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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    the same wraith home world where Sam happens to be undercover with Teyla, causing trouble.

    they rescue falcon and the three of them are on the run together
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
      OK so I watch/listened to Amanda's Birthday greetings (havent finished yet) and as I was going through I going "Hey its ______ (insert name here), Hi _____ Insert name here", yes I was talking to my computer....what????....thats normal isnt it????....anywho back on to what I was saying, I was listening and suddenly mine comes on and thats when it his me, Im sitting there going "Oh my gosh Amanda actually listened to this....what was I thinking....Oh its all wrong..." so on so forth and I started to get really embarased that Amanda had listened to this (horried) thing I had recorded, which was so wrong and so on and so on and...., and My whole face went bright red....I kid you not, I was so embarrased that I actually went know It took me so many times to get that, I savd 12 recordings and made over 40 recordings which I instantly threw out and I still wasnt happy with the finnished recording......what??? I'm a perfectionist.....anywho thats just my 5 to go change my sig....Hey rocky its ganna be your one
      Pfft, how do you think I feel? After having thought about it for a couple weeks now, I didn't even tell Amanda that she was my hero. Also, I found out that my picture could have been less blurry, AND my sister's camera recorded video AND FLIPPING AUDIO!

      I try not to think about this stuff, as [I think] it taints the awesomeness, but still. *sigh* Now I'm going to have to spend hundreds of dollars to see her again...


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        the same wraith home world where Sam happens to be undercover with Teyla, causing trouble.

        they rescue falcon and the three of them are on the run together
        *after getting stunned and the two carry my sorry self back to a jumper, I regain consciousness*

        *I once again pass out after realizing who I was with... and from manly hunger*


          awwe, they have their own personal Rodney
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Wow. I just finished watching Amanda's audio messages.. how incredible were they?! What I found amazing was the number of people I recognised.. an absolute testament to Amanda herself because meeting them/you - whether in person or online - is really all down to her. I really enjoyed all the messages from the Samandans here, and Chopin Gal's musical stint was awesome! I'm really glad to hear how happy Amanda was with her gift.

            *hugs to all Samandans*


              I know I'm late in joining in on the chat, but RL was kinda too real lately...sorry...will endeavor to catch up tonight!!
              Originally posted by suse View Post
              On topic: What's the snarkiest line you've ever heard from Sam? suse
              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
              Sam was quite snarky in Continuum, but I think my favorite is still her "you are an idiot every day of the week' line to Maybourne in Foothold.
              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Yeah, when she found him packing up didn't she say something like: "Excuse me, where is Colonel O'Neill? Did you find him when I was gone?"
              I love that scene b/c she's so frustrated she kind of lashes out. And she knows she's doing it but can't really stop herself. I love the look she exchanges with Teal'c. They don't have to say a thing.
              Originally posted by JanSam View Post
              I also enjoyed "Says the Brainiac that spent three days trapped in that force field."
              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              Hmmmm ..... reading all these posts I realise Sam is a lot snarkier than I thought. Most examples seem to come from later years, maybe the snarkiness is from hanging around so much. (If that's the price you have to pay to be around Jack I say "so be it")
              I was gonna say that I never really thought of Sam being snarky...EH-T beat me to it...well technically she didn't but I wish I had said it!!...anyways...I love the examples given already...I love snarky fave being the line from Foothold..."Maybourne, you are an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you have just taken one day off!"...she's good...really good!!
              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              the epitome of SoldierSam. First she is scouting the perimeter & then she takes on a platoon of Jaffa by herself. I also like how when the ship appears, she has her gun ready to keep defending herself to the end.
              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              She never misses a detail. Even if she was in the background in a scene, she reacted fully to what was going on. Love watching her expressions. She and Chris have the most expressive faces, multiple emotions can be conveyed in one simple look.
              She is nothing if not modest. Just one of the reasons why we all love her so much. Beautiful, talented, etc., but still has all the insecurities and doubts that we all do. She's never looked at herself as anything but a very lucky woman. Doesn't seem to realize it's more talent than luck in her case. That's our Amanda.
              That's the whole thing about the character of Sam Carter and the actress Amanda Tapping that has me wanting more...they are just totally believable, sincere and awesome people..even if one of them isn't really real!!
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i think she was having trouble 'reloading'...the clip wouldn't go in right and the gun jammed. and she's trying to fix it and goes 'i'm stargate barbie and we're all gonna die!!!' cause she knew teh take was busted
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i think it's in a behind the scenes thing somewhere, cause i know i've seen it
              Originally posted by JanSam View Post
              I haven't seen it........heard it was only on the UK DVDs with Avenger.
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              yeah, 9mil bullets were in short supply, so the munitions couldn't make blanks, so they made sam a new gun
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              yeah, it's not on the directors' thing
              "I'm Stargate Barbie and we're dead"
              I love that clip. It's on one of the dvd's here in Australia too...I'm pretty sure it was on a behind the scenes where you see Amanda holding the light outside Felgers door...and when we see the tussle on the floor and when "Chloe" comes back up and her shirt is unbuttoned...that one!!! Ring any bells??...I should go look for it but it's already 11.30pm and I can barely manage typing as it is!! Whoops!
              Oh and IIRC, not only were they in short supply of the bullet casings for the P90's, but they had to give back the ones they had because they needed them for real combat!! So only RDA got to keep his P90 while Sam got a junked up super gun!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                If you haven't listened to the latest Gateworld podcast yet (... or ever), they mention how they'll need topics for the time when Atlantis is off for Sanctuary, and between the end of Atlantis and the beginning of Universe.

