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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    Chelle's Birthday nearly didn't go to plan.

    But with a little bit of help from Jack and Sam (they're even married, dontcha know!) we managed to find and deliver the perfect gift!


    Happy Birthday Chelle


    my fanfic


      And also a very Happy Birthday to Samfan31 & Smiley gidget!!!

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

        Happy Birthday Chelle

        I'm talking about Pengyn's penguins, not the SG characters. Don't kill yourself!
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Hey Everyone,

          OT: first day at college...
          I had a good first day, I met a lot of great people! Had fun and even managed to keep up with everyone while we learnt, so thanks guys for helping my typing get faster. I'm so tired now though, lol.

          Happy Birthday to all of you!!

          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          Chelle's Birthday nearly didn't go to plan. Sigh.

          You see.... I sent my new recruit, Pei Pei, on a mission to give the birthday gift.


          First of all she got beamed aboard an Alkesh vessel. It didn't put her off too much though; she decided she could use it to her advantage!

          But when the Replicators got involved, she KNEW that she was in trouble.

          We thought it was all over for little Pei Pei when the bugs attacked.

          But with a little bit of help from Jack and Sam (they're even married, dontcha know!) we managed to find and deliver the perfect gift!


          (Icon snurched from starbuck1980 with permission)

          Oh wait! Wrong one!


          Here we go!! *

          *Can I just say how talented this person was for making this cake? Look at all the detail? So so cool. If you do a google search for penguin birthday cakes, some of the stuff is incredible!

          This is TROLLOP Leader completing operation "Happy Birthday" for the former Purple Leader (Dude, what *is* your new colour designation in the squadron?).

          Happy birthdays also go to Samfan31 and Smileygidget! Many happy returns!
          Tracy that's really cool!

          Last edited by samcarterrules; 01 September 2008, 11:09 AM. Reason: add to
          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            Ok, let's talk about Amanda, my favorite topic

            First, the awesome Helen icons

            Second batch

            Third batch

            Last batch

            And *I* also posted this form the Sanctuary thread. Wow, SJ, those are great, I can tell you worked hard . I like them all a lot, but in the first batch I like 01, 04, 06, 08, and 12 the most . Batch 2 I like 01, 03 and 06.

            Batch 3 I like them all, and batch 4 I really like all of them too, but 06 and 07 are particularly very, very well done .

            Here's some side stuff

            Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
            I just realized that I made it to 100 posts today. I'm a Jaffa Warrior now! Cool!

            I'd just like to thank all of you guys again for making this thread so much fun to read and post in. It's quickly becoming my favorite way to take a break from studying for my classes.

            And of course, thank you to Amanda Tapping for making Sam Carter such a great character, and for making Sanctuary the show I'm most looking forward to see this fall.
            Contrats on 100 posts , and thanks for speaking do highly of this thread, it's become a great place for me too, to come, relax and have fun with some really good people . Right now you're at 104 posts, wait till you get to 556 like me, or 1000 posts like other users, but between now and then, you're gonna have a lot more fun then you've had so far .

            Oh, even bigger on contrats for thanking Amanda too. It's because of her that we're here, I could write 5 full pages about Amanda talking about how great she is, and I'd never thank her probably enough for all she's done.

            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
            Making a quick jump in tonight!!!
            If Amanda and co are stopping over in NY, I hope they go on David Letterman or something. We get David Letterman here and I have for a long time wanted to see someone from Stargate appear on the anyways...I was just thinking that if they're in NY then maybe it would be cool if they were on the David Letterman show. Ok...shutting up now.
            *you may have little remaining of your mind tagger but I have nothing today.*

            Night all, take care and have fun!
            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            Evangeline Lilly is Canadian and she's been on all the talk shows. It just depends on what kind of attention the show gets. Lost is a mainstream hit. Hopefully, Sanctuary will get the attention it deserves and we'll get to see Amanda on a talk show.
            I agree with you both. It'd be great to see Amanda on a real talk show, and getting the attention and recognition she deserves. I mean she already gets that, but it'd be great to see her get more.

            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            Yes, maybe a bit better. She didn't look like herself in that first one. I mean Helen isn't an alien.

            Poor AT must be so tired what with filming & then these promo/convention trips. She's obviously extremely dedicated to the show (and fans).
            I agree, I'm sure she is really tired by now, I mean she started filming Sanctuary the day after AT3, which was way back in May. And since then she's been doing a ton of work, filming first of all, then there was the TCA event, then CC at San Diego which I think she spent like 2 days there, and very recently was her trip to the Tampa bay game. Which I'm sure she had fun at, plus she looked really cool in that Rays shirt *wink*. And I agree Jckfan, this woman is dedicated to her work, the work, time, effort and dedication she puts in any job (Stargate and Sanctuary) is almost legendary, she doesn't do it for fame, money (obviously not since she put a lot of her salary into the shows effects), she does it for the fans.

