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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    there was another time in redemption, where they taped stuff out of order,and in doing that, amanda played sam's dislike of jonas much harsher than she wanted so it's ratehr inconsistent

    she goes from 'want to go on a trip' to 'general hammond said.....' to more friendly again

    and it's a symptom, in this case, of taping stuff out of order

    you know, if htey're gonna do things on the dvd's, what they need to do is include some of these cut scenes. they already exist, there's not much of a time constraint on dvd's (especially now that we're 2 eps shorter per seaosn) and i for one would love to see a 'director's cut' of episodes
    Brad Wright, Robert Cooper, N John Smith, Andy Miktia, & Martin Wood were all asked in Vancouver about the possiblilty of deleted scenes, out takes, and 'director's cuts' of episodes ever being released on DVD. They all said it would not happen. One of the reasons given was the fact that most of the deleted scenes are not in a finished state and that due to the quality of a lot of that film it is not very flattering to the actors and therefore they will not release that footage.

    However they did say they have a very long blooper reel that N. John Smith started collecting the first season. He did say that some of that will hopefully make it on a DVD one day as a extra special disc. Martin joked that it would be a good thing to release with the Season 10 DVD's.

    As for the 60 min version of Threads - They talked about how Threads was directed by Andy Mikita and how Andy is known for doing long episodes with lots of extra footage. When he cut it down to fit in the 60 min. program spot they were not happy with the final product so it was decided to make a 90 min. & 60 min version knowing that the 90 min would be on the DVD and then hope that SciFi would give them the go to run the 90 min version at least once. Because of how a 90 min time slot messes up the whole evenings program guide they knew that if SciFi did show the 90 min version then on the repeat it would probably be the 60 min version. Plus when season 8 goes into syndication it will be the 60 min version that is shown.
    My View From The Peanut Gallery


      Rofl MajorSam! Best. Sig. Ever.

      *Snickers at Über*

      *falls ded*


        Originally posted by tsaxlady
        Brad Wright, Robert Cooper, N John Smith, Andy Miktia, & Martin Wood were all asked in Vancouver about the possiblilty of deleted scenes, out takes, and 'director's cuts' of episodes ever being released on DVD. They all said it would not happen. One of the reasons given was the fact that most of the deleted scenes are not in a finished state and that due to the quality of a lot of that film it is not very flattering to the actors and therefore they will not release that footage.

        However they did say they have a very long blooper reel that N. John Smith started collecting the first season. He did say that some of that will hopefully make it on a DVD one day as a extra special disc. Martin joked that it would be a good thing to release with the Season 10 DVD's.

        As for the 60 min version of Threads - They talked about how Threads was directed by Andy Mikita and how Andy is known for doing long episodes with lots of extra footage. When he cut it down to fit in the 60 min. program spot they were not happy with the final product so it was decided to make a 90 min. & 60 min version knowing that the 90 min would be on the DVD and then hope that SciFi would give them the go to run the 90 min version at least once. Because of how a 90 min time slot messes up the whole evenings program guide they knew that if SciFi did show the 90 min version then on the repeat it would probably be the 60 min version. Plus when season 8 goes into syndication it will be the 60 min version that is shown.
        That's a lot of interesting information. I'm disappointed that we're never going to see the deleted scenes, but the bloopers extra disc sounds fine and fun.

        As for Threads, I've never seen the 60 min version and I hope I won't. From what you all told, there are lots of important stuff missing in the shorter version . I heard that they also cut
        some scenes of the Jaffa rebellion, including the one of their final victory.
        Could you confirm that ?
        Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
          Maybe they really are sending us subliminal messages! Maybe they're really on our side!

          Well, I can dream, can't I?

          As Sam said, "Welcome to MY world!"

          Hubby now says, "You see the world through Stargate glasses."

          I don't think he really means it as a compliment, but I choose to take it as one!
          Yeah my husband gets a chuckle out of my recent Stargate interest *cough* obession. When I told him about the blue jello brigade and mentioned that I had only sent in five boxes of jello he got this big cheesy grin on his face and said

          "Did you just hear yourself? You just said you only sent in five boxes of jello".

          To which I replied, "What? That's not that many... some people sent in a dozen boxes."

          He just shook his head and chuckled louder and then he said he thought it was great that I finally had a hobby to keep me entertained.

          See. We're not crazy, we're just exercising unworked brain cells by using Stargate as a means to create wonderful stories, beautiful collages, inspiring poetry and mind-provoking in-depth discussions about Sam and Amanda.

          If...and I stress if, participating in this creative process happens to be a little bit...I don't know...FUN...

          What's a girl to do?


            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
            Yeah my husband gets a chuckle out of my recent Stargate interest *cough* obession. When I told him about the blue jello brigade and mentioned that I had only sent in five boxes of jello he got this big cheesy grin on his face and said

            "Did you just hear yourself? You just said you only sent in five boxes of jello".

            To which I replied, "What? That's not that many... some people sent in a dozen boxes."

            He just shook his head and chuckled louder and then he said he thought it was great that I finally had a hobby to keep me entertained.

            See. We're not crazy, we're just exercising unworked brain cells by using Stargate as a means to create wonderful stories, beautiful collages, inspiring poetry and mind-provoking in-depth discussions about Sam and Amanda.