                I suggest we make a movement to get a discussion on the character of Samantha Carter for their Oct. 7th podcast, and if we don't succeed, try again early next year.

                Yes? No? Should I just go back to being sick?


                  Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                  Forgive me if this is going to be a 'senior' moment, but I just saw a sarky Sam moment that I don't remember being mentioned.
                  How about "Go suck a lemon!"
                  (Who's been a bit distracted lately.)
                  Oh yeah! I love that snarky moment too!! Cool Mumsey!!
                  As for it being a "senior moment"...I work in nursing home and I swear at times I feel more senior than half of the seniors there!! Although yesterday I got called a little that was just too embarrassing!!
                  Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                  One set of UK DVDs came out withou the audio comentaries, which were on the French/ german release ( which is still the same region). Needless to say the UK peeps kicked up a bit of a stink and MGM UK replaced all the discs if you sent proof of purchase.
                  They did a similar thing in the US when they put just the 45mnute version of threads on the US discs and not the full double episode which aired on UK TV ( for sure)...
                  There was a double ep of Threads??? Really??? Bummer...what did I miss??
                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  Thank you suse...that was beautiful...never seen it before...and first time I've heard that song too...sweet!
                  Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                  Awesome, now we can all giggle about each other's dorky voices.
                  I'll download it later and watch it.
                  Which is why I won't be listening to it. I found it really difficult to come up with something profound and special so I just stuck to the basic happy birthday greeting...although I did find it easier to write something I did that too...but I'm not sure if I want to do that again...I honestly can not stand the sound of my own voice...I won't be listening to the greetings...well certainly not at this stage at any rate!
                  Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                  Hey guys. Just dropping in to new little baby, a kitten I got from a shelter on Saturday...had to be put down today due to pneumonia and Panleukopenia. I had her for 24 hours before I had to take her to the emergency vet.
                  Jenni...I'm so sorry to hear about your little kitten. That's so sad. Please know that if I could, I'd give you a please accept this virtual hug from me to you...(((Jenni)))
                  Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                  I WANT that jacket Amanda is wearing.
                  That is all.
                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Fine, you take the jacket, I'll take Amanda. *Grabs Amanda, and heads for the gate*
                  ...good one Rocky!!!
                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  The gymnastics and swimming is for Olivia. Glad she has a bit of time to do that.
                  Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                  Having watched a grandchild or two, yes, three-year olds do take gymnastics and swimming lessons! Mommy or Daddy is usually in the pool with the tyke. It's nice that Amanda is now coming in to some downtime to enjoy Olivia's new activities.
                  Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                  I remember being one of those clumsy three year olds in a leotard and in the swimming pool. Gymnastics was so much fun back then.
                  OT-ish! -
                  You know I was just telling hubby tonight how I think I have some sort of esp or something...let me explain.
                  Tonight and last night, my son Tom had his school production (Calamity, not Jane but James!), anyhoo, on our way home tonight hubby touched my leg and I said yes. And he asked if I knew what he was about to write on my leg and I said yes. So he proceeded to draw the McDonald arches on my leg (it's his way of secretly asking if we could take the kids to Macca's for ice cream!...actually it's our way of talking to each other without words so the kids don't know!!) again I said "I know I said yes". He asked how did you know? I said that I just did and it was weird because it happens a lot. Anyway, we went to Macca's (as did half the school) and had our sweets. But last night while watching the play...coz I always go both nights...I was thinking, Amanda will be doing this one day...either watching a school play or maybe a dance concert/recital or what ever. And I thought...this is just what we it parents or aunts/uncles or what ever. And Amanda is no different!
                  Anyhoo, on the subject of gymnastics, my son used to do gymnastics when he was about 5. His grandfather did it as a young lad and Tom was quite the little gymnast having won a medal in his first year. (Proud was I!!) Then at the end of his second year, I pulled him out. It seemed that only the girls were being assessed to move on to new levels and at the end of year performance, only the girls were allowed to earn medals and ribbons. So while I was paying the same fees and Tom was spending the same time in class and practicing just as hard as the girls, he wasn't able to move on and get credit for his work. All because he was a boy! I was just to incensed to put him back. I wanted to put him into dance classes but hubby wasn't too keen on that...I won't get into that debate,..needless to say that after tonight's performance, if Tom wants to do funk classes next year, then that's perfectly fine with me!!

