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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Cool Jumper, thanks for letting us know


      Happy birthday

      Thank you Jumper for the link...I have posted my questions...if they don't get answered then I shall save them for Armageddon or AT4!!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
        But, in the meantime, another big announcement: I was exchanging emails with the lovely Amanda Tapping and I asked her whether she might be interested in doing a fan Q&A. Well, I’m happy to report that she’s more than happy to visit with us. And with production on Sanctuary’s second season poised to begin soon, she has a rare/brief window of calm before the inevitable storm. So…

        If you’ve got questions for Amanda Tapping, start posting. But please avoid duplicating questions that have already been asked. Be concise and let’s avoid burying Amanda under the inevitable avalanche of well-wishes and meandering queries.
        Oh boy, I did it , I just left my questions for Amanda on Joe's blog, and boy was I nervous . I also saw that some of you left questions for her too, as I thought y'all would, and I gotta tell you, the questions you asked her were very smart and good . Mine were:

        Amanda, after 11 years of great success with Stargate, and now that you’re finding fame with Sanctuary, my questions to you are:

        1. So many people look up to you, and consider you their role-model, how do you feel knowing you have such a big, and positive influence on people’s lives?

        2. This may be a silly question, but who do you think would win in a fight, Sam Carter or Helen Magnus? Or, since their both played by a wonderful actress such as yourself , do you think they would team up and work together?

        3. If you could have 1 thing happen to Sam Carter and Helen Magnus that you want, what would it be?

        4. After an awesome performance in Requiem, how hard and long did it take you to prepare for those scenes? Because you rocked .

        Thank you Amanda for taking the time to answer your fans question . And thank for being a wonderful actress, and an even better human being. Keep up the awesome work .

        You rock Amanda .

        I'm not sure if she'll or they'll pick some of mine, if not I hope she answers your questions because they're way better .


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

          Be afraid, be very afraid
          Hey, they broke out the blue stuff without me. You go away for one day...
          Attached Files


            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
            Oooh I love a good debate on butt holding and the like...pity we didn't mention boobs to get a certain Samandan to pop her head in!!
            Night all, take care and stay safe! (((Samandans)))
            boobs? where did that come from?


              I have quite the assortment of Samandan cleavage shots on file *snort* I could probably set up a good old game of "guess the chest".
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                I have quite the assortment of Samandan cleavage shots on file *snort* I could probably set up a good old game of "guess the chest".
                First of all, why do you have those shots?


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                  I have quite the assortment of Samandan cleavage shots on file *snort* I could probably set up a good old game of "guess the chest".


                    Hey Everyone,

                    Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                    Happy Birthday from me too!!
                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    Juts dropping in to say I got my gold pass ticket to Armageddon...Amanda's coming!!!!!! OMG...this is absolutely awesome!! I'm going to have to start writing down all thew questions that pop into my fron when I'm at work...I do my best thinking when I work...OMG!!! I'm just a little bit happy right now!!!
                    ((((Chelle)))) WTG! Your going to have the best time!
                    Thank you Jumper for heads up, I've just been and posted my question.

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      From me too

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      aahoooh, you're in trouble now!!!!!

                      mandy's gonna come and get ya
                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

                      Be afraid, be very afraid
                      You know, I'd take the threat more seriously if the bear didn't have a blue tongue. Hard to be afraid while laughing.

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      Juts dropping in to say I got my gold pass ticket to Armageddon...Amanda's coming!!!!!! OMG...this is absolutely awesome!! I'm going to have to start writing down all thew questions that pop into my fron when I'm at work...I do my best thinking when I work...OMG!!! I'm just a little bit happy right now!!!
                      That's great Chelle! Nice to have some good news after all your recent worries.

                      Thanks Jumper.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                        I have quite the assortment of Samandan cleavage shots on file *snort* I could probably set up a good old game of "guess the chest".



                          let's not and say we did

                          since it's 'all about the hair' though, maybe it'd be fun to abuse photoshop a bit and either take peoples pictures, blot out their faces and see if you can guess htem by hair style alone

                          or....even more devious, take photos of people, give them all one of sam's hair styles and see if people can still guess who they are
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                            ROFL .... I think we would ALL guess that one right


                              Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                              what's veto?

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              let's not and say we did

                              since it's 'all about the hair' though, maybe it'd be fun to abuse photoshop a bit and either take peoples pictures, blot out their faces and see if you can guess htem by hair style alone

                              or....even more devious, take photos of people, give them all one of sam's hair styles and see if people can still guess who they are
                              , i thought thought tracy's idea was fun


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                let's not and say we did

                                since it's 'all about the hair' though, maybe it'd be fun to abuse photoshop a bit and either take peoples pictures, blot out their faces and see if you can guess htem by hair style alone

                                or....even more devious, take photos of people, give them all one of sam's hair styles and see if people can still guess who they are
                                I was joking, Sky. Most of the Samandan cleavage shots on file involve 3 or four people. Actually, there's one person in particular *looks at the above posters* who has a penchant for wearing very revealing clothes. It's a joke between the two of us. Though she does have a very good body to show off (in a platonic appreciative sense of course, my dear!).

                                The hair sounds rather funny though.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

