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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Rocky what do ya mean with "it's a guy thing" don't be shy, (like we said in class) trow it into the group) cause some say it's NOT a guy's thing I don't know what you talk about (now, maybe if ya do I realise what ya mean Rocky, cause sometimes I'm slow in understanding.

    First Sam cameo was an insult to Sam and Amanda IMHO. In Letters from Pegasus one phrase: if I blinked my eyes I didn't even notice it. But they latter more than corrected that fault.

    I hope Sam can come back. I'm always a flexible Amanda fan lol I mean all I ask that in Atlantis Sam can be seen in 3-4 episodes a season, but if by Amanda avaiblability that ain't possible, sure NP. But "humiliating" her that way.... is that the way ya thank an Actress who played Sam for 11 years and always listend to "the house"? If she did had to "leave" command I'd rather had Landry telling her, or Jack or someone else she knows.

    Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
      EDIT: YAY! OK PengYn cool, but can we do it tomorrow? Its a long flight and I need sleep
      Fair enough. But we leave at Day Break!!!

      Okay, anyone who knows me well knows that's never gonna happen



        BTW Rocky, you had 2 more dreams about her? I think your cheating me with "Dream Amanda" lol. Just Kidding. As long as we can tell 'em further eh.

        Oh yeah one more thing: I went to the doctor and he said I'm suffering from a dieseace with no cure: Amanda Tapping itis. And she told me it's spreading... I think the syptomps are: seeing her beauty, her '' the girl next door' attitude, the loyalty, the SAM liking the... If you have any of these symptomos, go to your local Doctor IMMEADIATLY

        Amanda has 16 vote's on that person of the year site
        The site is also avaible in English, you prolly need to scroll way down, yes WAY down.

        Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


          Originally posted by Daivy View Post
          Rocky what do ya mean with "it's a guy thing" don't be shy, (like we said in class) trow it into the group) cause some say it's NOT a guy's thing I don't know what you talk about (now, maybe if ya do I realise what ya mean Rocky, cause sometimes I'm slow in understanding.

          First Sam cameo was an insult to Sam and Amanda IMHO. In Letters from Pegasus one phrase: if I blinked my eyes I didn't even notice it. But they latter more than corrected that fault.

          I hope Sam can come back. I'm always a flexible Amanda fan lol I mean all I ask that in Atlantis Sam can be seen in 3-4 episodes a season, but if by Amanda avaiblability that ain't possible, sure NP. But "humiliating" her that way.... is that the way ya thank an Actress who played Sam for 11 years and always listend to "the house"? If she did had to "leave" command I'd rather had Landry telling her, or Jack or someone else she knows.
          I think they way Sam was dismissed in S&R was deliberate to make us hate Woolsey and add some conflict between him and the rest of the Atlantis crew. I hope it's a little something like when Hammond was forced to retire by NID and was replaced by Gen Bauer. It would be something interesting to see if TPTB had the guts to do it...
          Sure I'd hate for Sam to be put on SG-1 under Cam's command yet again. I'd love to see her replacing Landry as SGC's commander or getting command of the spaceship...
          On Sam dreams- I've had only one, a shippy one which contains some Continuum speculations

          At the end of 'Continuum' Sam and Jack both remember what happened in the AT time and the original timeline that was erased by Baa'l

          Infirmary scene - Jack rests on the bed, with few minor bruises on his face, fidgetting, Sam in civvies comes in briskly, her long hair still wet probably from the quick shower she just took.
          Jack: Oh, good! You've come to spring me out...
          Sam (smiles) No, sir. I've...
          Jack (interrupts): Oh come on, it's not like something happened to me this time...
          Sam (her eyes get a little misty): Jack, don't joke, please...
          Jack (smiles a little sad): Well, don't I get at least a 'get well kiss'?
          Sam (leans over and pecks him on the lips)
          Jack (mock-enraged, grabs hold of her and pulls her closer): What? Is that the best you can do? Come on Sam we both know you can do better than that...
          Sam(whines): Jaaack, the cameras...
          Jack: Oh, come on Sam I thought you knew me better.. What do you think was my first order of business when I was brought here... (He's interrupted by Sam kissing him senseless)


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            he can't do it. simply because of the 9 month delay between what he writes and what we see. we're finally seeing stuff written in 2007

            you can't 'cater' to fans desires when, by the time we see it, it's been 'in the can' for nearly a year
            TPTB rarely commit this season it's always next season after all the explosions and heated debates occur on his blog that he is there to witness, which IMO is a mistake. Also another reason why characters get killed off in one season and come back the very next season. Do I think he changes things in mid season after reaction from fans no of course not.


              100 million light years away from earth:

              please click the eggs or they will die . You don't want to be a killer do u?


                Originally posted by shivna View Post
                Do you smell something burning?

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  Depends on your perspective. I find RDA all through SG1 pretty smoking hot. But if I were 18, maybe not so much. Well, probably I still would.

                  Can't really judge Sam's sexiness, but I think AT has always looked great.
                  LOL RDA was much better looking in SG1 than he was in Macgyver (mullet anyone) or even on general hospital in the 1970's. (yep i too am old!)
                  Shame on you jenks, when you grow older you will discover that sexiness does not disappear with age! *thwaps the kid around a bit!*


                    she's ALWAYS looked sexy!

                    but really, each looks she's had has worked for her. you can tell, though, that amanda takes care of herself, because she's just getting hotter as time goes by. hmmm... what's in the water in canada?