                  Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                  Should I just go back to being sick?
                  Are you not feeling well Falcon?? Hope you feel better soon. I've just finished working 11 days and I'm somewhat tired and feeling rather depleted! I have four days to recover...yay!!

                  Okely dokely..I'm off to bed...I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and a great week thus far.
                  Take care and have fun!
                  Last edited by Chelle DB; 17 September 2008, 06:53 AM. Reason: I'm half asleep...forgive my errors!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    Are you not feeling well Falcon?? Hope you feel better soon. I've just finished working 11 days and I'm somewhat tired and feeling rather depleted! I have four days to recover...yay!!
                    Nope. I've got a chest, bad throat thing. I didn't go to school today, because it was a short day and we don't do much. Hopefully I don't get worse though, because I can't miss more than another day.

                    To anyone - is the text on my new sig too small?


                      I don't think I can take listening to my audio again... maybe I'll listen to them all eventually and just mute it when I come on. I just sound so weird to myself. I had yet another person at work ask me if I was Canadian. Do I really sound Canadian? *sigh*


                        Originally posted by antoa View Post
                        I don't think I can take listening to my audio again... maybe I'll listen to them all eventually and just mute it when I come on.
                        I'll 2ns that lol, I heard mine soo many times already.. I just sound weirder and weirder

                        I just registrated for my first year of university.
                        I'm doing Linguistics and Literature, main subject English-Spanish. classes start on monday. it's a bit scary though, but also very exciting


                          Slightly OT:

                          Yeah, when I watched my video for MGM's Stargate thing (STILL can't upload it) I was surprised as to what my voice sounded like.


                            Originally posted by antoa View Post
                            I don't think I can take listening to my audio again... maybe I'll listen to them all eventually and just mute it when I come on. I just sound so weird to myself. I had yet another person at work ask me if I was Canadian. Do I really sound Canadian? *sigh*
                            hehe, I loved yours! Though I totally understand about not wanting to hear your own message. I learned whilst recording it that there was just no way I could un-dork my voice.. but it was for Amanda so I can live with that. And now my voice is permanently out there.. dorking the world.



                              That one actually always struck a not-so-nice chord with me.


                                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                                That one actually always struck a not-so-nice chord with me.
                                Ack. You're right. Went back and watched it again and actually listened to the lyrics. Not so good. Thanks for the heads up. I deleted the post.