            To be Continued


              Sanctuary's E Online preview

              Originally posted by LOL4JACK View Post
              I think there is a chance... I've seen more promotion for Sanctuary than I ever saw for any of the Stargates....

              For starters both Ausiello and Kristen from E Online have been mentioning the
              SANCTUARY (Sci Fi)
              Premieres: Oct. 3, 9 p.m.Time-Slot Competition: Deal or No Deal, Don't Forget the Lyrics, The Ex List, SupernannyCast: Amanda Tapping, Christopher Heyerdahl Status: No one's seen the series; the webisodes premiered last year
              Sci Fi's next cult-hit series may be Sanctuary, and just in time to fill the gap left by Battlestar Galactica. The Sanctuary of the title is run by a long-lived doctor by the name of Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping), and it serves as a refuge for supernatural beings hunted by the Van Helsing types of the world. (Such persecution, man! So not cool!)
              Set in a totally digital (and pretty awesome) environment, Sanctuary looks to be both unique and entertaining.
              My Verdict: I'm intrigued. DVR it.
              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              That's cool!! They so deserve to be a big hit.
              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
              I absolutely ADORE these last ones!

              I have a feeling Sanctuary is going to be big.
              Alright, alright very nice, thanks a lot for that LOL4JACK . I liked those parts I bolded a lot because it gives me hope that it'll all be good, and that it'll be liked. You're both right SJ and LilFerret, the show and Amanda soooooooooooooo deserve to be a big it, they deserve it because off all the time, all the effort, and all the long, hard work gone into it.

              Amanda mostly deserves some big success, and I'm not being biased, but after all she's done for the show, leaving Atlantis, dying her hair, all the promotional trips and cons she been to, even substantially cutting back her salaries for the benefit of the show . I honestly can't think of anyone who deserves the best out of whatever the show can bring her.

              And we're dedicated to her. Well, some of us.
              Yeah, I'm most DEFINITELY one of the those people dedicated to her the most .


                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post

                Happy Birthday Chelle, Samfan31, Smiley gidget!!

                I hope you all had or are having a great day!!
                Happy Birthday to you all!

                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Hey Everyone,

                OT: first day at college...
                I had a good first day, I met a lot of great people! Had fun and even managed to keep up with everyone while we learnt, so thanks guys for helping my typing get faster. I'm so tired now though, lol.
                I'm glad your first day went so well! I still remember getting my schedule mixed up freshman year and going to the wrong class my first day.

                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                Amanda mostly deserves some big success, and I'm not being biased, but after all she's done for the show, leaving Atlantis, dying her hair, all the promotional trips and cons she been to, even substantially cutting back her salaries for the benefit of the show . I honestly can't think of anyone who deserves the best out of whatever the show can bring her.
                LOL. I love how those smilies make it seem like Helen is shooting Sam in the head.

                Oh, and to anyone in the Gulf coast, I hope you're all staying safe and surviving Gustav. Here in North Carolina we're keeping an eye on Hanna, which looks like it may hit us next weekend.



                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Yeah, I'm most DEFINITELY one of the those people dedicated to her the most .

                  But not as much as me.

                  Wait...didn't we do this before?



                    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                    Hey Everyone,

                    OT: first day at college...
                    I had a good first day, I met a lot of great people! Had fun and even managed to keep up with everyone while we learnt, so thanks guys for helping my typing get faster. I'm so tired now though, lol.

                    Happy Birthday to all of you!!

                    Tracy that's really cool!

                    Oh Julia, I know just how you feel
                    tomorrow I got to go back to school . I don't want to, I want to stay here, and talk with you guys, and talk about Amanda . But it's just for 2 months, and it's just 1 class, but it's co-cp. I'm glad to hear you're doing well Julia, and I hope everything stays well .

                    Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                    'm glad your first day went so well! I still remember getting my schedule mixed up freshman year and going to the wrong class my first day.

                    LOL. I love how those smilies make it seem like Helen is shooting Sam in the head.
                    it does look like that doesn't . I wonder who'd win in a fight though? that'd be a good fight


                      I went back to school as well today, LOL.

                      It's a totally different atmosphere though. I we had about 5 kiwi members of staff last term and they all left for various reasons, leaving us kiwi-less. Thankfully, for various reasons, one of our kiwis is back doing supply work for a couple of weeks and the other will be doing a training and development role, so I'll get to see them. I love my kiwis!

                      We've got loads of new members of staff now, including two Canadians, both from Ontario. Though one of them, his parents are Quebecois so we were chatting all day in French, much to the amusement of various people.

                      We did team building games, had curriculum area meetings (always fun because I'm the head of department and I sorta go "Hhhhmmmm, don't fancy a meeting today! Go have fun!") and had a staff breakfast. I arrived at work at 7.25am and left at about 5.10pm, and got LOADS done.

