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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
    I never can remember the eps where I see these things, but Sam, Jack and Jacob are all on a Goa'uld ship planning what to do next, and Jacob gets a little testy. Jack says something back, and Sam replies, "Welcome to MY world!"

    Sounds so like something that would happen between my mom, hubby and me!

    There's also the one where they're fighting Goa'uld (again, never able to remember the eps off the top of my head) and they're running down the hall with their P90s, and Jack asks Sam about having fun, and she replies, "I'm having fun NOW, Sir!"

    Also a great one! Now, someone fill in the names of the eps, please!
    I'm thinking "welcome to my life" and "having fun now, sir" both come from Enemies...

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan challenge for you all.

      We've done the whole "favorite quote" thing a few times...but here it is again...WITH A TWIST!

      What's your favorite Sam ONE LINER???

      This is much tougher than favorite quote because, well, Jack usually is the one with all the one liners...

      So hop to it Samandans!
      Mmmm : "What's a girl to do" from Space Race (indeed, there were some good things in this episode )
      I just love the way she says that line


        Okay...I see most of the typical favorite one-liners like "what's a girl to do?"...but what about some other ones???

        For's one rarely mentioned...

        From Tok'ra 2:

        "You can sit around for hours cracking yourself up..."
        Last edited by Uber; 26 June 2005, 03:39 PM.

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
 challenge for you all.

          We've done the whole "favorite quote" thing a few times...but here it is again...WITH A TWIST!

          What's your favorite Sam ONE LINER???

          This is much tougher than favorite quote because, well, Jack usually is the one with all the one liners...

          So hop to it Samandans!
          My all time favorite is from Foothold:

          Sam: MAYBOURNE, you are an idiot every day of the week, why couldn't you have just taken one day off?!
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by Coley
            AND 1SPEED I KNOW YOU'RE BACK - GET POSTING!! Or I'll tell everyone your fave ep to date is Hathor ....OOOPS!!
            Good to hear from you Coley!
            Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
            OK, I admit it. But please bear in mind, I watched it in the company of a dram or two of 15 year-old Dalwhinnie, so my judgement may have been slightly clouded...

            Anyway, yes, I’m back from my mission to planet P3-AL8A.

            And it gives me great pleasure to inform the Court that I have successfully claimed the summits of the following Munros (Scottish mountains over 3000ft) in the name of our Queen and the People of Samanda:-

            Ben Macdui

            (Shortly after taking this picture, the Official Mission Photographer was wounded in the back, and had to return home early. )

            Creag Meagaidh
            Stob Poite Coire Ardair
            Carn Liath
            Meall Chuaich
            A’ Chailleach
            Carn Sgulain
            Sgor Gaoith

            Now all I need to do is fix my blisters, then catch up on what you groovy funsters have been up to while I’ve been away. This could take a while…

            Ahh, but it’s grand to be back home.

            Welcome back, 1speed! Great pic
            Originally posted by Atteria
            Welcome back 1s4S!!! Glad you had a great time and secured new territory for Samanda.

            For you, and anyone else that's feeling a bit peckish, try some Southern style barbeque. I'll try and have a feast ready for next week.....can't have you all losing weight, just because I am.

            Enjoy! See you soon.....
            Thanks, Atteria!
            Originally posted by Strix varia
            If anyone is interested, I've posted the first part of my latest fanfic story at:

            Be warned that while the main purpose of this story is to continue my grand tradition of whumping Sam, this is ultimately a Sam/Janet love story.

            Great writing, Strix! Wonderful descriptions and great drama!
            Spoilers for Strix's fic: Ten Thousand Suns:
            Absolutely wonderfully written, Strix! Serious Sam-whumping - and love the dream sequences at the beginning juxtaposed against her current situation. Great descriptions. Loved this line: “Gottcha,” Sam said. “Squished Major not good…”

            Really liked Jack asking Sam to help them think of solutions to getting her out... using her intellect - and keeping her focussed on something other than passing out from the pain.