                      Sexy and young.

                      I like her best with long hair in SGA. Though, her skin is so flawless she looks good with any style. Great teeth too!

                      Amanda Tapping is gorgeous (and I'm jealous that she gets to kiss David Hewlett so much)!


                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        Sam: I just don't understand what's going on in my life these days and I resent having to check Joe's Blog to find out.
                        Jack: Tell me about it Carter. Sometimes I feel like I don't exist.

                        Originally posted by mapsc View Post
                        S & R
                        I think they just wanted their little cliffhanger ending. What better way than to humiliate a beloved character. A guess they thought if they wrote her great for the rest of the episode(which they did), Sam fans wouldn't mind the ending. After all the flack they took on the SG1 leadership issue and the way Sam was written on SGA, I actually expected a great sendoff. I just don't get it.

                        I still haven't seen it and I don't get it either. I guess we'll wait and see what happens!!
                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        I don't recall hearing anything, but I doubt she'd eat it all that much. It's not like the stuff is good for you.
                        Unlike some of us (and I include myself here), Amanda makes a real effort to eat foods that keep her trim and healthy. I don't know how she manages it, but I envy her ability to do so.
                        But it's also known that she does like to eat some of the not so good stuff herself. IIRC, at AT2 Amanda got a wonky tummy after eating a the last I heard, burgers weren't exactly high on the healthy foods list...but she is human too...I don't think she'd not eat blue jelly/jello just because it's not "good" for you. And...I don't think it's not not good for you either. I think everything in moderation is the key...and it's been revealed recently that chocolate is good for you...not that I ever doubted that!!
                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        I haven't had a chance to read it yet but
                        maybe it gives us some hope. Is it possible that they are leaving the door open for Amanda to return in season six(if it happens) either because Sanctuary doesn't fly (I certainly hope not) or if Amanda's schedule next year allows her to do both?

                        Thanks for the kudos but I have to have to laugh. I was not actually asking Joe a question. I left a comment on his blog and he lifted a portion of it and responded.
                        I hope you're right EH-T!!
                        BTW...I still think you're cool anyways!!! Great comment and glad Joe responded!

                        Just watching Solitudes...Sam has just fallen for the second time on the ice...I can only imagine how any bruises Amanda must have walked away with from that set.
                        Does anyone know how long they were actually stuck in Antarctica before they were rescued??
                        I mean they were there with no thermals under their clothes and they still survived with no frostbite...or none that we know of that was serious enough to mention...and even though they were out of the the elements per se, they still wouldn't have been able to survive for too long in Antarctica without better clothing than they had on.
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                          Oh yeah one more thing: I went to the doctor and he said I'm suffering from a dieseace with no cure: Amanda Tapping itis.
                          I wore my "Amandaholic" shirt to Comic Con last year and Damian (Kindler) said I am addicted to Amadahol.

                          Originally posted by shivna View Post
                          I really love 200. That scene would have made SO much more sense if I hadn't waited until this year to see Farscape. HEH


                            She's beautiful. It's interesting because Seasons 1-3 and 9-Present are when her beauty shines the most for me. LOL - don't know what happened in the middle. She wasn't NOT pretty in the middle years, just not as beautiful as she was in her youth and in her late thirties/early forties.

                            I'm no big Carter fan, but Amanda is a lovely person and it shows in nearly every moment she's on the screen.
                            Theoretically spoilerish:
                            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              I am Kicking myself so hard. Gah.

                              This morning the 10 season box set was 64% off on Amazon, at USD$116. I should have got it straight away, but I waited a few hours to see if there was anything my sister wanted (postage to NZ is crazy stupid). Of course just a few hours later it is back to USD$239.

                              OH gutting

                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                              <snipped 4 length>

                              Let me guess you were Amanda Tapping yourself right?
                              LOL....hmmmmm.....actually one time I realised I was dreaming and I could control my dream, basically all I had to do was think of a person and they would come walking down the street, three guesses who I thought of....

                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              Remember how she dealt with Ba'al when he talked down to her?

                              Blue jello is blueberry and raspberry mixed. Makes great shots when you mix it with Bluesberry schnapps.

                              Either no fuel, no spark or no compression. Course that can be caused by a few different things.

                              I used to work on my own cars (couldn't afford to pay anybody else), but these days they're too hard to work on. Even the parts that aren't a computer board need special tools now and there's NO room in the engine compartment to get to anything.

                              Your point being?
                              So basically....its Wildberry???

                              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                              I wore my "Amandaholic" shirt to Comic Con last year and Damian (Kindler) said I am addicted to Amadahol.

                              I really love 200. That scene would have made SO much more sense if I hadn't waited until this year to see Farscape. HEH
                              AHAHAHAHA thats brilliant



                                Watched Rite of Passage. (Classic Janet episode of course). But Sam's scenes with Cassie are so good. I particularly love Sam promising to be there "when it's time" and the joking scene at the end. I wish we had gotten some Sam & Cassie stuff in later seasons.

