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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    My brother lived out on an island in the Bering Sea for 2 years. I asked him if his zip was 99999. Close. It was 99960.

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      apparantly, 99950 is the least according to this source
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        apparantly, 99950 is the least according to this source
        Oops. Twas 99660. Sorry, have issues with those 2 numbers. And please, stay out of "teh gutter". Yeesh, there's no good way to get out of that comment.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          i will be good, i will be good,i will be good
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            i will be good, i will be good,i will be good

            <<stares at Sky in disbelief>>

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              apparantly, 99950 is the least according to this source
              Apparently, you really can find anything on the internet. Except the lyrics I've been looking for, of course.

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i will be good, i will be good,i will be good
              Like I believe that.

              In memory of Deejay.
              May we all be so well loved.


                Originally posted by suse View Post
                <<stares at Sky in disbelief>>

                hey, it happens
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  lyrics for what?
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                    I've been addressing envelopes for Christmas cards, and I have a question for those of you who live outside of the States. How do your system of postal codes work? In the US, it's a five digit number. The smaller numbers are on the east coast, and the larger ones are to the west. It also seems to run a bit counterclockwise from the north east to the north west.

                    BTW, I am on topic since they were Samanda addresses. So there! Pfft! (Preemptive strike.)
                    Ok admittedly I had a few beers but ...I need clarification on that......

                    ok so when I lived in Sac it was's 97006 here in

                    Not off topic either as I'm just needing clarification on SciFi's theory.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      lyrics for what?
                      I recently bought a bunch of CDs of German musicals, and a couple didn't include lyrics in the little booklets that come with them. I can hear a lot of the words, but it's not enough to truly decipher the meaning. I went through a couple of .com search engines using search terms in German, but I haven't hit the .de search engines (the ones that Germans use). Twenty years ago, my German was really good (it was my first field of teaching certification), but I don't get to practice it at all, so I don't decipher most of what I find on those search engines very well.

                      I've stopped hitting my head against the wall for a little bit. I'll get back to it soon enough. In the meantime, I'm making playlists for Christmas music.

                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                        Ok admittedly I had a few beers but ...I need clarification on that......

                        ok so when I lived in Sac it was's 97006 here in

                        Not off topic either as I'm just needing clarification on SciFi's theory.
                        Sacramento is south of Portland.. On the west coast, the numbers get higher as you you move north, with the highest in Alaska.

                        So are you pleasantly blotto or worse?

                        In memory of Deejay.
                        May we all be so well loved.


                          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                          Ok admittedly I had a few beers but ...I need clarification on that......

                          ok so when I lived in Sac it was's 97006 here in

                          Not off topic either as I'm just needing clarification on SciFi's theory.
                          You see, (thinking in terms of Oma Desala) as you move further Northward you your numbers are ascending to a higher (Northern) plane

                          *notes, I live in the Great White North*

                          my fanfic


                            ah, that might be hard. when i've looked for lyrics - well hasn't been german songs - but i just put in 'big bang theory lyrics' and up they pop in google
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              ah, that might be hard. when i've looked for lyrics - well hasn't been german songs - but i just put in 'big bang theory lyrics' and up they pop in google
                              I've done that too, and it usually works for me. Just not lately.

                              We need a wry grin smiley.

                              In memory of Deejay.
                              May we all be so well loved.


                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                Opinion #1 on what Sam is Commanding....
                                I still think it reasonable for Sam to command the SGC. Why?
                                2) The minimum time requirement is only one year from Colonel to Brigadier and to higher levels as well. Colonels have some say in what they want to do and not all will want to go to Brigadier as soon as they are eligible. Nor may the higher ups want everybody to be promoted.
                                So, what do all these ramblings mean. I still vote for Sam commanding the SGC. Go Sam

                                Wild-a$$ guess #2 as to what Sam is commanding....
                                Maybe the IOC Sam retired to have babies and the Chinese lady on the IOC got her in to repay Sam for saving her life. Go Sam
                                This is what I was talking about the other is possible for Sam to be a Brig General...I knew I knew something somewhere.
                                Yeah...I'm happy to sit here and believe that Sam is commanding the SGC now. It's not totally impossible or improbable after all!!
                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                Thanksgiving dinner at a friend's house....
                                pecan pie
                                lemon pie
                                cherry pie
                                birthday brownies (their grandson turned 3 years old)
                                Oh wow...I just gained weight by reading this!!! Yummo!!!!!
                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                Where were you guys back in 1997?
                                How were your lives before Stargate, before Amanda and Carter, before GW, before Samanda?
                                Oh wow...let's see...In 1997, I was 27 years old, had a five year old and a one year old and was a full time mum and part time wife. I say part time because the kids pretty much were my life and hubby came second...
                                something I regret now but have since rectified. Anyhoo, at that time I had no concept of computers or the internet or anything other than Play School, Sesame Street, Barney, Thomas the Tank Engine and Bob the Builder. The only music I listened to was nursery rhymes and We Sing cassettes. The only tv show I would watch religiously was Star Trek TNG! And that was on at 11pm so that was my only alone time. I was sinking into a hole at that time too. Suffice to say, I think my life was pretty yuck at that time. Not as bad as it eventually did get but certainly nowhere near as nice as it is now!
                                I started watching Stargate in 2002 I think...the first episode I watched from start to finish was Desperate measures. After that, Stargate got priority over all other shows...including ST:TNG! Then I purchased all the dvd's that were available back in 2005 and watched every ep from start to finish and that's when I totally fell in love with the show!
                                We didn't get the internet til late 2005 so I didn't discover the fandom side of things til then.
                                Then I found GW and I am!!
                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                Forgive the OTness of this question, but Sam and Janet were friends so it isn't too far off.
                                In Heros, Part 1 when Bregman and Janet are having lunch, Bregman asks if she would be willing to talk about Cassie on tape. Janet says something like "I would rather......." and the siren goes off, ending the conversation.
                                What do you think Janet was going to say?
                                Could you see her, Sam or any of the other SGC staff talking about Cassie?
                                I'd hazard a guess to say that Janet was going to say she would rather NOT discuss Cassie. I don't think anyone would.
                                But didn't Janet actually mention to Bregman that Cassie was her adopted daughter and that she was from another planet?? I have to re watch that ep.
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                i was working for a tv station when the show came out in syndie, and i remember the station manager coming up to me and asking 'you like scifi, would you watch this?' as he showed me a piece of promotional literature. My response was 'dude, an hour of macgyver? of course i will' (on and HOW i regret not keeping that flyer...with autos on it it'd be worth a lot today)
                                that was 2 jobs ago
                                Mac-Who-ver??? I have still not seen an episode of MacGyver...the closest I got was when Chris Judge was out earlier this year and they played a clip from the episode of MacGyver when Chris played a student on the show. That and the clips I saw watching Myth Busters...that's it!
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                and the cards are in the mail
                                from the us, postage is:
                                .42 within the states
                                .72 to canada
                                .94 to the rest of the world.
                                and you can just go to the post office and buy stamps. that's what i did, i went there with a pile of cards and a list of countries and how many in each one and just bought what postage would work.
                                Holy moses!! You're quick...I better get started!!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