            Also - love having Ascended Daniel come and visit and keep her conscious and talking. LOL at how you turned the dialogue from Grace around and into: "Jesus, were you this annoying when you were alive?” - that is one of my favorite lines from Grace!

            Really liked the fiberoptic camera snaking into the hole with Sam - and I love how you wrote her reaction... although she likes the feeling of 'company', she doesn't want them to watch her die.

            Very realistic descriptions of Sam trapped in the rubble - and very nicely done with how the Search and Rescue techniques would be applied and how things would progress. You made me feel like I was down there with Sam!

            Strix, your wonderful attention to detail coupled with your good descriptions and characterizations all comes together to create a realism that is rare in any kind of writing. Thanks so much for writing Samfic for us all to read and enjoy.

            Great, great job - Love the drama - and the detail. Your hardwork and talent shine through.
            Last edited by astrogeologist; 26 June 2005, 05:59 PM.


              Originally posted by Rogue
              My all time favorite is from Foothold:

              Sam: MAYBOURNE, you are an idiot every day of the week, why couldn't you have just taken one day off?!
              I can soooooo identify with the "Welcome to my life" quote. And this Foothold one Rogue - I loved when Sam/AT said that line and just wanted to reach out and "touch" Maybourne by for his stupid behavior myself!

              My mind is drawing a blank at the moment for any other favorites. Though I can vaguely remember some dialogue between her and Jack, in the gateroom I believe, where Jack says something about her liking guns and she replies that she likes better to blow things up....
              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
       challenge for you all.

                We've done the whole "favorite quote" thing a few times...but here it is again...WITH A TWIST!

                What's your favorite Sam ONE LINER???

                This is much tougher than favorite quote because, well, Jack usually is the one with all the one liners...

                So hop to it Samandans!
                From Redemption Part I (I believe):

                Arming ejection system...


                  if anyone is looking for fic

                  Feel free to forward this message to any mailing lists or forums you
                  might be interested.

                  As promised, the Stargate Novel Archive has (finally) been updated with
                  new stories. You can find the archive at:


                  Happy reading!
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    From Reckoning Part 2
                    Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water.

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      if anyone is looking for fic

                      Feel free to forward this message to any mailing lists or forums you
                      might be interested.

                      As promised, the Stargate Novel Archive has (finally) been updated with
                      new stories. You can find the archive at:


                      Happy reading!
                      Ooo, nice. I'll have a look around sometime soon


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                        Dang...Joe didn't see the Blue Jello...

                        I think I need a hug...

                        this is for (((((((( Uber ))))))))))

                        I sent one to J Mallozzi , one to Brad W. and one to R.C.

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                          I know it's old...but here's a big hug for you Uber!!

                          BIG HUG
                          the hugs look great and they never go old

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            [QUOTE=sg-1fanintn]The Royal Researcher regrets to report that she found a

                            If you wish, you can view all the photos and read what they've released about it at:

                            another "wardrobe malfunction" any one

                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              Ok here's a few one liners and Sam quotes I could find or think of tonight. I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled for more.

                              This isn’t a Sam quote but I think it’s cool anyway because it’s about Sam.
                              Jack: We can work miracles! ...That's what it'll look like to them.
                              Daniel: That's what 'what' will look like to them?
                              Jack: Whatever Carter comes up with, I don't know.
                              -Red Sky

                              One liners:

                              "I guess I've always had a thing for the lunatic fringe."

                              -The First Commandment

                              "Holy Hannah!" - Cold Lazarus

                              Sam: Narim... Is that my voice?
                              - "Between Two Fires"

                              Sam: "Drop the weapon. You ever seen one of these things work? 'Cause there's nothing more I'd like to do right now than demonstrate."
                              - Fair Game

                              Sam: "Why do I feel like I'm in a women behind bars movie?"

                              Sam Quotes:

                              Daniel: "It was trying to communicate with us."
                              Sam: "I don't know the magic password. Do you?"

                              - Cold Lazarus

                              Jack: All things considered, Samantha, if we have to come back here, it might be a better idea to bring an all male team. No offence.