                      However, I'm still not ready for my kiddies to start back tomorrow. Le sigh. I've got a lovely form class this year. An absolutely delightful bunch that are known throughout the school as "The Geekiest Class in the History of Ever". After a few getting to know you games, I discovered that "Geeky" is another word for kids who love Star Trek, Stargate, World of Warcraft and watched the original Sanctuary webisodes. I get on very well with my new class. Especially when I let them put up a poster of Amanda Tapping. Apparently I'm the coolest teacher ever (like I'm gonna complain, LOL).

                      I've got tonnes of work to do in the morning before they arrive, so I figure I'll head to bed shortly and get up at about 5ish. Maybe earlier.

                      Sigh. The joys of teaching!
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        spread the word, the prompts are up for the Sam and Vala ficathon.

                        Just reply to my post and call dibs. First come, first serve

                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                          Hey Everyone,

                          OT: first day at college...
                          I had a good first day, I met a lot of great people! Had fun and even managed to keep up with everyone while we learnt, so thanks guys for helping my typing get faster. I'm so tired now though, lol.

                          Glad your first day went well!

                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          I went back to school as well today, LOL.

                          However, I'm still not ready for my kiddies to start back tomorrow. Le sigh. I've got a lovely form class this year. An absolutely delightful bunch that are known throughout the school as "The Geekiest Class in the History of Ever". After a few getting to know you games, I discovered that "Geeky" is another word for kids who love Star Trek, Stargate, World of Warcraft and watched the original Sanctuary webisodes. I get on very well with my new class. Especially when I let them put up a poster of Amanda Tapping. Apparently I'm the coolest teacher ever (like I'm gonna complain, LOL).
                          sounds pretty cool, but you also work them hard, so that's good too.

                          I watched "Between Two Fires" this weekend for the Team thread discussion.

                          I know we've hashed & re-hashed episodes here, but we're always getting new people, so I thought I'd re-post my comment from there & see what you think:

                          When S/T/N arrive at Narim's house:

                          S: Narim, is that my voice?
                          N: I'm sorry. I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

                          Sam/AT's reaction is priceless. And then when they're using the computer & it's on voice interface:

                          S: Ok, how do we shut that off?

                          I love her expression.

                          I think Sam's flattered, amused and slightly creeped out by it. I think Narim may think of the computer voice kind of like we'd look at a photo of someone we're infatuated with. I think he never thought Sam would hear it & maybe never thought he'd see Sam again, so why not have her voice to listen to? and as resurg points out, AT does have a nice voice.


                            happy birthday


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              When S/T/N arrive at Narim's house:

                              S: Narim, is that my voice?
                              N: I'm sorry. I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

                              Sam/AT's reaction is priceless. And then when they're using the computer & it's on voice interface:

                              S: Ok, how do we shut that off?

                              I love her expression.

                              I think Sam's flattered, amused and slightly creeped out by it. I think Narim may think of the computer voice kind of like we'd look at a photo of someone we're infatuated with. I think he never thought Sam would hear it & maybe never thought he'd see Sam again, so why not have her voice to listen to? and as resurg points out, AT does have a nice voice. [/COLOR]
                              I think the last part...he wanted something to remember her by.

                              And I couldn't help but think about that when I saw Garwin at Gatecon. LOL


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                                I went back to school as well today, LOL.

                                It's a totally different atmosphere though. I we had about 5 kiwi members of staff last term and they all left for various reasons, leaving us kiwi-less. Thankfully, for various reasons, one of our kiwis is back doing supply work for a couple of weeks and the other will be doing a training and development role, so I'll get to see them. I love my kiwis!

                                We've got loads of new members of staff now, including two Canadians, both from Ontario. Though one of them, his parents are Quebecois so we were chatting all day in French, much to the amusement of various people.

                                We did team building games, had curriculum area meetings (always fun because I'm the head of department and I sorta go "Hhhhmmmm, don't fancy a meeting today! Go have fun!") and had a staff breakfast. I arrived at work at 7.25am and left at about 5.10pm, and got LOADS done.

                                However, I'm still not ready for my kiddies to start back tomorrow. Le sigh. I've got a lovely form class this year. An absolutely delightful bunch that are known throughout the school as "The Geekiest Class in the History of Ever". After a few getting to know you games, I discovered that "Geeky" is another word for kids who love Star Trek, Stargate, World of Warcraft and watched the original Sanctuary webisodes. I get on very well with my new class. Especially when I let them put up a poster of Amanda Tapping. Apparently I'm the coolest teacher ever (like I'm gonna complain, LOL).

                                I've got tonnes of work to do in the morning before they arrive, so I figure I'll head to bed shortly and get up at about 5ish. Maybe earlier.

                                Sigh. The joys of teaching!
                                Oh you lost all your Kiwis .....Oh well you have a few of us in here still....


