about what they will put on the cover---I wonder if there will be three different covers showing the cast of each? Or if the cover is a picture of entirely different shows. I don't get TV Guide, so I wondered what this ad meant for the cover. It is great that there will be some interviews.
              You are absolutely right. I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm so excited. I'm willing to guess that they'll have 3 "collector's" issues and a 4th to buy online. I just hope that I get the SG-1 Cover.


                Yeah... If they have three covers, that'd be neat because then I could get both Stargate and Stargate Atlantis. Still, I hate knowing now but not being able to purchase it!

                Remember when "The X-Files" TV Guide came out for one of the last seasons? I think it was the eighth season, but I'm not sure. Then, of course, there was the one with just Mulder and Scully, which was just great. Great photography, even though it was touched up like a moe..

                But I digress.

                I like the idea of TV Guide putting the two of them together on a cover, because it further cements the idea of a "team" and somewhat of a unity between two L. Colonels, which is something that hasn't exactly been sold to the fans, by any stretch of the imagination. I'll take what I can get, if it means that the team can band together once more.

                I'd imagine, if Amanda Tapping and Ben Browder are on the cover looking great together, there will be a nice, big outcry of WHY isn't Michael Shanks on the cover and, more importantly, why isn't he on the cover with Claudia Black?

                But that's a different discussion, most likely on a different thread. Heh heh.


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

                  I'd imagine, if Amanda Tapping and Ben Browder are on the cover looking great together, there will be a nice, big outcry of WHY isn't Michael Shanks on the cover and, more importantly, why isn't he on the cover with Claudia Black?

                  But that's a different discussion, most likely on a different thread. Heh heh.
                  yep. i'm sure there is already a big hue and cry about why it wasn't cam and daniel.

                  whatever. daniel already got his cover with rda. it's at's turn
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    yep. i'm sure there is already a big hue and cry about why it wasn't cam and daniel.

                    whatever. daniel already got his cover with rda. it's at's turn
                    I know! Ugh! And whatever happened to squeezing the entire TEAM onto the cover? I wouldn't mind some fancy photography footwork and photoshopping, if it meant that I got to see everyone given equal space on the cover. When I saw RDA/MS on the cover, I thought that it was a great pic of the two of them, but they're only one half of a whole, so it kinda ruined it for me.

                    The fact that AT/Sam and BB/Cameron are on the cover together is nice, because it shows a bond on the lead female and lead male front, but I would have loved seeing Teal'c and Daniel in that advertisement as well.

                    Ah well... Better luck next time. Matt Roush (I think that's the name of TV Guide's entertainment editor person) was quite open about the fact that he didn't like Stargate, but that's because he was a Farscape fan. Now that BB and CB are on the scene, we'll see how his quickly he changes his tune.


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                      Thank you, Ruth! That’s a lot of toner, though, plus the cost of the binding. I really think we should organize a fund to help you recover your costs. It just doesn’t seem right for you to shoulder this expense alone.
                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      i agree. i'd love to help you out. i know it couldnt have been cheap and since the gift is from all of us, i'd love to help you out with the costs
                      Add me to the list. I would also like to help out.


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                        I really think we should organize a fund to help you recover your costs.
                        Thanks Sg-1fanintn, and Skydiver and Samfan and everyone for offering to chip in on the costs Chopingal and Louise have already sent me some $$ to help out and I think I can handle the rest, but thanks (very much) to everyone for offering.


                          I was just checking in between giving exams,(it's the last day of summer school! YAY!) and found another Sam mention in the Joe M. thread

                          1. With all the emotional turmoil Sam has gone through, and with all the chances that she will be confronted with when she returns to the SGC, will there be any sense of her struggling to fit in or trying to cope with the changes?

                          Joe's answer

                          One of the reasons Sam took some "time off" was to deal with some of the events of last season. She'll return with a clearer mind, ready to resume her duties.

                          2. I'm a little concern that a lot of the spoilers I've read seem to have Sam paired off with someone other than a member of the team. In Ex Deus, she's working with Agent Barrett and in 4th Horseman she's working with Dr. Lee. So, is there any significant Sam/Daniel, Sam/Teal'c, or Sam/Mitchell scenes to look forward to?

                          Joe's answer

                          There will be.

                          3. When Sam returns will she still be in the Air Force?

                          Joe's answer

                          Check it out. She comes back in Beachhead.



                            Originally posted by astrogeologist
                            Thanks Sg-1fanintn, and Skydiver and Samfan and everyone for offering to chip in on the costs Chopingal and Louise have already sent me some $$ to help out and I think I can handle the rest, but thanks (very much) to everyone for offering.
                            Be sure to let us know if you change your mind. As I recall from getting my dissertation bound, it wasn't cheap.


                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              i wonder if sam would/could do that? i've also always wondered if sam felt any guilt for the situation jack was in (taking the symbiote and then paying for it royally)? i know she didn't know 'that' would happen to jack, but she did talk him into it. (if i were her, i'd have felt guilty).

                              so, would sam commit cold blooded murder if the object of that murder was a monster? and baal is a monster to me.

                              i'd really like to see that scene too, and then see her struggle with the fact that she killed someone and it 'wasn't' in self defense. but i also think she'd work through it quickly because baal is a cold blooded murderer of epic proportions. but can you just imagine the way amanda would play this?... (she's a kick a$$ actress)

                              my, aren't my posts fun.

                              This would make some great acting opportunities for AT. But I'm not sure Sam would just walk up to him and blast him. Maybe a quick draw scenario?


                                Originally posted by jckfan55
                                This would make some great acting opportunities for AT. But I'm not sure Sam would just walk up to him and blast him. Maybe a quick draw scenario?
                                I don't know... Ba'al looks pretty slow on the uptake when it comes to movement. It always takes him like half an hour to move his head and/or show any emotion. Still, you gotta love the dastardly guy!

                                Hey guys! I'm trying to get to 1000 posts before the Season Premiere! It requires like 7 posts EVERY day! Do you think I can do it?