                              Sam: Well, in view of the fact that you all get to go to this party tonight and I get to stay in the yurt, that smalls like rancid yak butter, none taken. I'll just get a good night’s sleep, and hope for better luck next time.

                              Jack: You going to be alright?

                              Sam: Still doubting me? I haven't been afraid of the dark since I was two.

                              Jack: You look great

                              Carter to Daniel who's feeling her chest through her ripped clothes:
                              Hey, what are you looking at?
                              Daniel: I felt that blast kill me. I mean, I thought I...I thought we were dead. Weren't we dead?
                              Sam: Yeah...
                              Daniel: Ok. Well I thought heaven would be a little more upscale.
                              Sam: Oh...I don't think this is heaven.

                              -The Nox

                              Jonas Quinn: Hey, Major? How do I know what color to wear?
                              Sam: We call each other every morning.


                              Corso: You're an officer in your homeworld's military, you're a scientist, an explorer, and apparently you're a pretty fair mechanic.
                              Sam: And I make a mean souffle.


                              Sam: So Dad, you really don't think we have a chance of finding this Goa'uld, do you?
                              Jacob: It was the mission Garshaw assigned me.
                              Sam: You didn't request it? Dad?
                              Jacob: Why would I request it?
                              Sam: Come on, would it be so awful to admit that you just wanted a chance to see me?
                              Jacob: Of course not, you're right. That's why I requested it.
                              Sam: Okay, so that's obviously not the reason.


                              Samantha: ""
                              Sam: "Ah, Air Force."
                              Samantha: "I can't imagine that, going military."
                              Sam: "Wow, I can't imagine not."


                              Teal'c: "The destruction of the hammer device to save my life may have caused this. If so, I am responsible."
                              Jack: "General, I gave the order."
                              Daniel: "And I fired the staff at the machine."
                              Sam: "And I...was there."

                              - Thor's Chariot

                              Dr. Markov: Is he always like this?
                              Sam: Actually, this is quite charming.
                              - Watergate

                              Jack: Carter? Any idea what this thing is yet?
                              Sam: No, sir, but the technology is very advanced,
                              Jack: So... what? Two hours?
                              Sam: Very advanced.

                              Sam: Your world famous omlette??? What's in it?
                              Jack: Eggs... and there's a secret ingredient.
                              Sam: It's beer, isn't it?
                              -Citizen Joe

                              Sam: Our goal is to take out Anubis' new super weapon. It's what gives him a clear advantage over the rest of the Goa'uld mother ships. Now, we've received word from Teal'c that Yu has pledged to bring the full force of the remaining system lords' fleet down on Anubis once we've succeeded."
                              Jack: Okay. Everyone who thinks this is absolutely an insane idea, raise your hand. Come on, be honest."
                              [Everyone, including Sam, eventually raise their hand]

                              AU Sam: I don’t really like guns."
                              AU Jack: Neither do I. How do you feel about explosives?"
                              AU Sam: Those I like a little better."
                              - Moebius

                              Jack: "Will you two give it a rest? Both of you. You've been at this for 24 hours. You need rest."
                              Merrin: "I do not need to. Uroan children require little sleep."
                              Sam: "Okay, now I am jealous." - Learning Curve

                              Jack: "What's with the 'worm' part? The worm thing? I...I don't get that."
                              Sam: "Um, that's just a metaphor."
                              Jack: "Alright, I knew that."
                              Sam: "Imagine the galaxy is an apple. We burrow our way through the apple like a worm, crossing from one side to another instead of going around the outside."
                              Jack does some heavy thinking...still thinking... Sam stares at him waiting for some sign of understanding from him. Finally, he responds: "Okay."
                              Sam: "Now, of course, the diameter of the apple is just a two-dimensional representation of space-time and, well, the hole isn't really a hole per se but an incremental conduit..." She cuts herself off, realizing Jack is starting to tune her out. "Colonel?"
                              Jack: "Okay." He makes some cute finger gestures. "I'll be alright."
                              Sam, smiling: "Okay. - Matter of Time