            If...and I stress if, participating in this creative process happens to be a little bit...I don't know...FUN...

            What's a girl to do?
            Of course, I think he would have a valid reason to be concerned if you told him you were interested in participating in the next Loop of Kon Garat!


              Hiya everyone,

              If i'm stepping on anyones toes feel free to ignore this and if there's another Amanda appreciation thread feel free to ignore it too. I'm aware there's a Sam's a great character thread which is just a wonderful thread but I haven't seen one dedicated to the immensely talented and stunning Amanda (I did look in the searchy bit but couldn't see anything. I apologise if there is) So I thought I'd start this one so that we could discuss Amanda's work and talent in an appreciative, supportive and non flamey way. So yup, feel free to discuss...

              Lucy xxx


                Originally posted by Lys
                If there's a missing scene that really is missing is this one between Sam and Daniel in Full Circle . I mean, Daniel spent time with both Jack and Teal'c during his ascension, why wouldn't they show at least a great reunion scene with Sam ? I felt like our poor Sam was kept out of the boys' club in Full Circle . It really hurt. But the funny part is that when later Sam "opens" the secret door in the secret chamber I think she's venting all her frustration and anger towards Daniel. I wonder if this scene would have the same impact on me if there were the "big greating scene".
                Yeah I totally agree with you here. I think the writers really did a disservice to Sam by not allowing Daniel to show himself to her at least once. It's not like there wasn't opportunities to do so and the way they had Daniel just shrug her off in Full Circle was horrible. But at least they somewhat made up for in when Daniel decenced because I really think it was Sam who changed Daniels mind into coming back with them.



                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                  Of course, I think he would have a valid reason to be concerned if you told him you were interested in participating in the next Loop of Kon Garat!
                  Or the Loop of Fruit! I think he would really think I lost it then.


                    lol, we don't mind if someone want's to admire Amanda in the Sam thread

                    I'm really looking forward to Amanda's return to the show in Season 9. The first few episodes are gonna feel so wrong without her

                    Great actress. A blast to watch her play Sam and especially her portrayal of RepliCarter. Amanda and Evil go really well together

                    And I'd be lying if I said she wasn't attractive


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                      Or the Loop of Fruit! I think he would really think I lost it then.
                      rofl, that sounds too much like a certain timeloop someone got stuck in... o.O


                        Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                        OK, for those who truly care *UBER* I've mailed my blue jello along with my original letter. I couldn't find Chopin Gal's jello poem to add to my package so I sent a poem I posted eons ago instead.

                        A Stargate Prayer

                        Our writers, who art in Vancouver,

                        ambiguous be thy name.

                        The Stargate spun

                        thy will was done

                        on camera as it was on paper.

                        Give us this day our glorious Sam.

                        And forgive her of past transgressions

                        As we forgive those who decry against her

                        And lead her not into oblivion,

                        But deliver her to SG1.

                        For she is their leader

                        with the power,

                        and the knowledge,

                        for ever and ever.


                        ~ ForeverSG1

                        This is brilliant - and blast my green jello bucket is still empty!!
                        Thanks for posting it


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                          Before I go to bed, I just want to thank Strix and Nearly Circular for posting these two great profiles of "real life Sams." I enjoyed reading both.
                          Ditto - Cheers!


                            Thanks for the evilcarter vid link - Brilliant stuff!!


                              Weee! Post 800!

                              Umm, and so it's not totally a spam post () here's a pic of what I think Sam would do if she reached 800 posts


                                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                                Yeah my husband gets a chuckle out of my recent Stargate interest *cough* obession. When I told him about the blue jello brigade and mentioned that I had only sent in five boxes of jello he got this big cheesy grin on his face and said

                                "Did you just hear yourself? You just said you only sent in five boxes of jello".

                                To which I replied, "What? That's not that many... some people sent in a dozen boxes."

                                He just shook his head and chuckled louder and then he said he thought it was great that I finally had a hobby to keep me entertained.

                                See. We're not crazy, we're just exercising unworked brain cells by using Stargate as a means to create wonderful stories, beautiful collages, inspiring poetry and mind-provoking in-depth discussions about Sam and Amanda.

                                If...and I stress if, participating in this creative process happens to be a little bit...I don't know...FUN...

                                What's a girl to do?
                                You know, I was just thinking about our "obsession" yesterday. I ordered tickets to Gatecon this week as soon as I heard that AT will be there, and somewhat sheepishly told a couple of friends that I was going to Vancouver to a Stargate convention. They were fine, but I was afraid that they'd think, oh boy, she's turning into one of "those people." You know, the kind that go to Star Trek cons and dress up as Spock or a Klingon. (of course these friends would probably think that a Klingon is a dryer sheet that got stuck to their blouse)

                                But then I thought about another friend who takes summer vacations to New York in order to see the Yankees play, and still another who has season tickets to the Broncos even though we live hundreds of miles away. All those sports fans aren't considered strange when they "obsess" over their teams. I figure that taking a vacation to a city where they happen to film my favorite show during a week when a group of other fans are also going to be there is similar to going to a game in another city to watch a favorite team play.


